Dark Blood Age

Chapter 129

Chapter 129 The insect’s world

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Chu yun sheng didn't plan to do anything to him from the beginning, so he didn't really care if fang kui ran away or not. In terms of zeng xing rui, he'd better not to come to look for him. Otherwise, no matter who is behind him, he will still kill him.

Ding yan had already asked people to inquire about the ice king and zeng xingrui’s locations. The information he got was, they went outside the city with the GCH’s troops several days ago, they were helping the troop to loot a national grade granary. So they won't be back anytime soon.

What he's most worried about wasn't those dark warriors or the mysteries cloak man, it was those insects outside the city.

If what he saw at the granary depot was really the insect's queen, it means that they are ready to colonize the earth!

The sky track's channel which is that mirror wall he saw, isn't just one out there. Just one horror city which is kun city already had many of them. Probably the city has already become insect's home!

Once those queen insects adapted the earth, they will start mass breeding, the number of insects will definitely increase to an unimaginable number. Sooner or later, they will start to push the defense line again.  At that time, imagine the sky is covered with green shell and ground is spread with the red shell, even below the ground is filled with the golden shell.

At that time, will jin ling city’s defense line still able to withstand the attack?  Probably he will need to start to escape once again. But can they escape? Even they can escape, where can they go after they escaped from jin ling city.  he is no longer alone, he has his aunties family.  The journey of escape will be much more difficult than before.

Zhu ling die has already reported The information about the suspected queen insect to the GCH. so he does not need to worry too much about it. However, with the situation slowly start to get worse, the GCH sooner or later will start to gather all the dark warriors once again. After all, once the defense line is broken, everyone will be dead.

Chu yun sheng still hopes that Jin ling city will be able to withstand the attack. This is probably the only city that still exists. Once it falls, the consequences will be unimaginable!

However, they still got some time. Even if the breeding speed of insect is beyond the human's imagination. but They still need some time to produce a massive army. Chu yun sheng once again felt the time is pressing. He needs to make good use of time from now on. Whether he needs to use his power to defend the front line or uses his power to run away. He needs to be fully prepared.

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However, he was curious, there are already many insects out there, where do they get the food from to produce a large insect army?

Tentacle monster eats the human body, meat worm eats red eye monsters, all other monsters have their food source. but insects only interested in the human brain. How do they survive?

He really wants to go through the mirror wall to see the world on the other side. He wants to see how exactly do they survive.

According to the senior practitioner, this type of channel works both ways. insects are able to come to the earth through the channel, humans are also able to go through the channel to insect’s world. The difference is the weaker the creatures are, the easier they can go through the channel. It would be very difficult for the powerful creatures to go through this type of channel.

This also becomes a problem, if they are weak, it would be useless for them to go to the other side. They might never be able to come back, let alone to explore the other side. But until they become stronger, they probably won't be able to go through the mirror wall at all!

But for now, it is still too early to worry about this kind of problem. Chu yun sheng didn't think he will ever need to go to the other side of the mirror wall. There might be 10 times more dangerous than the earth now.

“yao xiang try this sword.” chu yun sheng took out a crimson sword from his back. In the past two days, he used insect’s legs which were left from refining the combat armor to make a tier one broad sword. although it's less sharp than the qian bi sword. but, compared to the metal sword made by the human, it's much better.

Although chu yun sheng enchanted the broadsword with fire damage effect. but he still was not sure that if yao xiang could use the broad sword to unleash the fire ring cut. The awakenings’ abilities are different, most of them do not require any weapon to unleash the power. For example lu yu, he does not need a weapon to control the wind power.

He will know if it works after yao xiang uses it, so it is also an experiment.

“Brother chu, what is this broadsword? It as red as blood!” yao xiang was surprised to see the broadsword.

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“Infuse your fire energy inside, try to unleash the fire ring cut!” chu yun sheng tapped his shoulder and said.

Lu ya ming spent two days to get the office building done, now it became chu yun sheng’s base, there is an open car park next to the building, it has become their weapon test site.

They made a circle of fire torches in the car park and moved few broken cars, broken shell in the middle.

The broadsword yao xiang was holding is lighter than the steel sword, there are some strange symbols on the top of the blade. But yao xiang could not understand. So he just followed chu yun sheng’s instruction to infuse the fire energy into the sword.

Instantly, the blazing fire burst out from the broadsword. Different to the ben ti yuan qi which does not contain any other element, the fire element revealed its true characteristics.

Yao xiang was startled by the sudden change, luckily he has seen a lot of strange things since the dark age began, so he quickly adjusted his emotions and started to swing the sword.


A fire wave flew out from the tip of the broadsword after the sword was hacked down!

The broken cars were instantly lit up by the Crescent shape fire shockwave. Even the few red shell insect’s shells were also instantly broken into half and caught on a fire.

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The shock wave did not stop there, it carried on moving and moving until it reached the walls.


The sound was made by lu guo long who was reinforcing the concrete wall with his earth element quietly on the side. While he was unleashing his earth energy, he was disrupted by the shock wave, it caused the earth element to rush back to his body, result in he spat out blood.

“What…! Brother chu?” chu yun sheng could not believe what he did. the flame on the blade gradually faded out when he retreated the fire energy.

When he used his hand to unleash the fire shockwave, the power of the fire shockwave is two times less powerful than this one. And also when he swung the sword, he has never felt so easy and incisively!

“This sword is too powerful!” yao xiang was amazed by its power! He was a cultivate Holic. seeing a weapon like this, it made his over the moon. He immediately jumped up and spun 360° to hack down the sword one more time.

A Crescent shape fire shock wave slid through the ground and cut the broken cars which were still on fire into a half. the shock wave this time even made through the wall and made a huge hole on the wall.

Two sword hacks shocked all the dark warriors who were watching them testing the weapon. Apart from ding yan and lu yu, everyone gasped with their mouth wide open, especially those who had seen yao xiang’s fire ring cut before. They could not believe a crimson broad sword could double yao xiang’s power.

“Are you done or not! Why waste all my hard work! You kids give me a fucking break!.......” lu guolong ran over and cursed at them. He was working very hard to reinforce the wall, just when he got ⅓ of it done, and then it was broken by those kids. He was very pissed off, but when he saw the chu yun sheng he suddenly stopped swearing. He knew that he could curse everyone but not this young man!

Yao xiang was very excited, he has never felt this good before, this sword seemed to be able to unleash his full power!

When he just about to infuse the energy once more time!

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Chu yun sheng stopped him. “You can stop now!” if he just let him carry on, then, all the wall around the office building will be destroyed by him.

He already got the result, so there is no point to test it further.

The broadsword used insect’s leg as raw material, it has fire element attributes. so it is suitable for the fire dark warrior. Plus chu yun sheng enchanted it with the additional fire damage,  The power was doubled!

“Brother chu, this broadsword is amazing, i felt like it was part of me when i infuse the power.” yao xiang said with excitement.

Chu yun sheng took over the broad sword. there is last one step he needs to do. He has tested yao xaing could use the sword. now, he needs to seal the incantation, so that only yao xaing and him could use it.

“You want it?” chu yun sheng laughed, he suddenly wanted to tease him.

Yao xiang really wants it, but he felt embarrassed to ask for it, because he knew how important his broadsword is

“Yes! Oh… no….” yao xiang was first nodded his head instinctively, then he immediately shook his head. He was torn by the internal conflict in his mind that his forehead started to sweat.

“Is it possible to lent it to me for two days?” yao xiang suddenly thought an idea.

“No!” said chu yun sheng, he has already sealed the indications. He passed the sword to yao xiang and said sternly: “you can have the sword, but i need you to do one thing, you need to get it done perfectly!

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