Yinhui stood outside the border, saw Yao jiuxiao, immediately knelt down and kowtowed three heads.

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This knock solid, heavy snow hit a big hole.

"Thank you for your help

Yao jiuxiao Mei Feng does not move, indifferently looking at Yinhui, a school can only be seen from afar.

He neither denied nor affirmed.

To cure a little demon is only a small effort for him. If it wasn't for Xiaozi's request, he wouldn't do it. He is not good at pharmacology, but just can cure congenital diseases.

Yinhui stood up, he was covered with a lot of snow, but he didn't pay attention to it, but looked at Yao jiuxiao with bright eyes.

He said in a deep voice: "there is no reward for saving my life. In the future, no matter what difficulties my daughter encounters and needs help or what requests she makes, my silver wolf family will do everything to help her through."

Yao jiuxiao's eyes flashed an accident, but he took a serious look at Yinhui.

If the goblin said that he wanted to repay him, Yao jiuxiao didn't care about it. As the first person in the cultivation world, he was the only two in the whole vitality continent during the Mahayana period. There were countless people who had received his favor. He didn't think he needed any help from a little goblin.

But the goblin promised that he would help his son unconditionally

Yao jiuxiao's cold eyes flashed a trace of fierce, belonging to the power of the divine sense of authority directly over.

For a moment, Yao jiuxiao, the demon, had the intention to kill him. He was so strong that he had no fear. Now he has the weakness of xiaozizi. Weakness makes him omnipotent in armor, but it also makes him vulnerable.

However, the demon made a statement and directly grasped his weakness.

Yin Hui stood still, his eyes firm, as if he didn't feel the killing intention.

The cold wind whistling past, set off the silver cloak.

Half a day later, Yao jiuxiao regained his consciousness.

He said faintly, "remember what you said."

Yin Hui said in a deep voice: "I swear by my heart that if Lu Yaoyao asks for something, he will give his life to the silver wolf family."

As soon as Yinhui's voice fell, a mysterious and mysterious feeling rose, and he knew that the devil had vowed to succeed.

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In the future, if he breaks the oath, his path will not only be destroyed by the demons, but also the silver wolf will be punished by heaven.

This oath is not heavy, directly linked to the silver wolf family's future.

Yao jiuxiao looked at him for a moment, but he was a clever demon.

He said nothing more and turned back to the border.

Yinhui watched Yao jiuxiao's figure disappear. After a long time, she clenched her fist and relaxed her tight body. Her legs trembled uncontrollably.

Cold winter, he Leng is out of a sweat.

The divine sense was so unfathomable that he felt that he was as small as a drop in the ocean under the divine sense. He spent all his life cultivating, and then he could resist the impulse of kneeling down.

This pressure was more terrible than when he faced the demon king, which made him dare not even resist.

There are few great powers in the world whose accomplishments are more powerful than the demon king.

An absurd idea flashed in Yinhui's mind.

The balance of the human race has no respect!

Yinhui felt that his conjecture was ridiculous.

How could Heng wudaozun live in a desolate and remote demon kingdom? And a daughter?

How, how possible?

Yinhui wants to deny it, but a voice in his heart says that his idea is right.

He has only seen it from a distance.

Five hundred years ago, all the creatures on the battlefield were killed. A Blazing Sword light came from the horizon and directly split the battlefield. The aftereffects of terror directly made all the people, demons and demons on the battlefield tremble.

Yinhui was also on the battlefield at that time. Half a day later, he tried his best to look up in front of him.

The Heng wudaozun of the human race stands at the end of the sky, with white clothes and ink hair, just like a God.

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Yinhui always remembers that startling glance, but only remembers that dazzling white light and fuzzy face.

And that face coincides with Yao jiuxiao at the moment. It's not abrupt at all. It fits like a person Maybe he's right. They're the same person.

…… Wait, if Yao jiuxiao is Heng wudaozun, who is the equally unfathomable male demon?

I like red clothes

Yinhui still remembers the rumors that spread all over the world.

And Heng wudaozun lost track together, is not the devil Zun?

Yinhui thought of the information he had investigated, and could not combine those identities with the two.

Who in the world doesn't know that Heng wudaozun and demon Zun are the enemies of life and death. The king once said that there is a deep blood feud between them. As long as these two zuns are there, they never worry that the Terrans and demons will unite to bully the demons.

He didn't know what happened more than a thousand years ago. Maybe he didn't know much about it and didn't discuss it.And now the enemies of life and death live together quietly, raising a baby together!

Is it adopted? No, it's clear that the cubs are seven like the devil and three like the Taoist

He felt he could break some secret.

Yinhui's mood is agitated and complex.

In those days, he followed the king to fight the world. He also had prejudice against people and demons. His hands were stained with the blood of many demons, and many of his colleagues died in the hands of demons.

But Terrans and Demons saved his little son

Yinhui is a demon with a clear sense of gratitude and resentment, which he remembered in his heart.

He knew that if he secretly reported the news to the king and made such a contribution, he would be able to lead his people back to the demon capital again.

But now the king is fascinated by a concubine Ji. He spoils his concubine and destroys his wife. His loyal generals and ministers who have followed him for many years are no better than a concubine Ji's words.

The silver wolf family was only exiled in disguise, but a colleague he had made friends with for many years was directly killed.

One by one, Yinhui was so cold that he thought, what about the Terran? What about the demons? Who is kind to him, he will turn to whom, loyal? It's not worth mentioning when I'm abandoned by my loyal Lord.

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Before Yinhui came here, he wanted to repay him with his kindness and fulfill their three demands unconditionally.

But the moment he said it, he changed it.

He didn't know if it was too hasty to gamble on the future of the clan, but his instinct prompted him to do so.

Yinhui thought of the lovely girl and thought that she was a very nice and lovely girl. It was incumbent on her to help her solve the problem.

Yinhui stood for a moment, then turned and left.

He buried all the doubts in his heart and was not prepared to investigate them. He only knew that no matter what she asked of them in the future, they would try their best to finish it.

Yao jiuxiao doesn't know the back of the demon ups and downs of mind, he entered the border of the moment, the Susu of snow on his face, just hit him.

Yao jiuxiao

"Ah Lu Yaoyao ran with short legs and said, "father, are you ok?"

"Ha ha ha ha..." Lu Qingyu laughs, but he is too happy. As long as he sees that Yao jiuxiao is depressed, he can enjoy himself for a long time.

Lu Yaoyao has been practicing the dust removal technique. This technique can remove dirt from people or objects, and should also be able to remove dust and snow.

She thought about clearing away the snow at the door, but she couldn't do it. Under various attempts, the effect was as she wanted.

In the beginning, we could only move a little bit of snow to clear the ground.

When she improved the technique, the effect became more and more obvious. At last, the effect was too big. She directly lifted a large pile of snow and hit Yao jiuxiao.

She didn't notice her father leaving before, and she also saw her father appearing suddenly. When she found out, she couldn't stop him.

Lu Yaoyao uses little fat hands to help pat his father's clothes and clean the broken snow on them.

She looked up at her father's expression and found that he was not angry. She said in a conspicuous tone, "father, you see, I can sweep snow!"

Then she pinched out a formula, a gust of wind blowing, in front of a piece of snow moving out, empty a piece.

Yao jiuxiao was very surprised. He was so young that he could learn such a method. Would he change his own method?

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Dust removal formula can not do such a snow sweeping effect.

This is Is it the body of Daomo?

Lu Yaoyao raised his delicate chin with pride, "father, am I powerful?"

Yao jiuxiao touched Lu Yaoyao's bag head and praised it sincerely: "powerful."

Lu Yaoyao suddenly showed a big smile.

"I'll be better in the future!" At that time, left father and right father will travel around the world together!

"Well." Yao jiuxiao praised and nodded, "in that case, I'll give you to clean the snow."

Yao jiuxiao pointed to a large area of snow outside the house.

Lu Yaoyao patted her little chest and said, "no problem!" Then take a short leg and continue to sweep the snow in high spirits.

Yao jiuxiao lightly hooked his lips, and then he went to one side.

One side of Lu Qingyu disdained to curl his mouth, pretending.

Lu Yaoyao swept the snow for a while and caught a glimpse of the ice on the lake. He ran to step on it and jumped again. Then he yelled to Lu Qingyu and Yao jiuxiao, "father, the lake is frozen!"

Lu Qingyu walked over and answered lazily.

Lu Yaoyao said: "Dad, can I invite my friends to skate tomorrow?"

She rushed over, holding Lu Qingyu's thigh, big eyes fluttering, bright.

"Of course, you can do whatever you want," Lu said

"That father accompanies me to invite the small partner together?" Lu Yaoyao compared with the ground, "the snow outside must be so thick. I'll be gone as soon as I step on it!"Today is still short, not square, I have a holiday tomorrow →_ Thank you for casting the overlord ticket or irrigating nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-10-09 23:57:36 ~ 2020-10-10 23:58:36 ~

thank you for casting the mine: Yueji, holding one sleeping;

thank you for irrigating nutrient solution: liangel 60 bottles; salted fish eating Trojan horse 30 bottles; putiman, jiangshanyan 10 bottles; Xueying 5 bottles; miss. Feng 1 bottle;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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