Bae Sejin Bday Interview (1/3)

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KakaoPage has invited Bae Sejin

KKP: Hello! I am the owner of the KaCafe.Today, we invited the oldest member of TeSTAR~
Please introduce yourself and say hello to your lovers from Korea.

BS: Do I start now?

KKP:That’s right !

BS: Greetings. I am Bae Sejin, the sub-vocalist of TeSTAR.
And… I am also the oldest among our members.
Please take good care of me in today’s interview. Thank you.

KKP: First of all! Happy Birthday, Sejin-ssi  Loviewers have sent us tons of questions!
Let’s start with the question that’s been asked the most, haha
01. The meaning of Sejin’s name in Hanja! And Sejin, please tell us your height~

BS:輩世進 (輩 – Generation, 世 – World, 進 – Advancing forward. Together they make Bae Sejin in Chinese)
It is ‘World Se’, and ‘Advance towards Jin’. My mother said she named me that so that I could ‘Advance towards the world all the way through’.

KKP: Such a warm-hearted meaning!
Sejin-ssi, do you like it’s meaning?

BS: Yes. Of course I like it, but…
I don’t know if I am living as firmly and well.
But still, I think I am giving my best effort!

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KKP: Of course you are living like that~
Because our Sejin-ssi was born into this world, so many fans are happy!

BS: That… Thank you very much.
Truly. It really cheers me up!
And my height (This message was sent at 12:07 am)
Even when I measured it again just now, it is still 177cm. Same as my official profile. (This message was sent at 12:15 am)

KKP: Wow, you even checked it again for the birthday interview!

BS: Yes… Actually, I thought I had gotten a bit taller recently, but I guess that was just my feeling. Since I am not at an age where I can still grow taller…

A lot of people were also curious about this question. The person nicknamed ‘Rothy’ wrote,
02. I am curious about Sejin’s night and morning routine!!

BS: That… I suppose by routine it is right to assume it’s about habits that I always do.
Usually, I wash my face with water at least once before going to bed. Then I believe I am ready to sleep once I put on some lotion.
And I always make sure to fill a cup with water and leave it at my bedside. So I can drink it immediately after I wake up.

KKP: Lovie’s are you seeing this! Water by the bedside! Please make sure to remember that haha
The next question was sent by a Lovie who wishes to know more about Sejin-ssi’s past(?). The person nicknamed ‘JamGem’ asked.
Q3. I want to know what kind of roles Sejin played during his childhood days…

BS: The role I was the most famous for was as a shaman, but since I wasn’t really picky with work I played various roles.
Kidnapped children, Neighborhood leader, Math genius… I often played the role of the youngest child of a large family. I remember I also shot some Public Service Advertisement posters, as well as local festival advertisements. 

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KKP: If you had to choose the most unique one?

BS: That
A circus member? It was a horror movie, but even though I was in it I couldn’t watch it since it was an adult movie.

KKP: How did you feel when watching it later?

BS: I was a little embarrassed because I thought I had done well.
But I think it might have been because I was a child.
I’ll be sure to show you better performances in the future!

KKP: The next question is… Oh!
Personally, I am also very curious about this. It’s a question from the person nicknamed ‘Sweet is the best’,
Q4. It seems you have the tendency of a homebody*, but I am also a really big homebody**! In that sense if Sejin have anything to recommend to homebody boys and girls who are also loviewers, please share it haha (*/** The person refers to Sejin as a boy homebody and themselves as a girl homebody)

BS: Me?
Hm… I don’t know if my advice will be any good since everyone has different tastes and constitutions, but… I often use a foot warmer. It’s good during winter, and it’s also good for your health if your feet stay warm when there is strong air conditioning on a hot summer day. I recommend it.
But that doesn’t mean you have to use it no matter what!
I’m just saying this because I think you might want to consider it!

Only read this at europalation (dot) wordpress (dot) com, please do not repost

KKP: Lovies with cold hands and feet! Don’t forget the foot warmer! Next the person nicknamed ‘Moomoo’ asked~
Q5. Is there a place Sejin would like to travel to?

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BS: There… Isn’t anywhere in particular.
No, wait a minute, I sent that wrong.
That’s because I don’t travel often! I’ll think about it now, please give me a minute. (This message was sent at 12:32 am)
Oh… Hot springs? Hot springs are also very good. A place with beautiful natural scenery… I think a ranch or a lakeside would also work. Is that okay? (This message was sent at 12:40 am)

KKP: Of course it’s okay!

BS: Thank you!

KKP: I think this next question was sent by a teenage Lovie~ The person nicknamed ‘I wish Bosejji the most happiest birthday’ asked,
Q6. It’s the season of winter break now. For student loviewers who are currently on break, please recommend a book like ‘If I write this book in the reading activity column of the student record will I get accepted to university too?!’ so that loviewers can read and write well 

BS: I don’t think there is one book that will help you get into university just because you write it in your student record…
Of course, it’s hard for me to say since I never got into university! Still, I think reading a lot of books about self-development would be beneficial for your lives, and of course, it will help enter university as well.
In conclusion… Uh, If you take a closer look and read a topic that really interests you,it will have more authenticity! Then I think that will show up well on your student record. (This message was sent at 12:44 am)
I’m sorry. That was probably not the answer to your question right?  (This message was sent at 12:50 am)

KKP: It’s okay, I’m sure they will be happy with the sincere answer 
There were also many loviewers curious about this question. It’s Sejin-ssi’s scent! The person nicknamed ‘’ asked,
Q7. Sejin’s perfume… Fabric softeners scent… Diffuser scent… Shampoo scent… Body wash scent… Conditioner scent… I’m curious about all your scents… I’m not a perv… I’m just very curious about Sejin’s favorite scents!!!!!

BS: Hmhmm… Uh, thank you for your curiosity.

I just like what everyone else likes… I like fruits and flowers. Of course, I also love the scent of fabric softeners!

KKP: But if you have to choose just one!

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BS: Just one…
Then, there is this scent from a big library, and it came out as a product… So I use that as a room spray on my reading desk.
This is not meant to be an indirect advertisement! If it’s a problem, please delete it!

KKP: Haha that’s right, our interviews don’t contain advertisements (The KaCafe owner believes in the Loviewers feeling..!)
The next question is sent by a Lovie preparing for a test~ ‘Choux Kring’ asked,
Q8. People easily put the words ‘put effort’ in their mouth, but as a student who went through exams, I realized that it was difficult. Among the TeSTAR members, Sejin is the member who showed the greatest increase in skills compared to when you first debuted. Does Sejin have any secret that helps you overcome hardships whenever you bump into a wall?

BS: First, thank you for saying that. I know that I am still lacking a lot of skills.
And the way I overcome that is… Hm
This might not be a special way, but… I just keep on going. Since I am someone who has many thoughts, I keep thinking about bad expectations and limits, but no matter what I might think, I think it’s important to move my body first. I also learned through a lot of trial and error.

KKP: “Let’s move first!” That seems like a very good way 
Next question is by the person nicknamed ‘:)’
Q9. What is Sejin’s favorite time? (Like as in 3 in the morning, or 12 in the afternoon…) And I want to know why you like that time.

BS: Around 9 PM?
Around that time, I am usually done with most of my schedule for the day and finish having dinner, so I feel free. Sometimes I worry about tomorrow, but even if it’s a bit embarrassing I think it’s a good idea to take time and praise and encourage myself while reading books and watching videos.

The 2nd part of Bae Sejin’s interview will be posted on Tuesday 2/8- (T/N: It is currently Monday 2/7 on Korea as I post this)

Happy Birthday Bae Sejin!

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