Date A Live

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:DeleteMorning Twelve O'clock

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Part 1

Next day, on 10:57am 22nd October.

Shidou looked at the clock displayed on his cellphone screen while, standing at the door in front of the Itsuka house.

The autumn sun felt good but, as expected it was already unpleasantly cold with short sleeves. Sometimes the chilling wind would shake the red leaves on the trees and pat Shidou’s cheeks before passing back to the sky.


And at the same time when the clock reached 11am, he could hear a lively voice coming from the entrance of the mansion soaring beside the Itsuka house. When he looked over, he found Tohka wearing autumn fashion clothing running towards him while innocently swinging her hands. He slightly raised his hands to respond to her calling.

“Sorry, did I make you wait?”

“No, it’s right on time. Rather it should be me saying sorry, calling you out all of a sudden”

“Don’t worry! More importantly, where are we shopping today!?”

Tohka tilted her head and asked questions while her eyes were sparkling.

Yes. Last night, Shidou told Tohka he wanted her to follow him to go shopping with him.

“Aah---------let’s see, let’s head to the station for now I guess”


Tohka nodded back energetically. How should he put it, it felt like she was so happy to be able to go out with Shidou until it can’t be helped. Various emotions like happiness, embarrassment, pleasantness, jumbled up together and Shidou scratched his head while making a wry smile.

“…………Shin, don’t forget about today’s goal”

From Reine’s voice unexpectedly shaking his right ear’s eardrum, Shidou twitched his shoulders.

“………. Ye-yes”

Shidou replied back with a soft voice and took a glance at Tohka’s side face while walking beside her.

It was Tohka’s usual face. There was nothing strange at all.

---But, maybe.


Shidou gulped.

The figure of the [Other Shidou] that appeared in his school a few days ago passed by his mind.

Yes. This Tohka, might be a fake disguised by Natsumi.

Shidou silently gaze at Tohka’s face while remembering the conversation he exchanged with Kotori yesterday.

“-------------[I am inside one of these. Can you guess which one am I?]……………..

Just before the day Shidou went out shopping with Tohka. He was with Kotori looking at the photo contained inside the envelope together while making difficult faces before muttering.

“Wha-what does……. This mean?”

“…………. If we take it literally then”

The one answering Shidou’s voice was not Kotori but Reine. Just now, she was called over by Kotori through the <Fraxinus>.

Reine lined up the 12 photos on top of the table.

“…………. Natsumi will disguise as someone from these 12 people…………. That would probably be the case”


He gasped from Reine’s words. But…………..Shidou also somehow guessed that would be the case.

Natsumi’s ability he saw a few days ago. The power of the Angel that reproduced Shidou’s appearance with little difference. If she uses that, it might be possible to disguise exactly as someone else.

“And, it means she’s telling me to guess which one she is disguising as……..huh”

“That should be the case………..the last part [Before everyone disappears] draws my attention a little though”

Kotori folded her arms together while saying that. Shidou gulped.

“The thing…………. Is the time limit right?”

“That might…… the case. Honestly, information is too little to make a decision”

“…………. Anyway, we have to move out as soon as possible”

Reine looked at the photos while nodding difficultly before placing her hands on her mouth.

“Even if you say move out, just what are we going to do?”

“Let’s see…………..first off us<Ratotoskr>, will try placing Reiha observation for everyone taken in these photos. The opponent is a Spirit possessing her full powers. Things will be fast if we find even a little Reiryoku leak out”

“I see…………..”


And, Reine opened her mouth to continue Kotori words.

“……………. It’s better to think the possibility in observing her reiha is extremely low. So, at the same time, Shin, we will probably have you make a move too”

“Yeah………. So what should we do?”

Shidou gripped his fist while nodding. Although the cause is still unknown, thinking back, it was originally all of this began when Shidou harmed Natsumi’s mood during the first contact. Also, he dragged everyone into this. He can’t just keep quiet and look at the situation.


“………..That’s true. For the time being, choose the sequence on who you want to date”


From Reine’s voice, Shidou let out a dumb voice.

“Da…….te? Wha-what does that mean?”

When Shidou asked with his eyebrows brought close together, Kotori answered indifferently this time.

“It is what it means. Starting from tomorrow, we will have Shidou date all 12 members shown in the photos one by one. And then-------you will check whether if you feel there is something odd with your date partner”

“…………! I see!”

No matter if Natsumi has transformation abilities, and even though she can reconstruct outer factors like voice and appearance, if they were to converse, he might be able to notice a point that is amiss from usual.

However, it is not like there is not something wrong.

“…………..but, everyone taken in the photo……right”

When Shidou asked with sweat flowing down his cheeks, Reine [……..aah] replied back.

“………………. Of course, it’s not like we will finish with all the members in one day. Even though we are in a hurry--------the limit for one day is probably 3 to 4 people”

“No, that is not the problem………………well even if Tohka and the rest is okay, Yamabuki, Hazakura, Fujibakama, Tama-chan-sensei and…………even Tonomachi, I will have to invite these people to dates right…………?”

From Shidou’s words, Kotori shrug her shoulders as if she given up.

“Haaa…………now isn’t the time to be saying that right. Rather, Shidou having that kind of thoughts, might be what Natsumi wants”

Told by Kotori with a rebuking tone, Shidou [Uu…………] faltered.

“…………Tha-that’s right”

After Shidou said that, Reine made a small nod.

“……………. Of course, we will provide maximum support as much as we can. Although it will be in a range where Natsumi’s eyes won’t touch………… the end”

“Yes…………..then, I will be counting on you for the support, Kotori”

But Kotori, frowned her eyebrows difficultly.

When Shidou twist his head from Kotori’s reaction, Reine raised her voice.

“……………. Yes, sorry but, Kotori can’t join in as this time support”

“Eh? Is that so?”

“Well that is just about right. …………..even I am one of the suspect”

Kotori *fuun* exhaled while saying that. Shidou [Ah] opened his eyes wide.

“……………so that’s the case. This time, I will be serving in the support role. I am sorry to Kotori but, until we can determine which one is Natsumi, Kotori cannot enter the <Fraxinus>”

“Yes. It is a necessary measure. There is no choice”

Kotori shrug her shoulders in indifferent manner beyond expectations. During the point of time her picture was put into the envelope Natsumi sent.

It’s certainly made sense. There was no out of the place feeling coming from Kotori’s talk until now but, as long as there is 0.1 percent that she might be Natsumi, she cannot enter the <Fraxinus> which is the central figure of <Ratatoskr>. Something like a Spirit holding hostility to him suddenly appearing in the bridge, just thinking about it is dreadful. Thinking like that, it should be proper to leave the support role to Reine who is not in the suspects.

“But…………. I wonder why Reine-san isn’t included. Even though Tama-chan-sensei and Yamabuki and her gang is included”

“…………..Hnn, this is completely a guess but, I was not around you when Natsumi was selecting the suspects. Recently, I have been secluding myself inside the <Fraxinus> investigating and analyzing Natsumi.

“Aah………..I see”

“…………..well naturally, there is also the possibility I might not have matched Natsumi’s discernment”

Reine said that while shrugging her shoulders in self-mockery. It was a joke which was somewhat troubling to respond to. Shidou made a powerless wry smile.

Kotori made a cough to bring the talk back to normal.

“Anyway. Our winning condition is in the end, to make Natsumi fall in love and seal her Reiryoku. Please pay attention and be careful.”

Midway in her words. Kotori resentfully distorted her face and

“-------if we harm Natsumi’s mood any more than this then, rather than sealing Natsumi, we might be in danger with her taking hostages.”


From Kotori’s words, Shidou felt his heart being squeezed.

“Wa-wait a second. Why hostage”

“………. Try thinking about it. Natsumi told you to try looking for her in these people.---------if there is 2 people with the same face, then the choices will become half”

“…………! That is……..”

Shidou’s face was filled with fear.

It’s true that she was right. Even that time when Natsumi disguised as Shidou, only when she was lined up beside the real Shidou did Tohka and Origami was able to see which one was the real one.

If it was Natsumi who has met a painful experience once, she would probably not make the same mistake.

Then what would she do. The answer was very simple.

“……………..she will confine the person she is disguising as somewhere else.”

“That’ll probably be right”

When Shidou said painfully, Kotori made a sullen face while nodding.

“There is no postponement. We will investigate 12 people in 3 separate days, and find Natsumi no matter what”

“Aah………. I will definitely find her”

Shidou re-gripped his fist and tilted his head with energy.

---And, now in the present.

Shidou was walking beside Tohka while examining her manners.

“Nu? What’s wrong Shidou?”

“! No, nothing…………….”

Shidou suddenly met with Tohka’s eyes and unnaturally averted his sights. While scratching his cheeks, he fastens his walking pace by a little. Starting from the face, body, voice, the movement of tilting her head, the gesture that looks like a small animal, all of it perfectly belongs to Tohka inside Shidou’s memories. At the very least, she does not look like a fake.

But, that perfectness in return looked suspicious, and Shidou’s head was in disorder.

And, maybe guessing Shidou’s confusion, Reine's voice could be heard from the Incam. “………………..calm down. Even by any chance Natsumi is disguising as Tohka, she probably won’t make any faults if you stay normal. It might be good to stir her up a bit”

“Stir her up………. You mean”

After Shidou replied softly, he immersed himself in his thoughts and--------once again brought his sights back to Tohka.

“He-hey Tohka. How long has it been since we come out together with just the both of us?”

“Mu? Why so suddenly?”

Tohka send her sights back in wonder. Shidou swing his hands to trick her.

“No, it’s just somehow. I thought, we weren’t really coming out with just the both of us.”

“Mu……………is that so? I feel we went shopping just a few days ago but…………”

“Aah, really?”

While saying that, Shidou *fuumu* groaned in his mind. The day Shidou and Tohka met Natsumi, they also came shopping on that day. It looks like she remembers properly.

Wondering what she interpreted from Shidou’s silence, Tohka hurried and made an add-on.

“So it’s that, I think its okay no matter how many times we go out. Umu, today I was very happy and had a lot of fun.”

After saying that, she made an unworried smile. Towards that cute expression, Shidou’s face turned hot on reflex.

But, now wasn’t the time to be thinking about that. Shidou distorted the side of his lips and made it look like a shape of a fearless smile. And, after taking gulp, he opened his mouth.

“Really, amazing. That’s exactly like Tohka.-----right, Natsumi


When Shidou call out to her, Tohka twitched her shoulders and stopped her legs on the spot.

He made a small gasp from Tohka’s reaction and Shidou also stopped walking.

It’s not like he has any positive proof, he just made a nonchalant single comment with the aim of trying to trick her. Honestly, even by any chance Tohka was a fake disguised from Natsumi, he thought she would might not have shown any reaction.

However, from Tohka’s reaction, no way---------

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When Shidou stiffened his body for nervousness, Tohka slowly faced towards Shidou and looked at him with a glare. That sight was filled with hostility that makes him think it does not belong to the normal Tohka.

Shidou poured strength into his fist.

“Don’t tell me, is it really you………?”


“…………..Shidou. Who is that woman called Natsumi? Just now, who did you make a mistake in calling?”


Tohka asked him in a bad mood, and Shidou felt the strength coming out from his firmed fist.

Rather than being flustered from her identity found out, Tohka’s manner looks purely like she was in a bad mood.

“…………….Shin. Right now you are in a date. If you make a mistake in calling out a woman’s name with someone else, I think it is only normal to be in a bad mood”

“Ah…………tha-that’s also………..true”

After Shidou mumbled while letting sweat ooze down his cheeks, he spread his hands out to calm Tohka who was sending him a doubtful sight.

“So-sorry, sorry. Hoora, it’s that, have you heard of [Natsu-mi]? It was originally a greeting in the Dominica commonwealth and has been popular recently………..”

“Is that so…….?”

Naturally it was a random speech. Shidou nodded while apologizing to the people of Dominica in his heart.

“Fumu, what meaning is it?”

“E-errr…….something like, I love you……..”


When Shidou answered something random, Tohka’s cheeks slightly blushed.

“Mu……..I see. Fufu……………”

After saying that, her cheeks relaxed. It seems he has escaped a predicament. Shidou made a relieved sigh.

But at that moment, Tohka noticed something again and twitched her shoulders.

“Then, before that, what does the [That’s exactly like Tohka] mean?”

“Eh? Ah, errr, that’s……………”

Unable to think of a good excuse, he became flustered. He sensed Tohka’s face getting more and more doubtful.

“………………. This is bad. Everything will be for naught if Tohka is in a bad mood. Can you do something to take back her mood?”

“You say mood but……’s not going to be that easy------“

Shidou made his eyebrows into a 八 kanji shape while looking around---------and [ah] raised a soft voice.

“He-hey, Tohka. It’s not afternoon yet right? It’s a little early but, can we go eat?”

After saying that, he pointed towards the restaurant across the street. There was a poster put up saying [All-you can eat lunch time in session!] under the signboard showing the shop name.

“Nu? Lunch huh. Well…..I don’t mind”

Tohka said that with a stern face. Normally, her eyes would be sparkling and her voice would be bouncing but………. Well, it can’t be helped.

Shidou brought Tohka who was making a difficult face along with him while entering the restaurant.

Although it was quite packed because it was lunch hour but, luckily they managed to secure a seat without waiting. He left his bag into the basket under the chair, and sends his sights towards Tohka sitting opposite him while whipping his hands with a wet towel.

“Okay, Tohka. It looks like it is in an all-you can eat style. Go ahead and take your food first”


Tohka smiled broadly for an instant from Shidou’s words----------however, she swung her head as if she remembered something.

“I’m okay. Shidou you go take first.”

“Eh? Why again?”

“Nothing. Well then, go faster”


Urged by Tohka who was stubborn and won’t give up, Shidou stood up from his seat.

“What happened to her, that Tohka”

“………………. I do not know. But, it is probably safer if you follow her wishes here”

Reine said to him. Shidou [That’s true] made a short answer before walking to the corner with various foods lined-up.

He then took a plate on his hands and dished up some random food before heading back to his seat.

Nonetheless, maybe because of the nervousness of having to find Natsumi, it’s not like he had that much appetite. What Shidou brought back were a small amount of salad and few slices of grilled chicken.

“Okay then, Tohka go and take yours”


When Shidou said that, Tohka stared at the food Shidou brought back before standing up from her seat.

He slightly tilted his head while sending Tohka’s back off. He thought she was still thinking about the thing just now but…………something feels off. What on earth happened to make that Tohka make such a difficult face during eating time.

When he was thinking about things like that, Tohka came back faster than he anticipated. She placed the tableware on the table and sat on the chair.

“Well then, let’s eat”

“Aah, that’s right………….wait”

Being lured in, around the time he was by Tohka when she joined her hands to make an Itadakimasu[8C 1], Shidou raised his eyebrows.

The reason was simple. The amount of food Tohka brought back was extremely little. And it was even less than Shidou who has no appetite.

“Tohka…………? You, is that enough for you?”

“Nu…………..umu, it is enough. My stomach will be full with this much”


From those words, Shidou opened his eyes wide in fear.

---Impossible. The food in front Tohka she dished up was very little in amount. Unless she was a female high school student with a small appetite, there is no mistake, that amount will not make her full. And Tohka, was a glutton standing out from the people Shidou knew of.

He made a small poke on the Incam to tell that it was an emergency situation. But, a disturbance was running inside the <Fraxinus> without Shidou needing to inform them.

“No way……………Tohka can, with that amount…………!?”

“Don’t tell me she feels sick!?”

“Impossible! That hungry monster is!?”

The sounds of the crew making a commotion and restlessly operating the console were finely shaking the eardrum in his right ear. Maybe from the confusion, he felt as if he heard a somewhat rude naming but, Shidou chose not to ask for now.

That’s because, this un-Tohka like action has hinted a single possibility.

Which means--------there is a possibility this Tohka is not real.


“…………..Calm down. Let’s look at the situation for now”

Reine told him in a soft voice. Shidou placed his hands on his chest to calm the heartbeat which turned violent before he knew it, and looked back at Tohka.

“Tohka…………. What’s wrong? Did you get sick?”

“Nothing like that. why?”

“Why you say………. Well that’s because”

Even when Shidou took a peek at Tohka’s plate, Tohka might have noticed his sights or might not have notice *Pan*! She joined her hands together.

“Anyway, Itadakimasu!”


As if he was lured in, Shidou joined his hands together, and started setting his hands on the food dished onto his plate. And like that,

“Gochisousama[8C 2]…………..”


Shidou immediately heard Tohka’s sinking voice coming from the opposite side, and he opened his eyes wide in shock. When he looked over, he found out the food on top of Tohka’s plate has already disappeared.

“Di-did you eat all already………..?”

“…………..umu. It was delicious”

Tohka joined her hands while saying that, and made a Gochisousama. But, she was clearly in a state where she was not satisfied.

“Tohka……………maybe it isn’t enough for you?”

“! The-there is no such thing”

Tohka swing her head in a panicked manner.

But at that moment, [Kuuu--] a puppy barking-like sound echoed from Tohka’s stomach.

“…………..err, just now”

“Thi-this is enough for me”



“I-I told you I am okay!”



The sound of Tohka's stomach echoed noticeably loud and she made a face looking downwards. Shidou brought his eyebrows closer in suspicion.

“See………as expected it is not enough for you. What happened to you, today?”

When Shidou asked, Tohka took a moment before lifting her face in resignation.

“…………there was a [Pull away from a girl that eats more than a guy] show in the television I saw yesterday……….”


“So…………I don’t want to be [Pull away] from Shidou, and…………”

Tohka narrowed her shoulders in embarrassment. *Haa* Shidou made a relaxed sigh.

“I, prefer girls who eat a lot with energy though”

“! Re-really!?”

“Aah. Rather, I feel sad when food is left behind”

When Shidou said that, Tohka suddenly gasped, and made an energetic nod before standing from her seat.

And after walking through the area with food lined up, she came back with a big plate fully-loaded with delicious looking food. The nearby customers and hall staffs were sending their shocked sights towards them.


But, Tohka did not really bother about them and started eating the delicious looking food.

Part 2

“It was the usual Tohka………right?”

3:15pm. Returning back to his home, Shidou called back Tohka’s words and actions while checking the time displayed on the screen of his cell phone, and mumbled to himself.

After lunch, Shidou walked around the city and finished his shopping, and he was talking with Tohka the whole time but---------he could not catch sight of any strange points.

Of course, following what Reine said, he tried many ways to stir Tohka up and asked Tohka about things she only knows about. But Tohka, replied all of the question calmly. Thinking normally, she doesn’t seem to be disguised from Natsumi.

“As expected, it should be someone else I wonder?”

After Shidou said that to the Incam, Reine’s voice replied back from his right ear.

“…………. It’s still not time to say anything. Anyway, there is no other choice but to believe Natsumi’s transforming ability can be broken for now, and continue your actions. It is almost time. We will have you enter the 2nd investigation”

“-------Yes. Who is next? Where should I go………….”

“…………..Hnn, Shin should just stay there”


“…………the timing is good, and since it piles up on the person’s wishes. Since we are at it, I made it so it could be dealt with simultaneously. I think she is going to be there soon-------“

And, right in the middle of Reine’s words, *Pin**Pon* the house chime rang.

“Hn? Who is it?”

Even when he looked at the intercom screen, no one was being shown on it. After Shidou tilted his head while walking out the corridor, he walked towards the entranceway and opened the door.

“Yes, who are-------“



The moment he twisted the doorknob, something flew out from the door gap towards him and Shidou bend backwards on reflex.

At that occasion the cell phone he was holding slipped of his hands and flew towards the [That] that brought its face out from the entranceway. But after [That] evaded the cell phone with amazing body control, it joined its small arms together skillfully while *Puri**Puri* getting angry.

“Mou--. Shidou-kun. That’s dangerous”

When he looked carefully, he found out, it was a puppet imitating a rabbit. It was Yoshino’s friend [Yoshinon].

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However its form was a little different from the [Yoshinon] he knew about.

That’s because, there was a stitched injury on its face, and a giant bolt was pierced into its head. It looks like a cyborg.

“You’re Yoshinon…….right?”

“Yes. I am everyone’s idol Yoshinon-?”

After saying that, and talk foolishly. *Hou* Shidou sighed. Although it was wearing such an eerie attire, it was still the same [Yoshinon] at heart.

And, when Shidou picked up the cell phone he dropped on the floor, the door opened slowly at that moment and a young girl peeked inside in a scared manner through the gap.-------it was Yoshino. Since Shidou let go of the door knob because he was surprised, only the left hand [Yoshinon] was able to enter.

“Ou, Yoshino too. Sorry. I was a little surprised and the door…………”

The opened door opened even further--------and Shidou twitched again once more.

Standing in front the door, Yoshino’s attire was the same with [Yoshinon] and different from usual.

A black pointed hat with wide visor, and again a pure black robe. She was also holding a small broom in her right hand. Yes-------Witch attire that looks exactly like Natsumi’s Astral Dress Shidou was looking for right now.


When Shidou asked, [Yoshinon] poked at Yoshino’s cheeks to motivate her.

“Go on go on, Yo-Yoshino”


After Yoshino nodded, she looked up at Shidou as if she made up her mind and moved her lips.

“And, Trick or treat………..”


Shidou went blank on Yoshino’s words for an instant, and immediately *Pon* hit his hand after understanding the meaning.

“Ah, I see. That, is a Halloween costume”

It’s true that it was that season. Shidou nodded as if he was convinced.

“Which means…………….Yoshinon is a”

“Ufufu, the monster Frankenstein”

*Gah*! It raised both its hands up and [Yoshinon] threaten him. But nonetheless, even if he was directed with cute round eyes and soft paws, it was lacking intensity.

“…………Reine-san, perhaps when you mean that person wishes.”

“……………aah, after watching it on television, Yoshino said she wanted to try it once”

“I see……….”

Shidou scratched his cheeks from Reine’s reply. Speaking specifically, Halloween is on the 31st of October but, well if it was feeling the atmosphere then even now is okay.

Although he was surprised because the silhouette looked like Natsumi but, the cute witch look matches the petite Yoshino.

“Hn, it’s cute, Yoshino”


When Shidou said that, Yoshino gasped and faced downwards in embarrassment.

And then, *Chon**chon* [Yoshinon] poked his hands.

“Hey hey. I am happy because you praised Yoshino but, are you forgetting something?”

“What……….are you, Ah, candy. Wait a second”

Now that he thinks about it, he had forgotten something important. He walked to the kitchen and looked around the cupboard with candy usually stored in it.

But, the timing was bad and all types of candy were gone. It seems there would be chupa chups if he went to Kotori’s room but, if he were to lay his hands on it, he did not know what kind of crazy retribution will be waiting for him later.

“Ah--…………sorry. It looks like I have no candy now”

Returning back to the entranceway, after lowering his face apologetically, Yoshino dropped her shoulders depressed.

“Is…… That so”

“I am really sorry. I will properly prepare it next time………….”

But, during the time Shidou tried telling her, [Franken Yoshinon] brought its face closer.

“Ou----toou? Now that’s a problem Oniii-saan. We are not doing it for fun too you know.------Yoshino! Go on, do it!”


“Mouu-----. That is why, it is Trick or treat, Trick or treatI will play a prank on you if you don’t give me candy”


Yoshino let out her voice as if she remembered something and looked up at Shidou with her big round eyes.


“Iyaa----, there is no choice since there is no candy. I wonder should I let Shidou-kun fully taste Yoshino’s prank”

“Pra-prank……. What are you planning to do?”

When Shidou took a step back and asked, [Yoshinon] made an ominous smile.

“Well that’s…… know”

And with a meaning, it made an eye signal to Yoshino. When it did that, Yoshino’s cheeks blushed and she averted her sights.

“No, what are you seriously trying to do!?”

Shidou shouted------and at that moment [Ah] let out a short voice.

“I know. Could the both of you wait in the living room for a while?”



Yoshino and [Yoshinon] looked at each other in wonder. Shidou beckoned both of them while once again heading back to the kitchen.

He then took out the hot cake mix from the cupboard, took out the milk and eggs from the refrigerator and put it in the bowl after measuring the amount.

“What is it what is it? What are you making Shidou-kun”

“Look forward to it when I finish making it. I will be done soon so wait a bit more”

When Shidou said that, both of them opened their eyes wide in surprise and tilted their heads.

He unintentionally leaked a smile at such a state and after making the non-stick fry pan hot; he dissolved the butter on it and poured in the batter baking it beautifully.

He then piled up two piece of hotcake on a white plate, placed butter on it, and it will be completed if maple syrup was placed on it.

“Okay, it’s done. Eat it while it’s hot”

Shidou placed the plate on the table after saying that, and Yoshino opened her eyes and mouth wide in surprise before starting to take a very good look at the hot cake.

“This………….I have seen this before on the television……….!”

Yoshino took the fork in her hand and-------twitched her shoulders from remembering something.


“Ou, eat up”

When Shidou said that, Yoshino had [Yoshinon] assist her cutting the hotcake while separating it into mouth size slices, after poking into it with a fork and taking a good look at it, *Paku* she shove it into her mouth.


Yoshino then opened her eyes wide and *Bam**Bam*slammed the table before, giving a good-job sign to Shidou. He saw this once before, it was the reaction Yoshino had when she was moved towards the unknown taste. It would seem she took a liking to it.

“Haha, was it delicious?”

Yoshino *Un**un* nodded from Shidou’s words. Towards her state, Shidou’s cheeks made a smile unintentionally.


And, inside the gentle mood, he could hear Reine’s voice coming from his right ear.

“…………..Sorry to butt in the good atmosphere but, how is it? Is there anything strange with Yoshino?”

“Ah……, from what I can see, I think there is no strange points………..”

While saying that, Shidou re-fix himself and *Kohon* coughed.

“Now that I think about it, something like this happened before. Ho-ra, that time when Yoshino first came to this house. Eeerr, what did I make that time?”

When Shidou probed indirectly, Yoshino and [Yoshinon] looked at each other once before looking back at Shidou.

“Yes……..if I remember correctly, that time was……… made Oyakodon”

After saying that, Yoshino made an entranced face.

Although Shidou made a wry smile at Yoshino, he mumbled [Correct] inside his mind.

“Eeh--, what is with that Shidou-kun. Yoshinon has no idea about that though”

And with a face filled with stitch injuries, [Yoshinon] said that in displeasure.

“Hnn? You don’t remember?”

When he asked, [Yoshinon] made a thinking gesture for an instant before *Pon* hitting its hands.

“Is it perhaps, that time when Yoshinon was inside Origami-chan’s house?”

“Ah……….oh yeah, you weren’t with Yoshino at that time”

“That’s right…………..but even so, taking the opportunity of having Oyakodon[8C 3] with Yoshino when Yoshinon wasn’t there, Shidou-kun you pervert! Oh Yoshino, you are such a Cinderella to climb up the stairs of adulthood when Yoshinon wasn’t looking……..wait, Ah-re? Yoshino as a child, who are the parents?”


Tilting its head, [Yoshinon] mouth was pressed by Yoshino whose face was completely red. [Yoshinon] *Bata**Bata* moved its hands.

“Hnnn! Hnnn!”

Even though it was not like it was equipped with respiratory organs but, [Yoshinon] was struggling in pain. Since it looked somewhat pitiful, Shidou called out to Yoshino.

“He-hey, Yoshinon is suffering you know?”

“! Ah……………so-sorry, Yoshinon………….!”

“*Cough*,*cough*……………Fuui……………I thought I was going to die……………..”

And at that moment, [Yoshinon] tilted its head in wonder.

“Hnn? What’s wrong, Yoshinon”

When Shidou asked back, [Yoshinon] skillfully folded its arms and *mumumu*……………groaned before, lifting its face.

“Uu—nn, I forgot. It’s because I had lack of oxygen when I was pressed by Yoshino. Shidou too, you should be careful when you have a quarrel with Yoshino”

“No-no way………”

After Yoshino’s face turned bright red, she *Paku**Paku ate up the remaining hot cakes to hide her embarrassment.

And, after some time passed, [Yoshinon] suddenly twitched its ear and whispered something into Yoshino's ears.

“…………….so………that’s why………and”


After Yoshino send her sights to Shidou when she was urged by [Yoshinon], she then pierced through the remaining hot cake with her fork, and extended her hands towards Shidou.

“E-err…………. Your share”

“No, you don’t have to, it was something I gave you anyways…………”


When Shidou said that, Yoshino distorted her eyebrows into 八 kanji shape in depression.

If Yoshino makes such a face, there is no way he could refuse. Shidou surrendered by slightly lifting both his hands before taking a bite at the hot cake brought out to him while…………. paying attention to try his best not to touch the fork with his mouth.

And, while looking at Shidou, [Yoshinon] made a fearless smile.

“Shidou-kun. If Yoshinon’s memories are correct, there are people eating hot cake during snack time but, there are people that eat it as breakfast right?”

“Eh? Aah, well, there should be”

“Am I right. Then, isn’t it quite questionable move to call this [Candy]?”


It will be a problem saying that after eating it properly. Shidou made a troubled face and scratched his cheeks.

Like that, Yoshino timidly pointed her fingers towards Shidou’s face.

“Er…….. Shidou-san. The side of your lips, there is syrup…………there”

“Eh? Really?”

Maybe it was too big a size to stuff his cheeks in one bite. Shidou licked his lips.

“A little more, to this side. Ah…………. may I?”

While saying that, Yoshino stood up from her seat, took a piece of wet tissue placed on top of the table and walked closer to Shidou.


It’s not like he doesn’t feel embarrassed but, it was a long-awaited kindness. Even though Shidou’s face got hotter, he stopped himself from averting his sights away.

But, after Yoshino extended her hands to Shidou’s face---------she brought her face closer just like that and licked at a spot where Shidou’s lips and cheeks won’t reach.


It was unpredicted as expected. He twitched his body and jumped aside from that spot.

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“Ah,ah-ah-ah-ah-ah err……..”

For some reason, in an agitated manner that could compare with Shidou’s, Yoshino was flustered while moving her hands hastily. “Thi-this is, err………… hot cake around the middle of candy and rice so…………”

Yoshino’s continued while her eyes were spinning around.

“It’s, a Pr-[Prank]………….!”

Leaving only that, *pata**pata* the sound of footsteps rang and she exited the house.

Left alone, Shidou was dazed for a while before, letting his voice out towards the Incam.

“Re-reine-san…………….. Just now, was that really Yoshino…………?”

“……………Well, I wonder”

What was replied back, was a somewhat hard to decide answer.

Part 3

“Eeer………so, who’s next?”

After Yoshino’s investigation ended. Shidou asked the Incam. When he did that, not even a few seconds later, Reine’s voice replied back.

“………. Aah, the next one is Tonomachi Hiroto”

“Tonomachi huh”

Shidou replied back with a relieved sigh. He was Shidou’s friend since way back and the only male within the suspects. Rather than calling it a date, it might be proper to say it is inviting him out to play.

“…………your voice sound quite relaxed”

“Ahaha………well, that’s because Tonomachi is a guy. If I say it is easy-going then it’s going to be easy-going”

“…………Hnn, that is good. Then let’s finish this swiftly. --------I have already sent a mail to him using your name. It is planned you will be meeting up with him in one hour from now”

“I understand. Where should I meet up with him?” “………aah, that’s------“

Shidou twitched his cheeks from hearing Reine’s meeting place.

---Around one hour after that.

Shidou and Tonomachi were sitting side by side on the sauna bench.

Yes. The place <Fraxinus> designated as a meeting spot was in front of health land nearby.



Few minutes from just now, they were sitting beside each other but, there was completely no conversation………even though he is a friend he was used to playing with, he felt an awkward atmosphere flowing in……………one that is more nerve-wrecking compared to when going on dates with a girl.

“He-hey………. Tonomachi”

“………….uh!, wha-what is it, Itsuka…………”

When Shidou talked to him when he couldn’t bear the silence, Tonomachi twitched his shoulders.

“No……………somehow……. Sorry”

After Shidou lowered his head a little, he turned away from Tonomachi.

“……………Reine-san. Why did you choose such a place……….!?”

He complained to the Incam with a soft voice. <Fraxinus>’s quality high-spec Incam, transmitted Reine’s sleepy voice with clear sound quality even though it was in an extremely hot and humid sauna.

“…………. Since it is between males. I thought it would be good for a naked socializing”

“What is with that super theory…………. Rather isn’t the timing too bad. I don’t know the details but, didn’t Natsumi say something to Tonomachi when she was disguised as me during that time. Rather than calling him very distant, it feels like he is more cautious…………..”

“………. By any chance your relationship really turned into something threatening, he won’t go on with the invitation”

“No, rather than threatening, he might be suspecting my preferences or strangely suspicious of my motives……….”

While saying that, Shidou took a glance at Tonomachi’s direction. The reason why his cheeks were blushing, were definitely because the sauna’s temperature was high. It has to be that.

And, when Shidou was thinking about that, Reine softly continued.

“……………also, this place has a proper meaning for selecting. Natsumi is a female. No matter if she can transform her body; I think there should be some resistance to expose her body in front of a male.”

“Ah………..I see”

It’s true that what Reine said could be correct. If this Tonomachi was Natsumi, she would probably use some kind of reason to refuse the invitation to go to this health land.

“Then, the moment Tonomachi is here, he isn’t Natsumi then?”

“…………I think that possibility is high………. Well, unless Natsumi holds some kind of fetish where she would feel excited from exposing her embarrassing parts” “……………………”

Shidou silently scratched his cheeks. Well, it’s true that it can’t be a reference if that is the case.

“……………..So, what should I do? As expected, it should be appropriate to ask him about old stuff’s that Natsumi has no knowledge about”

“………….Aah, that would be the basics. Or one more, I want to see his reaction values. ------can you try touching him a little?”


Shidou went blank. But Reine continued unfazed.

“…………..By any chance it is just like what I said, even if Natsumi feels no resistance from exposing her naked body, she should show some reaction when she is touched unexpectedly”


Having his throat dried from the temperature and nervousness, after Shidou moisten his throat, he looked back at Tonomachi.

And, at the same time, Tonomachi opened his mouth.

“He-hey, Itsuka. Why did you invite me today like this?”

“Eh? No, tha-that’s……………..”

“…………….Shin, now”

When Shidou became timid, he jumped from Reine’s instructions.

Although Shidou was bewildered, he followed the instruction by extending his hands and touching Tonomachi’s skin as if to embrace his shoulders. -----at that moment,


Tonomachi twitched his body and *zazazaza* moved to the side to run away. Looking carefully, his whole body was having Goosebumps.

“Wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-what’s wrong Itsuka!?”

“Ah, no………..ou”



The awkward silence flowed back once again.

“……………So, how was Tonomachi’s reaction?”

“…………………hn, he is considerably panicked. The moment Shin’s hand touched, his nervousness value jumped up.”

“Eh, that means…………”

“……………I want a little more data. Please touch him a few more times.”


He was completely reluctant but, this is also for specifying Natsumi. After Shidou stood up from the bench, he once again sat beside Tonomachi. At that occasion, Tonomachi’s shoulders once again trembled.

“I-Itsuka………...we are friends………….right? Persistently a normal one.”

“Hn, aah……….. That’s right”

“! That’s right! Ha-haha…….iyaa--, sorry sorry. Stupid me, I was oddly suspicious of your motives------“


At that moment. *petari* Shidou placed his hands on Tonomachi’s thighs.


When he did that, Tonomachi raised a loud shout and exited the sauna.

Part 4


While walking alone in the night street, Shidou made a soft sigh.

Even though he finally entered the baths, none of his tiredness was taken away……………, rather it feels as if his fatigue increased even more after entering.

But, he could not say that. There should be one more person, one more assignment left for today.

“Errr, having the meeting spot at the park in the highlands is okay right?”

“……….Aah. You are a little late. It’s better if you hurry”


Slightly increasing his walking pace and climbing the slope, he hurried to the park meeting spot. The city with the sun fallen was chilly but, it was the perfect temperature for his warmed up body from the bath.

Not long after, he reached the designated park. There was already a girl in front of a bench being shined down by a streetlight.

It was a glamorous girl wearing a long sleeve blouse with a pale design and a black flare skirt. She is the other half of the Yamai sisters---------Yamai Yuzuru.

“Resent. Nice courage to call someone out but end up late.”

After saying that, Yuzuru looked at him with half her eyes opened. After Shidou hurried and ran in front Yuzuru, he immediately joined his hands and lowered his head. Well, correctly speaking, it was Reine and the members of <Ratatoskr> that called her instead of Shidou but, there was no way Yuzuru would know that.

“Sorry, Yuzuru. My previous matter got dragged on.”

“Remission. Well, it is okay. Yuzuru’s heart is big so, I will take it as a 5 minute calculation error.”

After saying that, Yuzuri made a sigh and folded her arms.

While looking at that, Shidou felt something out of place and scratched his head.

It’s not like there is something wrong with Yuzuru’s behavior. In another way, he was influenced by the curiosity regarding the fact that there is only one of the Yamai sisters when there usually are two.

Tentatively, he heard Yuzuru will be the decoration for the last investigation of the first day but, as expected he felt strange looking at her like that. After Shidou sealed their Reiryoku, it won’t be exaggerated to say these sisters are always together leaving only toilet breaks out.

Maybe she guessed Shidou’s thought from his sight, Yuzuru shrug her shoulders as if she given up.

“Sigh. Is Yuzuru alone not enough?”

“! No, that is not true. I just thought it is kind of rare………..”

“Deny. You don’t have to force yourself to make a follow up. Yuzuru and Kaguya is one mind and one body. Rather, that impression proves that Kaguya and Yuzuru is connected.”

Yuzuru raised the lips of her lips and made a fearless smile. That’s right, today too; it looks like both of the Yamai’s are still intimate sisters.

“Question. What is wrong, calling Yuzuru out in this time.”

“Ah, no, I thought of, having a talk with both us together…………I can’t?”

When Shidou asked, Yuzuru opened her eyes wide in surprise.

“Deny. It’s not like you can’t. But, if that is the case------“

Yuzuru narrowed her eyes and took Shidou’s arm; she then brought her body closer to Shidou. Her voluptuous bust was pushing tightly towards his arm.


“Hogging. For tonight only, Shidou is Yuzuru’s. And, for tonight only, Yuzuru is Shidou’s.-------Am I right?”

After saying that, she blew a sweet breath towards his neck. Towards the bewitching wiles that normally can’t be imagined from the usual fooling around with Kaguya, Shidou unintentionally turned red.

“Suggestion.--------Shidou, should we walk a bit?”


When Shidou tilted his head, Yuzuru made a small smile and pulled Shidou.

In a casual pace, they reached the outer edge of the park.

From the spot the highland was placed, the Tenguu city Shidou and the rest that are living in could be looked at in one sweep. Inside the completely dark streets, lights were lighted like glittering stars.

“Admiration.--------It is beautiful.”

“Aah…… thats right.”

And, when Shidou replied honestly, Yuzuru stared at Shidou’s face with half her eyes opened.

“Wha-what is it?”

“Pointing out. When a girl says [It is beautiful], it is decided that estimated reply from the man would be [You are more beautiful]”

“……………. Is that the case?”

“Consent. It is the case.”

Where did she get this knowledge from. Yuzuru said it brimming with confidence. Shidou made a wry smile while moving his mouth.

“Yo-you are more………beautiful.”

“Smile………fufu, really?”

When Shidou said that, Yuzuru’s cheeks slightly blushed and she made a small smile.

From that cute expression she doesn’t really show out normally, his heart beats violently in reflex.

How should he put it…… was un-calming.

Even if a Spirit has their reiryoku sealed, there are cases where their powers will flow back when their mental state becomes unstable. Because of that, Shidou is often looking after Tohka and the rest after care.

But, the Yamai sisters Kaguya and Yuzuru, since they are very stable as long as they are together, they are spirits that he doesn’t really have to take care of. In reality, in opposing to Tohka transferring to the same class as Shidou, both of the Yamai sisters entered the class next door together. Speaking in the unvarnished truth, the feeling of the Yamai sisters as a [Friend] are stronger than Tohka, Yoshino and the rest.

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But-------no, that is the reason why, talking to Yuzuru alone like this feels very refreshing…………Shidou’s heart was oddly noisy.


Yuzuru softly let out her voice.

“Hnn………what is it?”

When Shidou replied, Yuzuru *gulp* gulped before continuing the rest.

“Petition. Please answer this honestly.”

“A-aah……………so, what is it?”

“Question. Shidou--------between Kaguya and Yuzuru, who do you like more?”


He became blank, from the unexpected question. Shidou felt sweat oozing down his forehead.

“Wh-why so……...”

Even when he let out a trembling voice, Yuzuru was staring fixed at Shidou and won’t move her sights. Those eyes, doesn’t look like she was joking nor she was she making fun of him.

“Tha-that kind of thing, I can’t choose even if you ask so suddenly. Both sides……are important to me.”

When Shidou said that, Yuzuru shrug her shoulders as if she is tired.

“Scorn. My goodness. You picked the weakest and most pitiful answer there is.”

“Shu-shut up, how can I answer you when you asked me so suddenly!”

“Confirming. Then, if Yuzuru gives you a period of time to prepare, will you answer then?”


He faltered from Yuzuru’s words. Towards that Shidou, Yuzuru once again made a sigh.

Towards that Yuzuru, Shidou scratched his head while replying back.

“Then, which one do you want me to choose?”

“Considering………let’s see...”

Yuzuru placed one finger on her chin to show she was in thought. After she did that, she once again looked back at Shidou.

“Reply.---------If Shidou chooses Kaguya, Yuzuru will praise you good boy good boy. If Shidou chooses Yuzuru, then Yuzuru will get angry.”

After saying that, she made a mischievous smile.

Now that he thinks about it, Kaguya and Yuzuru were this type of girls. They love the other half much more than themselves. He mixed in a sigh and leaked out [……..thanks for the reference].

“Addition. But, if Shidou chooses Yuzuru……………I will be happy.”


But, Shidou felt his heartbeat beating violently from the words that came out from Yuzuru as a continuation.

Since they are glued together like this, there might be chance Yuzuru might find out. After Shidou swing his head to the sides, he continued his words to trick her.

“S-so in the end, which one is it?”

“Sigh. Just like what you heard. Yuzuru don’t mind for both answers. But even so, that chicken answer. Yuzuru is disappointed at Shidou. Such a useless person.”


He could not reply anything back since he was told like that. He bit his lips and made a groan.

However, Yuzuru did not bother about that, and [But] added more.

“Petition. ---------if. Only if. If Kaguya asks the same thing to Shidou like what Yuzuru asked right now……… that time, Shidou must definitely answer [Kaguya].”

“Eh, that’s………………”

Shidou could not finish his words, and Yuzuru continued.

“Predict. Kaguya will definitely get angry. Why didn’t you choose Yuzuru! Like that……………but, inside her heart, she will be happy until she can’t stand it.”


“Convinced. Kaguya is often like that but, she really loves Shidou. There is no mistake since Yuzuru says this. Yuzuru and Kaguya was original from one body and one soul. What Yuzuru hates, Kaguya also hates. Similarly---------what Yuzuru loves, Kaguya also loves.”

“Eh, that means……………”

When Shidou twitched his eyebrows, Yuzuru opened her eyes a little wider. And while placing her hands on her mouth to cover it, she separated from Shidou and took some distance.

“Careless. That was unnecessary information. In order to prevent saying anymore, Yuzuru will be running away now.”

“Ah, oi, Yuzuru!?”

When Shidou called her name, Yuzuru turned around and made a smile.

“Petition. Yuzuru did not lie. Kaguya really has a liking to Shidou. That’s why--------Please take care of Kaguya.”

After Yuzuru said that, she lowered her head and ran into the dark night just like that.

Part 5

“……………….So, you let her go back alone just like that? Haaa…………. At least send her back to the mansion properly.”

While reclining on the sofa, Kotori made a given up sigh.

Shidou, Kotori and Reine were currently assembled inside the Itsuka house. Shidou was made to seiza on the flooring, Kotori was in front of him and Reine was sitting in a sofa beside them, as if gazing at both of them.

Left alone in the park, Shidou had no choice but to return home and around that time, Kotori and Reine was already standing by in the living room and the lecture time immediately began.

“To let a girl walk in the streets at night alone, that isn’t a choice I can really admire.”

“Guh……….. Sorry”

It’s true now that she mentioned about it. But, during the time Shidou was dumbfounded, Yuzuru descended the slope with tremendous speed. As expected from a wind spirit. Catching up to her was impossible instead.

“…………….Well, he can’t help it in that situation. Shin did a good job.”

Reine probably knew about the situation from observing from the <Fraxinus>, and a life-saving boat came from the side.

Kotori *fuun* exhaled and made the rod of the chupa chups she was eating stand up.

“I know that. Even I understand it is a hard schedule”

She sends her sights towards Shidou while saying that.

“-----so, Shidou. After talking with 4 people today, did you notice something different? Tohka, Yoshino, Tonomachi, Yuzuru. Inside these people----------is there someone you think is Natsumi?”


Being asked that, Shidou recalled back the events that happened today and immersed in thoughts.

Honestly, it was still in the stage of one third of the suspects investigated. It’s true that, there was some he doubted when he tried doubting but, he can’t decide on which one could be the criminal now.

“………………I still don’t know. Anyway, I have to check everyone.”

“Well………. That’s true.”

It seems Kotori also predicted that answer. She opened her eyes half-way and made a sigh.

“I will check all of their voice tone just in case so, I will tell you if there is something.”

“Aah………. I am counting on you”

“Well anyways. Please rest for today to prepare for tomorrow. I won’t forgive you if things become like, tomorrow morning's arrangement got disorder because of insufficient sleep”

Kotori said that while switching her folded leg with the other. Shidou stood up from the spot and made a nod.

“Aah, that’s true. I’ll do that.------Reine-san what time does it start on tomorrow?”

“………….hnn, the first one is arranged on 10am. Sorry but, give up on school tomorrow.”

“The situation is like this so it can’t be helped. So eeerrr, the first partner would be……………”

“…………. It will be Kotori”


Reclining on the sofa, Kotori twitched her shoulders. At that moment, Reine noticed something and *pon* hit her hand.

“………….aah, I see. No wonder you were so desperate in telling him not to oversleep tomorrow-------“

“---------! It’s not like that! As a commander I------“

She noticed Shidou’s sights at his point. Kotori threw a cushion at him.

“Uwah, oi, what are you doing?”

“Shut up! Get to sleep already!”

Shouting, Kotori grabbed another cushion.

He can’t stand it if he receives another attack. Shidou hurried and retreated to his room.

Part 6

---*click* such a sound was produced, and the clock’s long needle and short needle pointed at 12 at the same time.

12am the 22nd of October ended and the 23rd of October started.

Yes. Which means--------the first day of the game has ended.


Inside the darkness. Natsumi transformed as [Someone], made a very soft laugh.

The first day. Shidou could not say who Natsumi was disguised as.

Nonetheless, that can’t be helped. Since there are over 10 suspects, and the rules was also vague. Because there is a difference in standard, it’s obvious how much he can do on the first day.

But, no matter what reason there may be, the first day of the game has ended.

“-------------<Haniel>. It’s time”

When Natsumi muttered that in a voice no one could hear, she twitched her fingertips.

All Natsumi has to do is that. <Haniel> will complete the job because of Natsumi’s intention next.

“Well then……….. First off, one person. Can you guess me properly?”


The witch sneered.

“-----before, everyone disappears”

Part 7


Morning. From the ruckus shaking his eardrums, Shidou made a light stretch on his bed before scratching his eyes.

He extended his hands to the pillow side while making a big yawn and pressed the alarm clock’s switch. But--------the sound didn’t stop even when he done that. It would seem the sound that disrupted Shidou’s quiet sleep from just now was not from the alarm.


He raised his sluggish body and made one more yawn. Together with him regaining his consciousness gradually, he grasped the identity of the sound, yes, this was……..the chime’s sound. The Itsuka house chime was *Pin*Pon**Pin*Pon* being continuously rang.

“What is going on, early in the morning like this…………..”

After Shidou grumbled while getting of his bed, he descended down the stairs and went across the corridor. Even during that time, the chime has been ringing non-stop.

But, around the time Shidou reached the entranceway, the mysterious visitor might have gotten impatient and started *Gacha**Gacha* sounding the doorknob after passing through the gate.


It was still bearable since it was morning but, it would be a light horror if it was deep at night. Shidou let out his voice in fear.

“Wh-who is it……….?”

“! Shidou”

When he did that, the voice of an agitated girl could be heard from the opposite side of the door. It was a high-pitched sound he was familiar with---------it belongs to Kaguya.

“Kaguya? What’s going------“

When Shidou unlocked the entranceway, Kaguya jumped at him with sweat oozing out her forehead.

“Uoou, oi, calm down! What happened!”

“Shi-Shidou! Did Yuzuru come over here!?”

Forgetting her usual proud tone, Kaguya shouted. Shidou tilted his head in suspicion.

“Yuzuru………? No, she didn’t come…….what’s wrong?”

“Sh-she is not here………….when I woke up in the morning, I couldn't find Yuzuru anywhere!”

“What did you say……….!?”

From Kaguya’s shout, Shidou brought his eyebrows closer and replied.

---it appears from this moment, Natsumi’s [Game] might have finally started.




Translation Notes and References

Jump up↑ A Japanese way to say I am ready to eat Jump up↑ A Japanese way of saying I am full Jump up↑ Oyakodon usually refers to a rice dish with chicken and egg, but it's also slang for sleeping with a mother and her daughter.

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