Dark Blood Age

Chapter 6

There is a fierce fight between army and three red monsters on the street, according to neighbour lives upstairs, army has named those monsters as red shell insect belong to Insecta class in the animal kingdom.  They have extreme strong defence and attack abilities. Their secretion is also extremely corrosive.

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Luckily there were tank and armored vehicles on the street, although they killed three red shell insects, but they paid a heavy price for it. There was no celebration, no sad screaming, everything went back to the quiet states like what it was before. 

After the second day, army started to give out even less food than before. Neighbor lives upstairs told him again that it is not safe to transport supplies now, everywhere are under the attacks from large amounts of red shell insects. He claimed that he even got message from whistle blower inside army, the message was military will probably going to abandon this area, start to prepare for relocation, he said that there was a place where red shell constantly coming out. And number started to increase rapidly, army started to lose control.

That guy must be jinxed, everything he said started to happen, around 7 or 8 days, red shell insects started to frequently appeared around this area.

There is a building just right behind the housing estate where chu is staying. Every Time at when he used to call late night, during the “age of light”1. there will be horrify screams mixed with high-pitched of animal roars came out from there. Troops were sent out to dealt with it several times, but gradually stopped, and never went back to check again. 

Red shell insects’ roars are coming out from everywhere around his housing estate, shen cheng city is no longer a safe place to stay, dangers are everywhere. He was frightened day after day, but he did not forget to practise. 
Not long, army withdrew its first regiment, under the protection of a large number of tanks and armored vehicles, a long procession of private motorcade slowly passing the streets. The neighbour upstairs said the first batch of withdrawal are some people with power, they are protected by the elite troops. but he did not know specifically where they are going to, perhaps some military base.

One week later, the soldiers that distributes food in this area has not shown up for quite sometime, number of law enforcement troops are started to reduce, situation started to get worse. The neighbor upstairs, his wife  almost got raped, luckily chu was there, he used gun to stop the guy.

The neighbour was very grateful to him, later on told him another secret he knew. He heard from his contact inside military that, after three days, the  last group of well equipped elite team will help to evacuate rest of important people. because some unknown reason he was on the list. Although it is the lowest level, he is allowed to bring three family members with him, unfortunately all his is family of four, he could not give chu yun sheng one. Chu already knew that he was not eligible to be on the list, so he did not think too much about it. 

Three days later, the woman who was saved by the third floor neighbours floor came back, and took them away, it looks like from now they will also receive the protection from army.

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Although he thinks that it was his book that saved the woman’s life but he did not dare to tell anyone, of course others may not believe him as well. The woman seems to have a good heart but He gave up the idea of seeking help from her, after all, explanation will cause more trouble than what he wanted 

However he did not expected that the evacuation on the third day has been compromised .even with the help of heavy armored vehicles, they were only moved very shorted distance and then stopped by the civilians. People were angry that military  want to abandoned civilians, everyone were gathering on the street demanded the fair treatment.

Chu yun sheng did not come down stairs, he worried about if the red armor insect will appear, he removed the small metal place on the windows, noticed that street has been blocked by crowd。 the military’s vanguard has been driving away for a few blocks, from his flat, he can only saw variety of cars are blocked , people started to throw all kinds of stuff toward cars expressing their anger. 


Before Neighbour lives upstairs left, he told chu that during evacuation,The headquarters has given the command  any obstruction of the military task will be neutralised. Troops does not need to report to higher level, this is the trouble time, harsh punishment is inevitable . 

But when 126th regiment were blocked by thousands of people, even the higher commander did not want to execute this order, too many people, they all just normal civilians. It will only cause more trouble it they started to killing people, reports were constantly send to headquarter. But in the meantime he needs to calm the crowd down.   

Soon chu yun sheng heard a man's voice from far away, the man was using the megaphone shouted in the distance:

“Comrade! Comrades! Please listen to me! I am 126th regiment political commissar Qin Gang, please stay calm, i assure you that the headquarters will never give up any comrades, the military withdrawal plan, including you definitely, please believe me! "
  “you are lying !”
  “bullshit!your people are gone,who is gonna evacuate us?”
  “They are people, we are not people? Are you the people's army or the army of a rich people?”

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Crowds were agitated, no one believed what he said, 

Qin Gang to raise the voice shouted::
  "Comrades! Do not be blinded by certain criminals, the military will not give up on you, I Qin Gang is willing to stay and help evacuate last one of you. please believe me, a large number of troops are still defending the front, we are Not the last batch, evacuation requires order, otherwise it will be vulnerable to monsters attack, we must ensure the smallest loss!

    "Do not listen to this bastard, nonsense!"

"if this is really the case why the government officials and the rich first , we are last?"

"now money is worthless,  it is just paper now.”

“You know nothing, rich people have a background relationship, that is not a good relationship between government officials, that is nepotism relationship, we meant nothing to them !"

"hope they all got eaten  by insects, those fuckers"

The situation is very chaotic, the crowd did not show the signs of leaving, more and more people gathering together, there is one soldier could not handle the pressure , fired a warning shot, it is like a bomb just in the crowd.


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“They are going to kill everyone now!”

“Let ‘s kill them”  


 Qin Gang turn around shouted angrily at his men ”who the fuck fire the shot, i am going to kill him ”


The soldiers who fired the shot were already surrounded by the raging crowd, and as they were preparing to rush to the military vehicle, suddenly someone screamed, " mon !  mon! , monsters!

One, two, three, at least fifty or sixty  of red shell insects, along the walls of buildings on both sides,they are approaching fast ! The whole crowd is terrified, what it originally was a violent crowd suddenly started to disperse, everyone was running everywhere.

50 of the red shell insects, no one is dare to stay.

While the tele-Communication can not used at moment, 126th regiment commander were using the megaphone shouted:

"Ready to engage!  2 battalions, 3 battalions, 7 battalions, get ready the heavy machine gun, ready the rockets launcher, all armored vehicle get ready! ............"

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While the heavy machine guns was firing , the rocket was flying,  the crowd trampling  onto each other and ran toward the nearest building to looking for hideout.

Under the hail of bullets and rockets, red shell insects were still approaching fast, only few of them were blown away by rockets, Rest of them were not affected by the bullets,   Saturation fire only caused few cracks and holes on their shell, none of them were dead.

Until they reached the crowd they start on a  killing spree, the spine-chilling screams just right before people die are constantly come out crowds.  

they are agile, one of them easily dodge the rocket and tanks attacks, rushed into troop’s formation and standing on a tank. Red shells insects opened its bloody mouth spit a green liquid on the tank, The armor was quickly corroded at a speed visible to the naked eye

Then comes a loud high pitched roar, it start to glow in red. This red shell insects just used its front claw to opened up the tanks armor through the hole was penetrated by its secretion, and killed the soldiers inside tanks. Before they died they were still trying to use pistol kill this monster.

Chu very admire the determination those soldier have, if it was him, he would probably fainted already. He took a deep breath, he need to cast the frost yuan fu onto the crossbow he bought three month ago. According to the book, after the enchantment, chu will be able to use to yuan qi on this crossbow,  it will fire a arrow with frost damage, it is very effective way to kill those monsters which happened to have fire element.  

Before He did know that what kind of monster will appear, so he made a lot of fire yuan fu, which is less effective than frost yuan fu. now he need to hurry up making more of those frost yuan fu. In order to protect himself.

The reason why he is in a such hurry was because he noticed that three of red shell insects were chasing the crowd running towards his building, unless the book glows again, otherwise those three monsters will definitely follow them into the building. 

But when is the book going to glow, he does not know, so the he has to rely on himself.  Chu has to avoid close combat with those monster, because he does not have any protection nor his speed is fast enough. That is why crossbow is best option for him.


1. Age of light is refer to the day before the sun disappeared, people refer now as dark age.

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