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It was just dawn, and a loud cry came out from the cabin, which suddenly broke the silence. The baby's unique sharp voice seemed to shake the whole cabin, and then spread.

The bird that has not yet opened its intelligence flies in by mistake, and its claws have not yet fallen on the branches of the fruit trees. As soon as it hears the sound, it flapping its wings and flies away quickly. It has a kind of posture of running away.

"Yao jiuxiao, your daughter is crying again. Hurry up!"

"The baby bit me!"

"Yao jiuxiao, take your daughter away quickly!"

"Ah, ah

After a period of war and chaos, Lu Qingyu, half stripped of his red shirt and half scattered in front, lay on the couch. His handsome face turned slightly red, and his eyes were dyed with a touch of gorgeous red. He looked like he had been trampled.

Lu Qingyu looks at the weak little boy. His body is not half his arm long enough. Even his father can't shout. If he's not worried that he'll be stabbed to death by one finger, will he let her run wild on him?

Lu Qingyu thought about what natural resources and land treasures could make her grow up quickly. When he thought that the demon cub would grow up at the age of 100, his eyes suddenly turned dark.

I can't make it.

Half a meter away from the couch, Yao jiuxiao walked back and forth with his cub in his arms, taking every step carefully.

His body is stiff and tight, and the posture of holding baby is not skilled and standard, but it is a cross era progress compared with three days ago.

Time is meaningless to the two ancestors. They have a long life span. If they don't fall by accident, they can live for thousands of years. Their time in seclusion is based on years. However, in just three days, they realized for the first time what it means to live like a thousand years.

They would rather go to face the tide of exotic animals, rather to kill in the battlefield, than to face a little boy, who is so weak that he can die if he doesn't pay attention to it, but they are not at ease.

Lu Yaoyao doesn't know the sad journey of her two old fathers. She nests in the arms of her beautiful father and feels uncomfortable. She twists her little body to adjust her posture and reclines comfortably.

Her little nose was red, tears were hanging from the corner of her eyes, and there was a red mark on her face, which was the red mark poked out by her father.

Lu Yaoyao burps in a small voice, looking at the pathetic.

She was holding a jade bottle in her hand, while she was sucking the spirit milk, she was secretly looking at the beauty father, looking at his extremely embarrassed appearance.

In fact, I can't blame her today. She doesn't like to cry. She used to sleep well, but suddenly her face hurt and she woke up crying instinctively.

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When Lu Yaoyao cries and opens her eyes, she sees that the murderer who causes her face pain is right in front of her. Don't she bite it with a whine?

She even learned how to turn over for the first time and get revenge for her poor face by lying on her father.

But beauty dad looks good.

Lu Yaoyao suddenly a little shy, put little fat face into the beauty father's chest.

Lu Qingyu's hands are open on both sides, and his posture is natural and unrestrained. When he sees that xiaozizi is so close to his enemy, he feels a little upset.

Hum, little boy, Bai treat her well.

Yao jiuxiao see the child coax well, with rigid steps to go past, ready to put the child back on the couch.

Lu Yaoyao was not happy. He threw away the jade bottle and held her father's clothes tightly in both hands

She doesn't want to lie down all day. She wants to hug!

Yao jiuxiao was stiff all over. He didn't put it or hold it. In the end, he could only hold it.

Lu Yaoyao squinted happily, and patted her little hand to show him to relax. She felt uncomfortable because she was so hard.

Seeing the wooden door, Lu Yaoyao was curious about the world outside. She pointed out, "ah

Go out and play!

She wants to see the outside world!

Lu Yaoyao said it for a long time, but her father realized her meaning and carried her out of the house.

"Ah, ah!" This is Lu Yaoyao's first time out of the house after he came to the world.

The beautiful father saw them go out, and then followed them out.

They live at the foot of the mountain, but the main house has a wide view and few green plants. They are all ordinary plants.

Because of the rarity of aura, the scenery is also ordinary. For the two ancestors who are used to seeing the beautiful scenery in the world, it is poor and backward.

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Lu Yaoyao's eyes turned wildly. He couldn't see enough.

She looked out at the view, excited.

Although she didn't know what she was excited about, she was very happy, especially to see a lake!

"Ah, ah Lu Yaoyao pointed to the lake, and his tone was a little higher.

She was so excited that when she saw the lake, she had only one idea in her head.

Water! It's water! I'm going down to take a bath!

Unfortunately, she pointed to the lake and babbled for a long time, but her father didn't respond. On the contrary, he worried that she was too excited. Her little body twisted too much and fell down. She held her tightly a little bit carefully.Lu Qingyu straightened his clothes and said casually, "pearl is so happy that she can hold her for a walk in the future."

Yao jiuxiao lowered his head and looked at the excited little boy with thin lips.

Lu Yaoyao ah for a long time, two dads can't understand her meaning, so she mouth a shriveled, use will kill skill.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Lu Qingyu immediately retreated five steps away, "Why are you crying again?"

"It must be that you don't feel well."

Yao jiuxiao

After a stick of incense, Lu Yaoyao got what he wanted and successfully swam in the lake. His short legs swung comfortably in the water. His white, tender and fat hands patted the water like lotus roots, and he laughed happily as he swam.

It's not easy. She's finally free.

She's no longer a stinky baby.

Lu Yaoyao thought that she had never touched water since she was born. Every time she was sad that she was a dirty baby, she would always be forgotten by other people.

It's so sad to think about it.

But from today on, she can wash every day!

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On the shore, Yao jiuxiao manipulated this technique with no expression on his face. He let the cub float on the water to avoid sinking.

Lu Qingyu sat on the ground without any image and sighed: "it's hard to raise a little boy." It's too delicate to cry and fall.

Yao jiuxiao didn't speak. He agreed in his heart that it was really difficult to raise him.

"You Terran cubs are trouble." Lu Qingyu complains that if the cub is a demon, he can run and jump when he is just born. He is very skinny. He has nothing to do with falling and beating. He can tear his prey instinctively, so he doesn't have to worry about it at all.

"It's not a thing to go on like this." Lu Qingyu thought of these days, so he leaned over slightly, approached Yao jiuxiao, and suggested in a low voice, "why don't you go to Xiuzhen world and find a Terran who can understand Xiaozi?"

Yao jiuxiao didn't speak. He saw Lu Qingyu's idea at a glance.

He put forward this proposal with no good intention. If he really went to the real world as Lu Qingyu wanted, I'm afraid that as soon as he left, Lu Qingyu would run away with his little son.

They had three levels of prohibition. One was their own. They suppressed each other's accomplishments. Now they are only in the later stage of foundation construction.

The second floor prohibition is the site where the house is enclosed.

The three-tier prohibition system is the whole Duanping mountains, including the boundary of Cangshan.

They also made a vow of the way of heaven, who is the first to untie their own cultivation prohibition, that is a foul, the child belongs to another person.

And if they go out of the forbidden area of the house, or out of the forbidden area of the broken screen mountains, another person will immediately find out.

This prevents the other party from taking advantage of their inattention.

Although they seem to live in peace now, in fact, as long as there is a slight omission from each other, they will leave here with their children and return to their respective territory.

They are trapped here, but they control both sides.

There is no trust between them.

"It's a pity that pearl can't speak the language of the demons, or I can understand it, or I can go to the demons and bring a servant back." Lu said regretfully.

"Pearl speaks the language of your people, but you can't understand it yourself..."

"If you don't mind, we can go out together."

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Yao jiuxiao's face was cold, and he had a long way to go. Who knew what would happen on the road.

It was this proposal that Lu Qingyu put forward, and Yao jiuxiao was even more worried.

But this is not the way.

He can't raise a child. He's exhausted in three days. He's more tired than killing a strange animal for a month in a row when he practiced thousands of years ago.

In addition to fighting, the three groups of people, demons and Demons don't communicate with each other at ordinary times. For example, the goblins in Cangshan never leave the demon world.

Of course, there are also aliens who will hide their identity and go to other areas. Only those with strong strength dare to go, otherwise, once they are found, they may not come to a good end.

It's also because the goblins in Cangshan don't know how to raise human cubs, otherwise they can ask these goblins to take care of them.

Lu Qingyu lowered his voice. His voice was full of temptation, and his peach blossom eyes seemed to be affectionate. "Don't you want someone to take care of the baby, and you don't have to worry about anything?"

"As long as we go to the human world and bring someone back..."

Yao jiuxiao stood up with a cold face, and his fingers moved. The cub who was still excited to play in the water flew into his hand.

Holding the baby in his arms, he turned and walked straight towards the door.

"Yes?" Lu Yaoyao is having a good time when she suddenly shifts her position. She cries in disbelief and looks up at her father. She always feels that her father is in a bad mood at the moment.

Lu Yaoyao can't care if she doesn't have a good time. She reaches out her hand and tries to reach for her father's face.

Yao jiuxiao saw that she kept jumping up, so he raised his hand, supported her little buttocks, and supported her back up.

As soon as Lu Yaoyao's head leaned over, he began to bite his face, leaving a wet mark.Baby brand kiss, don't be unhappy!

Yao jiuxiao's step is a meal, feel the cheek wet touch, the whole person is frozen.

Lu Qingyu came slowly, "are you really ready to raise yourself..." Then I saw Lu Yaoyao close to Yao jiuxiao and kiss his face with a small mouth. Suddenly, her face sank. She hasn't even kissed herself.

He looked at the baby until she looked at him curiously. Then he asked, "Pearl, do you like me or him?"

Lu Yaoyao

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