Death’s Heir

Chapter 24

When the wall of fire finally diminished in front of them and they got a good look at burning hand they all knew that they had the worst possible luck.

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Someone among the bandits shouted, bring the others back to reality.

"What's he doing this far north, I heard they never leave the south"

Elementalist are a race of people that are literally the four major elements in physical form, manipulating the elements is no different from breathing to them.

"You guys chose the wrong carriage today"

Dustin didn't even bother waiting for any reaction he just stomped on the ground and instantly the topography changed with hundreds of earth spikes coming out of the ground running through every bandit who couldn't react in time, and even those who reacted in time the spikes —like snakes— chased after them until they met up with their targets, those who still refused to die even after all that would end up with an arrow to the heart.

Reyner's battle was finish before it even started all the golems did was to simply squash anything that was in front of them.

On the other side Azreal was already surrounded but he didn't attack.

"Why's it getting hotter?"

One of the bandits asked another but no one replied to him, they all felt the spike in temperature.

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That only lasted for split second.

"Fuck !! Kill him!!"

With that one shout, everyone charged towards him from all directions but it was already too late, they took too long to attack.


The purple flames raged out in an instant consuming all the bandits, blood curdling screams filled the air, all the bandits screamed at the top of their lungs but the pain did not diminish it only intensified. No matter how hard they tried to put it the flames did not diminish, it burned in an almost arrogant way.

Azreal didn't bother paying attention to them the second they surrounded him they were pretty much all dead in his eyes.

What he was really looking for was that feeling he had the other times when he killed but that feeling didn't come.

'Does it only happen when I think I'm in danger?.....'

This was the place his mind was in right now he's almost completely accepted himself as he is but he wasn't going to let himself become obsessed with the feeling so much so that he becomes addicted but at the same time it was almost as if he yearned for it.

Looking behind to see what the others were doing since he heard screams and he was pretty sure all those screams wasn't coming from the bandits he was roasting.

Behind him he saw the two huge golems effortlessly sweeping away the bandits in front of them, although he couldn't see Dustin he did see the wall of fire which kind of took him by surprise he always thought of Dustin as using a sword.

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His mind only remained on them for a moment before returning to what he was doing.

Looking at the bandits lying on the ground some motionless and others still rolling around he still didn't recall the fire he wanted to fully test its energy consumption while it was killing living things.

While Azreal's mind was focused on the fire a shadow was flying towards him, without making a sound.

The approach person pulled out a 'gun' but perhaps a slight laps in judgement cause the sun light to reflect off the 'gun' flashing a quick light in front of Azreal.

When he looked up to find the source of the flash he just saw, he was stunned to see a person flying towards him with a 'gun'.

Because of the moment of surprise he lost control of the energy in his body causing the flames to go out of control burning brighter, with no other choice the approaching person has to put away the 'gun' and cover their face while flipping over the flames closer to Azreal where it was clear of flames.

On Dustin's side

He went through the same thing that Azreal did but his reaction was completely different instead of being caught by surprise, he just raised his hands to grab the 'gun nozzle' while reinforcing his hand with earth, seeing her 'gun' get caught she fired it a few times in Dustin's hand while struggling to free her weapon, without warning the force that was holding her weapon disappeared, catching her off balance.

While trying to balance herself she looked up at her opponent, but saw nothing all she felt was a gentle breeze that got rough for a moment but after a while she didn't feel anything all she was the sky covered with a layer of red.

Dustin had already decapitated her.

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On Reyner side

The woman couldn't even get past the golem Reyner was just standing to the side watching her trying to attack the golem and it attacking her and forcing her to retreat every single time.

Back on Azreal's side

His initial surprise was all gone what remained could be considered to be anger at something that caught him off guard, so without giving the man with the gun like weapon a chance to react, he was already right in front of him with the blade in his hands slicing towards him.

The bandit leader couldn't step back or he'd be stepping into the flames that were a lot higher and angrier that before so he had no choice but to use his hands to block the blade.

The blade was obviously reinforced with Divine Energy because he felt it press down on his bone a lot further than he expected but before he could even react he felt a sharp kick on the back off his knee forcing him to kneel, without a chance to process what had happened three arrow were lodged in his abdomen.

'What the fuck?...'

That was all the bandit's leader could think before he felt the fist of the boy in front of him knocking him out.

Azreal was pissed at Sadie, had she no intervened the feeling he'd been yearning would finally arrive, it was finally building up a bit and he knew that if he drew out the fight a bit he'd get the feeling once again but it didn't happen.

Still he was here to get paid so he wouldn't pick a fight.

So he took a deep breath, although he was still upset he wasn't as upset as he could've been.

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Stopping the energy supply to the fire he expected it to go out but to his surprise, on the body of the bandits that had a bit of life in them it still continued to burn and it didn't go out until all signals of life was gone.

'It looks like the flames siphons their divine energy to feed itself until they die...'

This discovery completely washed away any anger that he was feeling towards Sadie but still looking at it he still didn't manage to calculate how much energy the flames used, but if henwere to go off of how he's currently feeling then not as much energy is used he's still at about ninty—eight percent.

Everyone had finished up what they were doing, the woman who Reyner was toying with was captured, so they all walked around to Azreal's side only to see him searching the charred corpses.

'What's wrong with him?...'

Azreal was taking everything that looked like it had any value from all the corpse and he didn't stop until he'd 'robbed' all of them.

When he was finished he turned around and saw the others, so he walked towards them, throwing all the coins and other stuff of value he'd taken from the bandits in front of them, only stooping down to take a metal looking cord.

"Are you all finished?"

It was the hoarse voice coming from the carriage.

"Yes we're getting ready to leave now"

"Good I don't want to stay any longer than I have to"

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