Deadly Delivery

Chapter 2.1


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Officer Yang

I immediately understood. The two officers must be talking about Yang Xiaoxia, that fat bitch. I looked at the officers with astonishment for a long while before recovering. Unsure of what to say, I ended up blurting out, “You mean that fat bitch jumped off a building? Her retribution came pretty quickly.”

As soon as the words hit the air, I immediately regretted them. If I described Yang Xiaoxia like that, all the suspicion surrounding her death would surely fall onto me. The officers expressions grew serious. “Can we come in?”

I nodded and let the two inside. After pouring them each a cup of water, I turned off the game I was playing. While I couldn’t say that I wasn’t happy after hearing about the death of someone who’d offended me, I was also a bit disconcerted. The woman had an argument with me before her death, and if these officers took me as a suspect in her death, I would be hard-pressed to prove otherwise.

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The lead officer, who appeared somewhat older, must have seen the worry and concern on my face, for he1 laughed and said, “Let me introduce myself first. Officer Yang. I’m the head of the Binhe branch. Kid, no need to be nervous. We’ve already seen from the security footage that she jumped half an hour after you left. We just wanted to ascertain from you what the deceased was doing when you saw her last. And was there anyone else in the house?”

After the officer’s explanation, I felt my heart calm a bit. We were talking about a person’s death after all. I carefully recalled the events from earlier that day and relayed them to Officer Yang.


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Because of the discord between myself and Yang Xiaoxia, I lowered my head a bit guiltily. Officer Yang smiled, as if he understood what was going through my mind. “Don’t worry. Our investigation has already shown us that Yang Xiaoxia’s conduct was problematic, and you’re not the only person who’s had a conflict with her.”

Then Officer Yang frowned. “From what you’ve described, Yang Xiaoxia was… with her husband, who jumped off the building together with her. And you delivered what appeared to be an empty package? We didn’t find anything like that on the scene. Can you be bit more descriptive?”

“It just seemed like an empty package. It was about the size of a shoe box. We’re not allowed to open the packages, so I’m not sure what exactly was inside either.”

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Officer Yang sighed. He pulled out his phone and called what seemed to be an officer investigating at Yang Xiaoxia’s home, asking about any packages they may have found. But it appeared that they hadn’t found anything like it.

“Which means that this object suddenly disappeared. It’s possible that after you left, someone else visited the deceased’s home and removed the package. And this person has a high chance of being the killer in this case. What’s strange though, is that no one was caught entering the building on the security camera after you left.”

I pulled out a pack of Hongtashan cigarettes and offered one to the officers. Then I lit one for myself as well. “What you’re suggesting is certainly possible, Officer Yang, but couldn’t that fat bitch have just committed suicide?”

After hearing the question, Officer Yang’s complexion paled. He didn’t reply, but the slightly younger officer slowly said, “I don’t think that’s possible because the body…”

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Just as the officer started speaking, Officer Yang coughed and cut them off, signaling them to stop. Then he smiled slightly and said, “All right, we’ve inquired what we needed to inquire about. Thank you for your cooperation. If you remember anything else, please contact us. Here’s my number.”

Officer Yang pulled out a small notebook from his pocket and scribbled down his number. He handed me the sheet of paper, and then the two officers left.

After their departure, I didn’t have any interest in my game, so I lied down on my bed and tried to recall everything that had occured that day. Suddenly, I felt that something seemed off. Yang Xiaoxia had been arguing with me just earlier that day, and she even said she would be filing a complaint. And now she was dead. I’d never come across a dead person before, and just hearing of it sent a chill down my spine.

What happened with the body? Why wouldn’t Officer Yang let me know? Was it some kind of secret that couldn’t get out? And Officer Yang said that no one entered the building after I made my delivery. …After the killer killed Yang Xiaoxia and her husband, they took away an empty package and just vanished? Could the killer turn invisible?

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