Dark Blood Age

Chapter 68

Chapter 68 capability

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Although the meat worm suffers fro a corrosive liquid attack. but the actual damage isn't very severe. Chu yun sheng was scared to fight it directly on the branches. because meat worm can move very fast on the plants, but if they fell on the ground, strangely they become very slow.

Chu yun sheng kicked the beaches then jumped over meat worm. he fell behind the meat worm and started to slide down the beaches.

To Worm there's no such thing is front or back. at least chu yun sheng was thinking that way. When it sensed chu yun sheng jumped over it,  It instantly moved backwards with the same speed without even turning his body around.

Chu yun sheng took out another bag of corrosive liquid smashed into worm's mouth and quickly retreat to the ground.

The meat worm was furious that it was attacked by the corrosive liquid twice. The mouth which is further away from the Chu Yunsheng suddenly sucked the branches below it and tightly locked itself on the branch. it then started to compress it's body until it suddenly stretched out like a rubber. In a split second the first mouth reaches Chu yun sheng. Chu yun sheng instantly felt a strong wind that pushes himself towards the worm.

he was very cautious when making a jump. once he left the ground he will loose all the support to stop him from being sucked into the meat worm's mouth! He stabbed the sword deep into the concrete ground below him and both feet were firmly against the giant root. he needs to hold on for a while until the meat monster stopped sucking air in. Then he will launch the attack again until he kills it completely!

The wind was very strong, it constantly pushes chu yun sheng towards worm's mouth. qian bi sword slowly made a thin crevice until it reaches the plant's root. it was then stopped by the strange giant plant!

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It was a painful struggle and took him almost 10 minutes.  chu yun sheng estimated that meat worm has probably consumed most of its energy. So he decided it's time to attack. the reason why he thinks that way was because he couldn't hold much longer. he was afraid that he will really be sucked into the worm's mouth. the second reason is, even if he could hold on a little longer but then the worm will be exhausted with its energy,  it will be pointless to kill it.  because he will not be able to harvest any energy from it.

He uses his left hand to perform an incantation gestures and took out three huge bags of corrosive liquid. if he did not increase his physical strength, there is no way he would be able to lift this three huge bags of corrosive liquid.

Chu yun sheng didn't even need to aim. he just released the bags and they were instantly sucked into the worm's mouth.

The meat worm’s strong suction would usually consume a lot of its energy, plus it had already wasted some of its energy on hunting the red eye monsters before. so now it started to react violently to the three bags of corrosive liquid inside its body.

The trace of green smokes slowly appeared from its mouth and skin. the meat worm was groaning with pain with its mouth closed. the middle part of its body had already swollen up, the whole body had also compressed together become wrinkled. It looks disgusting.

This is the moment chu yun sheng has been waiting for. he pulled out the sword, jumped up and dashed towards the meat worm. the sword was filled with yuan qi and instantly hacked on the monster’s body.

Without the sufficient energy's support. it's skin’s elasticity is greatly reduced. just one cut, a huge wound was opened up on the monster’s body!

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Chu yun sheng's advantage is his speed. he could swing the sword 10 times just within a second. His fast counter-attack immediately reverses the dangerous situation. the meat worm probably senses the death is slowly coming towards it. it twisted its body trying to climb up the branch as fast as it can.

However, there is no way chu yun sheng would give it a chance. the flame monsters are living at the top of those giant plants. it is the danger zone. Once he climbs up, he will have to face the death.

The meat monster was crawling fast. however, chu yun sheng was even faster. when the monster reached the rattan intersection, chu yun sheng immediately used the sword to stick the monster onto the rattan and quickly took out the gun and started to fire it. He kept shooting at the monster until it stops moving.

The gun is with a sound suppressor, it was taken from the commander du. same as the bullets. when he asked for the sound suppressor from Commander du, they were ok with it. but when he asked for the bullets, they are really reluctant to give it to chu yun sheng.

Chu yun sheng grabbed the dead meat worm and continuously jumped over several rattans and returned to the bookstore. he did not dare to stay at the place where he killed the worm. The visibility is very limited outside, he does not know when the flame monster will dive down from the top of those giant plants or when a group of red-eye monster will appear.  no matter which scenario, they are all very dangerous to him.

The meat worm had already consumed half of its yuan qi,  but it still filled up an entire she yuan fu. however, its yuan qi element is different than the others. this time the new she yuan fu was filled with strange wood patterns.

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Chu yun sheng made a new storage yuan fu to store all the monster’s body.  he even stored the meat worm’s whole body. Although it was disgusting. But he still remembers what the unshaven man said, this monster’s meat is edible. even he does not want to eat it. but he could probably use it to exchange for something else in jin ling city in the future.

Before he went downstairs, chu yun sheng searched the bookstore,  he tried to find any books that might lead him to understand the ancient book, especially the books in archaeological studies.

From the second 2 to section 6 and then to section 3, chu yun sheng killed one meat worm after another. he almost got sucked into the insect’s mouth once but luckily he got away. so at the end, he had hunted 5 meat worms in total.  he was quite happy because from the beginning to the end, he did not encounter any flame monster.

When it is near the time for the fog walls to change its patterns. chu yun sheng followed the map that professor fang gave to him and returned to jin jiang building. troops already collected the first batch of red shell insects’ body and they were all stored behind the building., chu yun sheng did not inform Commander du. he just went to the storage place and stored all the bodies into the storage yuan fu.

Staff officer tao had already recruited the first batch of 8 awakening warriors. they were having a meeting with the commander du in the hall. when Commander du saw chu yun sheng appeared, he immediately waved his hands to ask chu yun sheng to come to talk to him.

Chu yun sheng had already deactivated the armour and stored the sword inside the storage yuan fu. he was wearing his grey coat and did not carry any weapon with him.
His yuan qi was cultivated by following the instruction on the ancient book, so it is different to other awakening warriors. His yuan qi was pure and stable,  does not have any sign of uncontrolled yuan qi fluctuation.

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Chu yun sheng does not like to brag about himself. in fact, he has been used to the dangerous environment. it made him always keeps his guard up. So when everyone saw him, their first impression of chu yun sheng was an ordinary human afraid of talking to strangers.

“Commander du, is he the person you mentioned that has the ability to distract flame monster? ” looking at chu yun sheng’s unprepossessing appearance a female awakenings warriors questioned:"are you sure you are not joking?"

Commander Du smiled. when he about to talk another tall skinny old man interrupted:"Commander Du, in your plan, he needs to distract flame monster for a total of one minutes time, it's not that we don't believe you. To us, safety is our first priority. if he does not have that capability, we will not join your plan, i hope you understand! ”

"True!" another girl also stood out, she glanced at chu yun sheng, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eye, she said loudly:"we need to know if he is really capable of doing it, This is the basis of our cooperation."

Commander Du's lips were twitching, his face was stiff and filled with helplessness. he was also shocked when chu yun sheng told him that he could distract the flame monster, he could not even believe what he heard! If he had not seen what chu yun sheng did, he probably will doubt his capabilities just like them.

Those people are really straightforward, they did not even think about how he would feel if they are saying this in front of his face.  he did not want to talk to them. so he just simply ignored them. he would rather use his yuan qi to hunt those meat worms outside than to prove them what he could do. Also, he has not even reached that level yet.  he just leaves it to Commander du to deal with this kind of troubles.

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