“Become stronger? No no no, that’s too far away from you. Compared to become stronger, you still have to solve your current hunger problem first. Didn’t you realize? Just now, the desire to be swallowed by RC cells has seriously affected your mood, which is why you lose control so easily. If you don’t eat, maybe you will mess up on the street.”

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Kaneki Ken pupils shrank.

He glanced at the messy kitchen.

Recalling the state just now, it is exactly as Li Yaoxiang said.

From birth to the present, even if I have experienced the death of my parents, even if I have experienced the incident of the “aunt’s house”, I have never had this level of runaway.

It felt like some invisible power magnified his desire to infinity.

Drive him without freedom to act independently.

This is not the most terrifying yet. The most terrifying thing is that the feeling of hunger, apparently still within its own tolerance range, has not reached the limit level, this situation has already appeared.

He couldn’t imagine what a terrifying monster would he become if he didn’t eat for a long time.

Kaneki Ken: “Then what should I do now? Where can I find a ghoul? Where can I find a son?”

Li Yaoxiang: “After you become a ghoul, you will naturally be more sensitive to the induction of RC cells. The RC cells of the ghouls are often many times more than the ordinary person, and you can naturally tell.”

Kaneki Ken: “Don’t say I became a ghoul! I did not become a ghoul!”

Li Yaoxiang doesn’t care: “OK, OK, just be happy. Just you. Just before you go out, I suggest that you master your Kagune first, so as not to encounter any other kind. Even if you sneak attack, you won’t be able to beat him.”

After hearing it.

Kaneki Ken did not respond.

Start trying to pull that power inside himself.

Before the surgery, as a human, he only felt that everything in his body was so normal.

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But after the operation, he always felt that there seemed to be a kind of power in his waist, as if he could summon this power at any time as long as he wanted to.

He tried doing something around his waist, but nothing changed.

Li Yaoxiang: “Kakugan … Before you can use Kagune, you must first open kakugan.”

TL note: A kakugan (red eye) denotes a ghoul‘s eye where the iris turns red, and the sclera black with red veins across the eye and into the skin around the eye. The ghoul can enter this state by their own will, but this state is also entered when the ghoul becomes excited, gets extremely hungry, or when they use their kagune. A kakugan is an influence of activated Rc cells.

Kaneki Ken didn’t understand why Li Yaoxiang knew so much.

But he was too lazy to manage, too lazy to ask.

Anyway, from now on, he simply depends on Li Yaoxiang.

With Li Yaoxiang’s reminder, Kaneki Ken tried to open the eyes.

No teaching is required.

He focused his spirit and strength on his eyes. Immediately afterwards, his left eye began to change at a rate visible to naked eyes. White’s eyeballs turned pale black from inside to outside.

Pupils, also from inside to outside, become scarlet.

‘Kakugan open!’

After Kakugan opened, Kaneki Ken only felt that the whole person became a lot more excited.

There seems to be an omnipotent illusion.

Sudden animal power at the waist!

Kagune, who belongs to Kaneki Ken, did not disappoint him this time.

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Three scarlet scales suddenly protruded from the waist.

Penetrating his clothes, like spider legs protruding from his waist, appeared in front of Kaneki Ken.

Kaneki Ken: “This is my Kagune?”

TL note: A rinkaku kagune (rinkaku, “scale-red”) has an appearance similar to scaled tentacles and is released at the back around the waist. A rinkaku wielder has powerful regenerative abilities and some could even survive the most critical of damage. Its peculiar appearance and structure yields superior striking power and they excel in brute strength. Some rinkaku users are able to manipulate the shape of their kagune, such as changing its usual tentacle form into swords or claws.

Li Yaoxiang: “You don’t have enough RC cells, so you can only show three at the moment. If you absorb enough RC cells, you can summon four of them as powerful as miss Rize’s, and even surpass her.”

Kagune’s form is changed according to the imagination of the host.

Kagune’s control method is also based on the imagination of the host to move.

That is to say, during the battle, your reaction must keep up with your eyesight and thought, otherwise, it will be a mess when you attack.

Kaneki Ken was most impressed by Kagune, who was Rize Kamishiro’s.

Therefore, Kagune he summoned came naturally to change in that respect.

When Kagune first appeared, Kaneki Ken was really not used to it.

Over time.

As Kaneki Ken continued to practice and try, and this was not fighting, it was just to move Kagune skillfully. It can be said that it is very easy for every ghoul, including ghoul children, to move Kagune by thinking.

So even a novice such as Kaneki Ken, he soon became familiar with the tricks of moving Kagune.

No longer as messy as it was at the beginning.


Various coordination and actions are carried out in an orderly manner.

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But in terms of strength, it is not so easy to master.

He practiced for nearly two hours, and only then did he successfully use the three scales to pick up the glass shards on the ground. Before this, it was either too much force, or too light and the clamping was unstable.

Kaneki Ken: “Well? This should be okay, right?”

A strong sense of hunger made Kaneki Ken anxious.

Li Yaoxiang: “It’s barely passing. But before you go out, I still have to remind you again. If you can sneak attack, then sneak attack. Don’t get too cocky. In terms of manipulating Kagune, compared to other ghouls, you are just a novice, not even a child. Don’t let the RC cells control your emotions.”

Kaneki Ken: “Relax, my condition is very good now. I’ve been hungry for so long, and I can’t wait to taste these damn ghouls.”

After a while.

Kaneki Ken changed his neat clothes and went out to wander.

He looks exactly similar to him before surgery.

His eyes are still so sharp and confident.

Of course, in the past, he unknowingly exuded this kind of temperament. Now he is pretending to be calm. Because every passerby walking on the street now is incomparable temptation.

He could smell a strong scent from everyone.

If it weren’t for his impulse to suppress his heart, he might have done something unimaginable long ago.

Kaneki Ken: “Hurry up! How can I find the ghouls?”

Li Yaoxiang: “Just rely on the fragrance to find what you need. The place with the strongest fragrance must be haunted by ghouls.”

The next Kaneki Ken inhaled forcefully every three to five steps.

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Try to find the target based on the strong aroma coming from the nasal cavity.

Kaneki Ken didn’t understand where he was going.

He didn’t realize that there were fewer and fewer people nearby.

Until the end, he came to an alley.

The aroma coming from this alley is the strongest.

He walked in without the slightest hesitation.

Just as expected!

When he passed a corner, what caught his eye was a ghoul that was eating! The arrival of Kaneki Ken made this ghoul was also taken aback.

This kind of life is like a mouse crossing the street in the human world.

You must be cautious when doing anything.

So when the ghoul was eating, suddenly such a person broke into his field, and it must be false to say that he is not nervous.

It’s just that when he saw Kaneki Ken’s left eye, the tense emotions suddenly subsided a lot.

He relaxed: “Are you hungry too? I’ll share you some.”

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