The cubs often play in their own hills, but occasionally they run to other hills.

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Cangshan Mountain is located in the southeast of Duanping mountains. The top of the mountain is not in the middle. It is only two peaks away from the nearest boundary.

A group of cubs hula, actually ran over two mountains, ran out of the range of Duanping mountains.

Lu Yaoyao was still in the clouds, but he was soon infected by the excitement of his friends, and he was also happy.

It's fun!

They stopped at a high place outside Duanping's mountains, where there was a vast expanse of weeds.

At first glance, there is no way to go.

In the face of a totally strange environment, the cubs were a little timid for a moment.

"Where are we going?"

"Mother said that the outside world is terrible. There are big monsters that specially eat cubs."

"My father said that there are demons outside to catch cubs. If we are caught, we will never see our parents again."

When the cubs came out for the first time, they were even more timid.

It's not the first time for Lu Yaoyao to come out. By contrast, she is more experienced.

Lu Yaoyao does not consciously feel proud of straightening up his stomach.

She came out for the second time!

The first time I was taken away by my father Run away

Lu Yaoyao sighs, how can she be so predestined with running away from home?

But she thought that when she went out with her father in winter, she met many monsters. Although they were defeated, they were still terrible for the cubs.

Lu Yaoyao serious small meat face, way: "we don't go out, there are big monsters outside, I have seen."

Countless eyes suddenly stare over, "have you ever seen Yao Yao?"

Lu Yaoyao nodded his head, "yes! The big monster is so big. Its mouth is so big that it can eat us all in one bite

Lu Yaoyao tries to open her hand and describes to her friends how big it is.

The cubs were so frightened that their eyes became more round.

"How terrible

"Let's go back."

"Yes, don't run away from home."

Song Xiaoqi was also afraid, but the cub's fearlessness made him unwilling to go back. "What are you afraid of? You won't meet a big monster outside!"

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"It's all out. Don't you want to see the outside world?"

Song Xiaoqi's claws point to the vast wilderness.

A gust of wind blowing, dense grass leaves will swing, rustle.

The cubs looked at each other, ready to move.

Parents describe the outside world in a terrible way, but they always find it exciting!

Lu Yaoyao tilts her head. She doesn't want to go. In her memory, the outside world is only white. In fact, besides her father and Dad, there is nothing interesting.

Song Xiaoqi jumps down the slope.

His small body, after darting into the grass, was immediately engulfed.

Lu Yaoyao worried that her little friend would be lost, so she quickly followed up.

When the other cubs saw it, they rushed to catch up: "wait for us!"

The cubs rushed in quickly and disappeared in an instant. It seemed that there were no creatures in the vast wasteland.

Before I looked down on the high slope, I only felt that the grass was dense. When I walked in, I knew that it was not only lush, but also very tall. When the cubs went in, they only felt that the sky was blocking the sun.

A group of cubs were rushing about in the dense grass. Lu Yaoyao felt very sad. When she ran inside, she was hit in the face by a leaf and felt uncomfortable on her hand.

They ran to a place where there was no grass and stopped.

The pups' hair is covered with weeds, some of which are white and green.

Lu Yaoyao's head is crooked.

She looked up and saw that there were weeds blocking her sight in front, back, left and right. Her face was bulging. "Let's go back. It's no fun running away from home."

Other cubs are lying on the ground, nodding with deep feeling. They are so tired!

Pine small seven ran in, also feel that running away from home is not as exciting as imagined, immediately dejected droop, "really not fun." They have been running for so long, but they have not seen anything interesting. The outside world is not as interesting as Cangshan!

White twelve way: "that we go back."

The cubs agreed.

Lu Yaoyao immediately prepared to go back with her friends, but she looked around and said, "where are we going?"

I didn't notice when I ran. Now it's the same in all directions. Lu Yaoyao can't tell which direction their home is.

The other cubs looked at each other, and they didn't know!

Just at a loss, the grass on the right side suddenly vibrated violently, and then a strange beast with exposed fangs jumped out and looked at this group of fresh and intelligent cubs with salivation.The cubs were startled and quickly huddled far away, shivering.

The demons eat spirits and other animals, but the carnivorous spirits and other animals will also hunt the offspring of the demons.

For the cubs, this exotic animal is very big and full of danger, which makes them feel terrible when they grow up in Cangshan, which is independent of the world.

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Lu Yaoyao had seen this kind of monster. At the beginning, his father wiped it out with one hand, so he didn't feel much afraid.

It's just that Dad's not here now

Lu Yaoyao looked back, a group of hairy huddled together, shivering.

Look at this big monster drooling and greedy at them.

Lu Yaoyao's little fat leg is shaking, but he still tries to stand still and stare at him with fierce eyes.

She clenched xiaopang's fist and made a cute and fierce expression to the beast. "You're not allowed to come here. I'm very fierce!"

Seeing that the youngest Yao Yao was so brave, song Xiaoqi summoned up the courage to stand up, "Yao Don't be afraid, I have a lot of meat. When he eats me first, run away quickly! "

Bai Shier jumped out and cried: "I have more meat. Eat me first..."

Lu Yaoyao didn't want her little friend to be eaten. She said, "my father is so powerful. I'm sure I'm also very powerful! Let's beat the monster away

"Yes, fight and run!" Other cubs also summon up courage, although they are still very afraid, but they have the mind to protect their partners, shaking their furry body to stand with them.

No matter what the cub's mind changes, the beast intuitively feels that there is something in the cub that makes it afraid. This is why it doesn't rush to eat the cub immediately, but it can't resist the hunger instinct. Especially the hairless cub, it has great attraction. The beast grabs the front paw on the ground, then opens its smelly fangs and roars at him They pounced.


the cubs have never even captured their prey. They can only use the evil spirit to make their bodies more agile. They scream and run around.

Lu Yaoyao also wants to run, but the monster is very close to her, and still runs towards her. She has no time to run.

After Song Xiaoqi ran away, he looked back and saw that Yaoyao was standing foolishly and didn't run away. He quickly turned around and ran back. Like a shell, he dashed over and bumped into the other animal, only deflecting it a little bit, but it was enough for Lu Yaoyao to run away from the animal's mouth.

Pine small seven lie on the ground, only feel head dizzy, he this hit exhausted strength, still haven't slow down.

Seeing this, other cubs bravely jumped on it and attacked the beast with their fangs and claws.

Their claws can only leave a little mark on the beast, even the fur is not scratched, their teeth can not even bite the flesh.

Lu Yaoyao also wants to use her claws to attack the beast, but her claws are even more useless. Seeing that the beast only stares at her, she seems to want to eat her first, so she runs around to interfere with it.

The beast wanted to eat the most attractive cub first, but was annoyed by the other cubs. With a roar, it threw the cub down and turned to bite it off first.

I'm about to bite the nearest white 12.


Seeing this scene, Lu Yaoyao rushes over and wants to push Bai Shier away. But it's too late to see Bai Shier die. At the critical moment, a cold sword flashes away and suddenly disappears into the body of a strange animal. At the same time, all the cubs are moved together.

Then, a red and a white figure appeared in front of them.

"Father! Daddy

Lu Yaoyao's eyes burst out with light. Seeing his father's appearance is like seeing the coming of God.

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She threw her hands open, hugged her father's leg, and tried to climb up.

Yao jiuxiao picked up Lu Yaoyao and saw that her little face, white and chubby, had made a few marks. Her face was still white and in a state of panic. She could not blame her.

Lu Qingyu was so angry when he saw that he was in a mess all over his body. How dare such an inferior beast dare to eat his little son?

Lu Yaoyao holds his father, suddenly full of security.

"How terrible

Fortunately, father and father came in time, otherwise they would be eaten! Lu Yaoyao pitifully wants to comfort.

Lu Qingyu looks at the little boy who doesn't know he made a mistake. Even though he knows that he has so many magic weapons to protect his life, he won't die for no reason. However, when he sees the little boy in such a mess, he still frowns.

They feel it as soon as they run out. They rush to see a group of cubs happily running to the wasteland full of crisis.

They didn't show up immediately, but followed, determined to let the baby suffer.

He's a little bit too big to play with other cubs and run away from home?

Go back and settle the accounts!

Other cubs saw the familiar uncle shitoujing appear, and it took them a long time to react. They were saved!They cheered at once.

With the big goblin in, they are not afraid, have surrounded up, talk.

"We were so powerful just now! Fight with the big monster

"We won!"


Lu Yaoyao thought that he was so brave to deal with the big monster, and he felt that he was so powerful! I was so excited that I kicked.

Although her father killed her in the end, she also made a contribution!

Oh, she's so good!

Yao jiuxiao looked at these naive cubs, expressionless, "back."

The cubs have no objection. In fact, they want to go back!

It's just that I suddenly forgot the way back and accidentally met a strange animal.

The cubs ran around Lu Qingyu and Yao jiuxiao, saying that their uncle was so powerful, while boasting about their bravery with their friends. They didn't know that they were only a little bit away from death.

Lu Yaoyao is also very excited to describe how brave she was before with her father and father.

Lu Qingyu laughs and looks at Xiaozi meaningfully.

When they got back to Cangshan, the parents of the Goblins who got the news a little later saw a group of intact cubs, and their hearts were slowly put down.

The cubs are even more happy when they see their parents. They rush to show off their heroic deeds to their parents with dancing hands. They are not aware of the parents' gradually distorted smile.

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"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

"Wu Wu Wu..."

The unbearable parents grabbed the cubs and puffed. Cangshan suddenly heard the bleak cry of the cubs. They were all caught by their parents.

The cubs cried miserably.

"Run away from home! I'll let you run away from home! "

The parents of the goblin were very angry and ashamed. They never thought that this group of cubs suddenly did such a ridiculous thing without saying a word.

If it wasn't for the stone spirit, they would have gone in time!

At the same time, parents are also angry.

The cub is under attack!

If you don't fight for a day, you dare to do anything!

They dare to run out of the Duanping mountains. Even the adult goblins dare not go deep into the wilderness. These cubs are really ignorant and fearless.

If anything happens, what can they do?

Lu Yaoyao standing on the ground, looking at the buttocks are beaten swollen partners, subconsciously carrying a small hand to cover a small butt, so terrible!

My ass is swollen. Hiss! What a pain!

I can't see it. It's terrible! Fortunately, my father didn't beat her

As soon as she looked up, her father and father looked at her without expression.

Lu Yaoyao

Lu Yaoyao turns around and faces them with a small buttock. She cries in her voice, "the baby knows it's wrong. Father, father, father, hit me gently..."

Lu Yaoyao's big black and white eyes were filled with tears. She thought that she was going to follow her little friend's footsteps and that she was going to be spanked. She cried miserably.

Lu Qingyu and Yao jiuxiao, who haven't had time to do anything yet: "I'm not sure."

They cry so much before they fight. If they fight, can they cry for three days and three nights?

Thank you for casting the overlord ticket or irrigating nutrient solution for me from September 25, 2020 23:50:14 to September 26, 2020 23:56:16 ~

thank you for the angel who threw the mine: sleeping with one;

thank you for irrigating nutrient solution: 35 bottles of hazelnut flavored Star bingle; did you eat lemon today 30 bottles; Haiyang warm cherry, 11 bottles; I don't want to go into the pit, hyacinth, Junjun 666, Luolin, Wanshi 10 bottles; moon and snow between, night sleep expert 6 bottles; I Ni world first beauty 4 bottles; EE don't eat fish 3 bottles; floating life as a dream, Mo Mio, Pau_ Two bottles of Lala, one bottle of casual, snowing and qilingzhi;

thank you very much for your support, and I will continue to work hard!

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