Deadly Sins of Evil

Chapter 2.4

Chapter 2: Part 4

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While Abito’s chief was perplexed by the feudal lord’s sudden visit, he welcomed him with the best smile he could and ordered a lad to make preparations for their hospitality immediately.

“No, there’s no need.”

Sateriasis raised his hands to emphasize that he didn’t want to trouble them with it.

“It is my fault for not informing you beforehand. I apologize for burdening you.”

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“What……? But then, why have you suddenly visited us today?”


“Grasping the state of the territory is one of the duties of the feudal lord. Since inheriting my father’s positions, I haven’t acted as lord. It’s about time I had done so, I think.”

“Really? That’s nice of you.”

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The old village chief gave more of a smile than before.

“While alive, the previous lord Duke Ilotte would visit our village directly about once a year to listen to our opinions on things like tax rates and disaster preparedness. Just once when you were young, your father had brought you along here, Lord Sateriasis. Do you remember?”

“…… Ah. I believe so.”

Sateriasis didn’t remember but he decided to go along with the village chief’s story.

“During that time, you were very much a prettyboy, sweeping away* women both young and old. Now that you’re so handsome, the late Duke Ilotte would surely be proud…… I’m sorry about your father.”

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Then, the village chief began talking in length about stories he remembered about Duke Ilotte.

Sateriasis wanted to look around the appropriate area for Mikulia but the village chief wasn’t letting him get away.

An hour passed.

Beside him, I.R. made a huge yawn.

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“Good grief…… He rambles. I’m going on ahead.”

Once she told Sateriasis, the red cat ran off somewhere.


*The expression 浮足立つ in this context appears to not literally mean he swept them off their feet, but that his appearance swooned them.

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