Dear Eddert

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

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Translator: effe

Walter clenched and opened his fists as he watched her ask those questions to him.

If only he had gone to Eden a little sooner. No. In the beginning, had it not been for him to say to his father that he wanted to be with her. If Valtri hadn’t scolded him and threw him in the barn. Would everything change? The price of sweet dreams was so desperate.

“It was Benedict’s job to save you. All I could do was wait by your side until you woke up.”

Walter swore tens of thousands of times by Eden’s side, who fell into a death-like sleep. Reflecting on his foolish mistake for trying to go against fate, and regretting himself for having dared to be greedy for someone who could not be by his side. He spent a bloody long time.

“… Was it this… ?”

Hyemi looked at Walter and remembered what Benedict had said.

Benedict disappeared, leaving the last words that he prepared her a gift. Perhaps the gift Benedict was talking about was this man. The problem was that she didn’t remember anything about him.

Only one thing, his name.

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When she called him quietly, a soft resonance occurred in Hyemi’s mouth. It’s a name that she had never put in her mouth before. But it felt familiar, it might just be what the unconscious mind learned from the body.


As the rock-like man had his mouth shut, an owl’s mournful cry could be heard from afar. In a quiet space where even the movement of the air could be felt, Walter put his shaky eyes on her.

Dark eyebrows wrinkled between his forehead. When the eyes, which she thought were only scary, were wet, Hyemi’s heart throbbed deep in her chest for no reason.

“Your relationship with Eden is… What was it?”

With Hyemi’s soft question, Walter bit his lower lip. His long, good-looking lips last night, when he was crazy and greedy for her body, she remembered it in her mind.


His wide chest swelled as he stared at her. Watching him slowly rise from the floor, Hyemi wet her lips in tension. She wondered if he was offended by the off -opic question and wanted to take her? Or was he trying to take her clothes off again? She’s nervous about everything.

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“Don’t be afraid.”

Walter grabbed her hand and lowered his head slowly. Her body was completely obscured by the shadows created by his spacious body. Walter’s hands were thick and hot.

“Because I’m just trying to answer your questions.”

Blood rushed to Hyemi’s face. What was strange was her heart that responded with a tingling sensation as soon as Walter came near.

“Please don’t come near me.”


“Because I’m scared.”

Her voice was hoarse. The dark brown eyes blazed, burning with longing and anguish at the same time.

“Were you afraid of me last night when you slept with me? You were not afraid of me at all.”

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“That, that….”

Even Hyemi’s earlobes were burning red.

“If you can’t remember what happened last night, I can make you remember. Then you will know for sure whether you are still afraid of me or not.”

“I, I remember!”

Hyemi hurriedly opened her mouth to Walter, who looked like he was about to lay her on the bed at any moment.

“Remember what?”

“I was tangled up with you like an animal all night long…. I remember that too.”

Walter raised his lips softly as he looked at her speaking with a reddened face. It must be her feelings that made his smile look sad.

“We’ve always been like that.”

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“… what?”

Last night’s hot love affair was still vivid. As she recalled the sensations that touched every corner of her body, Hyemi felt a stinging heat on her cold body. His arms rested on the bed on which she was sitting. His face got closer.

“Once we start doing it, it will continue until dawn, it’s been a daily routine for you and me.”

A dense tension rose along with the man’s heavy weight. Her eyes widened in embarrassment, and as she stared at him speechless, Walter continued his relentless words in a husky voice.

“If I didn’t pour myself in you more than seven times, we wouldn’t be satisfied with each other. After we mingled until we were exhausted, we fell asleep intertwined. You tightened on my thing while you were sleeping, so I woke up from time to time and shoved into you like a beast in heat. But on the sleepless nights you and I were together, you never….”

After a moment’s pause, Walter’s broad chest swelled wildly and then regained its place.

[“Harder…. Walter…. Aahh…! You are mine. Huuh! Forever…. Ahhk…. Forever… !”]

“You never rejected me.”

Hyemi gulped as she watched him whisper painfully towards her.

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