Dark Blood Age

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 The Regiment Commander's Plan

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Chu yun sheng needs to hurry up absorbing yuan qi from the monster before the research team arrives, he went behind the monster alone, took out a brand new she yuan fu, using the fastest speed he could to absorb yuan qi.

One wasn't enough then two, three …. At the end he had six full flames patterned she yuan fu, it's equivalent to more than 30 red shell insects, and it's not even being absorbed right after it died, so Some of its yuan qi already died out. This is how powerful the monster was.

The research unit had gradually arrived so he didn't have time to absorb The smaller one, chu yun sheng took back the yuan fu then noticed a hazy gleam came out of the sky again, he looked at his watch, it's already 8:00.

When he repeatedly making the she yuan fu and using it to absorb the yuan qi from the monster, the yuan qi also circulated inside his body, now he has reached a status where he could kill 10 insects, but he still wasn't sure if he could deal with green shell insect and a tentacle monster.

When chu yun sheng got back, The escort team members were still taking the break near where they buried jiang ye, most of the team members more or less had injuries. then He saw zhong nan was talking to some military officers.

Zhong man saw Chu yun sheng came back, he turned around and said:”  regiment commander du, the man you are looking for is him.”, the man he was talking to is wearing a two bar and three-star shoulder sleeve insignia, he is a colonel.

The regiment commander reached out his hands and held chu yun sheng’s right hand smiled:” Mr. Chu it's my pleasure to meet you, my name is du qi shan.”

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Chu yun sheng knit his brows, why would the military look for him? But at the moment he could only respond reluctantly:” hello!”

The regiment commander just about to say something, a man appeared behind him, he shouted in a shocked tone:”it's you!””

Chu yun sheng squinted at that man, it was the captain gu, the annoying guy. it looks like he had successfully escaped from the shen cheng city and return to the military.

:” li ming you two know each other?” The regiment commander du shifted his eyes. but didn't change his tone. Gu li ming suddenly felt embarrassed, he whispered into the regiment commander’s ear.

The commander du’s face suddenly became very serious. when gu li ming finished, he looked at Chu yun sheng and said sternly:” Mr. Chu, as captain gu’s Superior officer, I apologise to you for the things he did, please don't keep it in mind.”

Chu yun sheng shook his head:” it's ok,  it's already gone, it wasn't really a big deal, he was doing his job, if you don't have other questions,  please excuse me.”

Seeing him about to leave, the regiment commander du immediately said:” Mr. Chu, Professor Sun not once talked about you, he very admires your ability,  it was my great honour and admiration to see your sword fight and how you kill the monster. I was having a  discussion with your captain zhong nan earlier,  we hope you could help us to escort a group of people to jin ling city as soon as possible.”

Chu yun sheng thought for a second, although the commander was very sincere, he could even see it from his eye, it was entirely different attitude than what gu li ming did before, however he didn't want to be a bodyguard, Moreover it's much more dangerous to escort a small number of people, far less safe than stay in the crowd.

He didn't hesitate and refused straightaway:”I'm sorry commander gu, you have overestimated my ability, also I have other things to do, I'm afraid I can't join your mission!”

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Commander du smiled:” Mr. Chu don't be so modest, perhaps I have not explained myself very clear, we are not only escorting some important officials, but also some scientists, it's not for  personal purpose, but because it involves some classified information, I can't tell you a lot, however I can assure you, we are doing it for the bigger pictures, we need to arrive jin ling city as soon as possible, we hope you would reconsider it.”

Chu yun sheng was curious, even he knows to stay in the group is far more safe than leaving with a small amount of people, those people definitely know as well, then what kind emergency made them want to leave the crowd as soon as possible?

But it's not his business anymore, so he stopped thinking about it, and also when commander du mentioned about the important officials, it really make him sick,  what does he mean by escorting the important officials, their deep-rooted bureaucratism thought is truly unbreakable

He disdained for being those officials’ bodyguard, his facial expression, of course, will not look good,:” commander du, there are also some researchers in the dong shen university, i think I'd better stay here! If you don't have other  questions, I still have other things to do, see you!” he said coldly

Chu yun sheng didn't wait for his response, he turned around and left, he has a lot of she yuan fu, now the most important thing he should be focusing on is reaching the yuan tian stage two.  government Officials? In this bloody age, apart from themselves who else would think they are important.

When he left for a distance, he suddenly heard gu li ming try to keep his voice as low as possible and said:” colonel, why don't we tell him the garrison couldn't defend any longer!?”

Although his voice is very low, but Chu yun sheng still could hear every single word, his heart sunk, this day finally comes.!

Once the defence line is collapsed, the insects will swarm towards this place, even just a small amount of them could easily slaughter everyone here.

He was worried but he still didn't want to join commander du, who knows what monster will appear in the journey ahead of them, especially when he saw the creepy flying creatures and strange plants when he was looting the food factory. It made him feel that the journey ahead won't be much safer than the insects at back!

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He speeds up his steps, quickly return to the truck, no one has returned yet, so the truck was empty.

The sky still has a hazy gleam, so everyone’s vision was limited, the crowd was still moving like a turtle, now they had already left the city, they were surrounded by the farms, it was very empty.

When it gets to the night, they have not even arrived the kun cheng city yet, a lot of people started to died because of sickness, and the number started to increase, bodies were tossed on the side of the road, they could be seen everywhere.

The sound of artillery fire slowly faded out, now chu yun sheng almost couldn't hear anything.

It was a boring journey, not a single insect, even just one red shell insect. chu yun sheng was so bored that he started to wonder why there aren't any insect out here.

he was wondering maybe the insect was planning a massive attack. Of course, he knew how crazy it sounds, so he just laughed it off.

He felt drowsy while sitting on the truck, suddenly he heard a clamour of noise came from bus no.1, he opened his eye only saw two female team members were on the truck, no one else was there, he was alarmed and quickly jumped off the truck.

There were many people gathered around at no.1. Most of the university’s escort team members were there, there was another group stood on the other side, they were looking at each other angrily,  zhong nan stood in the middle of both group, he was talking to one man who seemed to be the leader of another group. They seemed to have an argument.

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“Boos, don’t waste time with them, just take it. with those few awakening warriors, i don’t really give a shit  ” behind the leader there was a brawny brute who was holding a big broadsword and shouted.

Just right after he shouted, the rest of other followed

Chu yun sheng was at back, he could not get through, only when he dragged a team member to ask what was going on, did he understand, just not long ago, a few dozens of strong awakening warriors was plundering through the crowd all the way to the bus no.1, when they about to loot bus no.1, they were stopped by the guard, because both parties had the awakening warriors, so they were afraid of using the force at that time. When zhong nan heard it, he quickly came over tried to solve the problem.

The other team leader has a long face shape and A pair of gruesome eyes, he was staring at the escort team, seemed to compare the strength of both side.

:” captain zhong, brothers respect you, so I only want half of the supplies and half bus, otherwise……..”Long face shape man said in a cold and dead voice.

Qin heng interrupted him and snorted: “ otherwise what are you gonna do? Wanna fight, we aren't scared of you!”

The man pointed at qi heng and gave him a contemptuous laugh:” captain, I respect you, because you are strong, but him not worth my attention…!”

Qin heng heard what he said instantly felt humiliated. he raged and about to use his ability, but then he was stopped by zhong nan.

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