Dark Blood Age

Chapter 47

Chapter 47 green shell insect

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Chu yun sheng looked up, it was Zhang zi cheng who was taken away by the insect.

He was violently struggling and shouting in horror, but he still couldn't get off the thorn.

on the top of bus no.1.The Machine gunner frantically raked the insect with the machine gun in panic.  chu yun sheng wanted to know if he was aiming at the flying insect or zhang zi cheng!

The flying insect wheeled in the sky for few circles then bit off his head and threw away his body, then it dived again.  It headed directly towards the machine gunner this time!

“don't shoot! don't shoot!!!” chu yun sheng saw zhong nan jumped on the bus then laying prone on the top of the bus and shouted.

But it's too late, the flying insect seemed to have locked on the machine gunner, it flew over the crowd once again, the back legs hooked on the machine gunner and took him away.
Zhong nan stopped the Battalion commander who about to take over the machine gun, he said sternly and slowly:” don't shoot!......”

Enraged flying insect quickly tore the machine gunner apart, then carried on wheeling on top of the crowd looking for a new target.

Zhong nan murmured:“let them kill, let them kill…  when they killed enough!them will go away!”
Everyone was gloomy, and everyone including Chu Yun Sheng understands why zhong nan said that. with their current strength, they simply can not deal with this kind flying insects, they are too fast!

Except one of insect which was twined together with the helicopter, so the troops on the ground got a chance to use the rocket to lock on it and shot it down. The other two flying insects continue to dive and ascend, soldiers could not hit them at all.

Chu yu sheng knows if they blindly shoot at those flying insects, it will only provoke them, based on the behaviour he learned from the red shell insect, enraged insects are far more dangerous than the insects just hunting for preys.

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Normally the insects will leave if they killed enough people. but enraged insect will kill every single one of them, no matter what the cost is.

Chu yun sheng dragged yu xiao hai off the bus and sat next to the bus tyre. it's a suicide if they are still staying on the top.

The Sound of gunfire slowly fade out, everyone had seemed to acquiesced in the killings, apart from the people's horrified screams caused by the flying insects when it dives, and the poor people shouted for help when they got taken away, everyone was in depressive silent.

The rest of two flying insects killed dozens of people then flew away, the scattered crowd once again gathered together, as if nothing has happened.

Zhong nan was calculating the damages and casualties on the truck, chu yun sheng reported to him then jumped off the truck, he wanted to take a close look at flying insect’s body, it was too far away when he saw the one got shot down, but it didn't die immediately, only until the troops spent quite a lot of ammunitions and also with the help of the awakening warriors, did they just killed it completely.

When Chu yun sheng arrived, the place was already blocked by the troops, he could only observe from outside.

The flying insect”s color is different than red shell insect’s, it is green, its body is covered with strong shell, the body had signs of being frozen by ice, presumably was from one of the awakening warriors, on the shell there are many shallow dents,  few holes, they were made by the bullets, it seemed that even the flying insect lost its energy shield, it could withstand the bullets attack for quite some time.

Based his observation, the flying insect mainly uses its thorn from the back of his foot, its front foot to tear the prey apart, and its sharp beak to peck.

Chu yun sheng wasn't sure if the armour is strong enough to protect him from flying insect’s attack?

Soon the dong sheng university’s researchers arrived at the scene, they started to slowly cut the insect into pieces, they knew chu yun sheng is one of the awakening warriors, so chu yun sheng was granted permission to get close to the insect.

The researchers had named this insect green shell insect. They dissected the body and tried to study its physiological structure, during the cut-up process, one of the researchers got burned by the liquid that burst out from the insect’s organ.

They had also granted chu yun sheng the permission to test the strength of the shell. It didn't surprise chu yun sheng that the flying insect’s shell is much stronger than the red shell insect, he needs to infuse one unit of yuan qi into the sword in order to cut the shell into a half.

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It upsets chu yun sheng quite a bit, but fortunately there aren't many of those insects, otherwise, if the sky were full of those insects, human will be extinct very soon.

Chu yun sheng was depressed, the drastic change made everyone felt the same way. people were slowly moving forward, but the scenes of flying insects wheeling in the sky and dive to kill the people when they couldn't fight back still appear in their mind,  it’s like a huge rock on everyone’s chest, they couldn't breathe.

Qian de duo got told off by zhong nan, he was sitting in the corner constantly sighing, yu xiao hai stayed in the corner practising his ability, perhaps the killings caused him to rethink what he should do now, chu yun sheng hoped that he would continue like this.

The truck was back running again, it was bumping up and down and slowly moving forwards, chu yun sheng had already got back on the truck and went back to meditate again.

He was spiritually exhausted after cultivating qi for a whole day. when he was in a light trance, he heard some intermittent noises, some of them seemed to be qian de duo’s voice. he was alerted and opened up his eye and noticed that everyone in the fourth team and the fifth team all gathered together, and yu xiao hai was about to wake him up.

The hazy dim light in the sky was completely gone now, chu yun sheng looked at his watch, it’s 23 o’clock. it should be the night time if it's still in the age of light,

Qian de duo seemed to have restored his energy, he whispered:”sh! Brother chu, food factory is near here, we are moving now, later, everyone get off the truck one by one, be quiet, don't make any noise, zhou ting yun, you stay on the truck, in case captain is looking for us.”
“Why me again ? ” zhou ting yun wasn’t happy.

Qian de duo said quietly:”of course it’s you, you are the weakest in the group, and still has not recovered the energy, if there is any danger, can you even run away?” then he tried to comfort her:”you watch our back, when we get back, we will definitely give you one share. You don't even need to risk yourself, it's a good thing, why are you complaining?”

Zhou ting yun press her lips together for a moment then burst out said:”i know you are looking down on me!”,

Qian de duo knit his eyebrows threatened her:”are you gonna do it or not, zhou ting yun, if you are not listening, then leave our group, you can join qing heng’s group, without you, our fifth team doesn’t really make difference! ”

Zhou ting yun had no choice but give up, she unwillingly nodded her head and mumbled:”....like i care….”

No one heard her last sentence, but chu yun sheng did, he did not know why she wanted to go, it’s obviously very dangerous, they probably will lose their life, why she still insist going? Qian de duo already promised her to give her a share, she felt not enough? She wanted more?

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Chu yun sheng thought: human is indeed greedy, especially now, the food is more precious than life.

But he did not say anything, just closely followed everyone quietly got off the truck. At this time, not many people were still moving on the road, everyone was exhausted, they laid on the ground to take a break, apart from few fire pits. It’s very quiet in the surroundings.

no one knew where did Qian de duo get a night vision goggles, it’s looked like the military equipment, so he was leading the way,  and everyone else was closely following in the dark.

This food factory used to manufacture bread, located outside city zone near a highway interchange.

The surroundings went completely dark when they left the crowd, jiang ye had to switch on the flashlight in order to see what’s in front of them, everyone was slowly moving in the dark.

On the way They did not encounter any insect, chu yun sheng thought it’s normal, if there is any insect in the area, they would probably be attracted by the crowd already.

Everyone was twice as careful on the road when they finally near the interchange. suddenly there is a gleam of light appeared on the horizon in a distance far away from them, yu xiao hai pushed chu yun sheng and whispered:”chu, look over there!”

Chu yun sheng pulled up his mask, he saw a large group of flying creatures was glowing in the dark on the horizon, they were like the fireflies illuminating the horizon,  it is very magnificent in this completely dark night,

“What is that?” qian de duo approached him said nervously.

Chu yun sheng shook his head, who the hell knows what that is!

“Look! What’s beneath them?” yao xiang in the fourth team lost his calm and shouted, jiang ye immediately covered his mouth, the insect is more sensitive to the sound than the light.

Chu yun sheng squinted his eye to take a close look. The glowing flying creature was slowly flying away. when it almost disappeared in the horizon, it’s light illuminated a gigantic “tree” kind of plant.  they could not see it very clear, but it’s higher than the buildings around it. It is definitely not there before, chu yun sheng has not heard of this scary tree in the shen cheng city before.

Every looked at each other did not know what to say, they had seen a lot of strange creatures recently, the world is getting more and more strange, more and more perplexing!

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Chu yun sheng pushed qian de duo:”stop thinking that thing, we need to hurry up!”

Everyone was stunned by that scene, only when chu yun sheng reminded them, did they realise they need to speed up. They quickly went around the interchange, approached a red brick building, the building was located in an open area, there is nothing around it.

Apparently, qian de duo was very familiar with this area, it did not take him long to found the front entrance, probably he used to work here for a long time.

“Did not see any insect! No one is here!”  qian de duo said quiet, he used the night vision goggles to scan the area, and used his hand to make an  OK  signal to everyone.

When they approached the front yard, they noticed the gate was open, everyone’s heart sank, someone had been here before!

Qian de duo knit his brow, he lurked inside while moving closely to the wall. Although through the night vision goggles he could not see any insect, but chu yun sheng did not let his guard down, he had already fallen into a trap once which is at the supermarket,  he did not want it to happen twice, so he did not trust night vision goggle.

 other team members also seemed to knew the flaw of vision goggle. it was most like came from their research department which was studying this day and night. So everyone was extra careful.

Qian de duo led the team straight to a storage facility, it's a small factory, originally it did not have a lot of equipment, now it seemed even more empty.

Chu yun sheng just right behind the qian de duo,  the storage facility is behind the workshop.  they saw the storage facility's door after they went around the workshop.
The door was closed. Qian de duo signed with relieved, when he just about to get close to the door.

Chu yun sheng suddenly felt yuan is rapidly increased in the area, the air started to freeze, he was startled and instantly dragged qian de duo shouted:”careful!”

He had not finished his sentence, a woman dressed in white rushed out of the door, she was surrounded by the violent ice element and glanced at their group, she then Lightly jumped to the roof and quickly disappeared in their sight.

That speed is even faster than chu yun sheng when he wears the armour!
“What the hell!” jiang ye nervously asked, he was behind chu yun sheng and qian de duo, he only got chance to see a shadow,

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