Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1

“The CCTV! CCTV! Ladies and gentlemen, you are now watching the CCTV! ”

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“Ladies and gentlemen! My current position is Queens, New York City, riots just happened here, New York Police used the massive personnel to disperse the riot forcefully, the riot caused one person dead and more than 30 others injured, the situation also continues to learn…… ”


“Now we look at Europe, then contact Sun Fei, we look at the situation there. ”

“Host Hello!”

“Sun Fei Hello, can you tell us now about the situation in Paris? ”

OK, so, starting today, at the Elysee Palace in Paris there are a large number of people, held banners, and require the government to disclose the truth, we can see now in the Presidential Palace has accumulated a large number of police, and intensified to prevent progress, President Nicolas Sarkozy canceled a visit planned in the Middle East, through television she asked the public to remain calm …… ”

well, then we will connect to su ren in tokyo , Hello , Suren , Hello, Hello …… , well , possible satellite signal is not very good , now is temporarily unable to connect to the Su Ren , now we invite two guests in Studio for us to do a scientific explanation of the incident. ”

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“Welcome back, here is the observation of CCTV news special program, first introduced to the audience at today we have specially invited two guests , but of course they are also an academic expert ,this is astronomers from Tsinghua University Professor Huo Sinian and this is from the China Science and Technology University astrophysicist Professor Zhang Tingen! ”

“Good afternoon, two professors, we know that today, Beijing time on December 22 morning, 7:15, the whole sun suddenly disappeared from the sky in a full 10 minutes, around the world have observed this special astronomical phenomena , and in between, there is no report of solar eclipse precdiction, which caused a lot of speculation. ”

“Certainly the most famous guess is the prediction related to Maya civilization, in maya people prediction , that yesterday after 21st, the sun should completely disappeared, the earth will be plunged into darkness , we know that many people are actually very concerned about this matter, especially Some people abroad, very worried about the success of this prophecy, and as of today is 22, seven in the morning, many people think that this prophecy as the same as prophecy about end of the world in 1999, nothing but a joke. ”

“However , we also know to about 7.15 time , wthout the slighest sign , the sun suddenly disappeared for about 10 minutes , the entire earth is dark , the global communications fell into extreme confusion, the whole process lasted for 10 minutes, after that the situation return to normal.

So many people believe the Mayan prophecy could really become a reality, of course, we know that this should be a special astronomical phenomena, just that never happen before, so please, two professors from the scientific point of view helps us understand, thank you! ”


Through the two professor’s explanation of the special event , make us suddenly understand , lead us to believe this a special astronomical phenomena of the science, Of course as well as various rumors such as the prophecy of Maya is rejected, we should also look at such things from a scientific point of view , do not need to ridiculous unnecessary panic……”

Chu Yunsheng hand off the remote control, he felt has no need to look anymore, network has been condemning, the so-called experts on the rumor has become synonymous with Mass Deception, since 2008, not many people believe that the so-called experts, Chu Yunsheng naturally also does not believe.

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Although the Internet has been bickering constantly harmonious harmony army, most people hold the mentality of curiously watching the fun, Certainly also resulted in the panic to the many people, At noon has a look the dense crowd that in the supermarket rushes to purchase food , we know that if not timely subsided, the panic will cause significant economic losses.

Chu Yunsheng sincerely believes his own judgment, from a long time before he felt wrong, the reason is his family that inherited ancient book , although the book’s characters is completely garbled, even has not have oracle , but he sure is an ancient book.

Said to be a family heirloom book, Actually is has been part of the bed leg cushions , Because this book looks too damaged and too old , Except for thick , does not have other advantages , Chu yunsheng father keeps saying that this book was handed down from generation to generation , killed also will not sell , But in fact , When Chu Yunsheng admitted to the University , Waiting for the money , Chu Yunsheng father secretly took the family ancient book to the pawnshop and antique market , The results of the identification is a useless book , Even up to the age they also said most is to 35 years and Chu Yunsheng dad said the Heirloom obviously does not meet, this let Chu Yunsheng dad is very angry.

Afterward, passed to Chu Yunsheng the hand, continued to serve as the use of cushion, until Chu Yunsheng decided to buy a house, same as his father , full of expectations throughout the antique market, still no one is interested, rage , Chu Yunsheng did not keep thinking about this matter, the so-called ancient heirloom silently plays a role of mat.

Until one night , After many years of peace talks, his girlfriend broke up , When Chu Yunsheng was drunk , strange discoveries of ancient books has long been unknown actually emitted strange bright light, although time around do not add up more than 20 seconds , but Chu Yunsheng assured he was not mistaken, even though friends joke for the head is drunk, he insists that he really saw.

And then, quite naturally, money-driven, so he took the books went to the pawnshop, the Result is tragedy , Still nobody acknowledged that this is a treasure , So Chu Yunsheng is a hard hearted, Has made any carbon element appraisal , The results of the identification of the book is very clear that it is within ten years of the book , Basically is not an ancient book.

The identification, first let Chu Yunsheng very frustrated, but soon he found problems is very strange, This book was when he was young, aware of the existence of the book ,In his Father’s hand how long he cannot guarantee , But in his own memory he can remember , By now at least more than 20 years , he had seen it with his own eyes. Now the test results was said to be no more than ten years, indicating that this is not a waste, but is definitely a wonderful book.

Chu Yunsheng study on the material of the book for a long time , and there was no result. Then he had a long study of the strange shapes and the same strange words in the book. with Chinese characters and Oracle have almost is the slightest contact, Chu Yunsheng shocked to learn about three hundred relatively simple text, that year happens to be in 2010.

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A mere 300 words and not let Chu Yunsheng know this book full of meaning, even ten pages behind him completely look not to understand, but is this remote ten pages of papers, Chu Yunsheng reluctantly read the authors of this book have taken great pains to posterity warned : “Heaven track follows, ten thousand laws straighten up, in space original duplicate, the world is agitated.”

During that time , Chu Yunsheng because of the love of the blow, the mood has been bad , Combined with the impact of the United States a large tracts of “2012” and the world’s frequent Earthquake flood disaster , Curious about the things that are similar to the Mayan prophecy, Simply bored, calculated in accordance with the rules of the book, comparison present A.D. calendar, double counting several times and days to follow the track of the date, this was not good, under calculated, the time that ten thousand laws straightened up merely of compared with Maya predicting on December 21 day, 2012 late 7 days, i.e. 28 day will present this book to say. World great change.

Chu Yunsheng forget many times, at the beginning of the fear less confess our text, miscalculated, then recognize the word more and more calculated more accurate time point on the 28th, Chu Yunsheng was very nervous, he didn’t know the book why there appears to be a special kind of magic power, constantly drove him to believe on that day had the great change occurrence surely.

He later studied Maya Zhuojin calendar, using the algorithm of ancient books, find the United States recognizes the computation time of deviation, because he understood the knowledge of the Mayan people barely calculated Mayan prophecy of the exact date after 21.

Until three months ago, he discovered once more this ancient book sends out seven color rays, at that time he just prepared to turn off a light to sleep, that gorgeous color, has illuminated the entire bedroom, is almost tall and pleasing to the eye, Chu Yunsheng almost looked to stay at once.

Ancient book previous illumination time, because Chu Yunsheng drank, under the suspicion of friends, had almost thought to afterward him is the illusion, this time he actually sober, after the shock, he does not dare to suspect that what therefore three months he almost goes all out is this day prepares, the crazy action makes his all friends think that he was insane, even some friends want to send him to the psychiatric hospital.

He had a loan to buy a house not hesitate to sell, all the valuable, he thinks future useless stuff sold, in exchange for a large amount of cash, in Shanghai is the core but also his view that there must be some troops to protect the future, rent with a layer of two sets of house, he did not dare to rent at the bottom, didn’t dare to rent on the top floor, because books on said rail return, is bound to bring in the universe also a space in the days of rail are mutually staggered, when the time comes, there must be a singular space of the powerful biological invasion, the strength not always in a track day closed life on earth can withstand.

Chu Yunsheng with the most robust steel doors and windows closed, in two houses which stores large quantities of food, clean water, and other supplies, all he wanted to have bought a bunch, he calculated that, according to him 2 pounds of rice a day, consumption, he frantically bought more than ten tons of rice, plus the non-cost him more than 20,000 yuan, he reckoned him a man enough to eat more than a decade’s time.

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Also there are water, salt, sugar, paper, batteries, and even toothpaste, detergent and lighters. Later, he painstakingly on the black market spent heavily bought a type 92 pistols and 100 rounds of ammunition, 21 days, his bank deposits from hundreds of thousands of sharply reduced to 2 thousand yuan. Not that he doesn’t want to buy, but all parts of the room overflowing, even the toilet and bed piled on full.

Chu Yunsheng landlord rented the house in a foreign country, in Shenzhen, a little less back to Shanghai, he was finally going to the 21st day, secretly forced interval of two walls of the room opened the door a little, another sealed door of a room and all the windows, and then he quietly waiting for the unknown changes.

Chu Yunsheng is not didn’t want to help his friends, but at the last moment, almost everyone thought he was crazy, even his relatives thought he was crazy, almost no one would believe him.

However, from this morning increasing number of people calls him, the matter that because Sun vanishes in the morning has shocked, although many people the moral nature are not willing to believe that has any inconceivable matter occurrence, after all was too absurd, but scared still spreads in the crowd, therefore knows the person who his crazy preparation will consult him exactly what happened, but Chu Yunsheng does not know, because the ancient books written on the back of the text to track days he simply cannot read, he can only persuade them to hurry to prepare the commodity patiently, to soon evening’s time, he community opposite supermarket looked specially. , Inside emptied the larger part thing unexpectedly.

Evening’s news repeatedly stressed propagandizes this phenomenon to have the scientific basis, will not have the judgment day, simultaneously the overseas people requested the government to announce that the tumult of truth was getting more and more serious, even all website uniform titles:

The sun disappeared, the Mayan prophecy will realy happen?

The end of the world, are you ready?

2012, did you bought the tickets?

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