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Dark Lord of Tartarus

Xyn walked to the bed and let himself fall onto the soft cushion.

"Haaaaaaaah." Xyn exhaled vigorously. "I'm tired! I want to rest."

Xyn turned around to face the ceiling.

"I've been working on this for almost 2 months and mostly non-stop. I want to rest for days, but I'm almost done." Xyn said, sounding like he was suffering.

Xyn never feels tired, but he was not immune to mental fatigue. He only never feels any fatigue physically, but his mental state was not included in the fatigue immunity. He was working really hard on the Magic Crystals and sometimes he doesn't sleep for days, he wanted to finish it fast and as soon as he could, but he was now so tired that he wanted to sleep and slack off for a long time.

I shouldn't overdo it, I should sleep and wake up early in the morning.

It was night time and it was a perfect time to sleep, so he slowly closed his eyes. Of course he was not sleepy at all, he just want to rest and feel relaxed.

That's right I should sleep and wake up early in the morning… 'If' I can wake up early.

Then after a few minutes he fell asleep and slept soundly and loudly.


Birds are tweeting, everything seems bright. The light came through his closed eyes and he noticed it.

Xyn slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

Why is the outside so bright? Wait a minute.

Xyn stood up from the bed and walked hastily to the outside of his cabin. He looked to the top and the leaves of the trees are blocking the sky so he walked to the river and there the sky is clear.

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"It's noon!?"

The sun was at its peak and seeing this, Xyn dangled his hands.

"Then there's nothing I can do."

Xyn bend his knees then he drank from the river to freshen his feeling and splashed water on his face. Xyn stood up and walked to the wooden bench he made that's by the river and sat on it, of course it was made by using magic. He made the bench so he can work while in a fresh atmosphere.

"Alright! Time to get back to work."

Xyn pulled up a big chunk of blue crystal, and started to cast magic on it. What seems like a square monitor appeared by the side of the crystal and Xyn was touching it. He seems like he was typing, like he was using a computer.

The monitor that appeared came from one of the Technological Spells. The monitor works like a computer where one can type, drag, design and so on. Xyn was using this spell to design something and imbue it to the crystal to save progress or if he's finish. This is the part where Xyn would need a lot of time and where he will get mentally tired, because he would need to think a lot every time. In addition, Xyn is also filling every crystal with a heavy load of magical energy.

Four hours has past and Xyn said something in relief.

"Almost finish. Two final reviews left and I'm finally done!"

Xyn was scrolling down the monitor to check if there were any mistakes and checked the appearance designs to make sure and think what more to add.

"No, this isn't right…"

"This should do…"

"I should add one more…"

Hours have past and it was already night time. Xyn quickly stood up and raised both of his arms and shouted in happiness and excitement.

"Finally!! I'm done! Yes! Hahahaha!"

Xyn was jumping in the success of his long time heavy project.

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"Now time to make a big house. They need to have a house before they are born."

Xyn turned back to the cabin and moved his right hand to his left shoulder. Dark particles appeared on his right hand, getting bigger and thicker every second until it covered his entire hand. Then Xyn moved his right arm to the right in a swiping motion.

A curved wave of destroying darkness came from Xyn's hand moving towards the cabin and the trees. The darkness vaporized everything in its path and all that's left is the soil. No trees, bushes, plants, and a cabin can be seen, those were completely destroyed by Xyn's power, and the area became a wide flatland with no vegetation.

"Hehe, easy."

Xyn moved forward and spread both his arms.

"[Ultimate Creation!]"

Xyn cast the spell and something appeared and moved. Matter appeared in front of him from a distance and slowly taking shape. At first little materials came out of nowhere then moving to form something and the materials were going up then stopped, and the materials became one then became solid. What seems like multiple columns began to solidify and after that, walls, a door with steps and windows became to form. The height of the walls and pillars reached the height of a three floor building – well the structure is a three floor building. The building is a very wide and tall, the walls have the color of dark red. After the structure was made, the area around it also began to change, a big fountain appeared a few distance from the middle front of the building and water began coming out, paved pathways appeared that went around the sides of the fountain leading to the front door then to the sides and went around the entire structure, grasses began to form on the grounds around the structure and hedges appeared around the area, lamp poles began to appear and lighted the pathways, and tall walls began to form enveloping the entire area, and a giant gate in the middle where the front of the structure is visible, and the paved pathway reached the gate.

"Incredible! Just as what I imagined!"

Xyn said in an impressed and excited tone.

Xyn walked to the gate as though he was taking a stroll. When he got near the gate, it opened by itself, of course this is because of magic. Xyn smiled while walking towards the fountain, he turned to the left pathway on the fountain and he slid his right hand on the barrier of the fountain while walking until the barrier was out of his reach, and then he continued walking forward. When he was near the front door of the structure he stopped.

"This mansion will be my new home… our home." Xyn said while spreading his arms.

Xyn then walked forward and pulled a Magic Crystal from his pocket dimension, magical glows can be seen inside the crystal. Xyn put the crystal on the ground and he pulled another and put it a two meters away from the other and then put another crystal. There were a total of six Magic Crystals on the ground two meters away from each other.

Xyn returned to where he was standing. The six crystals were in front of him lined from left to right.

"Finally, time to begin."

Xyn was nervous and at the same time excited. He worked hard just to do this, so this must work – no, Xyn is sure this will work.

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Blue light glowed on both of Xyn's hands and slowly getting brighter. Xyn moved back his hands a little and both his eyes also began to glow brightly. Then Xyn suddenly extended his hands releasing a load of magical energy.

Thick blue glowing lights flowing like rivers flowed from Xyn's hands to the six crystals on the ground. Xyn was continually increasing the amount of magic being released from him to the crystals.

More… more power!

Xyn greatly increased the output and the river of light began to glow brighter than before. Strong force then started coming out from him, the river of light and the crystals, then the blue crystals started to glow and slowly getting brighter and brighter. Xyn gritted his teeth while pushing more of the power.


A burst of energy then came out from his hands to the crystals and then –

Kkrrrrkk… Chsssssh

The crystals broke apart and burst of light and force came out of the crystals. Xyn covered his eyes with his hand to block the light, and of course he was not pushed by the force. Smoke surrounded him and he peered through the surroundings.

Did it work?

He then saw a silhouette in front of him, and Xyn's eyes widened. Then other silhouettes began to show while the smoke was slowly fading away. Xyn's heart pounded heavily as he saw six figures in the fading smoke. When the smoke completely disappeared, he finally can see clearly now. He saw the six were looking at themselves and then to each other, Xyn's eyes widened and immediately went back to normal as one of the six looked at him, he shrugged a little and was trying to keep a straight face. Then the first that looked at him stepped forward.

Hmmmm? Xyn wondered. Then the person that stepped forward said.

"Criswell, the Holy Maiden of Providence, bow to the almighty creator."

The female with golden hair reaching her waist and golden eyes, wearing a white and gold dress, genuflected and bowed before Nightfall.

Another figure stepped forward.

"Adrasteia, the Immortal General of the Legion, bow to the almighty creator."

The female with long black hair and blue eyes, wearing a black and gold military hat, and a black and gold double-breasted military coat genuflected and bowed before Nightfall.

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Another figure stepped forward.

"Brutus, the Warlock of Pandemonium, bow to the almighty creator."

The man with grey skin and red eyes, wearing a black robe with the hood put on, genuflected and bowed before Nightfall.

Another figure stepped forward.

"Sagremor, the Sword Master of a Thousand Blades, bow to the almighty creator."

The man with black hair and black eyes, wearing a black armor, genuflected and bowed before Nightfall.

Another figure stepped forward.

"Agiel, the Demon of Purgatorial Flames, bow to the almighty creator."

The man with dark skin, black hair, red eyes and pointy ears, wearing formal clothes with a black suit, red long sleeves, a black tie, black slacks, black formal shoes, and wearing black gloves on both hands, genuflected and bowed before Nightfall.

Another figure stepped forward.

"Xelya, the Enchanting Agent of Destruction, bow to the almighty creator."

A young girl with brown skin, brown eyes, brown hair that reached her back and long pointy ears, wearing a white and black dress with a matching short skirt almost reaching her knees, and dark brown boots with black and white socks, genuflected and bowed before Nightfall.

Then the six said in unison.

"We Guardians, give our complete and absolute loyalty to the supreme one, Lord Xyn Draven Nightfall!"

As Xyn heard their words, he smiled broadly, and his eyes began to glow and blaze wildly.

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