Date A Live Encore

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Shidou Hunters

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Leaning his back against the wall in the dark alleyway, Itsuka Shidou was currently panting with slight pain.

The shopping bags that he had held with both hands, were now shifted into his arms with the least noise made, he peeked out to survey the situation at the road with a panicked expression.

Obviously, Shidou was not doing this because he wanted to be a ninja, he wasn’t hiding here because he liked to hide at a corner of the street. Shidou had his reasons for doing so.

Frowning as he listened closely with his ears, he could hear yells from the street similar to that of primal roars.

“——Where is he! Where did he go!?”

“Over there! Don’t let him escape!”



At the same time, the pattering sound of footsteps were closing in on Shidou.

That’s right. Shidou was currently being hunted by several people.

“ the world is going on......!”

Shidou let out a wailing sound as he hugged the shopping bags tight, all the while holding on to the fact that he must evacuate as soon as possible.

However, at that instant, a girl showed herself in front of Shidou.

With a head of hair as dark as night as well as crystal-clear eyes, she was an extremely cute girl. However those beautiful eyes of her were currently glowing with predation.

“! I found you, shidou!”

The girl——Yatogami Tohka yelled out aloud, dashing towards him.


Shidou couldn’t help but hold his breath, hastily changing direction for the road.

“Hold on! Why are you running away!”

“That’s because you people wouldn’t stop chasing me! What are you guys planning to do!”

“That’s because——Haa!”

Just when Shidou had ran out from the alleyway to the street, Tohka kicked hard on the ground, pouncing up high.

“Wa, aah!?”

If the manager of the track club were to be on scene, she would undoubtedly be scouted to join the long jump team. Shidou was held down by Tohka, falling right onto the centre of the road.

“This is great, I’ve finally caught you, shidou!”

Saying that she flipped Shidou’s body over, changing into a mounting position as she stared directly into Shidou’s eyes.

Following that——she opened her mouth while seemingly excited.

“Come, let’s——kiss!”

It was the evening of a random weekend. Right in the centre of a shopping district that was crowded with people.

Tohka said that line.


Shidou couldn’t help but widen his eyes, replying.


“That’s right! A kiss!”

Although Tohka’s cheeks were slowly turning red, however she still replied in a loud voice, reaffirming those words by nodding her head.

Looking at this scene, the crowd that gathered started to become rowdy. Well, this was to be expected. After enacting a battle scene on the street, then shouting something about wanting a kiss. It would be weird if they did not attract any attention.

Shidou embarrassedly looked around him, after that he spread out his arms, attempting to calm Tohka down.

“T-Tohka......First of all, can you please calm down, please?”

“I can’t! There’s not much time left for useless chatter! Come, let’s kiss!”

Tohka tightly held down Shidou’s wrist, moving her face closer as though covering his.

“H-hold on......”

Why in the world is that happening......Shidou recalled today’s flow of events as he felt Tohka’s breathing on his skin.

——Roughly an hour ago before all of this started.

Shidou was going to the shopping district in order to buy ingredients for dinner.

He did not have any people accompanying him today, it was only Shidou. Usually his little sister Kotori as well as Tohka who lived next door would come along, but they stayed at home today, because they wished to watch some program on the television.

“Well then......what shall I make tonight?”

He mumbled as he looked at the two sides of the street for ingredients.

It could be because it was the weekends, there were a large amount of people out on the streets. Housewives that came to buy ingredients for dinner like Shidou, the elderly who came out for a walk, as well as people who came here just to look around.

Just as Shidou was comparing roast pork with ginger with steamed fish on the scales in his head, he heard something from the right.

[——Next up are people with the initials S•I. You will know today who the destined one in your life is. Whether it will be a whole new encounter......or whether it is someone who already exists by your side......the key to knowing all of that is——]

It seems that it was coming from one of the televisions from the television store. A female was using a hood to cover her eyes as she used her hands to hold the crystal ball. It seems that it was related to fortune-telling.

Speaking of which, Kotori would always read up on her blood type horoscope, her star sign horoscope and more before going to school each morning, a true horoscope maniac. Just maybe the channel that Kotori wanted to watch was this one.

At this moment, Shidou suddenly remembered something.

“......Now that I think of it the remote seemed to be out of electricity.”

Saying that, Shidou stepped into the store. Although it was different from the large retail store which sells all kinds of appliances, that specializes in fixing the household appliances, it should have batteries for sale.


It was just as he had thought, there was a counter that had all sorts of batteries at the wall. Taking out a pack that had four AA batteries, he went to foot the bill.

“That’s right, speaking of which......”

Shidou mumbled to himself after walking out of the store. The reason for that was due to him recalling what he had heard on the fortune telling channel just now.

People with initials S•I......the fortune teller had indeed said that.

Shidou’s last name was Itsuka. That means he had the initials S•I.

“Really now, if I’d known earlier I would have listened more closely.”

Smiling to himself, he shrugged his shoulders.

Even though he said that, Shidou was not that into horoscopes like Kotori, nor did he believe in this sort of activities. Thus it did not affect him that much, he continued to move through the shopping district.

After walking around the street for approximately fifty minutes or so. Shidou had finished purchasing the ingredients for tonight’s dinner.

The time was going to be five in the evening soon.

He had taken up more time than he had expected. He would be delayed if he did not hurry up and go home to prepare dinner.

What’s left is the stationary that was used up. He better head straight home once they were bought, with that Shidou increased his pace.

——At that moment.


Shidou suddenly stopped. A familiar girl was standing in front of him.

A girl with an elegant and thin figure, shoulder-length hair as well as a doll-like face. Looking like a doll, it has the dual meaning of referring to her perfect and elegant looks, at the same time it could be used to describe her lack of expression.

That’s right. Standing right there was Tobiichi Origami—— Shidou’s classmate.

“Eh, Origami? What a coincidence. Are you here to buy something too?”

“That is correct.”

“Is that so. I’m going over there to get stationary, see you next time.”

Shidou waved his hand as he continued moving forward.

After that, someone suddenly grabbed his wrist from behind, Shidou involuntarily stopped.

“That hurts, i-is something wrong?”

At Shidou’s question, Origami grabbed Shidou’s wrist with a strength that one could simply not believe that it came from such thin arms, softly speaking.

“Come over here for a second.”


Shidou couldn’t help but widen his eyes at the sudden development of events, however Origami did not have any intention of replying. She continued to grab hold of Shidou’s hand, going against the human traffic flow.

“Wah, h-hold on will you? If I don’t get home soon......”

“It’ll be over soon.”

Origami did not care as she pulled Shidou into a deserted alley, pressing Shidou against the wall, placing both her hands next to his head just like she was blocking off Shidou’s escape just feels that the gender roles have been swapped around.

However Shidou currently did not have the leisure of being able to point out that fact. Origami closed her eyes, slowly bringing her face closer.

“O- Origami......!?”

“All you have to do is just don’t move from there. It’ll be over soon if you are obedient.”


Cold sweat kept forming on his face; he let out a high-pitched voice. But Origami did not have the intention of stopping. Slowly, but surely she brought her face closer till the point where even her breath could be felt on his——

“Ah—! Wh-what are you doing here!”

At that moment, he heard a familiar voice, from the direction of the street.


Shidou opened his eyes in shock. In the next instant, an arm barged in between Shidou and Origami, separating them instantly.

“Are you alright, shidou!”


That’s right. The one who appeared was Tohka who was supposed to be staying at home.

“Tobiichi Origami, you! There was the long-awaited school holiday and I can’t believe my luck in finding you doing such things in a place like this! I can’t really relax when you are involved!”

“That’s my line. A stinkbug that gets in my way no matter where I go. Even termites are cuter than you are.”

“W-what did you say!”

Tohka became enraged, these two people really are incompatible.

However that can’t be helped. After all a few months back, these two were still at each other’s throats, aiming to take each other’s life.

In truth Tohka was not human.

A special disaster designated lifeform that humans treat as the calamities brought about by the world. An existence collectively known as Spirits.

Currently they have only sealed her power via a certain method, allowing her to become similar to that of a regular human......However her relationship with the member of the organization that aims to eradicate all Spirits——Anti Spirit Team’s Origami, has always been bad.

Despite saying that he can’t just let the two of them continue squabbling. Shidou raised his volume as though trying to get Tohka’s attention.

“Tohka. Why are you here?”

“! Oooh, I remember now. I don’t have time to waste on Tobiichi Origami right now.”

Tohka nodded her head hard, after that revealing a sharp glare, suddenly bounding over towards Shidou.


Shidou evaded with centimetres to spare. Tohka crashed directly into the wall where Shidou was at moments before due to inertia.

“Guwah! Uu, uuuh......shidou why did you dodge?”

“That’s my line! Why did you suddenly......”

At that moment, Shidou held in his breath. Origami who had just been forcibly pulled away by Tohka threw a razor-sharp glare at Shidou. Almost at the same time, Tohka who had readjusted her bodily posture once again turned to look at Shidou.

“This......this is......”

Tohka and Origami. Under the stares of these two girls, Shidou couldn’t help but take a step back.

What exactly happened to these two? Although it was true that both of them normally had already done many activities that were incomprehensible, but the two of them are definitely in an abnormal state of mind right now.


At this moment, he heard a familiar voice call out to him from behind.

Turning to look in the direction of the voice he saw two petite girls standing there. They were a strong-looking girl with her long hair tied up with two black ribbons and a timid looking girl who was wearing a large hat as well as a rabbit puppet in her left hand.

That’s right. They were Kotori and Yoshino who was supposed to be staying in the Itsuka residence while they wait for Shidou to return.

“Kotori, Yoshino!”

Wary of Tohka and Origami, Shidou retreated one inch at a time as he asked the two behind him.

“Hey, hey, what’s the matter with them? It feels like something’s wrong here...”

In mid-speech, Shidou stopped moving.

The reason for that was simple. Kotori as well as the obedient Yoshino behind him were gazing at Shidou.

“......Yoshino. Let’s form a temporary alliance.”

“Eh......? Ah, o-okay......!”

“Move to his front. You have to capture Shidou before Tobiichi Origami makes her move!”



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Shidou couldn’t help but widen his eyes. But that was to be expected. Since Kotori and Yoshino too were slowly edging closer like beasts.

“H-hold on! What is going on here!”

“You don’t need to know. You just have to let us catch you that’s all.”

“You have to give me a reason at least——”


Kotori completely ignored Shidou’s words as she lunged directly for him with a bear hug. Shidou barely evaded her assault with a hair’s breadth.

Normally speaking, they can’t do anything to Shidou with their body size. However for some reason he could instinctively detect a sense of terror, hence Shidou ran into a small gap between two buildings.

“Ah, shidou!”

“Tch......We’re going after him, Tohka, Yoshino!”

After Shidou’s successful escape, such cries could be heard from behind him.




——And so, the series of events led right up till here.

Even though he recalled the whole incident, he still could not comprehend the reason for their pursuit. Shidou on the other hand was being pressed down onto the ground by Tohka, he turned his confused thoughts into that of a groan.

“Wait, wait a second! Why do you suddenly want to kiss......!”

“Hm? That’s because ——”


Just as Tohka was about to reply, Kotori ran up from behind screaming. At the same time, Origami sneaked up from nowhere and dragged Tohka off Shidou’s body by the face, Yoshino on the other hand pulled Shidou’s hand and helped him to his feet.

It was done so perfectly as though they had practiced it before arriving.

“Puhaaa, w-what are you trying to do!”

After Tohka shook Origami’s hand off, she used a sharp glare to express her hostility as she locked eyes with her. At this moment, Kotori suddenly interrupted her, whispering to Tohka.

“Hm......? Was that a secret? Why?”

“Why you say......That’s because, that is, if Shidou were to know about it then it would lose it’s effectiveness.”

“I-is that so! That would be horrible.”

Even though it was supposed to be whispering, their voices are loud. After the conversation was over, Tohka turned to face Shidou again.

“Due to some reasons I can’t tell you. But......I hope that we can kiss.”

“Um, having some reason that you can’t tell me, that’s a little unreasonable.”

“We can’t? shidou ......”


Tohka showed an expression of almost being in tears.Shidou was at a loss as to what to do, sweat formed on his face.

“That’s......I, didn’t say, that we can’ it......”

“! Really! You’re really willing to kiss me!?”


Shidou looked around him while having a troubled expression on his face.

Shouting about wanting a kiss or the like in the middle of the street was bound to attract the attention of everyone passing by. Children kept pointing their fingers over in confusion, mothers on the other hand focused on stopping them from doing so. Furthermore, there are a lot of people that he knows in this street. If things were to continue to escalate any further, he would no longer have any face left to come back here, thus he has to avoid that at all costs.

He stll can’t forget that, three major problems still lay in wait.

Kotori who was folding her arms with an expression of boredom, but kept throwing uneasy glances in his direction, Yoshino who kept gazing at him all the while being in a panicked state being unable to calm down——As well as, Origami who was giving off an enormous pressure that seems like she would rip out Tohka’s throat with her teeth immediately if she were to carry out the act on the spot.

Under the different stares of the three, Shidou involuntarily gulped.

“W-why don’t we do it like this? If you will be a good girl for a day, then as a reward......”


At Shidou’s suggestion, Tohka widened her eyes in excitement.

“Gah......If I become a good girl for today, you will kiss me?”

“Y-yeah. What do you think......?”

“Mm, I understand! I will be a good girl!”

Tohka nodded her head as she exuberantly revealed a bright smile. Shidou could finally reveal a sigh of relief.

Although he still did not solve anything, but at least he had averted the worst case scenario for now. Leaving Kotori and Yoshino aside first, if he were to kiss Tohka in front of Origami, he dared not imagine what would happen next.

In order to investigate Origami’s state, he moved his line of slightly.......inadvertently meeting her eyes.

“A method that one uses to coax young children——it goes to show that she’s not taking this seriously.”

Contrary to what she said, Origami seemed to be using a warning tone to Shidou. On the other hand, Shidou was showing a weak smile with cold sweat pouring down his back. is true that he currently cannot let himself relax. Since he was still unclear as to why they are hunting him down.

“......Speaking of which, you girls......Why are you people chasing me?”

At Shidou’s words, Kotori’s eyebrow twitched.

“R-really now,......we just wanted to see if we could help you carry the ingredients after we were done watching television. See, you bought quite a lot. Isn’t that right, Yoshino?”


Yoshino’s eyes widened due to Kotori suddenly shifting the target of the conversation to her.

“......Isn’t that right?”

“U-um......y-yeah......that’s how it is.”


Even though it was highly suspicious, but since Yoshino had already said so then it must be the truth. Although Shidou still had his suspicions, but he decided to leave them for now.

“W-well then......let’s go and buy the remaining items then.”

“Right——then, Tohka and Yoshino let’s get moving.”

Listening to Kotori, the two girls followed behind Shidou. For some reason, Origami tagged along as well.


“——I’m going too. I’m going to buy similar stuff.”

“D-don’t joke around!”

Hearing Origami’s answer, Tohka cried out loud. Clenching both fists, she stared daggers at Origami.

“Why are you following us! Can’t you go off alone!”

“If I should say, your existence is the one that is inexplainable. Why do you have to go along with Shidou. If you have nothing to do then you should hurry up and go home. Pussy, Go Home.”

“What did you say!”

Tohka hatefully stomped the ground. At this point, Kotori turned to look at Origami.

“......Tobiichi Origami. Don’t tell me, you watched that channel too......”


Origami turned her eyes away without affirming or denying Kotori’s words.

Although it was unclear how Kotori interpreted her reaction, she pointed the Chupa Chups in her mouth skyward while snorting.

Rather Tohka was still in a fit of rage, her breathing was accelerating as well. Shidou hastily stepped in-between them.

“Well, don’t be angry. We could all go together? Right?”



Although Tohka did seem unhappy, but she seemed to have accepted it as she sighed, Origami on the other hand remained silent as she turned to look away. Looks like the two finally decided to listen to Shidou.

“......That’s how it is going to be, are the two of you alright with this?”

Saying that he turned to look at Kotori and Yoshino. Kotori frowned unhappily, Yoshino on the other hand pressed down the hat’s brim as though trying to avoid Origami’s eyes.......Truthfully speaking, these two really are unwilling to be with Origami.

But that was something that can’t be helped. After all Kotori, Yoshino and Tohka once possessed the power of the spirits, having battled with Origami before.

But the two of them were not kids that would openly express their displeasure. Kotori showed an expression that it couldn’t be helped, Yoshino however hesitated before nodding.

“Hmph......Well, it doesn’t matter. It would bother me more if I couldn’t keep track of her.”


“Yeah, thank you.”

After Shidou heaved a sigh of relief, all of them made their way to the shopping district together.




......However, the underlying problem was not solved at all.

If one were to look at the time, it would seem that not even 10 minutes had passed. Yet Shidou felt fatigued as though he had been wandering about in the scorching desert for several hours.

The reason for that was extremely simple.


Forward, behind, left, right.

Kotori, Origami, Tohka as well as Yoshino were standing around Shidou, giving off an abnormal pressure.

More accurately, Tohka was only focused on being wary of Origami as usual, but the other three were definitely different from normal. For some reason they kept anxiously peeking at Shidou’s direction. It was as though they were ferocious beasts that were waiting for their prey to reveal a moment’s weakness.

“J-just what is going on with you all……”

Just as Shidou was proceeding forward whilst being enveloped with a massive sense of panic, he heard a muffled conversation on his right side.

[......Like I said, it’s a no go if you are not proactive—You have to be like this......]

“Eh......B-but......I can’t reach......”

It seems like Yoshino was currently talking to her rabbit puppet [Yoshinon]. Although he couldn’t catch what they were talking about, he knows for sure that [Yoshinon] was currently encouraging Yoshino to do something.

[It’s al——right it’s al——right, there’s no problem at all.]

“I-is that so......”

After that the duo continued to chat for a while longer, before Yoshino, with some hesitation, seemed to have made some resolution before nodding lightly her head——


She gave a sharp cry before falling to the ground.

“Yoshino? Are you alright?”

Shidou looked at Yoshino, squatting down and extending his hand towards her.

“Give me your hand. You need to be more careful alright?”

“Ah......Y-yes......thank you very much......”

Saying that, Yoshino took hold of Shidou’s hand.

At that instant, [Yoshinon] who was on Yoshino’s left hand said in a low voice.

[......Yoshino! Do it now!]

“......! U-um......Nn......”

Yoshino nodded her head after being encouraged by [Yoshinon], getting back on her feet all the while maintaining a firm grip on Shidou’s hand.

Just like that she neared Shidou’s face who was still maintaining a crouching position——


What Yoshino’s lips had made contact with

—— was Origami’s fingernails who had just gotten between the two of them.


Yoshino widened her eyes due to extreme shock.

Following that, Origami swiftly took the hand that Yoshino had held Shidou’s with, helping Yoshino to pat the dust off her skirt.


Shidou widened his eyes in mild disbelief.

That was completely natural. Yoshino is a Spirit. Origami belongs to the AST. Although Yoshino’s spiritual wavelength could not be read, but the relationship between the two was rather hostile——To be honest, one of the reasons why Shidou let Origami follow them was that through constant interaction, hopefully their relationship would turn for the better.

——Don’t tell me that Origami is worried about Yoshino......?

Shidou observed the two from the side, Origami on the other hand spoke to Yoshino.

“It’ll be dangerous, if you are not careful.”

Emphasizing heavily as she spoke, Origami patted Yoshino’s head with her hat still on.

For some reason, although her words were so gentle, but her tone seemed intimidating as though she was issuing a stern warning. Yoshino, who was being patted on the head by Origami, on the other hand was terrified to the point of speechlessness; her body trembled as though she was a puppy drenched by the rain.


“Let’s continue walking.”

Just as sweat formed on Shidou’s face as he was at a loss as to what to do, Origami returned to Shidou’s behind, pushing him forward as though urging him to do so.

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A while later, just as Shidou was forced to continue walking forward whilst feeling a strong anxiety, someone tapped his shoulder from behind.


Who could that be. Shidou stopped and turned behind him——


Shidou cried out as he cringed.

In that instant he turned around, his vision was occupied by Origami’s countenance. It seems that she had tapped his shoulder from behind while tiptoeing.


Origami expressionlessly continued to lean closer. Due to the sudden situation, Shidou’s brain was thrown into disarray; as a result Shidou was unable to extract himself out of his predicament when he could have.

Before Origami’s lips could touch Shidou’s lips——

——his sleeve was violently pulled with a jerk, Shidou’s body was sent reeling backwards.


After his body violently rocked back and forth, he knelt on the floor on one knee. Hastily glancing at his sleeve, he saw Kotori who was in front of him firmly gripping the sleeve of his shirt.

“Ara, what sort of business do you have with my Onii-chan, Tobiichi-san?”


Kotori revealed a heroic smile. Although Origami did not have a change in her expressions......But he could somehow sense a vengeful air emanating from behind her.

“Well then, let us move on. You better buck up, Shidou.”

“I got it already......”

After Kotori helped Shidou to his feet while patting the dust away from his knees, the group continued to move forward.

A few minutes later. This time it was Kotori who started to constantly glance at Shidou.

“Kotori? Is something wrong?”

“Eh? About that......yeah, I just remembered that I had something I needed to tell you......”

“Something you needed to tell me......what is it?”

At Shidou’s sentence, Kotori looked around her once before quietly motioning for him to come closer.

“......Can you bring your ear closer?”

Kotori lowered her head slightly, her cheeks were painted with a slight shade of red.

Although he felt suspicious as it was not like Kotori to do so——Shidou quickly understood her intentions at once.

It could be something related to <Ratatoskr>. If that were to be the case, it would be rather inappropriate for her to speak aloud since Origami is present.

“Yeah, alright.”

Saying that he bent down slightly, leaning his ear towards Kotori.

Kotori’s face took on a deeper shade of red, she pressed her mouth towards Shidou’s ear.

In that instant. Shidou’s cheeks felt a soft sensation.

That’s right. That sensation, Kotori’s lips, they were——

Totally different, it had a different kind of feel to it.


Turning to the side due to suspicion. He discovered the white head of a rabbit puppet beside him. It was Yoshino who had placed her left hand in between Shidou and Kotori.

[Really now, Kotori-chan you’re too secretive, what is it? Can you tell Yoshinon too—]


Having being obstructed by [Yoshinon], Kotori grit her teeth in frustration. Yoshino, in contrast, turned her eyes to the side.

“Hey, Yoshinon. How could you interrupt Kotori while she was talking.......Well then, Kotori, what exactly did you want to tell me?”

“......It’s alright. We’ll talk about it next time.”

“Eh? Wasn’t it something urgent?”

“It’s fine, it’s nothing now. It’s not something that is urgent to that extent......”

“I-is that so......?”

Kotori turned her face aside, folding her arms, at the same time he could hear the sounds of her Chupa Chups being crunched.

Conversely, [Yoshinon] returned to Yoshino, making a V handsign. In response, Yoshino’s shoulders trembled with panic.

......What is going on here, although he did not know the exact reason for it, but he could feel that there was currently a furious offensive-defensive match around him.

“Just what on earth is happening......”

Shidou silently mumbled to himself with unease.

30 minutes after that incident. After overstaying for quite some time just by visiting the stationary store, Shidou and the group finally went on their journey home.

It was needless to say that after the incident, Kotori, Origami as well as Yoshino still continued their three-sided match. Although he still did not know the reason for them in doing so as well as their goals, but it was a silent battle that was full of tension. Shidou who was dragged into it for some reason, was as tired as Urashima Tarou who had opened the tamatebako.

“......U-um, Origami. We live over here, so......”

They had finally arrived at the T-junction which separates the Itsuka residence from Origami’s home, Shidou said wearily.

Instantly, Kotori scoffed in triumph, Yoshino on the other hand sighed in relief.

......For some reason, instead of feeling relieved that they were able to leave Origami who they were unable to get along with for a long period of time, it seemed more like they were glad as though a rival had been eliminated.

On the contrary, Origami did not betray any expression of displeasure, she slowly turned her body around.

“Well then, see you later.”

“Yeah, you too......”

Upon her swift reply, Shidou couldn’t help but feel mildly surprised. Correction, this would be normal if one was to think of it logically, but Shidou had thought that Origami would request to follow them back to their house.

However Origami did not take such actions at all. Instead she walked straight back to where her apartment was at. Tohka made a face at her leaving figure.

“Well then, let’s go home as well.”


Shidou nodded, turning in the direction of their home.

But not long later, Shidou’s eyebrow twitched. It was the cellphone in his pocket that had started to vibrate.

“Hm? A message......”

Taking out his phone as he mumbled, he opened the message folder with practiced movements. Finding Origami’s message in the folder despite separating not too long ago.

[Tonight at 2330 hours. Tell no one, come to the East Tenguu Park alone, I have something important to tell you that is closely related to our future relationship. If I cannot rendezvous with Shidou at that time, I will be in deep trouble.]

“D-deep trouble......?”

Shidou frowned as he gave out a dry sound.

“? What’s the matter, Shidou?”

“N-nothing’s wrong.”

If he were to let them know that he had received a message from Origami, it would probably be a messy situation. Thus, Shidou placed his phone back into his pocket after covering the matter up with a few words, quickening his footsteps.

Not too long later, they returned back home where he had missed for so long (it was not a joke, he did feel as though a long time had passed). Shidou opened the door with practiced movements, walking inside after taking his shoes off.

“I’m home——......”

Slightly dragging his voice, Shidou placed the ingredients he had just bought into the refrigerator after washing his hands

“......Let’s finish this today then.”

Saying that he brought the pork, ginger as well as cabbage into the kitchen. Even though he was already extremely fatigued, but he had to finish dinner before he could rest.

“Ooooh, shidou. What are you making tonight?”

Tohka leaned on the couch as she looked over innocently.

“Hm, tonight is roast ginger pork. It’ll be delicious.”

“Oo, ooooh......!”

Tohka’s eyes glittered, swallowing repeatedly.

Looking at her Shidou couldn’t help but smile. Being able to look at her express her heartfelt happiness so directly, Shidou’s hard work would have been rewarded.

“Well, I think it won’t take that much time to get ready, can you go and set the table?”

“Yeah! Leave it to me!”

Tohka exuberantly nodded her head, beginning to tidy up the table in the dining room. Looking over to the living room, he found Yoshino and Kotori in the midst of folding the laundry.......But for some unknown reason, the two of them were mumbling to themselves while they’re working.

[......That’s why, we have to create a situation where the two of you can be together first. Like when Shidou-kun is going to the toilet——]

“Eh......B-but......That sort of thing is......”

Yoshino seemed to be talking to [Yoshinon].

“......How am I going to carry this out? I might as well use chloroform and make him lose consciousness then I can......No no no, if I did that then wouldn’t I be just the same as that woman. Let’s put this as the final resort then......”

Kotori on the other hand is muttering some dangerous lines to herself.

Looking at them while twisting his neck, Shidou intended to take up the apron draped on the chair......but stopped his hand.

“That’s right, I should......”

Saying that he walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway.

He had suddenly recalled that he had not yet gone to the washroom ever since the girls surrounded him from the start. Shidou thought that it would be wise to relieve himself before making dinner.

Turning the handle of the door, he entered the washroom, and then ——


Shidou gave out a cry of surprise. That’s because the moment Shidou entered the washroom, Yoshino who was following behind him ran in as well.


Shidou cried out in a panic due to the unforeseen event, after that his eyebrow twitched.

“Don’t tell me Yoshino is feeling urgent? I’m sorry, then I’ll just go out first——”

Just as Shidou wanted to slip past Yoshino and head for the exit, [Yoshinon] on Yoshino’s left hand swiftly latched the door after slamming it shut.

“Eh......? W-why are you doing this......?”

[You see, Yoshino. If you don’t grab this chance then you’ll never get to do this again —?]

[Yoshinon] said as it kept fanning the flames. Due to the embarrassment, Yoshino's cheeks slowly turned red but she seemed to have made a decision as she pursed her lips, raising her head.

“Sorry. But......if I don’t do this......then we can’t be alone together......that’s why Yoshinon......”

“Being alone together......? What is going on?”

“Ah, that’s......”

Yoshino blushed so hard till the point one might that steam would be gushing out. Looking at her abnormal behaviour, Shidou couldn’t help but feel uneasy as well.

......Although Shidou knows that Yoshino did not have any ulterior motives, but Shidou was still a healthy male. If a cute girl like Yoshino were to be alone with him in such a small room, he can’t help but feel his heart race.

Shidou does not know if Yoshino knows about his mental state at present, Yoshino who seemed several times more distraught than Shidou came to a decision as she continued speaking.


“Oo. Ooooh. What is it?”

“Um, asking of you to do such a thing......may seem weird......however, but......if you are alright with it......that is, if you are not willing and say no then I’m also alright with it as well......”

“How can that be?”

If the timid and slightly introverted Yoshino is already trying to this extent, it must be something really important. Shidou looked at Yoshino in the eyes and nodded his head.

“Since Yoshino had the courage to ask something from me, if it is something within my capabilities, I’ll do it for you. Why don’t you try asking?”


Yoshino widened her eyes in significant surprise, however she nodded her head in determination, she continued to speak with her trembling lips.

“U-um, and ...... and I......that’s, ki, ki, ki——”

At that moment. Huge amounts of white steam emanated from Yoshino’s head.


“Y- Yoshino!?”

In order to support Yoshino who was about to fall, he extended his hand out to her.

At that moment, [Yoshinon] who was on Yoshino’s left hand swiftly bit onto Shidou’s wrist, pulling hard on him.

“Wah, w-what are you doing, Yoshinon?”

[Yoshino! Execute Plan B]

[Yoshinon] bit down on Shidou’s wrist as it loudly yelled. Yoshino’s shoulders shook as though woken by its voice, after a moment’s hesitation, she respectfully bowed her head.

“T-then I apologise in advance......”

After that she laid a kiss on Shidou’s fingernails that [Yoshinon] had held down.


Due to her abnormal behaviour, Shidou couldn’t help but widen his eyes. What was that just now......?

[That’s great! You did it, Yoshino!?]

“Y-yeah......! Is it......fine like this......?”

[Then there’s no problem at all! If it is like this then Yoshino you will definitely become a bride!]

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At [Yoshinon]’s words, Yoshino’s face turned red once more.

It seems as though she had just realized that Shidou was still by her side, Yoshino swiftly dipped her head.

“That’s right, sorry......I’ll be leaving first......”

Leaving behind a single line, Yoshino hurriedly unlocked the door, running away.

“What in the world was that just now......?”

Shidou who was left alone in the washroom was left standing there staring at his fingernail in a daze.



[I’m digging in!]

20 minutes after Yoshino’s mysterious actions. The dinner table at the Itsuka house was placed full of delicious meals. Roast ginger pork, the hijiki that was stewed yesterday, as well miso soup with clams added.

“Mm! Today’s dinner is delicious as well shidou !”

Tohka showed a wide grin as she heartily chewed with her mouth full of meat.

“Ahaha......Thank you very much. But I think you should wait till you finish eating before talking.”

“Nn! Nn! Yeah!”

Tohka nodded as she drank the miso soup, showing a blissful expression. Shidou, on the other hand, couldn’t help but smile.

“Hm, well, it’s not that bad.”

“It’s very……delicious.”

Kotori and Yoshino did not express themselves as exaggeratedly as Tohka did, but judging from their satisfied looks.......Well, for some reason Yoshino’s cheeks still had a shade of light red, she would also constantly avert her gaze to somewhere else whenever she made eye contact with Shidou.


Shidou silently stared at the fingernail that Yoshino had kissed earlier.......Just what on earth was that. Was that some sort of a charm?

“Hm? What’s the matter shidou, are you not eating?”

“Ah, no, it’s just that there’s almost nothing left.”

After being reminded by Tohka, Shidou started to eat. Although he could be boasting, but he did do a good job.

After that the four basked in the enjoyment of gathering to eat as well as chat——everyone soon finished eating dinner.

“”””Thank you for the meal””””

Everyone put their hands together and spoke. With that Tohka and Yoshino stood up together at the same time, placing their utensils into the sink.

“Thanks, you two.”

At Shidou’s words, Tohka and Yoshino smiled in embarrassment.

Just then, Kotori who was sitting beside Shidou stretched lightly.

“ sorta feels like it’s time to eat some dessert.”


Shidou questioned back, Kotori relaxedly nodded her head as she looked at Tohka.

“Tohka. Do you want to eat some pudding?”


Hearing that, Tohka’s eyes sparkled.

“Ooooh......I’d love to have some! Is there any in the house!?”

“Too bad, there’s none left in the house. That’s why——”

Saying that, Kotori withdrew a thousand yen note from her wallet.

“How about you and Yoshino run down to the nearby convenience store and buy some back? You can choose your favourite ones.”

“Ooooh! I’ll go! I’ll buy them!”

Tohka forcefully nodded her head, taking the note from Kotori.

“Well then, Let’s go, Yoshino, Yoshinon!”

“U-um, I......”


Although Yoshino and [Yoshinon] seemed to be in the middle of saying something, but they were taken away by Tohka before they could say it.

“Haha......They’re really energetic.”

“......Yes, now all the meddlers have gone away.”

“Hm? Did you say something just now?”

Shidou asked, Kotori snapped out of her daze as she shook her head.


Well, it probably wouldn’t come to anything even if he did pay attention to such details. Shidou rose from his seat, intending to finish washing the dishes before Tohka and Yoshino return.

——However. His sleeve was being pulled by someone, in the end he wasn’t able to stand up.


“Um......about that.”

Making a embarrassed sound that sounded like she was throwing a tantrum, Kotori turned her face aside. It seems that her cheeks were slightly red.

“......Your face. Still has. Rice stuck to you.”

For some reason, Kotori was pausing in between each phrase. Shidou, on the other hand, had his head inclined to one side in wonder.

“Really? Thank you. Then......”


Noticing that Shidou was about to take off the grain of rice stuck on his face, Kotori increased the strength used to hold his sleeve down.

“Wah, w-what are you doing?”

“You don’t have to mind......! Wait a second!”


“I-I’ll......remove it for you......!”

After her outburst, Kotori pressed her body onto Shidou as though attempting to pin him down. Kotori’s body warmth wrapped around Shidou’s right arm.

“Eh......? There’s no need, I can get it myself......”

“Stop right there! Shidou, you just have to stay there and not move!”

“I-I understand......”

Having being overwhelmed by Kotori’s strong insistence, Shidou could only silently relax his arm in resignation.



For a period of time, the two siblings maintained their silence, quietly letting time flow past them.

The ticking sounds of the clock at that moment seemed so loud.

A lot of time passed, Kotori seemed to have thought of something, she started to write words on Shidou’s palm with her made his palm ticklish.

“Hey, are you alright? I have to go and wash the dishes already......Tohka and the rest should be back by now as well......”


Hearing Shidou’s words, Kotori’s body gave a jolt.

After that she grit her teeth as though she had made a decision, slowly turning her face towards Shidou. For some reason, her face was as red as a beetroot, her eyes were bloodshot as though she had been crying.


“......I’ll get that for you, so have to close your eyes.”

“Huh? Why do I have to——”

“Ignore that!”

Kotori used a hand to cover Shidou’s eyes, forcefully sealing off Shidou’s vision.


“Don’t move a muscle!”

Kotori’s furious voice could be heard from the darkness.

After all that, he heard the sounds of his chair being leaned on as well as the rustling of fabric. He also heard the sound of her swallowing——


In the next instant, Shidou‘s cheek felt a strange sensation as something made contact with him. From the situation just now that should be Kotori’s fingers......But it somehow didn’t feel that way. That’s right. It was much softer and more moist than just fingers——

After that happened, his sealed eyes were finally released.

Looking to his right, Kotori was making a victory sign with a blushing face for some odd reason, she was also mumbling something to herself in a small voice.

“......Alright, if it’s like this, then Onii-chan will be mine......”


“......! W-w-w-w-w-w-what!”

“Um, just now what was......”

“shidou! We’re back! There’s the gooey milk pudding and the pudding that’s full of cream, which one do you want!?”

Just as Shidou was about to ask Kotori, the door opened with a bang, Tohka’s energetic voice sounded out.

“......Hm? What’s wrong with the two of you?”

“Ah, that’s......probably nothing......I guess.”

Shidou could only give a vague response.

At 11:30 pm. Shidou was walking along the street dimly lit by street lamps.

Tohka and Yoshino had returned to their respective rooms, Kotori had also turned in as well, therefore there was no problems with sneaking out. Of course, if Kotori woke up in the middle of the night, he had left a message saying that he had gone to a nearby convenience store.

The location where Shidou was currently headed to was the park where Origami had indicated in the message.

It’s not like Shidou really wanted to meet with Origami, it’s just that since Origami said that it was something important so she must have her reasons for doing so......Furthermore Shidou was worried about the “Deep trouble” that she had mentioned. Shidou had also attempted to ask her about this via a message, but he only received [I will wait for you] as a reply.

“Hm......Well, I don’t need to rush with that much time.”

Speaking to himself he turned right at the T-junction. He should arrive at the park as long as he follows the path.

At this moment——


All of a sudden.

Shidou stopped moving.

That wasn’t correct——he was forced to stop.

It was not due to finding something in front of him, nor because his legs felt weak. It was due to a more simple reason, his legs were being held down by someone.

Hastily looking down at his feet. Shidou’s eyebrows creased due to witnessing the strange situation.

On the ground in front of him where the street light should be illuminating was a patch of black shadow, two thin, pale, white arms had stretched out from the shadow and held down Shidou’s legs.


Shidou couldn’t help but widen his eyes in surprise. This was obviously——an unique situation. If one were to think about this logically this should only happen in horror movies.

However, that was not the reason for Shidou’s surprise.

Shidou ——had seen this shadow and the two arms before.


“——Kihi, hihihi. Congratulations, you are right.”

The same time Shidou called out her name, a young girl appeared from the patch of shadow right in front of him.

Black hair bunched up in different lengths, pale sickly skin. Her body was wrapped in an elegant one-piece dress comprising of blood and darkness. However, the part that would leave the deepest impression on people would be her eyes. Her golden left eye had the pattern of a clock, making ticking sounds as it moved like an actual one.

Kurumi. Appearing by Shidou’s side targeting the power of the Spirits that was sealed within him, a cannibalistic Spirit.

“Good evening. It really is great seeing you healthy and well, Shidou-san.”

Kurumi revealed a flirtatious smile while she pinched the corners of her skirt and slightly bowed.

“——But, really now......Don’t you think that you are really too careless? Walking alone in such a deserted area. Fufufu, you could be ambushed by some dangerous people, don’t you know?”

Saying that, she reduced the distance between the two, Kurumi used her finger to lightly brush Shidou‘s cheek.


Shidou frowned, attempting to move her hand away. But at that instant, new arms extended out from the wall behind Shidou and restricted his arms.

“Gu, ah......”

“Kihihi, hihihihihihi. I, won’t, let, you.”

Kurumi’s face revealed a dazzling smile; she placed her hands on Shidou’s cheek and shoulder while her mouth moved to Shidou’s ear as though they were in an embrace.

“Fufu, I won’t hurt you. So may I please request that you be a good boy and stay where you are?”

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——He’ll be a goner if this continues. Shidou thought furiously. Even if he yelled for help, he would only cause more people to get hurt if the nearby residents rush over and help. But as it is now he can’t even take his phone out and request assistance. Furthermore he did not have his earpiece on at a time like this. What on earth should he do——


Due to a weird sensation on his ear, Shidou couldn’t help but cry out.

What Shidou had felt wasn’t the sharp pain that he had expected......but the soft feeling of her lips.


After Kurumi lightly smiled, she used the tip of her tongue to lick Shidou’s ear. The moist sound of her saliva and breathing reverberated into Shidou’s eardrums. Pleasure and terror were knit into panic as it ran through Shidou’s body.

“What are you, wha......!?”

Shidou blushed as he gave an inaudible scream, Kurumi, on the other hand, showed a smile once more, moving away from Shidou.

The same time Kurumi used her tongue to lick her lips, the pale white arms that held Shidou down had all retreated back into the shadows.

“Uu, wah.”

Perhaps due to being caught off guard, he did not regain his balance properly. Shidou, after some difficulty, finally prevented himself from falling to the ground, gave Kurumi an incredulous look.

“W-what in the world is going on. What are you planning to do......”

At Shidou’s question, Kurumi used her hands to cover her mouth as she laughed out loud.

“Fufufu......Like this, Shidou-san would belong to me now......right?”

“Just what are you saying......”

“Fufu, my purpose here is already done, I’ll take my leave for today.”


“Regarding this, that is a secret——Before I thoroughly enjoy myself on Shidou-san, please become more delicious.”

Kurumi extended her index finger towards his nose, after that she turned her body around as though dancing ——just like that she vanished into the darkness.


After several seconds passed. Shidou heaved a great sigh of relief.

“I thought I......was a goner......”

Kurumi was an evil Spirit who had slaughtered countless humans till date. Although he didn’t understand the reason why, but he had at least kept his life for now. He can’t say whether he would be this lucky next time for sure. Shidou thought that he should seriously reflect on his carelessness.

“I really......should report this to Kotori huh......”

Saying that, he took out his phone from his pocket, just as he opened it and accessed the call directory ——


A voice called out to him from the front, Shidou couldn’t help but jump.

For an instant he had thought that Kurumi had returned once again——However that was not the case. So Shidou checked the time displayed on the screen of his phone, he noticed that it had already been past the meeting time.


That’s right. Standing right there was Origami who he was supposed to meet at the park.

“That’s a relief. Because I didn’t see you when it was time, I thought something had happened to you.”


Making an ambiguous response, he kept the phone back into the pocket. At the same time, Origami stepped in closer without a sound.

Suddenly, she widened her eyes in mild surprise, placing her hands on Shidou’s shoulders, Origami started to sniff Shidou.

“Hey, Origami......?”

“There’s a smell of a woman on you.”


Being glared by Origami, Shidou couldn’t help but hold his breath.

“Why on earth——”

“A-apart from this, Origami! What was the important thing that you mentioned!?”

Shidou raised his voice in an attempt to cover Origami’s voice.......If he were to tell her about Kurumi, it would undoubtedly become a troublesome issue.


Although Origami had an expression of slight displeasure, but she shook her head a few time before looking at Shidou’s face.

“——Don’t move.”


Just as question marks were surfacing within Shidou’s head, Origami moved her hands from Shidou’s shoulders to the back of his neck, she kissed hard on Shidou’s neck.

“Ori, Origami!?”


Origami finally separated herself from Shidou’s skin as though she had taken a breath. Leaving a significant hickey on Shidou’s neck area.

“Why are you doing this......”

Just as Shidou raised his eyebrows in wonder, Origami swiftly turned around.

“——My mission has already been accomplished. I have already determined our future together. Good night. Sweet dreams.”

“Eh? Wh, Hold on, Origami?”

Just as he extended his hand out to Origami with the intention of inquiring her——However Origami swiftly left without a word.

“Really now......just what is with everyone today?”

Along on the street at night, Shidou dragged out a long sigh.

Although it was normal to not be able to understand Origami’s usual behaviour, but today was really unreadable. That was incorrect, it wasn’t just Origami. Tohka, Kotori, Yoshino——Even Kurumi. Everyone’s actions were just puzzling.


Shidou frowned as he moved forward, he finally arrived back home.

It’s almost midnight. Today was really tiring. He’d like to just lie down on the bed and go to sleep immediately, but due to his entire body being sticky from sweat and saliva. I should probably take a quick hot shower and turn in early. After deciding that in his mind, Shidou squeezed the handle of the door.

——However, at that instant.


A yell came from the apartment next door, Shidou couldn’t help but freeze.

He saw Tohka standing at the entrance of her apartment in her pajamas, she was yelling with an anxious expression.


“I-I just realized ——I can’t! I can’t do it! If I were to be a good girl for today, then wouldn’t I be unable to receive my reward today......!”

Tohka showed an expression that was almost bursting into tears, she ran towards Shidou at a startling speed.

“shidou! There’s no time left! H-hurry!”



Just as Shidou made a sound, Tohka tripped and lost her balance.

Tohka’s body soared through the sky instantly, falling towards Shidou’s direction.



Falling to the ground with Tohka’s body lying on top of him. Pain ran through his entire body.

However, he quickly noticed the other sensations that were assaulting his body other than pain. Tohka’s soft body was tightly pressing onto his own, aside from that, Shidou’s forehead was also kissed by Tohka’s lips.


Although he felt embarrassed, but he was more worried about Tohka than anything else.

“T-Tohka! Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere ——”


On the other hand, Tohka totally did not notice Shidou’s concern for her, asking him with exuberance.

“shidou! What is the time now!”

“Ah? That is......”

Being asked this question out of the blue, Shidou lit the screen of his phone.

“It just passed midnight......But,”

Shidou said, Tohka maintained her position on top of Shidou, letting out a huge sigh of relief.

“That’s great......I made it in time......”

“H-hey, what are you talking about? What’s that about making it in time......”


As though covering up Shidou’s voice, Tohka continued to speak.

“If it is like this......We’d be able to stay together forever.”

Saying that with an innocent smile......Shidou felt that it was best that he’d pry no further.


The next morning. Shidou forcefully dragged his body that was still held down by fatigue, he discovered that Tohka, Kotori, Yoshino were all in the living room.

“Hm? What a rare sight. Why are you all here at this time.”

Shidou rubbed his eyes as he spoke.

Today was different from yesterday, it was a school day. Usually he would meet up with Tohka outside his house or at school, but it seems that she woke up rather early today.

“Yeah! Because I feel great today!”

Stating that, Tohka folded her arms in happiness. For some reason, it feels that she was more confident than yesterday, or she could just be full of energy.

“Fufu, isn’t that great? There’d be these kind of days once in a while.”

The person who said that was Kotori. For some reason, Kotori too was looking as happy as Tohka.......did something good happen.

Even though he thought that it probably wouldn’t be the case, but Shidou still turned to look at Yoshino. In the end, there was something different about her as well. Although she did not express it as arrogantly as Tohka and Kotori, but she would constantly gaze at Shidou with a reddened face.

“What’s the matter? It feels that everyone’s feeling great today......”

Shidou weakly smiled, he wore the apron draped on the chair, rolling up sleeves and washing his hands.

Opening the fridge, he took out bacon and eggs. Although there were more people than usual......but there were sufficient ingredients.

[——Well then next up is, the divination channel.]

Just as Shidou was readying breakfast, such a voice came from the living room. It seems that Kotori had turned on the television.

“Hm? Kotori, was this lady the one who appeared on the television yesterday?”

“That’s right. That’s because yesterday was a Sunday which was why they broadcasted it at that time, but usually they would broadcast this in the morning.”

“ that’s why.”

The three girls engaged in their own conversation, occasionally watching the television. Shidou smiled as he took out the saucepan from the drawer.

A conversation from the television soon came from the living room.

[——Um—, I am someone with the initials S•I, I let my boyfriend kiss me yesterday, so is he going to be the destined one in my life? That’s because you mentioned that the one who kissed me yesterday would be my soulmate.]

[Congratulations——but did you two kiss on the lips?]

[No, it was only on the cheek......]

[Then I’m sorry, it would not come true unless it was on the lips.]





Shidou turned his head around. For some reason, it feels that he had just heard the cries of the three girls and the television at the same time.

“Um? Did something happen to the three”

When Shidou turned his body towards the living room......he couldn’t help but stop moving.

That’s because the trio who was supposed to be watching television peacefully, were staring at Shidou with gleaming eyes.

“U-um......what is......”

Shidou involuntarily retreated, hitting the sink as he did so. At that moment, the metal spoon placed there fell to the ground, making a clinking sound.

——That sound, became the starting signal.



“S-Shidou ......san......”

The three girls yelled out his name in unison as they lunged for him.

“Uu, waaaaaaaaaah!?”

Shidou’s tortured cries resounded throughout the neighborhood that morning.

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