Deadly Sins of Evil

Chapter 3.2

Chapter 3: Part 2

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Again today, a new beauty came to Sateriasis’ mansion.

There’s a town east of Lasaland called Lisa A. As with Lasaland, it’s a town where trade thrives and the impact of eastern culture upon it is strong.

Lolan Eve was the star dancer belonging to a large theater in this Lisa A. Her beauty occasionally became a topic in even Lasaland, even to Sateriasis on one occasion, and so he always thought about what it would be like to actually see her with his own eyes. 

When Sateriasis visited, the grand theater prepared a special seat for him as the feudal lord. It was certainly a good view but it was located farthest from the stage. It was a bit frustrating for Sateriasis. 

The show began and, once he saw Lolan take the stage, Sateriasis had already decided to make her his third mistress. The figure dancing was a beautiful woman with healthy tanned skin and, contrary to her appearance, was exotically captivating, attractive. “She must’ve charmed many men,” Sateriasis had thought.

After the show had finished, Sateriasis requested that the theater manager have him meet with Lolan. Two days later, Lolan had disappeared from the theater.


“Good to see you, Lolan. Now, come.”

Lolan quickly dived into Sateriasis’ chest in response to his beckoning, exchanging a passionate kiss with him. 

Lolan was much older compared to his two previous ones but she had no experience with men. Of course, many men had flirted with her but she’d never even batted an eyelash at them. 

It wasn’t out of some sense of chastity or even on the grounds of pride.——It was rumored to be because she was a lesbian.

However even such proclivities were easily overwritten by Sateriasis’ Lust spell. Lolan was now just a naive young girl intently seeking Sateriasis’ love and body, and so transformed into his lecherous slut.*

“Let’s go to bed early, Lord Sateriasis.” 

“Heheh, I want to too, but let’s keep the fun at night. First off, let me tour you through the mansion. It’s where you’ll be living from now on.“

As he went on ahead, Lolan followed Sateriasis despite her pouting and moved down the manor’s stairs after him.

While the basement was still lacking in decor, there were some feminine furnishings made in some areas, and it had been thoroughly cleaned. Even though Lukana and Mikulia had been living there for just a little while, they had done it all with their own hands. 

When Sateriasis and Lolan came down, a woman with twin tails welcomed them first. It was Mikulia.

“Welcome back, Lord Venomania!”

Mikulia always greeted him with that saying whenever Sateriasis came down into the basement. Whether Sateriasis actually came back from somewhere or not.

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Mikulia and the other had been forbidden from going up to the first floor of the mansion. So for her, the first floor was also part of the “outside world”. Sateriasis had therefore come back from the “outside world” also.

So she said “Welcome back” every time. 

When she first came to this mansion, she had constantly called Sateriasis her “prince”. But Lukana chided her many times so she soon stopped calling him her “prince” but “Lord Venomania” instead. Not “Lord Sateriasis” but “Lord Venomania” like Lukana had taught her.

“Look, look,♪ these clothes. Lukana made me them!”

As Mikulia had said, what she was wearing was closer to underwear than clothes, the dress exposing a lot of skin. She wore a blue-green flower close to her hair color on her neck.

These were in fact made by Lukana per Sateriasis’ request.

Both Lukana and Mikulia were dressed in rather modest and plain things when they came to this mansion. While they could buy new clothes from somewhere, the biggest shop in Lasaland was the Octo, and Sateriasis was a little worried about showing his face there. The shopkeeper was Lukana’s uncle and someone close to her; despite erasing his memories, who was to say about the possibility of him remembering everything if he saw Sateriasis’ face. 

And so, since he long-awaited them, he asked Lukana to tailor something new, which was those. Their designs were intended to embody Sateriasis’ desires, making it possible for them to satisfy him. 

“…… Whooo’s that?”

Finally noticing Lolan, Mikulia’s expression became somewhat firm and quizzically asked Sateriasis.

“She’s Lolan. She’ll also be living with you two in this house now.”

“Oh, I see. Nice to meet you, old lady.♪”

Mikulia might’ve not intended to offend but being called an “old lady” when she was thirty-two this year prompted Lolan to raise an eyebrow about a centimeter.

“My best regards…… I didn’t expect Lord Sateriasis to have such bad taste in whom he welcomed.♪ Such a lass that smells of the countryside sheltered here.”

Now Mikulia raised an eyebrow.

Both Mikulia and Lolan were smiling at one another. But, even the insensitive Sateriasis had noticed that a regrettably sour air began to drift between the two and quickly took Lolan, leaving Mikulia. 

Sateriasis and his mistress then visited the kitchen. There was also one on the first floor but since there was no one living in this mansion now, it wasn’t currently in use. Lukana was making the women’s meals exclusively in the underground kitchen every day.

Lukana had made some fine cooking today as well. She was wearing an apron over the same kind of sexy dress as Mikulia. If this was the original Lukana, there was no way she’d wear such whore-like clothes even if she made them.

“Oh, Lord Venomania. Is there…… someone new with you?”

Lukana took a break from cooking and politely greeted Sateriasis and then Lolan. Unlike with Mikulia, Lolan wasn’t likely to be wary of her.

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“Well, I’m still busy. Heheh…… Oh, yes, Lord Venomania!”

Lukana had a face like she suddenly remembered something and handed Sateriasis several books that were on the kitchen table.

“I found these in one of the underground rooms earlier. Though they seem to be pretty old.”

“Oh…… which room would that be?”

“The innermost one, the room with the iron bars. Having finally found a spare key, I was cleaning it the other day, and actually…… I tried to read only the first few pages of no more than the first volume. It’s apparently someone’s diary.“

Lukana was unusual as a person since she could read simple text. It was probably necessary due to the nature of her work as a tailor.

“Why thank you. I’ll try reading them later.”

Sateriasis’——his diary wasn’t found as usual. He leaked that to Lukana after bedding her before then. She had probably remembered that.

(Though, given the diary’s location, I doubt it’s mine)

Then, he gave two or three words of conversation with Lukana and left the kitchen.

“Now then…”

“Was that everyone, Lord Sateriasis?”

“No, there is another…… well, I guess it’s fine to ignore her.”

“Oh, we’ve come this far, I’d love for you to introduce me to her.”

Since it was for Lolan, Sateriasis reluctantly took her to a room there. 

He knocked on the door; no response.

“I.R., I’m coming in.” 

Before Sateriasis got the owner of the room’s approval, he opened the door to enter.

I.R. was there. With her puppet girl body, she silently kneaded some kind of gunk* at the tip of a branch in a container.

“…… What is it?”

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The I.R. who had noticed Sateriasis’ presence unpleasantly muttered such while continuing to knead the gunk. 

“I’ve gained a new wife today. I came to introduce her.”

With Saterisis’ prompting, the Lolan standing behind him nodded. 

“My name’s Lolan Eve.”

“…… The dancer of Lisa A, huh? Well, best regards…… this the third one?”

“No, the fourth. Including you.”

“Don’t just arbitrarily include me in the head count.”

“Even after all this time, you won’t permit me that body.”

“…… Try it if you want to be turned to ashes.”

Once she glared at Sateriasis, I.R. silently continued stirring the gunk. 

“You preparing some magic?”

When Sateriasis asked, I.R. answered without stopping her hands.

“…… Well, you could say that. You could also say otherwise.”

“Don’t fret. Tell me the details.”

“…… This doesn’t relate to you…… well, no, not exactly……”

“Doesn’t saying it like that just makes me all the more curious?”

Although Sateriasis persisted in hounding her, I.R. eventually argued, “You’re distracting me. Get out!” and he quietly left the room along with Lolan. 

Sateriasis finally guided Lolan to one of the empty rooms.

“This’ll be your room.”

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“Well, it is pretty spacious…… but it’s a little dreary.”

Besides the one bed placed in the room, there was otherwise nothing.

“Tell me anything you want. I’ll get it for you immediately. Now then…… shall we get started?”

Sateriasis pushed Lolan down onto the bed. 

“Oh my? Isn’t it too early to be night?”

“Didn’t I tell you? There are no windows in the basement. In other words, it’s the world of night anytime here.”


I.R. had finished kneading the gunk and poured it into a mold she had prepared in advance, the extra gunk again poured back into the container.

(…… Needs time to dry for a while)

After wiping off the gunk on the arms of her clothes, she sat in a chair and took a break.

(I can only do it up to half-way through in this place. For the full process…… there is the Gine Workshop in this town. Could I borrow a kiln from there?)

She was trying to make something. The impetus being Mikulia Greeonio.

(She doesn’t seem aware of it herself…… To think that is that girl’s true nature. It’s a little…… no, quite surprising)

Her human body was no more than a puppet for I.R. Even so, she could still get tired using it and her hips would even get sore if labored. As if I.R. was trying to alleviate the fatigue, she stretched her open arms.

(And then there’s Lukana Octo……  That’s some fine medium material. Same as this Haru Netsuma body…… no, it’s even better than it)

Having high magical potential. That was an important talent for being mediated as I.R.’s puppet. Lukana happened to have it in her. 

(If my current body ever became useless, she’d be better to have in its stead. As my new doll——a doll, a doll, huh? Heheheh……)

I.R. happily stared at the mold the gunk was poured into placed in the corner of the room. 


*The term used for “slut” (売女) typically refers to a prostitute/whore, tramp, fluzy, or (perhaps most degradingly) “bitch”.

*The term used for “gunk” usually means “mud” but is generally used for any ooze-like fluid, in this case extract from wood for crafting ceramic dolls.

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