17-24. Indictment

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※We're going back a bit in time.Arisa's perspective.『Looks like I got caught in God Zaikuon's trap for a bit.』That's not a bit!I threw a quip in my mind when I heard Master through Familiar Link.『Okay, we really should be going there.』『It's fine. I'm not into getting caught in the same trap twice.』『But--』Familiar Link got called off while we were still conversing.『Hey! Master! I'm not done talking to you here, hey!』I kept shouting, but there was no sound at all coming from Master.Even though Familiar Link hasn't been severed, it's as if my words are getting blocked by some sort of thin film."Arisa.""Did something happen to Satou?"Mia and Mito are looking at me with worried expressions.Right after Master called Aze-tan's name and teleported away, I went and brought Mia with me back to the capital's mansion and joined with Mito who had gone back ahead of us.Since Liza-san and the girls have gone to a sub-space created specifically for training by Master's Unique Skill, I asked Nana to go fetch them through Solitary Island Palace. She's probably about to join up with them now."Master is currently fighting God Zaikuon. He declined when I suggested us going there to help though."Geez, he's just way too overprotective."Mwu.""Even after reaching level 99, I guess we still look like children prone to danger from Satou's point of view.""You tell me, wish he would rely on us more."I sigh together with Mia and Mito.Well, guess there's no helping it since that's just how Master is."Arisa, how about Aze?""Master didn't mention anything about Aze-tan, but considering he sounded like his usual self, I believe think she didn't have any major injury or something."I narrated my conjecture based on Master's voice to Mia who was worrying about Aze-tan."Nn, good."

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I nodded to Mia who sighed in relief and proceeded to the next preparation.We moved to Duchess Mito Mitsukuni's mansion and transported out a large airship out of the space created from space magic [Garage] to the mansion's huge yard.Even though I don't believe the neighboring mansions could see here since the duchess mansion is surrounded by thick hedge-like outer walls, I've put up [Camouflage Field] just in case.Apparently Master developed this airship as a light aircraft carrier to launch Liza-san and the girls in their Powered Exoskeleton suits with catapults.I've been pestering Master to make it so my and Mia's Wand Warships, Lulu's Gunboat and Nana's Shield Ship can combine into one, but I'm yet to succeed getting his approval even now.Wish Master would see the romance in these combinations."Arisa, what are you gonna do taking out this big thing here?""This is the only ship fitted with an access point to the man-made satellites, you see."I concisely answered Mito's question.I'm sure the satellites launched to monitor jellyfish for the elves can also be used to survey the ground.Since the resolution of those satellites telephoto lenses aren't too good, they can't resolve images of people on the ground well, but it should suffice to find big accidents happening on the ground.Master has given me this ship when I wanted wide-area searching capabilities without relying on him, this is the time to make use of it.I mean, even Tina-sama's Drone Golems' search areas are limited to a few cities at most."Mia, help.""On it."We need Mia's authentication to access the satellites."Let me help with something too.""Unn, Mito, help me check the monitors please."I can't possibly check all of those by myself.A vermilion gale blew past as we were about to board the airship."Arisa! What about Master?!"It's Liza-san."Emerrgen~?""Emergency sortie nanodesu!""Arisa, requesting status update."Tama, Pochi, Nana joined a moment later.As for the silver members, Zena-san came flying first, followed by Karina who leaped down here with the help of Raka's reinforcement, and Tina-sama on board of a flying golem.

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"You're all here, everybody. Master is currently locked in a fight against God Zaikuon."The looks on everyone's face changed.There are those who are simply surprised, those trembling in excitement before battle, and those anxious but the majority are concerned about Master's safety."There's nothing to worry about. Cuz Master is fine, okay."The anxiety on everyone's faces thinned a bit after I said that."The reason why I called everyone here is to look for any accident happening in the world and deal with it accordingly while Master is busy. Please change to your hidden equipment and get ready to sortie out."Afterward, everyone rushed toward the locker room.Nana, Liza and the girls were going to change in the courtyard, but they got scolded by Zena-tan and Sera before getting dragged away.Since Mia and I have already changed, we head to the light aircraft carrier's bridge ahead of them."Anything odd?""Nowhere to be seen."I observe the many images shown on the front main panel while asking Mito who had stayed behind at the bridge.Unluckily for us, there's a lot of areas covered by clouds.◇"Oh no, oh no~"Tama came out of the shadow below me and pointed outside.Looks like she jumped here in the middle of changing, she hasn't finished wearing her golden armor.But, I'll postpone straightening her out for later.Gotta check out outside first."--Public Channel?"Mito who peered outside first muttered.Public Channel is a magic tool by the king to send announcements, usually used for new year's greeting, formal greetings and emergency announcements."Three dimensional images in the sky?"What's shown is a deep dark purple figure.The face is indistinguishable. It looks like a silhouette--.

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"That's the demon god."It's exactly how Master described demon god is like.I tried to contact Master through Familiar Link to inform him this, but I still couldn't connect to him."What is he trying to do showing up now?""No clue here."I turned on the external mic to pick up external sounds.『My dear people living in this world. I shall now impart upon you the truth.』Demon god's voice resounded."--No way."Mito's face is turning pale."His voice sounds just like Ichirou-nii's.""Really? But Master sounds higher pitched and clearer though?"That shota's voice is so precious."No, I mean--"『The Seven Pillar Gods bear no love for you. No, they only see you as mere crops or livestocks.』Mito's voice got drowned in demon god's speech.I don't get what's bugging her, but that can't possibly be Master anyway, and we need to prioritize in dealing with demon god's scheme now. 『As a proof allow me to show you the folly of gods.』A screen appeared next to demon god, showing a figure of person emitting yellow lights and Master in his Nanashi form.Everyone sighed in relief when they saw Master safe. So do I.『Let me show you the forbidden power!』Just as the yellow-light figure screamed, the sky inside the screen darkened. It's a solar eclipse.I looked up at the sky, there was no eclipse. Looks like the eclipse only occurred in the area where Master is due to god Zaikuon's power.It's a phenomena that completely turned science on its head, but this isn't the time to give retorts on that."Geh, what's that thing?"Shown on the screen, black sludge fell off the black moon that was hiding the sun, and then got caught inside a golden chalice Zaikuon was carrying.At this point, I thought, "This video must have been tampered" since the sense of distance was just too weird, but the fact that it was not a live broadcast but an edit compiled by demon god never crossed my mind. I only learned that after reuniting with Master.

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『The yellow light persona fighting Hero Nanashi is God Zaikuon. The forbidden power he referred to is a combination of Miasma and Divinity, force of destruction that will destroy this world--a power that the Dragon God and I, Demon God, have sealed in the moon. Me being sealed in the moon is nothing more than a fabrication spread by gods. As a proof, I'm here as you can see for yourself.』While demon god was saying his pieces, god Zaikuon who was covered in black sludge roared toward the sky.Yellow lights that seemed to be god Zaikuon's familiars were also covered in black sludge, and knocked master down.My vision turned white from anger and worry.『Satou-san!』『Arisa, let's hurry and go to Master's rescue.』『It's okay~?』『Clothes.』Zena-tan and Liza-san were panicking and shouted, but Tama and Mia pointed at the fact that Master's clothes weren't torn, indicating his safety. I see, he was just pretending to have been done in.I secretly canceled [Over Boost] which I had inadvertently activated.『GET WASTEEEEEEEEEEED』The screen displayed a city somewhere, then a moment later, black balloons-like things floating in the sky burst open assaulting the city.The city turned into a mountain of rubble in an instant, gardens, laundries, storefronts and merchandises got turned into dust.『ANNIHILATIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON』God Zaikuon and his familiars were laughing loudly.『Gods hand down harsh punishment to those who slight their feelings. Surely you have learned of the destruction of Weasel Empire for violating the gods' taboos. Gods teach not what those taboos are to people and destroy those who violate them with nary an explanation nor leeway. That is how gods do things.』Images of the destroyed city panned over behind the demon god as he denunciated.Ruins of people's daily lives and burning broken puppets were shown. It's a cunning direction often used in TV and movies, but I believe it must be immensely effective in this world where the people are not used to media."T-that can't be true! Tenion-sama preaches about loves to people!"Sera, a miko of god Tenion shouted toward demon god.Priests all over the world probably have done the same."I don't see any dead body."Tina-sama pointed out the fact that there was no dead body on the screen."Of course~?""It's only natural cuz Master is there nanodesu!""Nn, reasonable."Unn, I think so too.

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