Dark Blood Age

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 you are an actress (end of volume 1)

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Yu xiao hai was dazed for a moment then burst out laughing:” chu, you are funny.”

Chu yun sheng rolled his eyes and said:” you think you're a good guy, ok,  we should stop it, we are running out of time!”

Yu xiao hai turned to face the girl and shrug his shoulder:” you see, I told you my brother doesn't recognise you, you should stop following us.”

“do I have to know who she is!” chu suddenly asked, he probably had heard this name before, but it was very blurry, all he thinks right now are insect and escape, just two days ago, he had seen a person who used to be a very famous tv presenter died in red shell insect’s claw, he didn't feel anything at that time, the Whole world is in the chaos right now, who cares how famous you used to be, whoever survive longer is the real winner.

You xiao hai grinned sardonically, he knew himself was bit boring, so he closed his mouth and walked behind chu yun sheng.

“Can you take me with you?” lin shui yao clung onto her last hope.

Yu xiao hai pointed at Chu Yunsheng who stood in front of him, he was trying to say you need to talk to him.

Chu yun sheng was worried if she still going to follow them, so he thought for a second then said:” if you are awakened just like him, then it would be helpful for everyone, I would consider you joining us, but you should understand if you don't have any abilities, it would be dangerous for everyone, so…..”

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She saw Chu yun sheng is going to refuse her, she immediately interrupted him:” i knew a jade pendant, it's exactly like the one you wanted on the roof!”

Chu yun sheng's heart jumped:” what did you say?!:

Lin shui yao looked at his eyes, replied with certainty:” yes that woman’s pendant, when she gave it to you, i was there, I have seen one exactly like it.”

Chu yun sheng's pupils suddenly became narrower, the information about the maps is very important to him, also he had no clue where to find them, this girl claimed she saw one which was exactly the same as the one on the roof, inside his mind, he was very suspicious about it, his first reaction was this girl was lying to him, the motivation was definitely to ask him to bring her with them. but she would bring huge risk to them, it's big enough to scrap his old plan and make a new one.

Chu yun sheng looked her up and down, he tried to find any sign might indicate she was lying, The girl was staring at Chu Yunsheng at all times, she did not panic nor avoid his eye contact.

it was like an invisible contest between believing and disbelieve, their eye sights clashed with each other, whoever backs off first will lose the contest.

Chu yun sheng couldn't find anything wrong about her,  but it makes her even more suspicious because chu yun sheng knew she was an actress!

He calmly said”: how can I believe you?”

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Lin shui Yao smiled:” you think I am lying to you?”

Chu yun sheng sneered and reminded her:” don't forget you are an actress!”

Liu shui yao didn't react for a second, until she realized what he meant, she had a slight of helplessness on her face,  then she knit her eyebrows and pointed at his big sword:” you don't need to make it too complicated, with your abilities, if you find out I'm lying, you can use it to kill me at anytime.”

Even lin shui yao said this, chu yun sheng still thought for a minute, just like what he told yu xiao hai, everything is dangerous now, for the second map, maybe it's worth a try.

Chu yun sheng nodded his head, said sternly:” I'll try to believe you,but you need to remember every single word you just said, you can tell me where the jade pendant is now.”

Lin shui yao grinned with relief:” it was a birthday present a company director gave to his son, I was at his birthday party that day.” she paused for a second, her eyes slightly moved, it caused the light to flash in her eyes. She carried on:” as far as I know, they were at Jin ling city before the sun disappeared, As for the specific name, I'll tell you when we get to Jin ling city, I hope you will understand.”

Chu yun sheng snorted with a slight anger:” so are you threatening me right now? if you don't believe me, how can we work together?”

Lin shui Yao shook her head apologised:” I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't do this, but I'm really scared you going to abandon me later. if you were me, you would do the exact same thing, wouldn't you?”

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Chu yun sheng didn't answer her, instead, he asked her:” you really think that jade pendant is important to me?”

She had a sly smile on her face:” when we were on the roof before, I already knew, you were looking at that women's pendant for the whole time.”

Chu yun sheng was shocked, this girl wasn't talking much at that time, apart from being held as a hostage by gu li ming, the whole incident had nothing to do with her. He didn't expect she is such a sophisticated person, secretly observe them.

She is a smart and cautious woman, this is chu yun sheng’s impression of her, then again, which woman isn't smart in the entertainment industry?

He understands why she was doing that, in such dangerous world, how could you build up trust with a stranger so quickly, she had to keep something so the deal could last long.

But it doesn't mean he was going to accept it, although the map is import to him, but four maps couldn't be collected in a short time, if she thinks she can use this to restrict him, then she was wrong.

When taking to the smart people, Chu yun sheng didn't want to deny he needs the pendant, he gave lin shui yao he thought a friendly smile:” you were right, but unfortunately it is not my way of doing things, I don't think we can work together, so bye- bye!”

Just right after he said this he opened the door and stepped outside, actually he was worried if he couldn't refuse the temptation wanted to go back.

“you!” her face was taut, and she was terrified, she didn't expect this would be the outcome, suddenly panicked, chu yun sheng might not need her information, but she needs his protection, although it's an unfair deal, but she didn't have other choices.

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She grit her teeth and followed him, she shouted in the hallway:” ok, you win, I can tell you who has it!”

But chu yun sheng didn't seem to hear what she said, his heart was jumping rapidly, just a moment ago, though the window at corner, he saw a naked woman appeared on the street!

It's the sign of tentacle monster!

He can't kill this type of monster now, he needs to run away as fast as he can.

Lin shui Yao didn't know what was going on, she thought chu yun sheng pretend he didn't hear her, wanted to humiliate her. But what can she do now?  She had been following them all the way here, just hope they can help her,  she felt wronged:” you… you want me to beg you?”

Chu yun sheng was so scared right now,  he feared that monster could hear the noise from here, he pointed at lin shui yao hissed:” you shut up!” “silent!”

He signalled yu xiao hai to switched off the flashlight and leant against the wall. He switched on the inferred sensor carefully detect the movement inside the building, his heartbeats didn't even slow down for a second!

Lin shui Yao started to shake, it was not because chu yun sheng hissed at her, it was because she knew chu yun sheng was under the extreme stress, and whatever that thing is, it's definitely dangerous than three red shell insects!

-----------------------------------end of volume 1 the disappearance of the sun----------------------------------

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