Date A Live

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: The Light that Splits the Wind

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Part 1

The forest that separated the Southern part and the Northern block of Arubi Island was being mowed down by a violent hurricane.

Healthy green leaves and branches, that appeared at the same time as summer, were now being blown and ripped into bits, and were thrown up into the sky, spinning as if they were thrown into a mixer. Slender trees were being dug out and were being thrown around the surroundings like bullets.

This was exactly what the march of an outraged berserker means. The incarnation of violence without reason, was all one could see with their eyes.

Who on earth could imagine this outcome.

——the main reason for that sudden storm was brought forth by a big fight between two young girls.


"——I thought about this before! You burden yourself alone and plan to deal with it!"

As Kaguya was thrusting her giant lance while shouting, the tip of the lance spun with high-speeds like a drill and produced a tremendous tornado.

She mowed down the lance pointing towards Yuzuru, as if she was going to clean sweep everything with the tornado.

"Objection. That word, Yuzuru will return it back to Kaguya with a present wrapped in excessive wrappings and have a paper card and ribbon attached on it………..!"

But Yuzuru, even though she was being approached with a cluster of destructive wind, was extremely calm and made a complicated move with her left hand.

When she did that, the pendulum Yuzuru was holding, squirmed around like it had a mind of its own and formed a magic circle in front of Yuzuru. After it easily blocked the tornado attack whirled up by Kaguya, it once again returned to its string state and then turned into a spiral state wrapping Yuzuru's body surroundings.

"You are too kind! Since I am willing to hand over the seat of the main personality, you should just quietly accept it!"

"Reject. From the start, Yuzuru had no intentions to be the main personality."

"……………, how many hardships did you think I suffered losing skillfully in our matches until now!"

"Objection. That also goes for Yuzuru too. Even though Yuzuru managed to gain losing marks, it is not once or twice Kaguya made Yuzuru irritated for not attacking back."

"The Yamai is the king of hurricane that knocks down all creation! Aren't you the only one suitable to be that!"

"Deny. That is a mistake. The true name of the Yamai, should be gained by Kaguya."

"uh, even though you can fly faster than me!"

"Kaguya is the one that has more power than Yuzuru."

"Even though you have better style than me!"

"Kaguya has prettier skin."

"Even though you are cuter!"

"Objection. Yuzuru cannot yield to that. It is obvious Kaguya is much cuter than Yuzuru."

While exchanging words that sounded like a quarrel or not, Kaguya's lance, that was spinning in high revolution, and Yuzuru's string, that was complicatedly made into a sword, clashed together. The power was completely equal. The moment of impact, the wind at the surroundings turned wild and attacked Shidou.


Shidou curved his body while supporting Tohka, and somehow managed to resist it.

If his body did not have the protection of a Spirit then Shidou would have probably been blown away by the wind by now. He was very confident of that because, the fight between these two——to put it correctly, the byproducts in the sidelines that were dragged into it would suffer terrible damage.

Each time these two's Angels clashed, sudden gusts would spread around and surrounding objects nearby would be plucked out from their roots and blown away.

But Shidou shook his head as if to shake away these thoughts, and glared at both of them as he somehow resisted the wind and raised his body.


Kaguya wants Yuzuru to live, Yuzuru wants Kaguya to live.

Both of them, thought this thoroughly about each other.

That is——for the sake of the other, one would throw away even her own life.

But even so, why.

"Why——did things turned out this way…………..!!"

Shidou raised shouts that would only crush his throat.

"Stop! Both of you! You guys, don't you love each other very much!"

He shouted but, there was no reaction coming from those two.

Whether it was because of the sound of the wind that Shidou's voice vanished or, they could only hear each other's offences and defenses inside their dreams, or——they were ignoring him. Although he could not distinguish which one it was but, it was certain Kaguya and Yuzuru were still going to continue their intense fight.


He was too powerless. Shidou covered his face with his hands while grinding his teeth.

And then——

"shidou! Be careful! There is something here!"

Coming from his side, Tohka's voice echoed and made Shidou twitch his shoulders.

He then looked around at his surroundings——and raised his eyebrows.


During the few seconds Shidou was chasing Kaguya and Yuzuru with his sights.

As if to surround Shidou and Tohka, around 10 humanly shaped shadows were standing in a row.

No——wrong. Their bodies had limbs and a head just like a normal human body but, their shape was obviously different than those of a human's.

They had a slender body and a smooth head similar to a full face helmet, they also had legs with joints facing the opposite direction compared to humans and they were stepped firmly into the ground. Opposed to that, their arms were large, and through this they gave an impression of being unbalanced.

Putting all of that in place was a glassy and smooth polished metal armor.

And also, he saw CR-unit looking parts on their bodies.

"Wha,what…………are these guys!"

In a hunchback-looking posture, he felt a mysterious unknown fear coming from the group of dolls that were gradually closing their distances, Shidou released a voice that sounded like a groan.

"DD-007 <Bandersnatch>……………….even if I say that, you still would not understand."

When he said that, in response to the scream-like voice, a young girl walked out from the background of the dolls.

——it was the attendant cameraman, Ellen Mathers.


"Nu, you are……………."

When Tohka and Shidou let out their voices at the same time, Ellen made an exaggerated nod.

"You finally came to a place with no people, Tohka-san. It looks like there is one unnecessary person here but——well, if that is all then it is still okay, I guess."

She said that and took a glance at Shidou, she then snorted uninterested.

"However, I am surprised. To think those two were Spirits. ——and what's more, it's the primary target, the <Berserk>. It seems like they're good compensation for all that piled up misfortune."


He unintentionally frowned. ——just now this girl called Kaguya and Yuzuru <Berserk>.

"You……….who on earth are you. Don't tell me you're from the AST………….!?"

"!, houu………….."

When Shidou shouted full of detest, Ellen moved her eyebrows as if it were the first time she found Shidou interesting.

"You know of the Anti-Spirit team of the JGSDF huh. ——but, sadly that is off"

She hung out her hand after saying that and as if following with that, the dolls called <Bandersnatch> lowered their posture all at once and leaped towards Shidou and Tohka's direction.


Shidou immediately gasped instinctively and closed his eyes.

But, even after a few seconds, there was no impact running at his body.

He slowly opened his eyes thinking it was weird, and over there was,

"Mu…………..are you alright, shidou."

Manifesting a limited AstralDress around her yukata, Tohka was there holding a glowing sword <Sandalphon> in her hands. It looked like, the moment <Bandersnatch> leaped over; she released the limiter for her Maryoku, and deflected the attack with <Sandalphon>.

And, looking at Tohka's state, Ellen, a little excited, opened her eyes wide.

"——<Princess>. It really is the real thing as expected."

"uh, even Tohka's codename………….."

Shidou brought his eyebrow roots together. Even though he had to stop Kaguya and Yuzuru as soon as possible, to think an unknown and mysterious enemy appeared here.

But Ellen, as if she wasn't even bothered with what thoughts Shidou was having, stretched her hands towards Tohka's direction as if she were trying to reach her.

"Tohka-san. Would you like to come together with me? I promise you will get the best treatment."

"——Don't bullshit!"

Together with Tohka yelling that, she pointed the tip of <Sandalphon> towards Ellen.

"O, oi Tohka, isn't using <Sandalphon> towards a normal human a little too——"



After replying to Shidou's question, Tohka continued talking while glaring at Ellen with a face covered with nervousness.

"I noticed this when we were facing each other like this for the first time. ——this woman, has a really bad feeling about her. Yeah……… feels like the AST's aura, only that hers is much darker."

And, as if matching with what Tohka said, Ellen, for the first time, made a smile-like face by making the edges of her lips go up.

"What an interesting remark."

While saying that, Ellen leisurely spread both her hands as if she was taunting Tohka.

When she did that, a pale glow immediately covered Ellen's body, and after a moment, that body was equipped with a wiring suit and a CR-unit.

Her suit had a different form from those of the AST's. It covered the important areas of her body and the parts were meant to look like mechanical armor. And also, there was a giant sword-like equipment on her back, which especially drew his attention.

"! Wha……………."

"——<Bandersnatch> team, don't lay your hands for now. I want to have a little test to know how strong the <Princess>, I have heard about, is."

After saying that, she pulled out the sword equipped on the back of her right hand, and a sword of light manifested from the body of the blade.

As if to invite Tohka, *Gui*, the fingers on her left hand were bent and shown to her.

"Don't look down on me……………..!"

Shouting, Tohka kicked the ground and headed towards Ellen. At the same time, she held up <Sandalphon> and hit down at Ellen's head with a speed that couldn't be captured with his eyes.

But——Ellen easily stopped that with the sword held by only one hand.

"Oh, is that it?"


Letting out an anguished voice, Tohka swung <Sandalphon> continuously.

However, all of the attacks were defended, and Ellen's unit did not even have a single scratch on it.



After taking on the sword strikes several times, Ellen made a small sigh.

"……………….Is that all you have, <Princess>."

"Wha——What did you say!?"

"I even went as far to equip <Pendragon> but——it looks like it was not needed. What a disappointment. Let's end this."

After saying that, Ellen swung down the giant laser blade at Tohka.


Tohka prepared <Sandalphon> to attempt to defend against that attack. But——


In the next instant, dumbfounded voices were leaked out of Shidou and Tohka's throat at the same time.

But that was only natural. That was because, the moment Tohka took on Ellen's sword strike, the body of <Sandalphon> that she made a stance with was easily smashed into pieces.


After a short anguished moment, Ellen's attack easily blew Tohka's small body backwards.


Tohka's body then grazed the ground several times, and fell down face-downwards. Continuing with that, delayed in one beat, the smashed and repelled away <Sandalphon> turned into light particles and melted away into the atmosphere.


After Shidou shouted, he tried to approach towards Tohka. But——on the direction towards her, two <Bandersnatch> appeared and obstructed Shidou from advancing. There were several <Bandersnatch> starting to swarm together, at Tohka's direction.

"What a kill-joy. Please make her faint quickly and bring her to the <Arbatel>."

After saying that, Ellen snapped her finger and the armor decorating her body disappeared in an instant.

Afterwards, as if losing interest even on Tohka, she *pui* turned her face and crossed her arms.

But, the predicament did not change. While still lying face-down and not moving, both of Tohka's arms were grabbed by two <Bandersnatch>, one on the left and the other on the right, and her body was carried up. And when he thought that one more doll walked towards the limp Tohka from the front, the hand that had claws growing out of it was closing in onto Tohka's forehead.


Tohka let out a painful voice and twist her body.

"Tohka! What are you doing you bastards! Damn it, get lost!"

Even though he shouted, the dolls standing in front of him blocking his way did not move. During the time he was like that, a painful voice that sounded of anguish and shriek mixed together, echoed out of Tohka's throat.


Shidou raised a scream.

An absurd amount of powerlessness and despair overran the inside of his head.

In the end, Shidou could not do anything.

Whether it were stopping Kaguya and Yuzuru or saving Tohka from this predicament.

The sealing ability that was inside his hands, was currently useless for this situation.

The only thing left was the healing ability borrowed from Kotori and the gained Spirit protection from Tohka and the others.

——At the very least, one more. If only he had the power to cut this doll into pieces so and through.

For some reason, Kurumi's——the face of the worst Spirit, that kills humans out of her own free will, passed the inside of his head.

The feeling he had at that time, was the powerless feeling of not being able to do anything. In the end……….the despair from being unable to save Kurumi was running around in his brain.

——not again, I don't want to go through that again.

Shidou heard some kind of snapping sound inside his head.

I don't care if it is a one in a lifetime opportunity. I don't care if I only can do it once.

Right now, with these hands, if I had the power to save Tohka——!


In an instant——Shidou, naturally, raised his right hand up.

And then.


When he let out his dumbfounded voice.

The moment he swung down the right hand that was raised up, the upper body of the <Bandersnatch> standing and blocking in front of him, disappeared cleanly.

And one more <Bandersnatch> that was further front——the head of the unit that was restraining Tohka's hand slid diagonally off its place.

When that happened, as if it were being pulled down by force, Tohka's body collapsed onto the ground.



Shidou, in a state where he found the thing he was seeing unbelievable, looked at his own right hand.

There was.


——a brightly glowing sword, held in his hand.

Part 2

"Set a Protect territory area towards 1'o clock, the coordinates 132-50-39. Radius 255-246."

"Ro,roger. Protect territory set; coordinates are 132-50-39. Radius 255-246."

Repeating Kannazuki's instruction again, <Deep love> Minowa quickly hit the console.

When she did that, the Territory placed around the <Fraxinus> transformed, it condensed into Kannazuki's instructed direction and radius, and an invisible wall was constructed.

The next moment, right on that spot, the enemy's Maryoku cannon exploded. Although an intense light wrapped the monitor projecting the ships outer image but, there was only a small shake in the bridge.


All of the crew members of <Fraxinus> had their breaths taken away all at once.

The Protect territory, just as its name describes, is a special type of territory which is placed for the goal of avoiding attacks to the interior area. Specifically, the wider the radius of the territory gets, the lower its strength becomes, but if it condenses and wraps just barely around the surface of the target then the strength of it increases remarkably.

But, just now, what Kannazuki instructed was one level ahead. It was a method where a wall-like territory was condensed only towards a specific spot.

Naturally, if that was done then the strength of the Territory would exceedingly increase. The result of it was right now experienced by all of the crew members.

But, that is an extremely dangerous double-edge sword.

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This had a simple reason. If the territory was deployed on a limited radius, then the other parts would turn into a completely defenseless state.

"——next, at the same direction, designate a Protect territory with a radius of 50.69."

"Fi,fifty point sixty nine……..!?"

"Please hurry, if not we will die. ——aah, but it's true that, I always wanted to get the feeling of pain from a near death experience, I don't know what to do anymo…………."

"Protect Territory designated, radius is 50.69!"

In the middle of Kannazuki's words, the Territory was deployed on the designated spot. Then on the very small set radius Territory, an even more powerful Maryoku cannon was released.

Most likely, it was a power that would damage the ship's body if the previous setting was used. That is why Kannazuki designated the activation into one with a smaller radius, as if he had foreseen that.

What's more, it was not once or twice.

Actually after the first cannon hit, the number of Maryoku cannons released was 12 times. And all of them were precisely avoided by Kannazuki Kyouhei.

It was true that there was only one enemy. The attack direction could roughly be estimated. Following theory, it was probably not impossible. But——

"Well then, I somehow managed to grasp the rhythm. In reality I wanted to be tortu…………. Attacked a little more but, I can't have more damages be placed on commander Itsuka's world tree."

After Kannazuki suddenly hang out his hands as if to collect everyone's attention, he then glared at the enemy ship shown on the main monitor.

"——Prepare the convergence Maryoku cannon <Mystletainn>."



"Why can't it hit!"

Paddington hit the handrails of the captain seat with his clenched fist together with releasing an angry roar.

Even though they were shooting the Maryoku cannon multiple times just now, but the <Ratatoskr> ship was still floating in the sky.

What's more, when they intercepted them, they didn't take any evasive actions but rather, they were sitting in one spot while accurately defending themselves from the cannon attacks.

Yes——it was like they were making a fool out of this <Arbatel>.

"Th,the moment the cannon attack reached them, it seems like a Protect territory was deployed on the estimated place of impact!"

"Don't joke with me! How could anyone do something like that!"


When the crew member was about to say something, the alarm in the bridge rang and echoed.

"! Heat source confirmed! The enemy ship is concentrating Maryoku on the main cannon located at the tip of the ship's body!"

"Kuh…………. Turn right at 1-0-4! Transfer all the generated Maryoku to the Protect territory!"

"Roger. Turning right at 1-0-4."

Following Paddington's command, the <Arbatel> moved the facing direction of its giant body.

The next moment, when he thought a glittering light appeared on the tip of the enemy ship, an intense torrent of Maryoku was released out from it.

It pierced through the Territory of the <Arbatel> which had its course diverted, and then passed through after scratching the ship's body, it then cut open the clouds before disappearing to the end of the sky. An intense shaking attacked the bridge of the <Arbatel>.

"Damn it——Damn it damn it damn ittttttttt!"

After Paddington shook his throat, he then released the next command.

"Turn all of the driving force of the <Ash Croft-beta> to maximum from number 50! After shrinking the size of the Territory until 3 meters above the surface of the ship, turn left! Full speed ahead! Scrape of the enemy ship's territory!"


Part 3

"Ahh~ahh~, Origami is having a vacation on a southern island by now. I'm so envious—"

In a hanger part of the JSDF Tenguu garrison, Mily was tapping on a thin tablet while fanning herself and mumbling in a slow tone.

"Move your hand instead of your mouth."

And, while Ryouko was sighing as if she'd given up, she then pulled on the goggle worn on Mily's forehead and quickly let her hand go. *smack* together with that sound, an impact shock ran on Mily's forehead, and she toppled backwards.

"Ouch! Wha, what was that for!"

"Here, the next one is this. I am going to be using this later so hurry it up."

After saying that, she showed one of the Combat Realizer units she obtained, the laser knuckles <Nut Crackers>. Coming from the metal covering the fist and the forearm of the glove, a single cable extended towards Mily.

It was a close-combat specialized equipment which allowed the user to perform hand-to-hand combat by cladding the fist with Maryoku generated by the Realizer but, due to the reach being extremely short, it was a special equipment with not many users even in the team. At the very least, Ryouko was probably the only one that took this as a main equipment on her own accord.

"Mouu…………..Ryouko resorts to violence every single time—. Please be careful with a mechanic's head—"

While complaining, Mily took the cable in her hand and connected it to the tuning cable; she then touched the screen and commenced tuning the equipment.

"What are you saying. I am a very kind person. Back when I was assigned to the AST, the captain was so dangerous that, even now, just remembering makes it repulsive."

Like that, Ryouko said that while her face turned pale as if she remembered something scary. Mily faced towards her while operating the tablet.

"Dangerous……………..such a strict person?"

"Rather than strict, how should I put it."

"? What do you mean?"

When Mily asked with a doubtful face, Ryouko continued talking as if she were troubled.

"Let's see. For example, we would probably had been hit for talking useless chatter like right now."

"Yeah yeah."

"Also, if someone quietly went near the captain, and *pon*……………..placed their hands on his shoulders. If that happened it was an out. On that whole day, you had to wear an embarrassing cosplay shirt chosen by the captain. Of course in the middle of training too, they had to wear it on top of the wiring suits."


Mily raised her eyebrows as much as she could. At that moment, her fingers went into disorder and a number of errors started popping up. While correcting them in a panic, she talked back to Ryouko.

"Yo, you mean costume play."

"Yes. ………….and what's more, that was just the beginning. The second out was a penalty with that person while cosplaying and, as an add-on, having to step on the captain."

"Heh? They had to step on the captain-san?"

"Yes. The members that received the penalty had to step on the captain."

Mily twitched her cheeks while letting sweat float on her forehead.

"Why is that."

"I wonder………..but well, everyone became systematic from being disgusted."

"Err, then, what happened after the 3rd warning………."

"…………………you want to hear?"

Sensing the seriousness coming from Ryouko's expression who said that, Mily *swing**swing* swung her head.

"Th, that captain had quite a personality."

"…………..well, I guess so. There might be a chance that if I were to run through the filter of beautiful Japanese words, probably only a very little amount left had the possibility of forming that kind of euphemistic expression."


Towards Ryouko, who was using an unusual black manner of speaking, Mily unintentionally made a wry smile.

But, [however] Ryouko continued talking with that word.

"It is true that that person was an unthinkable pervert but………….his skills were the real thing. Without joking, that person's skills with the Realizer were a level above the other members. There is no mistaking, that person was the AST's ace."

"Ha,haa, is that so. ………….err, then, why is that person not here? If that person was that strong, then the higher ups should have had their eyes on that person."

When Mily said that, Ryouko raised her eyebrows as if she was bewildered.

"That is…………….I don't really know. Suddenly one day [I, I have to go find a suitable master who I can serve! Aah, forgive me my comrades in arms! Don't stop me my companions! So long my sworn friends!] That person said something like that and disappeared. Just in case, that person seems to have left a slight reinstatement wish before taking a register…………."

After saying that, she shrugged her shoulders.

"Seriously…………I wonder what that person is doing."

Part 4

"<Mystletainn>, was avoided……….!"

"Oyah, I missed huh. Hnn, as expected, it would seem I am weak in attacking."

When Kannazuki said that jokingly, the crew members all together made a powerless wry smile.

"——! Enemy ship is coming this way!"

"I see, it's coming to scrape off our Realizer directly."

A battle between ships equipped with Realizers, if thought carefully, would come to a conclusion if one ship were able to tear off the opponent's territory.

Kannazuki *fumu* made a breath before releasing a loud voice.

"Set all of the Basic Realizer to parallel drive. Please transfer all the generated Maryoku to the Territory. At the same time shrink the area. Squeeze it until it is 2 meters from the ship's surface."

"Roger, AR- 008 from machine 1 to 10, parallel drive activate."

"Aah, and also for the Control Realizer too, please leave one and have the others generate Maryoku."


The crew member, who faithfully repeated after Kannazuki, stopped his words.

But that was probably a natural reaction.

<Fraxinus> is equipped and largely divided into 2 kinds of Realizers. The Basic Realizer with the purpose of generating Maryoku for the use of the cannon and Territory, and the Control Realizer with the purpose of controlling the Basic Territory.

As long as the Control Realizer remains as a Realizer, although it is inefficient, it is possible to generate Maryoku like the Basic Territory. It is certain; in order to oppose the approaching enemy ship with large Maryoku output, this kind of method is probably the only way left.

However, by abandoning a large portion of the Control Realizer would mean, it would be equivalent to taking the CPU out of a computer. Even if generating large Maryoku output becomes possible, there might be a chance that it would not be even possible to set it to the Territory.

After Kannazuki groaned thinking that it was normal for the crew members to feel uneasy, he took a black headset from the back of the captain's seat, and equipped it on his head.

"——It's going to be alright. If it's about the replacement for the Control Realizer, it's over here."

He said that and pointed his fingers to his head.


"Leave the explanations to later. If you don't want the <Fraxinus> to fall then, please follow my instructions."

"Uh——Roger…………! Control Realizer——machine number 2 to number 8, switching to Maryoku generation!"

After the crew members operated the console, in an instant, the Territory that wrapped around the <Fraxinus> disappeared.

——And was immediately restored.


"Vice-commander, what on earth did you do?"

"What, the basics are no different from the AST's wiring suits. They use their own brain waves to control the Maryoku generated by the Realizer, right?"

"Control…………..the aircraft's equipped Control Realizer is 7 times from that you know……..!?"

"Leave the talking to later. It's coming."

At the same time with Kannazuki saying that, the bridge's alarm rang and echoed.



"Enemy ship, the Territory output is rising!"

"Fuun…………are you coming to attack? To this <Arbatel>."

"Contact with Territory! Please prepare for impact!"

The same time as the crew member shouted, the <Arbatel>'s bridge was shaking intensely like an earthquake had struck.

"Kuuh, activate the Territory radius! Condense it onto the contact surface with the enemy ship! We'll crush them in one go!"

"Roger! Territory radius activates!"

The crew members operated the consoles. And thus, the Territory deployed on the ship's surface, shrunk towards the enemy ship's direction. The enemy ship had still not shown any signs of movement.

I've won——! Paddington grasped his fist tightly. At the time of contact, judging by the impact, the Territory output was most likely equal. Since this side managed to shrink the area first, the strength of it should grow. If they were to shrink it now, they would not make it. The poor <Ratatoskr>'s ship was crushed by the <Arbatel>——


At that moment, Paddington opened his eyes wide in shock.

Suddenly, the sound of an explosion echoed from the back of the <Arbatel>.

He thought it was a cannon attack from the enemy ship for an instant but, that was an unthinkable cause. That's because, the sound of the explosion happened after the enemy ship crossed to the opposite side.

"What is it, what on earth happened!?"

"The starboard has slight damages! It is confirmed to be damage from an outer impact!"

"Outer impact…………!? Is it enemy fire!?"

"I, I don't know! The cause is unknown!"

The crew member raised a shrill voice. And thus, another crew member raised a shout as if he were following the one before him.

"Uh! Captain, there's a big problem! From that explosion, block B2 has caught fire, the control room used for controlling the <Bandersnatch> team for far distances has been damaged!"

"What did you say………..!? Hurry and extinguish the fire!"



"Wha, what was that just now…………"

In the bridge of <Fraxinus> after the tremor calmed down, Hinako was looking at the enemy ship retreat while mumbling dumbfounded.

Even though the enemy shrunk the size of their Territory and increased its strength, when they got impatient on Kannazuki for not showing any signs of making any counter-measures, the enemy ship suddenly caught on fire, and distanced itself from the <Fraxinus>.

What's more, the part where the enemy ship got damaged was totally different from the place it came in contact with <Fraxinus>. Who on earth could have attacked the enemy ship.

It would seem like Hinako was not the only one having that doubt. A big portion of the crew shortened their words, and sent their sights towards Kannazuki.

When Kannazuki noticed everyone's stares, he then shrugged his shoulders and hit the small monitor on his arm reach.

As if, to tell everyone to look at their hands.

Obeying that gesture, the crew members looked at their own monitors——and their eyes stared into wonder.

On it was the enemy ship making a rotation while caught on fire and——they confirmed a small leaf-like silhouette using Invisible mode.

"This is——<Yggd folium> ……..?"

Yes. Just now, right before the enemy ship appeared, it was the independent unit that was released to set a relay point for communications with Arubi Island.

Everyone understood at once. And at the same time, was horrified.

In the <Yggd folium>, many types of small-scaled Realizers were equipped on it. By using that, they would be able to remote control it from <Fraxinus>, and possibly activate the Territory on it.

But, to be able to deploy the Territory would mean, it could not serve its purpose of only capturing signals.

Kannazuki controlled that object that was released to make a communication relay from a distance, and used it as a mine.

But, even in normal conditions, he was able to compensate for the Control Realizer which created the strain of 7 Realizers while remote controlling something so small, it was offhand unbelievable.

Probably realizing what everyone's thoughts were, Kannazuki moved his lips.

"Well, how should I say this. It is quite sad I guess, no matter how advanced the technology one has, right now people could, not create a head for a single human."

After saying that, he shrugged his shoulders.

No, there is no way such humans exist, these thoughts——were apparently not caught on by him.

Part 5

"Wha………..this is——<Sandalphon>……..?"

Shidou raised his voice while being shocked because of the sword that appeared in his right hand.

A Wide Blade giving off a glowing light. A hand guard with delicate craftsmanship applied on it.

Yes. That is without a doubt, Tohka's [Miracle that holds a shape] ——Angel <Sandalphon>.

"shi,dou………..? wh,why can shidou use <Sandalphon>……….!?"

Tohka was also shocked while looking at Shidou's direction.

But that was probably normal. That's because <Sandalphon>, which was just shattered by Ellen, had appeared in Shidou's hand.

But——while Shidou was surprised, he was somewhat aware of himself and therefore able to accept the situation calmly.

Shidou's healing abilities didn't belong to him in the first place; it was something that appeared after sealing Kotori's Reiryoku.

Judging by that, the others——if Shidou's body, which had the Maryoku of the spirits sealed inside of it, had become adapted to it.

Then it was possible to think that he'd be able to use the power of other Spirits.

And in reality, there was an actual proof proving that hypothesis to be correct.

——due to the Angel manifesting itself.

"Angel…………? What's more, it's the same as <Princess>'s……….? That was supposed to have been broken by me just now. Before anything else, why is someone like you able to——"

Ellen, who was uninterested just now, suddenly changed and looked at Shidou with eyes that reflect inquisitiveness.

"You call yourself Itsuka——Shidou, right? What on earth are you?"

"……………human. As far as it goes."


After Ellen frowned her eyebrows from hearing Shidou's reply, she then moved her hands upwards. Following that movement, the surrounding <Bandersnatch>s lowered their postures as if to show their alertness.

"I've changed my mind. Itsuka Shidou. I will have you come with us too. I don't recommend resisting."

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Shidou gripped onto <Sandalphon> while making a sullen face.

It is true that just now Shidou had managed to disable two of the <Bandersnatch>s. But, above the remaining eight <Bandersnatch>s now being alarmed, there was that unidentified Wizard, who had easily beaten Tohka with her limiter partly released, waiting at the far back.

It was easy to imagine how difficult it would become in succeeding to run away with Tohka in this situation.

"<Bandersnatch> team. Please capture him. If there is resistance, then I don't mind if you break his arms and legs."

Ellen said that and swung down the hand that was hanging out towards Shidou.

At the same time, the <Bandersnatch>s that were deployed in the surroundings, attacked Shidou all at once.

"Kuh, why you………..!"

He suddenly swung <Sandalphon> he was holding in his hand but, the sword strike he did just now did not come out. The dimly glowing blade was only drawing traces in the dead night.

Naturally, those strikes did not hit the <Bandersnatch>s. Easily dodging Shidou's attack, the <Bandersnatch>s extended their arms towards Shidou's right hand which was holding <Sandalphon>.


Suddenly, when he thought the sound of a button being pushed sounded, the mechanical dolls surrounding Shidou and Tohka, had sparks bursting out from their heads and their bodies twisted.

"What on earth, is going on……………."

He frowned his eyebrows doubtfully. The mechanical dolls that were moving fluently until now, were starting to move awkwardly like an electronic toy that suddenly had its power cut off.

Looking at that, Ellen who had been staring at the sword being gripped by Shidou's hand, distorted her face inexplicably. And as if she realized something, she placed her hand on her ear and started moving her lips.

"The <Bandersnatch> team's response is getting disturbed. Did something happen."

And then, she shook her throat as if moaning.

"——Control Realizer got hit? What do you mean by that. ………….uh, a battle with an aircraft? I don't remember giving any orders like that——"


I can't let this opportunity get away. Shidou immediately kicked the ground and quickly grabbed Tohka's hand before running away from that spot at full speed.

"Wha………..what, what happened?"

"I don't know! But this is a chance!"

He said that and as if to get away from the dolls, he ran towards the forest.

"! We can't let them get away. Please chase them."

At the same time as Ellen let out her command from behind, a few <Bandersnatch>s moved their heads towards Shidou to give chase.

But——immediately after, their hands and legs started moving randomly looking like broken marionettes, and then fell down.

"Kuh………what are you doing!"

Ellen clicked her tongue as if she had gotten impatient before starting to run to catch Shidou and Tohka herself.

But, at that moment.


She then stepped in a hole which was dug out in the ground, and *Suteen*! fell inside.

"Wh,why is there a hole in a place like this…………..!? Don't tell me, this is the high speed hole digging——"

Incidentally, at that moment, one <Bandersnatch> like it was leaning towards Ellen, fell inside.

"Eh, u, uwaahh!?"

It would seem like it was a catastrophic idea to nonchalantly release her CR-unit after bringing Tohka down. Ellen, in a state where she had gotten ambushed, got buried under the heavy-looking mechanical doll.

"Th, this is impossible………I, I am the strongest……..wizard——Mukyuuu."

After raising an odd voice, she stopped moving completely.

But even so, since he didn't know when Ellen would wake up or when the <Bandersnatch>s functions would recover, Shidou stopped looking back and faced forward. *Gou**gou* he then ran inside the sound of the wind.



And then, wondering how far he advanced.

"……………! That is——"


Shidou and Tohka who were running side by side, shook their throats at the same time.

Yes. In the sky above the forest, that was having its trees mowed down, they saw Kaguya and Yuzuru clashing at each other repeatedly.


Originally, they had to get away from Ellen as fast as possible but——Shidou unintentionally stopped his legs.

If he does not stop both of them here and now, the battle between those two would most likely conclude here.

And the conclusion would mean——Kaguya or Yuzuru, either one of them would be annihilated.

By any chance, if the result were not decided here, it would be the same as both of them LOSTdisappearing into the other world.

In order to save both of them, Shidou has to seal their Spirit powers, right here and right now.

"Both of you! Stop it! There might be a way where both of you can live!"

Even when he shouted, it looked like they did not hear his voice. Although the distance between them was not that far, the wall of wind swirling around both of them probably shut-out any sound coming from the outside.

"Kuh, what should I——"

Shidou said that and suddenly opened his eyes wide, before looking down to his right hand.

Right there, he was still holding Tohka's Angel <Sandalphon>.

Yes. If it is the Angel's strike that defeated the <Bandersnatch>s then, it might be possible to slice off the storm wall covering Kaguya and Yuzuru.

Naturally, he did not think that both of them could be stopped by only that. But, Shidou averted his attention away for an instant; it might be possible to let them hear what I have to say.

It was a weak possibility. But, that was the only way.

"Sorry Tohka, Please get away from me a little bit………..!"

"Mu………….? U,umu."

After Tohka groaned honestly, she separated herself from Shidou's hand and walked a few steps behind.

After Shidou confirmed that from the edge of his vision, he made a stance with <Sandalphon> with both his hands, and slashed down towards the winds covering Kaguya and Yuzuru as if he were trying to cut it.


But——<Sandalphon> did not release the light like that time it had first shown it.


He tried multiple times but, the results were the same. <Sandalphon> was only cutting the air around the radius of its blade. It would not show its absolute authority compared to when Tohka handled it.

"It's no use………………"

Shidou clenched his teeth, and gripped <Sandalphon>'s handle harder.

But, not yet. Shidou turned his neck and faced towards <Sandalphon>'s real master.

"Tohka…………! I beg you, use <Sandalphon> and stop those two!"


Tohka let out her voice doubtfully. But, probably after looking at Kaguya and Yuzuru who were violently clashing and looking at Shidou's unusual behavior, she guessed the situation and nodded as if she discarded all hindering thoughts.

"Sorry, I beg you…………!"

After saying that, he pointed <Sandalphon>'s grip towards Tohka, and held it out to her.

"Umu, leave it to me."

After Tohka nodded once more, she took <Sandalphon> into her hands. However——


At that moment, she made a small breath and brought her eyebrow roots together.


"——it's no use. The me right now can't swing this <Sandalphon>."


When question marks started floating around Shidou's head, Tohka stared at Shidou's eyes intensely while continuing on.

"<Sandalphon> is not an ordinary sword. It's an [Angel] manifested by the wish of the user who has Spirit Maryoku. It'll be different if I am in full Reiryoku state but, right now, I can't use <Sandalphon> which was summoned by Shidou's wish."

"No way——then…………"

Shidou raised his face in desperation.

In the sky, the two Spirits were still continuing mercilessly and going all-out to let the other one live.

While praising the opponent each time they open their mouth.

Considering carefully about the opponent while throwing punches and kicks at the opponent.

While conveying their affections with each attack thrown.

Hopelessly loving each other, it was the continuation of this distorted fight by these hopeless bunglers.

——In order to kill themselves.

"No way………… I can allow that!"

Shidou shouted and grasped <Sandalphon>'s handle tightly, and swung once more.

Of course, there was no difference compared to just now. But, there was no other way. Without giving up, he repeated it for the 2nd and 3rd time.

"Damn it, damn it……………! Isn't there a way! If this continues, both of them will………"

If Shidou uses the sealed powers, he can seal both of their Reiryoku. If he did that then maybe, both of them don't have to turn into one Yamai and can continue staying in that state.

He does not have to step into the middle of the storm. But just on strike. If only he could slice the wind with that one strike, and direct both of their attentions towards Shidou——!

And, Tohka placed her hands on Shidou's shoulder.

"………….., Tohka?"

He returned his face back to Tohka from looking up at the sky, and Shidou gulped.

——Tohka's hand placed on his shoulders was, not something kind as if to comfort Shidou's frustration, but instead it was strong as if she were scolding him harshly.

"I'm kind of jealous. To have shidou say something like that."


When Shidou let out a semi-dumbfounded voice, Tohka made a bitter smile for an instant before nodding with all her strength.

"Although I said that just now but, as expected, I think there is no other choice other than everyone talking and understanding each other. If shidou knows a way to let both of them live, then Kaguya and Yuzuru would probably lower their swords."

It was very simple, but it was true.

"But, what should we——"

"——I said it before, the <Sandalphon> right now, is something summoned by Shidou's wish. If that is the case, if it isn't Shidou who will grant it then who else will."

"…………! Me………….?"

After Tohka nodded, Shidou grasped the handle tightly. She then brought her body to Shidou's back, and wrapped her hands around Shidou's body as if she was planning to swing <Sandalphon> together with him.

But………… one would expect, their body's physiques were too different. After [Muu……..] groaning, this time she passed under Shidou's arm and came in front.

While both of them were in a haori[5E 1]-like state, on Shidou's hand which was gripping onto <Sandalphon>'s handle, she gently accompanied her hands together with his.


"Calm your heart. And remember back. What Shidou wants to do now. What is the thing Shidou wishes for now. Other things now are trivial. Ignore it. Only one, imagine your wish in your heart and swing the sword. ——if you do that, the Angel will definitely answer you."


Shidou gulped, closed his eyes, and thinly exhaled.

Following what Tohka said, he calmed his heart down and arranged his breathing.

He placed his thoughts away, whether it's the sound of the wind shaking his eardrums, or the storm disturbing his hair, or even the soft and warm feeling from Tohka that is being transmitted to his chest and hands, but only one was imagined in his heart.

Kaguya and Yuzuru. Whether it was coincidence or inevitability, the Spirit that was separated into two.

The moment they were born, a created existence with the fate of either one of them having to disappear.

But even confirming that and yet——both of them right now, in order to let the other live, they are fighting with their beloved other half.

Shidou ground his teeth.

"——Like hell, I will, let that happen."

Yes. Even when both of them are idiotically kind, something like either one of them having to disappear is just, something that shouldn't be.

That's why, before both of them finish their battle.

An absolute and ruthless strike that will crush both of their so called noble battle——!


Shidou immediately opened his eyes. <Sandalphon>'s blade was emitting a strong light that couldn't even be compared from just now.

Shidou fixed his grip back, and Tohka too, added strength to her hand that was accompanying his, she then brought her head forward.

Shidou once again lifted his head up and captured the bunglers that were making a ruckus unfolding in the sky into his sights.

And then.




Together with a shout, swung <Sandalphon> down aiming at the sky.

In an instant, light overflowed out of <Sandalphon>——as if the sword strike made by the blade was extending, it extended towards the sky.

And then <Sandalphon>'s light easily sliced through the castle of wind that was blowing violently, and passed between Kaguya and Yuzuru before going into the sky. Splitting the cloud that was swirling into two, the face of the moon that was hidden until now was brought out.

When that happened, the wind that was blowing around ceased like it had been a lie, and he heard voices filled with confusion.


"Uneasiness. This is……….."

Kaguya and Yuzuru, who were directing their lance and pendulum at each other, opened their eyes in surprise and probably looking for the source of that sword strike, both of them directed their eyes downwards.

After both of them recognized Shidou's figure there, both of them raised their eyebrows.

"Shidou………….!? That just now, was that you…………..?"

"Shock. Impossible. That was a tremendous amount of Reiryoku."

Shidou used <Sandalphon> like a walking stick, and while he was supported by Tohka, as if to respond to both of their question, he opened his mouth.


One strike. Even if it was just one strike, his whole body hurt like crazy. But, if he let this chance go, his voice possibly wouldn't reach them anymore. Saying it until his throat felt like it was getting crushed, he raised a loud voice.

"I beg you………..stop, fighting!"

However when Shidou appealed to them, Kaguya and Yuzuru distorted their face in displeasure.

"………….you, didn't you hear me? Me and Yuzuru, can only exist when one of us absorbs the other."

"Agree. That is exactly right. Please do not bother us. Right now Yuzuru has to give a lesson to this blockhead Kaguya, until Kaguya understands she is an excellent Spirit."

"Uh, You're still saying that………….! I already told you it can't be helped if someone like me doesn't survive!? Why can't you understand! Yuzuru! You should be the one to live!"

"Deny. Yuzuru doesn't think so. Kaguya should be the one to live."

"Why are you so………..!"

"Enraged. Kaguya too——"


If he let this momentum go on then, the hardly achieved interruption would go to waste and the battle would start again. He raised his voice as if to interrupt both of their words.

"I didn't plan to stop being the judge of your battle! I——will choose! The Spirit suitable for being the true Yamai! The one who should stay alive!"


When Shidou said that, Kaguya and Yuzuru opened their eyes wide in shock——they immediately glared at Shidou with piercing stares.

But, they didn't try to say anything to him. Tentatively, they planned to hear what he had to say.

However it was easy to understand the reason for their fixed stares. Coming from both sides, he felt a pressure strong enough to give him chills on his skin.

…………..the point is, both of them are thinking like this. It will be okay if you choose the opponent. But if you try to choose me, then I will pierce your heart before you finish the name.

And since they are the wind spirit <Berserk>. They probably do have the power to make it reality.

Shidou made a gulp nervously before opening his mouth.

And, he placed his choice in his voice and let it out.

"The one I choose is——Both of you!"

Shidou's voice echoed throughout the forest that had been enveloped by silence since the wind stopped.

Kaguya and Yuzuru stared at Shidou for a few seconds before——both of them, released a big sigh together.

"………….What's up with that. Are you joking with us?"

"Scorn. It's an answer below elementary school level. A guy with no decisiveness is disgraceful."

After saying that, both of them released a given up voice.

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But, Shidou wasn't planning on joking around; he also wasn't planning to make fun of them. He seriously, continued his words.

"——It can't be helped! Since both of you have many different good things about you, I can't choose!"



Kaguya's cheeks turned red while Yuzuru opened her eyes halfway.

"Many you say…….…..Don't say it like you know about it! What can someone like you——"

"I know! At the very least, I came to realize one thing faster than either of you two did!"

"………….Question. And that is?"

Towards Yuzuru's question, Shidou clutched his fist while squeezing his throat.

"For Kaguya, the thoughts and feelings she has for Yuzuru, are much stronger than Yuzuru's towards herself——while for Yuzuru, she values Kaguya more preciously than Kaguya does herself."

"——uh, that's."


Both of them kept quiet as if they were at a loss for words. Shidou added more strength to his body which was almost close to collapsing. He mustered up all his strength in his body before continuing.

"——You two!! You two have the right to select these choices for the future! Choose!

①! Yuzuru absorbs Kaguya and becomes the true Yamai!

②! Kaguya absorbs Yuzuru and becomes the true Yamai!"

After both of them heeded Shidou's words, what kind of obvious question is that, they made such a face while opening their mouth.

"Isn't that obvious. ①——"

"Reply. There is no need to think. ②——"

But, Shidou didn't hear the replies and continued talking.

"③! In exchange for the loss of your Spirit powers, both of you will live………..!"


The moment Shidou said that, Kaguya and Yuzuru opened their eyes in shock.

"Huh………..? What did you say?"

"Request. Just now, what did you."

Shidou coughed violently. And Tohka turned her head worried.

But, he couldn't afford to stop his words here. He moistens his throat with his saliva and squeezes his voice out.

"——I'm sorry but, I've only been given three choices to choose from for a long time.………….I can't allow, to have it only be two choices."

"What…..are you saying? That sort of thing, there is no way it's possible."

"Doubt. Yes. Yuzuru has not heard of that method before."

Kaguya and Yuzuru, faced towards him with doubtful eyes. It stands for a reason. The one who says to believe him is the one that is absurd.

But, Shidou raised a shout.

"I beg of you two! Please believe me! Only once is okay! Give me a chance to let you two live……..! If it is a failure then, I don't mind if you do whatever you want with me! If that is the case, then you could even kill me! That's why…………!"

"………..what are you. Aren't you human? That kind of——"

"Just now, did you forget who was the one that sliced your prided wind?"


"Thought. ……………….."

Kaguya and Yuzuru lost their words, and looked at each other. Rather than finding the true motives in Shidou's words, they were confused by the sudden turn of events.

"That's why——stop! Both of you don't need to fight with each other anymore……….! Something like, one of you having to vanish, no longer——"

In the middle of his words, Shidou felt an intense drowsiness, and collapsed on that spot. <Sandalphon> fell on the ground, and turned into light particles before vanishing into the air.


Tohka let out a worried voice and shook his shoulders. But, it was difficult for him to reply back to that.

Tentatively, he kept his consciousness but, *Hyuu**Hyuu* he was only releasing air out from his throat and probably could no longer let out his voice anymore. It would seem——Shidou's body had long crossed its limits.



In the sky, Kaguya and Yuzuru stared at each other.

——Kaguya quietly opened her lips.

"…………that's what he said. What do you think? Yuzuru."

"Distrust. It is impossible to think so. Even if that strike was really something from Shidou, Yuzuru has not heard about stealing the Spirit's Reiryoku away before."

"That's true——……….. I think so too."

"…………….! ……………….!"

Inside Shidou's blurry view, he somehow tried to squeeze his voice out from his lungs. But——no matter how much he tried moving his throat, his breath would not be covered with sound.

It was no good. He couldn't manage to make them believe him. Shidou felt his view getting blurry.

——Stop, stop, stop. I really have the power to save both of you. If I stretch out my hand, I can grab them.

However, Shidou's voice which didn't sound like a voice, didn't reach the sky. Kaguya and Yuzuru were, gazing at each other's eyes while continuing with their words.

"Seriously, Shidou is a troubling guy. To disturb us twice."

"Agree. Seriously. Even though Yuzuru was close to beating Kaguya."

"What are you saying? Even I was about to release a one-hit kill."

"Sneer. Was it the Suturm Lante (Laugh)."

"Sh,shut up. If you say that one more time, I seriously will get angry."

"Challenge accepted. By all means, please do what you like. It's going to be Yuzuru's win anyway. Yuzuru will definitely make Kaguya survive."

"I can't let that happen. I will be the one to win. You have to live no matter what."

"Rebuttal. Kaguya should."

Kaguya made a stance with her lance, while Yuzuru made one with her pendulum. Nearby them, the wind started blowing again.


"…………………..hey, Yuzuru."

"Reply. What is it."

"This is persistently just a talk. A what if talk. A possibility talk. ——if by any chance what Shidou said is true then, what do you think."

"Petition. Would you give Yuzuru a time limit to think."

"Approved. Only 3 seconds."


"Alright, the end. So?"

"Reply. ………………I think, it's very wonderful."

"………………fuun. You're unexpectedly quite a romanticist."

"Discouraged. Then what about Kaguya."

"…………coincidently, me too."

"Question. If both of us live then, what does Kaguya want to do?"

"Me? Let's see……….ah, the thing Tohka said. I might want to try eating that Kinako bread. It seems like it's super delicious."

"Agree. It does sound delicious."

"What about Yuzuru?"

"Reply. ——Yuzuru would want to try going to school."

"Aah……………that's nice. Ahaha, if it's Yuzuru, then you would definitely be the object of adoration for the guys in the school."

"Deny. Yuzuru thinks that's not possible."

"Heh? Why?"

"Reply. That's because Kaguya would be together with me. Most definitely, Kaguya would be the one getting the popularity."

"Ha,ha……….together with me."

"Affirmative. That's because, since persistently this is just a talk. Yuzuru does not remember a restriction was given."

"Aah…………didn't I. I guess so, then when class finishes, let's wander around the town after school."

"Agree. That's wonderful. Yuzuru would want to try entering a café."

"Yeah Yeah, I get it. But you have to properly split the cost okay?"

"Deny. That is unfair. Kaguya eats more than Yuzuru."

"I,it's not that much of a difference."

"Question. Is that so."



At the end of those words, both of them were silent for a while.

Inside the sound of wind, the one that restarted the conversation was Kaguya.

"…………….hey, Yuzuru."

"Reply. What is it."

"Sorry, I told a lie.……….I"

Large drops of tears spilled out from Kaguya's eyes.

"I don't want, to die…………"

Together with sobbing, she continued talking.

"I want to live……………I, I want to be with Yuzuru more."


The next thing, on Yuzuru's cheeks, a straight of tears flowed along it.

"Yuzuru…….too. Yuzuru doesn't want to disappear. Yuzuru wants to live with Kaguya."



Both of them mixed their sights, and moved their lips at the same time.


But, the voices that came out from their throats, did not reach to one another.

More importantly, a giant sound of a motor from far away, roared further above the sky from Kaguya and Yuzuru.


"Gazing. That's——"

Kaguya and Yuzuru looked upwards.

Over there was, a floating giant black warship with smoke coming out from its rear.



"Captain! It will be dangerous if we lower the altitude any further than this! In the state where Invisible isn't used, there might be a chance the residents will notice——!"

Inside <Arbatel>'s bridge, the screams of the crew member's dyed in uneasiness, echoed throughout.


But Paddington, who was sitting on the captain seat, silenced them in one roar.

——The residents will notice? What meaning does that have? In reality, when the <Arbatel> started nose diving, <Ratatoskr>'s airship stopped pursuing us.

Fortunately, it would seem that the Captain on the other side had the same mediocre thoughts as the crew members on this side. Due to them being secretive as their foremost thoughts, they allowed their wounded enemies to escape under their nose.

"No——that's wrong huh."

Paddington licked his lips.

If they had the goal of keeping their own ship a secret then, they could use a method of attacking the <Arbatel> even if they didn't give chase. They could use the convergence Maryoku cannon to shoot, or use that mysterious mine they used just now.

But, by any chance they proceeded on attacking, the people on the island might fall victim to their actions.

If it is a captain belonging to a capricious organization that tries to persuade the Spirits using peaceful means then, he thought that might be the case but……………it would seems he had hit the mark.

But——that was not enough.

Losing a few units of the <Bandersnatch>s, damaging the <Arbatel>, and running away. At that point, Paddington's disgrace would be final.

In order to cancel all that, he needed a better outcome to compensate for it.

Paddington glared at the two girls being shown on the screen.

Just now, just before the communication was cut off, according to the information given by Ellen, that is the Spirit <Berserk>.

"The fire is extinguished in the Control room, right!? Make all the remaining <Bandersnatch>s in the ship takeoff! We have to capture <Berserk> and <Princess> no matter what!"


"Just do it!"

Due to Paddington's shout, the crew member skipped a beat and hit the console while grinding his teeth.



"——What is that."

"Agree. Yuzuru wishes it could read the mood."

Kaguya and Yuzuru looked at the giant cluster of metal up in the sky while letting out unhappy voices.

Although it was the reconciliation with their beloved other half, that thing disturbed them with perfect timing.

But, it did not end just there.

When they thought, the hatch installed at the rear of the warship opened, coming out from there separately, dolls packed with various weapons on their backs and limbs, fell out from there.

Organic and having a smooth form. Tentatively, they were dolls with heads and limbs but, rather than it being human, demi-humans or devils from story books came into mind.

What's more, those mechanical dolls, after opening the wiring at their backs mid-air, they unexpectedly circled easily around the sky and started flying around as if they were trying to surround Kaguya and Yuzuru.

And, in the next moment, the doll that was flying in the surroundings, pointed its right hand equipped with a tube-like object at both of them and beams were released from it.



After Kaguya and Yuzuru dodged those just when they were about to hit, *Kiii* they glared at the dolls.

But, the other dolls immediately made a stance with their cannons as if to follow that, and commenced attacking Kaguya and Yuzuru.

"Kuh, what's with these dolls."

After Kaguya made the tip of the lance, she was holding in her right, hand spin, it created a small scale typhoon and mowed down the dolls that were grouping there.

"Offensive. It's irritating."

Yuzuru also controlled the pendulum on her left hand, and blew away the dolls that were around their surroundings.

But, the dolls that were scattered about from both of their attacks, fixed back their postures as if nothing happened and once again faced towards both of them while ignoring gravity.

Kaguya and Yuzuru distorted their eyebrows unpleasantly.

"Fu……..what a disgusting bunch."

"Agree. Honestly, Yuzuru doesn't want to be touched by that."

After Kaguya and Yuzuru blew the dolls away again, they once again gazed at the sky.

It would seem the dolls have not stopped coming down. The dolls were still individually, being dropped down from the giant ship.

After both of them got fed up and bent their shoulders from looking at that, they opened their mouth at the exact same time. If this was the case, then it would never end no matter how many dolls they defeat.

"Hey, Yuzuru."

"Suggestion. Kaguya."

Their voices perfectly overlapped. After Kaguya and Yuzuru suddenly opened their eyes in shock, they looked at each other's face.

And then, coming from both sides, [Fufu] such a voice leaked out.

"Wanna do it?"

"Agree. Let's do it."

After both of them made a small nod, Kaguya held out her left hand, while Yuzuru did it with her right hand——they perfectly joined them together.

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When they did that, both of their AstralDresses and Angels shined brightly and——the wing growing out of Kaguya's right shoulder and the wing growing out of Yuzuru's left shoulder joined together, and formed a bow-like shape.

Next, Yuzuru's pendulum became a bowstring and connected the wings together from one side to another——Kaguya's Lance became the arrow and was nocked on the bow.

This time, Kaguya using her right hand, while Yuzuru using her left.

With the hands wrapped in the AstralDress armor, their left and right hand pulled the bowstring at the same time.

The bow that had been pulled to its limit was then pointed towards the warship up in the sky.

And then.


""<Raphael>---<<Ell Kanaph>>!!""


Both of them, released their hands at the exact same time, and that giant arrow was shot high up into the sky.

In an instant, a wind pressure that could not even be compared with before, attacked nearby.

Shidou and Tohka who were right underneath them were still okay but, the dolls that were flying around them got blown away just by the aftermath. The remaining trees were mowed down and the forest rustled about like it was waving.

There is nothing in existence that can stop the advancement of the arrow covered in the winds protection.

An absolute and invincible single concentrated attack.

A shot that was first done by both the Yamai's joining forces, the strongest arrow.

Towards the warship that is a product of humans, there should be no reason, for it to be able to dodge it.

In a span of an instant, the giant warship got pierced by <Raphael>'s arrow, and due to it being wrapped in wind pressure, the interiors were messed up and destroyed——the night sky dyed red together with the sound of a giant explosion.

Part 6

"………….kuh, ah……………"

Together with a groan-like voice, Origami slightly opened her eyes.

The view that was being projected now was not the sky of the island being blown by wind, but rather it was the ceiling of a hotel room being illuminated by a square lighting. For an instant, she thought she was being attacked by a hallucination as if what happened all this time was just a dream but——wrong. It was certain that a dull pain was left on her side.

After she made a wry face while touching her chest, she found out medical treatment was applied on her using bandages and fomentations.

"What on earth happened……….."

"……………aah, you woke up."

And, coming from the side of the pillow, she heard a sleepy voice. It was the vice-homeroom teacher Murasame Reine.

"Sensei………..where am I."

"……………'s my room. I'm sorry but, I will have you move here. Since it would probably cause a commotion if the other students were to see this."

"Err……..the dolls——"

"………….aah, after you lost consciousness, for some reason it suddenly stopped moving."

"——I see."

After Origami said that shortly, she somehow managed to raise her creaking body.

"………….it's better not to force yourself. Stay quiet for today."

"Was the treatment done by sensei?"

"…………..aah. Sorry I used what was available."

"No. …………thank you."

"…………the one who should say thanks is me. Thanks to you, I was saved. Thank you."

After saying that, Reine lowered her head. Origami drank down her saliva before continuing talking.

"Sensei, about that doll."

"……………..I didn't tell anyone. Is it better that way?"


Origami looked back at Reine silently.

…………She felt that this teacher Murasame, was oddly calm even though she was suddenly attacked. And above that, she performed medical treatment on Origami with calm judgment and did not talk to anyone about this.

It was true that Origami didn't want the information about a mysterious doll be recklessly spread but……… to put it, she felt like it was a little too perfect.

Yes——it was like, she knew about the existence of the CR-unit.

But, Origami stopped those thoughts.

That was because a more important matter appeared in her head.



"Where's Shidou."

"……….aah, he's okay. It looks like he's heading this way."

Hearing those words, Origami made a sigh of relieve——she twitched her shoulders with a bad feeling.

"How, do you know that?"


When Origami said that, Reine scratched her cheeks and made her eyes wander around as if [Oh no] she made a mistake. And after a moment of silence, she opened her mouth.



Origami silently crawled out of the futon. Even if she guaranteed Shidou's safety, with that weak reason, there is no way she could not be worried.

But, the moment she stood up from that spot, a dull pain ran across her stomach, and made Origami fall on her knees.


"………………that's why I said it before. You shouldn't force yourself. What, he'll be back soon."


While being on all fours, Origami punched the floor with her fist. Although a light pain ran through her stomach from that impact but, she didn't register it and punched the floor once more.

It was just an attack. Just from an attack with no weapon. From a doll that was not a Spirit or anything's attack, and this.

The Origami now, who had her Realizer stolen from her, was sorrowfully just a normal human.

So weak, and so powerless. She was just coincidentally hanging onto the life she picked up. If the doll did not stop its function on that spot, then she might have been killed together with Reine. She was a weak girl that could not bring back Shidou——her lover from that dangerous place. That right now is Tobiichi Origami.

She clenched her teeth. She could lightly taste blood.



Reine tilted her head. But it was not a word for Reine to hear. As if to say it to herself, she chanted it once more.

"I want……….to be stronger. Not relying on anything, enough………… protect Shidou…………"

Whether she heard those words or didn't hear them——Reine, quietly cast her eyes down and gently put her coat over Origami's shoulders.

Part 7

"——<Arbatel>. This is Adeptus 1. Please respond, <Arbatel>."

Somehow managing to get her consciousness back, Ellen who had crawled out from under the <Bandersnatch> shouted but, she could only hear noise coming from the other side of the Incam.


Ellen clicked her tongue inside her mouth, and distorted her shoulders.

<Arbatel> is probably 8 out of 9 defeated. Just now, there was no mistake that all of the <Bandersnatch>s have stopped functioning all at once.

She encircled herself with thoughts. It was still okay if the <Arbatel> was completely destroyed leaving nothing at all, and everyone including Paddington died. But, at all costs, she couldn't let that ship be handed over to <Ratatoskr>——

And thus, Ellen shook her shoulders lightly. It was because she heard some kind of sound coming from the Incam.

"Is this the <Arbatel>? How's the situation——"

However, the communication partner she predicted was someone different. A giggle she heard before was shaking Ellen's eardrum.

"Fufu………….Judging by that state, it looks like the plan failed. Isn't this quite rare for someone like you."


Yes. That voice belonged to none other than Isaac Westcott.

"I'm very sorry. Everything is my responsibility."

Naturally, her mind did not think that way. It was the fault of that incompetent fool who went overboard with the powerful toy he was given and——the devilish female school students.

Westcott made a laugh once more as if he looked through Ellen's thoughts.

"So, how about <Princess>?"

"……………….I'm sorry. I failed in capturing her."

"Was she a Spirit?"

"Eh? Ye,Yes. I have confirmed that. There is no mistake. Yatogami Tohka is the Spirit <Princess>."

When Ellen said that, Westcott rang his throat as if he was satisfied.

"Fufu, what, looks like you properly identified her. Just knowing that gives the plan this time a significant meaning. ——Good job. Return back to base."



"No such thing. Only——lastly, there is one question I want to ask."

"Houu, What is it?"

Ellen quietly opened her lips.

"——Something like a human able to control the Spirit's power, do you think it exists?"

Part 8

Shidou was borrowing Tohka's shoulder while, sluggishly, walking towards the hotel.

The forest fell completely into ruins compared to its original self; it became very visible compared to the time he came here, and it was also much easier to walk. He gazed ahead at the dim road while, murmuring worried.

"……………..this, has gotta be okay right………..?"

When Shidou said that, he felt that……………..he heard the sound of Kaguya and Yuzuru gulping.

And, when they approached near the hotel, Shidou and the group found something strange.

"Hmm……..? That's……………..done by the………….<Bandersnatch> right?"

Thanks to Kaguya's and Yuzuru's wind, it would seem that it was blown over here. Its head had a caved-in like damage. It was probably knocked in when it was falling.

And, when Shidou was encircling himself with thoughts, he heard Kaguya make a chuckle from behind.

"Kuku……………'s because of our intense hurricane. A doll like this would only be played around like garbage."

"Agree. Yuzuru and Kaguya's wind is the strongest."

After both of them said that, they bumped their fist and smiled at each other. It was an unthinkable reconciliation between these two judging from what had happed before.

"More importantly——ly. Shidou, hurry up and seal our powers."

"Agree. Although there is still time but, the faster the better."

"Eh, no, that's."

After Shidou looked towards Tohka's direction, his words turned unclear. Tohka, looked back at him unhappily.

"Si,since I have to make plenty of preparations. So, we'll do it quickly tomorrow morning, please wait a little longer."

As expected, he couldn't do it in front of Tohka. Shidou made a random excuse.

"Fuun………….it better not be a lie? If you send forth a lie towards this child of the typhoon then, think that not even a bone would be left."

"Lynching. Until Shidou is full of dents."

"I,I didn't make up a lie."


After both of them looked at Shidou with suspicious eyes, they made a small sigh.

"Kuku…………….well that's okay I guess. I'll believe you. By the way Tohka."

"Mu? What?"

"Request. For a little while, could Tohka lend us Shidou?"

As if to finish Kaguya's words, Yuzuru said that. Tohka unpleasantly tilted her head.

"I don't mind but………….why?"

"It, it's okay, just a little while, you wait here."

When Kaguya said that, Tohka took her hand away from Shidou's shoulder.

And just like that she let both of them carry Shidou, before entering the side of the forest.

"Wha,what is it seriously."

"It's okay so keep quiet."

"Agree. Silence is golden."

Being told by them authoritatively, Shidou quietly shut his mouth.

And then, when they reach a spot where they couldn't see Tohka, both of them stopped their legs.

"……….Shidou. Well, how do I put this, thank you. In many ways."

"Thanks. Thanks to Shidou, Yuzuru and Kaguya's fighting ended."

"No, that's………"

He was taken back, from the sudden gentleness. Shidou made a wry smile as if he was troubled.

And, after Kaguya and Yuzuru made an eye signal to each other, they returned their sights back at Shidou.

"That's why, well, it's something boring but, we thought of giving you a gift."

"Petition. Please close your eyes."

"Huh? Eyes……………"

Shidou raised his eyebrows while, quietly obeying their orders.

When he did that——


Coming from left and right.

His lip's right and left, a soft feeling was produced at the same time and Shidou turned surprised.

Yes. Kaguya and Yuzuru were, giving Shidou a kiss at the same time.

"Wha, you two, what are you——"

"Tha,that's why I said it before. It's an exchange gift. It's the first kiss of two super beauties, Yuzuru and me you know? You dancing in joy is still okay but, that reaction is still nice."

"Apology. Was it a bother?"

Kaguya folded her arms while her face was red, and Yuzuru hung her head down apologetically. And——


"Surprise. This is——"

Kaguya and Yuzuru let out voices filled with panic. But that is only normal. That's because, both of their straightjackets and chains that were covering their body turned into light particles and disappeared.

"Uh, ukyaaaaaaaaaaa!?"

"Panic. Ecchi-desu[5E 2]."

Both of them together covered their chests, and squatted down on the spot. Following, Shidou turned around in a panic.

"Cal, calm down both of you! Actually, in order to seal the Reiryoku, that was an important——"

"shidou? There was something glowing but, what happened?"

"……………!? Tohka!?"

And making the situation worse, Tohka who was supposed to be waiting behind, *hyokon*, brought her face out.

And then, after suddenly opening her eyes in shock, she probably understood the situation and Tohka's face turned beet red.

"shi, shidou!? Wha, whawhawhat were you doing!?"

"N,no, you're wrong! I didn't——"

"Shidou suddenly stripped off my clothes…………."

"Shedding tears. Yuzuru can't become a bride anymore."

Coming from his back, becoming the final blow, Kaguya and Yuzuru's cover fire entered. After Tohka's cheeks turned even redder, she glared at Shidou.


"Wai, wait! Rig,right now my body is…………….uh, a,aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!?"

Shidou's bitter shout echoed throughout the forest night.

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