Death’s Heir

Chapter 93

With the dome broken Kakar and his companion jumped in the ring and walked over to Azreal.

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"I knew you'd understand what I meant"

Unlike Kakar's excited face Azreal's was completely confused but Kakar paid no attention to that and instead walked over to Asbiom giving him a big hug.

"Your free brother!"

Asbiom did not hesitate to hug back taking it a deep breath.


Everyone on that came down in Kakar's group hugged Asbiom except for the lioness, once Asbiom hugged the others he fell to his knees in front of the lioness.

"I'm sorry for making you worry Milady"

The lioness smiled faintly, gently nodding her head.

"So do we leave now?"

No one on Kakar's side recognized the voice while everyone on Azreal's side recognized it so everyone looked over in unison.

The hippopotamus saw everyone look at him and became flustered.

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"I..I'm just saying, the dome is down shouldn't we leave before guards from the inner city show up?"

While the hippopotamus was speaking it could feel a killing intent aimed directly at it so as it got to the final few words they sounded like whispers.

Everyone sensed the killing intent and when all loved over to the source they became confused, didn't they all just escape together?

Asbiom on the other hand didn't let it develop much further, walking over to Azreal and patting his shoulder.

"We all agreed to go with Azreal to go kill Lako and Mako didn't we?"

Hearing this the wolf looked at everyone's face before walking over to Azreal side and lying down on the ground.

The warbeast standing with the lioness know the names of all the masters and with what Asbiom said they were able to deduce a little of what was happening.

The hippopotamus was changing its mind about going on a suicide mission to hunt Lako and Mako and the human wanted to kill him for it.

Kakar furrowed his brows and looked over to Azreal.

"Azreal this isn't smart right now the masters are on complete lockdown so it's almost impossible to get to them and on the slight chances that you could by the time you did the guards in the inner city would be here and believe me you will die"

Seeing Azreal still holding on to the same determined expression one thought crossed all their minds.

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Is he mentally ill?

What they didn't understand was that Azreal wasn't mentally ill or stubborn it's just that he didn't understand, from the time he was reborn into this world to now he hadn't really learnt anything about this worlds power system and how he stacks up against them.

So in his ignorance, he had absolutely nothing to fear, unless he felt a direct danger to his life he wouldn't back down at all.

As the saying goes it's not what you don't know that gets you, it's what you know for sure.

At this time one of the warbeast that was on lookout jumped down into the ring and ran up to the lioness, whispering into her ear.

Once the lookout left, she turned to everyone.

"You have at most five minutes do what you want, after that your on your own"

Hearing that he felt like it was enough so he looked at the other to see who would join, in the middle of his stare down Asbiom pulled him aside.

"We know the names of all the masters and we also know where they come from and where they could go. Kakar has changed our plans twice for your sake and now that you are in front of us I see no reason to let you run off and die, I promise you that if we leave now, we will all help you find Lako and Mako again, after all this is what we do but for right now we need to pull back"

"We? You know all of them and what plan?"

"Yes we all know each other, we're all apart of the same group, with a dream of changing our realm. All of this was apart of a greater plan of destroy this arena and free those inside, the original plan was to strike when the participants were leaving their respective cities then it became before they got to this city but it was changed one final time to in the middle of the matches when security was at its lowest"

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It wasn't Asbiom who spoke but Kakar and with the same annoying voice as when they were just training.

Azreal was quite surprised by what Kakar said, it silenced him for a moment.

"Why would you change your plans because of me and if we left now where would we go?"

Kakar smiled at Azreal.

"Because we had a deal, remember?, and I guess we'd go back home"

Azreal became confused, when did he make a deal with Kakar? Azreal thought real hard until finally, he remembered when he was blackmailed into agreeing to something he didn't even know.

When he remembered it his brows crushed together, Kakar, on the other hand, saw the change in his facial expression and laughed.

"So you remember now?"

Before their conversation could go any further one of warbeast standing behind the lioness spoke up.

"Are we going to leave or not?"

Kakar upon hearing this immediately turned his attention to Azreal.

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"Are we?"

Azreal just simply nodded in return.

"Good, we're gonna be moving pretty face how much longer do you think you'll be able to use bloodlust for?"

Azreal didn't hesitate for a second to answer.

"Four minutes at most"

Hearing that Kakar paused for a second before turning to the wolf.

"I know this might be disrespectful but could you give my friend here a ride?"

Most Warbeast that didn't have a humanoid form refused to be used as a mount for any species regardless of strength.

The wolf stood up and bumped Azreal with his body indicating that he should get on.

Seeing the wolf accept Kakar released a sigh of relief while Azreal had a small smile of his face.

'Not very comfortable but it's my mount'

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