Dark Blood Age

Chapter 95

Chapter 95 Green Fluorescent Monster

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Break out of the encirclement is their only choice.

Chu yun sheng dragged zhao shan he and shouted:”break out from the south!”

Meanwhile, more and more Green Fluorescent lights start to appear in everywhere. It is slightly less in the south.

“south might be a trap! Red shell insect often does things like this!” li yue was very concerned about heading south.

“not all monster has intelligence! Zhao shan he, let's go, quick, otherwise, it will be too late!” chu yun sheng immediately stopped li yue questioning. Actually, he doesn't know if those monster has the intelligence or not, but he knows if they keep talking nonsense, not making a move, they will all die here!

“Ok, head south!” shouted zhao shan he. he glanced chu yun sheng and grit his teeth, the fire instantly emerged from his body.

Lao chui was hiding inside the car, he was so scared to come out. So zhao shan he hit the car's door for few times and tell him to ask the driver to drive south.

They immediately decide to abandon the small van which only for 7 awakenings, only left two buses, one and front, and one at back.

Chu yun sheng and tian wei dai were both on the bus at the front. They both use gun to cast their ability to prevent monster approaching and to prevent their car's speed going down because of monster’s attack

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Zhao shan he and li yue both are the fire warrior, they can cast their fire ability everywhere to stop the monster from chasing them.

Chef and huan ren Kuan were ice warrior, they could barely provide some defence and help a little bit with the attack. Chef's ability is stronger, so he stayed at the back of the car to help zhao shan he. Huan ren Kuan was at the front to help chu yun sheng.

The last one was witch, her ability is very strange, it is not an offensive ability or defensive ability. Her ability is able to heal all kinds of injuries. Chu yun sheng has never seen this kind of ability before. He doesn't know what kind element it belongs to. But he felt that it might have something to do with the wood element which was mentioned in the book. That's also the reason why so many people have faith in her.

Protecting the back is much more stressful than the front. So witch was asked to stay at the back. However, chu yun sheng still has hu Zai to assist him. Although Hu Zai is still young. but its special ability could still help chu yun sheng a little bit.
Once the buses started to move, those green dots were startled and instantly moved towards two buses from all the directions. Although they could not see what they are. but they can still hear the non-stop buzz sound in every direction,

Chu yun sheng's heart sunk, flying green shell insect is what he worried the most, those monsters even dare to fight the flame bird. Original he didn't think they were the green shell insect. because he has never seen a green shell insect could glow.

But now, those buzz sound made him reconsider it again. This is definitely the sound made by insects when they are flapping their wings in high speed.  Only the flying insect is able to flap it's wing like this.

Those green dot starts to get closer and closer. Soon, everyone is able to see what they really are.

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The monster is as big as a small wall mounted air conditioner, it has two long wings, the whole body was glowing in a Green Fluorescent light. Compare to green shell insect, it is much smaller, it has three pairs of feet. They fly much lower than green shell insect.

Looking at those Green Fluorescent monsters were getting closer and closer, chu yun sheng's hand clenched on the gun tighter and tighter. Compare to the bow, his pistol aiming is much worse!

He was waiting for the monster to get closer, but tian wei dai already started shooting!

Tian wei dai’s aiming much better than chu yun sheng. Two shot he fired hit one monster and instantly set it on fire. The monster was struggling to put out the fire, soon it fell on the ground.

Two shots gave chu yun sheng a rough idea how strong those monsters are. Although he doesn't know about their attack method. But at least its defence is much weaker than the green shell insect.

Chu yun sheng estimated that he could kill one just by one bullet. The problem is, he has to hit it first.

Since he completed the first sub stage of yuan tian stage two, his ability to control ben ti yuan qi is greatly increased. not only that, the degree of compatibility between ben ti yuan qi and yuan fu that cast on the weapon is also greatly increased.

At yuan tian stage one, he was only able to infuse the yuan qi inside pistol or arrow. As for the power effect, he just let yuan fu handle by itself.

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But now, he is able to distribute, harness and change ben ti yuan qi. by following the rules of incantations to control yuan qi trigger a specific effect of incantations.  For instance right now. He needs to enhance fire bullets’  explosion and burning ability, rather than penetration ability

Of course, chu yun sheng couldn't do it perfectly. Because he is still at first sub stage of yuan tian stage two.  He could barely change the basic effect.

As long as he has more understanding on the incantations, and practice it until he familiar with the rules. Eventually, he will be able to unleash its full power.

Two of Three Green Fluorescent monsters were killed by tian wei dai. The last one was shot down by chu yun sheng when its reaches within 5 meters from chu yun sheng!

If chu yun sheng was impressed by Tian wei dai’s shooting skill. Then, now tian wei dai was impressed by chu yun sheng’s fire power.  chu yun sheng just fired one shot, it instantly blast the monster into pieces, it didn't even have time to struggle.

However, the scary thing is not those monsters defence ability. It was the sheer number of them!

Three failed tentative attack was followed by a massive amount of monster’s non-stop attack, the number of green light almost light up the entire battleground.

Chu yun sheng forced himself to calm down. he was continuously firing the pistol. As he expected, he missed a lot. So he was even more treasure his Yuan qi. Eventually, he maintains the yuan qi consumption to one bullet per fluorescent monster.  He does not have any more absorption yuan fu to support him, so he is paying attention to his qi consumption at any time.

Those monsters are very smart, they know they can’t break chu yun sheng and tian wei dai’s defence, so few of them headed straight towards the bus’s windows. They were using their long and sharp proboscis to break the windows.

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The green liquid which came out of those long proboscis instantly melted the glass windows. those monster immediately flew inside the bus through the hole. People that inside cars were instantly started screaming!

“Chief Huang, get inside the bus, deal with those insects!” chu yun sheng kicked Huang ren kuan while stepping back. This timid state official did not do anything during the defence. The monsters were mainly killed by him, tian wei dai, and some of the monsters knocked away by Hu zai’s tiger roar.

“I…. i….. I can’t do it?” huang ren kuan said in the panic.

Just when he said this, there was a blood-curdling screech came from inside the bus. A monster which became twice bigger than before dragged out a Shrivelled body from the bus. Its proboscis was still stabbed in that man’s chest. The man was sucked dry and become a Mummy.

“Quick!” chu yun sheng urged, he kicked huang ren kuan twice this time. Those people inside the bus are just ordinary people, they can not kill those monster at all. those people including the little girl who asked him if the rice porridge is tasty earlier.

Because chu yun sheng got distracted by huang ren kuan, few monster instantly pushed forwards, if it wasn’t tian dai wei fire the gun on time, he probably already got stabbed by those monster's long proboscis!

“I can’t do it, i really can’t do it. I have not even killed a chicken in my entire life!” he was scared by the dried body that he almost fell off the top of the bus! “

“Get in or i’ll kill you! ” chu yun sheng raged at him. “Bang” he fires a shot on to the roof of the bus. He tried his best to maximise the incantation’s burning ability and weaken its penetration ability. Soon the roof was melted a big hole, and huang ren kuan was kicked off the roof by chu yun sheng. He fell into the hole.

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