In the next good period of time.

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Kaneki Ken has been frequently wandering between ‘going home’ and ‘going out’.

And even if he went home, he soon went out again.

It can be said that most of the time, he would stay outside.

There are two main purposes for this.

1) He doesn’t know if the ghoul targets certain humans or where the ghoul is precisely. The only thing he can do is at a fixed time, when these target characters are about to pass by his aunt’s house, he just happens to show them a scene of himself taking out a key under the carpet to open the door.

2) He already has an extra key for his aunt’s house. Every time he went out, he put the key under the carpet. Staying outside for a long time is just to wait for a hands-on opportunity.

If he goes home, he will take back the key, so that the ghouls will not even deal with him when he is at home.

Days like this lasted for quite a while.

The aunt didn’t wait to see him, regardless of whether he went home or went out often.

So there is no doubt.

But the problem is, it’s been so long, why haven’t the ghouls started? Is his guess wrong? Among these people, there are no ghouls at all?

At this time Kaneki Ken, he was sitting in the park. The semi-circular, hollow, with four exits for children to get in and out of the children’s facilities, holding his chin, thinking about his speculation, was it wrong?

It was not easy to make a firm resolution, and passed the threshold in my heart.

But there was no result. Although there was nothing on the surface, he was still very anxious.

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Li Yaoxiang: “What’s wrong? Disappointed? Why didn’t the ghoul do it?”

Kaneki Ken startled, and then calmed down again: “I don’t know what you are talking about …”

Kaneki Ken is like that.

He’s a guy who is good at deceiving himself.

Deceive yourself, even to the extent that you even believe yourself to be true.

Li Yaoxiang understands his character and hasn’t been entangled in this question: “Relax, haven’t you checked the information of the ghoul before? The ghoul doesn’t need to eat that often. One meal can keep them alive for a long time. It was not long before the last case. Maybe it’s not time for them to eat? Hang on. If you persevere, you will definitely get results. Maybe your every move in this period of time is already in their eyes. Maybe your aunt’s family already is their next goal.”

Li Yaoxiang said this, in fact, it was not aimless.

As early as Kaneki Ken was investigating this matter, as a ghoul investigator, he also took the initiative to apply to be responsible for the case. As a result of the investigation, the ghoul that committed the crime was indeed one of the targets of Kaneki Ken’s attention.

The reason why the ghoul hasn’t acted until now, in addition to the time they haven’t eaten, there is another reason to worry about the problem of the ghoul investigator.

Li Yaoxiang was waiting for the wind to calm down, and then acted again.

In CCG, the notoriously lazy Li Yaoxiang asked for the initiative, of course, not just for the sake of ‘commitment’. There are 2 main reasons:

1) He was just worried that if the case was picked up by other investigators, the culprit might be caught in advance.

Wouldn’t it flatten the newly sprouting darkening seed?

2) Afterwards, he had to put the finishing touches on Kaneki Ken.

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Otherwise, these small actions of Kaneki Ken may be seen by other ghoul investigators.

So he asked his boss for the first time, swearing that he would solve the case, and refused to send someone to accompany him.

This case occurred in the settlement.

It made the residents panicked. The outside world is very important.

Originally, the boss was not optimistic about Li Yaoxiang and wanted to refuse. But Li Yaoxiang stated a fact at this time: “I’m lazy, but that doesn’t mean I’m weak. Have you ever seen me fail or get injured in my mission over the years?”

This sentence was awkward for the boss.

Coupled with other people on hand, there are also a lot of tasks to deal with.

The boss had no choice but to agree.

In the end, it leads to the present result.

Li Yaoxiang was responsible for the case in its entirety, and tried to delay it as long as possible. Of course, during this period, families who had the opportunity to become this kind of target were all strangled in the cradle by Li Yaoxiang in advance.

Send someone to visit these families and tell them not to leave the key outside the door, otherwise they will be arrested for ‘assistance in committing crimes’.

Those families who didn’t take it seriously had to put away their contempt to avoid getting into lawsuits.

In the end, it led to only the aunt’s house.

Everything is ready.

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I just owe the ghouls to let go of their guard and start.

After listening to Li Yaoxiang’s analysis and comforting words, Kaneki Ken, who was about to give up, regained his energy. The words “I don’t know what you are talking about” are still on the lips, but the actions are very sincere.

In the next period of time.

Kaneki Ken is still doing the same thing constantly.

After going out, he would stroll away for a long time.


I don’t know how long it lasts.

Until one day.

When he was sitting in the children’s facility in the park, reading with great interest, a chubby aunt, panting suddenly, ran towards Kaneki Ken: “Ken, you’re here! Come back with me! Your family has an accident!”

The fat aunt is the neighbor of his aunt’s house.

Kaneki Ken at this age has no cell phone.

So when the police asked. The fat aunt could only contact Kaneki Ken in this way.

Kaneki Ken startled after hearing the news.

The book rolled to the ground with a few thuds.

In the end, he even forgot to pick up, and ran back with the fat aunt.

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After returning home.

At this time, the outside of my aunt’s house was already full of spectating people.

Even the police … the fat aunt pulled a few warning tapes that blocked the scene.

Fat aunt took Kaneki Ken’s little hand and shouted ‘step aside! Step aside! Give me space!’, And finally squeezed in. Then she said to one of the police officers: “Officer… Officer! Officer… Officer! Here, here. I brought Ken back. He is the only survivor of the Asaoka family!”

The Asaoka family is the surname of her aunt’s husband.

Fat aunt made this remark.

The crowd around looked towards Kaneki Ken here.

Lots of gossip.

Either pity or ridicule.

If you don’t know Kaneki Ken, you will pity the child Kaneki Ken and his dead family.

Those who knew Kaneki Ken mocked Kaneki Ken. Not only did he kill his parents, but even his aunt’s family also died.

Kaneki Ken’s performance seemed to be full of uneasiness.

The police officer who saw this was very dissatisfied. Immediately, he instructed several subordinates to drive away those mocking people, and then walked up to Kaneki Ken: “You are Kaneki Ken? Do you know what happened here?”

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