Deadly Sins of Evil

Chapter 1.7

Chapter 1: Part 7

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At dawn five days later, Sateriasis’ clothes were finally finished, just as Lukana had promised.

“I used Lord Venomania’s usual clothing as the basis of the design and added some special details to it.”

The clothing made use of dark purple cloth in order to match with the color of the duke’s hair. It was made to fit loosely——following the cutting of Marlon styled clothes, something the people called a tuxedo, and it seemed to fit Sateriasis very well.


“Ah, the style of western clothing is indeed quite appealing.”

“The commoners and some of Asmodean’s aristocrats favor the eastern fashion trend; but, if we use the Beelzanian Empire as a reference point, there is a trend that wealthier people tend to like the fashion styles from the west.”

“The design of this mansion was also thought of with the western style in mind. But, I heard rumors that tuxedoes actually originated from the east.”

“Oh? Is that so… Regardless, the detail of these clothes is outstanding. I like it a lot.”

“Thank you very much…With that, I guess my job here is done.”

Lukana took a step back to observe her creation on Sateriasis again and nodded her head in contentment.

“How about this, Lukana? After such a long time, to celebrate the completion of the job and to express my gratitude, let’s go out and have a meal——”

“No, I intend to leave Lasaland and return to Mystica today, and have already packed my luggage for it.”

“…You’re leaving so quickly. Even though I haven’t paid you the full amount for the clothes yet.”

“The time I’ve stayed in Lasaland has long passed my original schedule; I believe my parents and friends who are waiting for me at the village are worried. And regarding the money for the clothes, as long as you pass it onto my uncle, he will send it to me, so please don’t worry about it.”

“…I will be very lonely in the future.”

Perhaps it was because of the lonesome expression on Sateriasis’ face that Lukana gave a slightly strained smile.

“Please hire some servants soon! It’s impossible for you to handle all the trivial chores by yourself, Lord Venomania.”

“Even if I were to hire servants, whether or not they would be able to bake such delicious ketchup bread for me is another problem.”

“You really like ketchup bread, don’t you? I’ve placed the ketchup that I made in the kitchen cabinet. Please try it later.”

“Haha, thanks. Then… I shall send you to the city gates.”

“Please don’t do that! I cannot allow myself to trouble you, Lord Venomania. ”

Lukana held out both hands and shook them in the air to emphasize her adamant stance.

“At least allow me to bring you there to express my gratitude…”

“…I understand. Thank you very much.”

They walked out of the mansion towards the city, Sateriasis donning his just-made clothing while Lukana carried her luggage.

The New Year celebration had long since ended, revealing Lasaland in its everyday routine. A few merchants walked along the streets, probably preparing for the morning market.

As with the last time they were here, Sateriasis was the center of attention for all the people.

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Of course, the reason behind Sateriasis being in the center of attention was completely different for the two times.

(Ohh… what an impressive appearance)

(Has the Duke finally returned to normal?)

(Idiot! The Duke wasn’t even crazy in the first place.)

(No matter what, that’s good news, good news!)

Sateriasis Venomania seemed very welcomed on the streets, he himself could see that from the reactions of the people. Maybe because of his memory loss, he couldn’t get himself to be happy at their reactions. He deeply felt as if the comments from the people were none of his business. 

Lukana, who was walking with him, was all stiff, as if walking beside Sateriasis made her extremely uncomfortable. Because of that, Sateriasis sped up towards the city gates while Lukana quickly followed behind him.

As they neared the city gates, the number of bystanders decreased.

When they reached the border, there was already not a single soul to be seen.

“Well then… I wish you all the best.”

After some simple farewell wishes, Lukana turned hurriedly from Sateriasis’s side to leave.

Sensing that something was amiss, Sateriasis grabbed Lukana’s left hand to stop her.

“Why? Why are you so eager to leave me?”

Thinking about it carefully, Lukana had been acting anxious for the past few days.

She still treated Sateriasis with care, not just by smiling at him; the way she referred to him had also become more affectionate.

But on the other hand, she tried even harder to finish her work quickly, so much so that it was normal for her to burn the midnight oil; Sateriasis started to think that she wanted to leave the mansion as soon as possible. Even today, she had packed her luggage without him knowing, preparing to leave immediately, going to the extent that she wasn’t even going to say goodbye to her uncle before leaving.

With a clear intent of rejection, Lukana carefully but strongly flung Sateriasis’ hand away.

“We… It’s best if Lord Venomania and I don’t see each other again.”

She swiftly left the scene the moment she completed the sentence.

(Best if we… “Don’t see each other again”?)

Sateriasis fell to the ground in shock with his knees touching the ground first, leaving him in a kneeling position.

(It’s best if we don’t see each other again.)

That sentence resounded in his ears repeatedly.

On the one hand, he was deeply shocked and hurt by the words she said, but on the other hand, these words meant much more to him.

(Oh yes… Someone once told me something similar.)

Two faces appeared simultaneously within his head but disappeared as soon as they came.

Again and again, again and again.

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The faces of those two women——that was the only thing that Sateriasis could remember ever since he lost his memories.

A white-haired teenage girl with a pair of blazing red eyes and a cat of the same color atop of her shoulders.

(No..That’s wrong, it’s not her… Yes, the person who said those words was another person.)

Green hair. A pure white western dress adorned with a flower accessory.

Her smile. Her expressions when she was angry, when she cried, when she was being difficult, when she despaired.

And… when she overlooked his ugly countenance with such a cold expression.

He liked her.

He had liked her more than anyone else did.

(…Gumina. I’ve finally… I’ve finally remembered your name.)

Lukana was no longer in sight when Sateriasis stood up.

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind him even though there was supposed to be no one there.

“…Idiot, why didn’t you stop her? Why didn’t you make her yours?”

Sateriasis didn’t turn around.

He remembered this voice.

“…Is that you, I.R.? Long time no see.”

“Oh! …Have you regained your memories?”

“Only a portion of it.”

“So… have you recalled those things?”

“About that… I remembered that you were a very cute and beautiful sorceress——”

“Stop joking, answer me seriously.”

“Haha, sorry sorry.”

Sateriasis let out an exaggerated laughter.

“Anyway, I clearly remember the things I did and what I need to do in the future.”

“Then go after her. If you want to attain more power, you shouldn’t let the prey slip from your hands.”

“…It’s just that, she has already run too far.”

Sateriasis placed his hand at his forehead with the palm parallel to the ground, trying to search for the Lukana that was no longer in sight.

“It would be very difficult to catch up with her without a horse carriage.”

“Then fly. Fly to catch up with her.”

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“That’s too absurd.”

“There’s not much of a problem since the sun has just risen and there isn’t anyone here currently.”

“No, that’s not the point…”

“What? You still haven’t remembered how to use your “power”?”

“…Ah, I see.”

Putting it simply, I.R. had just told him to use “that power”.

The power which he attained from the Demon he contracted with.

“It’s not that I’ve not remembered it, it’s just that I have never tried it before.”

“Then just treat it as if the time to test it has come. There’s no need for worry, it shouldn’t be too difficult. Shouldn’t be…”

“The way you phrase it is so incredibly irresponsible. Is it not possible to use your magic powers to teleport me? ”

“… I can’t do that. At least, not for now.”

I.R. twirled to the front of Sateriasis after she said that.

“The me in this form is incapable of using spells.”

A red cat appeared before his eyes.

“Ah? You’re a cat now?”

“Anyway, it’s time for you to take action. If you don’t move now, you’ll really be unable to catch up with her and I’ll burn you to ashes if you keep dragging around.”

“I thought you’re incapable of using spells for now?”

“Stop rambling, be quick about it.”

“Yes yes, I understand I understand.”

After confirming once again that there was nobody around other than I.R., Sateriasis removed his clothes, revealing his upper torso.

(These clothes were specially made for me by Lukana, there’s no way I would spoil them.)

Next, he closed his eyes.

He then tried to communicate with the dormant creature within his heart.

(Hey, can you hear me? If you can hear me, then answer my calls Demon!)


… It’s been a long time.


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(It’s been a while since I heard your voice, what were you doing all this time?)


I was asleep.

Though I was half-forced into sleep.

Or maybe it was because you lost your memories……

That period of time was really boring.

Boring times……


(That’s not important anymore. I need your assistance, help me.)


Such an impatient heart you have.


Looks like I will get to have an enjoyable time later.


For the first time, Sateriasis felt a chill pass through his body.

(Yeah… Is it coming?)

He heard a piercing sound that sounded like the buzzing of insects.

“It’s coming from within my head” was what Sateriasis realized.

His back felt weird.

Like something was twirling within his back.


I shall bequeath wings upon thee.

The sky will become your stage.

Dance freely!


In the next moment, Sateriasis, equipped with huge, bat-like wings, flew towards the sky.

“Try to fly as high as possible! Do not let anyone see you!”

Sateriasis was already gone, leaving I.R. to ponder if he actually heard her words.

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