It's my birthday!

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Cangshan that pair of stone spirit is a pair!

The news flew all over Cangshan like wings, and spread out quickly. In a moment, the whole Duanping mountains knew what they should know and what they should not know.

The banshees were crying and gloomy.

"It's said that the two stone spirits at the foot of the mountain are Taoist lovers..."

"Did you hear that? That little stone spirit is the child of two male demons... "

"It is said that the little stone spirit was born to a brother..."

"Do you know? It turned out that the families of the two shitoujing at the foot of the mountain didn't agree with them, so they eloped to Cangshan and gave birth to a baby.... "

People of practice do not stick to the harmony of yin and Yang. Many of the same-sex couples in the world are used to it.

However, when they were in Cangshan, they seldom appeared in the same frame. Even if they appeared together, the aura was not intimate and natural, and the goblins secretly murmured whether the relationship between the two goblins was not very good.

So they just think that the two stone demons live together by chance for the sake of the same clan's cubs. They never thought that this is really a family of three.

The goblins are so sad that they can't help themselves. The tears they cry out are no less than the amount of water after the ice and snow melts outside.

Young banshees are sad, they have not yet begun to love, their hearts on the demon has a master.

The elder goblins and goblins are short of two sons in law, and the whole Duanping mountain is in the doldrums.

The person involved in the scandal will always be the last to know.

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When the final version of the scandal came to Lu Qingyu and Yao jiuxiao, their expressions were hard to express. The unbearable degree was like the double of Yao jiuxiao's black bubble broth.

Dare to make a rumor and gather them together. Aren't these goblins living too long?

Lu Qingyu was not happy. "Nonsense, how could this baby be born to me?" If Yao jiuxiao gave birth to him, he couldn't have! It's just a rumor. It's so ridiculous!

Listen to the news outside, what is elopement for love, breeding offspring with male body He and Yao jiuxiao? Are you kidding?

There's a goblin. He's actually a banshee?

Lu Yaoyao curiously looked at Lu Qingyu, "Dad, who was I born?"

Lu Qingyu points to Yao jiuxiao, "he was born!"

Lu Yaoyao turned to look at it and blinked.

Yao jiuxiao stares at Lu Qingyu coldly, worried about Lu Yaoyao's misconception, and explains: "you are born with a spirit, and you come out of a spirit stone."

Lu Qingyu said with a smile, "yes, you jumped out of the stone."

Lu Yaoyao still has some memory of the scene when she was born. She remembers that she was born after kicking strange things with her hands and feet.

Is that a stone shell?

Out of the stone

Lu Yaoyao's mind suddenly jumped out of a question: "am I your own?"

"Of course!" Lu Qingyu and Yao jiuxiao share the same voice.

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"Then why didn't I come from you?"

"Because you were born out of stone."

"Then who is the mother?" Lu Yaoyao tilted his head and was very confused.

Lu Yaoyao also recently discovered that other goblins are all parents. Is she her father? She's the only one who's very different.

Lu Yaoyao took Lu Qingyu and asked, "Dad, don't I have a mother?"

Lu Qingyu looks at Yao jiuxiao and seems to want to point at him again. Yao jiuxiao looks at him coldly again. Then he turns to Lu Yaoyao and says in a warm voice, "No


Lu Qingyu said casually, "because you are from a stone."

Lu Yaoyao nodded, OK.

But I always feel that something is not right.

Her brain is also confused, always feel around dizzy.

Lu Qingyu didn't pay attention to these messy scandals, but he suddenly found that his popularity suddenly became worse.

In the past, when he walked outside, there would always be a group of goblins around him, their eyes burning.

Although he is not ready to do anything, but the male devil, always like other creatures worship fascinated him, in order to show his charm.

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But now, those little demon spirits are far away from him, turn around and leave, or hide their faces to avoid, and they don't circle around him.

Lu Qingyu rarely took the initiative to find the goblin to build a word, the goblin rose red face, glared at him angrily, "you already have a partner, how can you still hook up with other demons like this? Are you not afraid of the sadness of master Yao? "

The goblin's eyes were full of disapproval, as if she was looking at a scum man. She stamped her feet, turned and ran away quickly.

Lu Qingyu: "I'm not sure." No, what does he have to do with Yao jiuxiao?

Lu Qingyu went to provoke other female goblins, some of which were more exaggerated. Seeing him scream, he ran away quickly. Wherever he went, there was no opposite sex. Even some young male goblins were careful to avoid him, just like beasts in flood waters.“……” This damned scandal affects his fun.

Lu Qingyu went back with a calm face.

At this time, Yao jiuxiao is practicing sword. Lu Yaoyao is sitting on the spreading animal carpet not far away. He is watching his father practicing sword. From time to time, he stands up and claps his hands happily. He is very supportive.

Since Yao jiuxiao practiced his sword in front of Lu Yaoyao, he seems to have opened some mechanism and practiced it every day by the lake.

At this time, Lu Yaoyao watched.

Lu Qingyu seems to be aware of Yao jiuxiao's bad intentions, and often practices martial arts in front of Lu Yaoyao, which makes Lu Yaoyao feast his eyes.

Lu Qingyu didn't have the heart to stir it up this time. He sat on the blanket in displeasure.

Lu Yaoyao noticed his father's gloomy breath, moved his small body, leaned over, looked up and blinked his big eyes, "Dad -"

"what's the matter with you, dad?"

Lu Qingyu touched Lu Yaoyao's head and hooked his lips. "Dad is OK."

Lu Yaoyao doesn't care if he messes up her beautiful hairstyle. She stares at Lu Qingyu and wants to say nothing.

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Lu Qingyu noticed Lu Yaoyao's small eyes and said casually, "what's the matter?"

"Why don't you ask me today, are you or my father Lu Yaoyao thought that his father really had something on his mind. He didn't even ask her.

Lu Qingyu asked casually, "do you think it's me or him?"

Lu Yaoyao a round stomach, raised his chin, proud said: "of course, I am the most powerful!"

Lu Qingyu was distracted in an instant. He glanced at the fart cub and said, "how can you be more powerful than us?"

Lu Yaoyao raised a small chin: "as long as I cry, you will surrender."

Lu Qingyu: "I'm not sure."

Lu Yaoyao: as long as my brain turns fast, the Shura arena can't catch up with me.

Lu Xiaomei knew that except for her, the painting style of the whole family was not right.

Big brother knocks wooden fish to chant scriptures every day, making a fuss about going to a monk's home.

The second elder brother is nervous all day long, shouting that he would rather let me bear the world than teach the world to bear me.

Three elder brother day God Dao Dao, drawing the ghost picture sign, waving the wooden sword, vows to kill all the demons in the world.

The fourth brother stayed in the basement every day to cook strange things and said that he wanted to make magic medicine.

Five brothers meditate every day and say they want to cultivate immortals

In order to support this big family, Lin Xiaomei, who just went to kindergarten, broke her heart.

The specific setting needs to be improved. It's probably family affection to brother and sister. Finally, 360 degrees Thomas asked for column collection!

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