He turned away with contempt. However, even before putting one foot down, he was pushed against the wall by a strong hand that grabbed his shoulder.

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“Fuck… What is it?”


“Hey, you’ll be disappointed”


I didn’t hear anyone approaching me at all, just now. His face stiffened with caution. Shin Yeon-hyung, whose face was close, put his lips to my ears and whispered.


“Hohyun ah, I’ll see you when I come back from today. Got it?”


“You crazy pervert!”


He immediately threw a fist at him because he felt like a fool, but Shin Yeon-hyung disappeared before he knew it.


“What? Where is he…….”


I don’t know what happened, but it was clear that he used some skills. Angry at the top of my head, I ran into Yeon Seung-yeon on the way.


Soon after arriving at the examination center and contacting him, Yeon Seung-yeon came down to the first floor.


“Hohyun-nim! I’m sorry. Did you wait for a long time?”


“Prepare these ingredients right now.”


He pushed a piece of paper into Yeon Seung-yeon’s arms.




“Ho, Hohyun…nim….”


I heard Yeon Seung-yeon’s trembling voice. But there was no time to appease it.


As I weighed the ingredients with a scale next to me, I hurried with a gesture.


“Quickly, skill. Bring it together. Quickly.”


“You, you have to tell me what you’re making…….”


“Hurry up! The ingredients are burning!!”




In the end, Yeon Seung-yeon was dragged to tears and used his skills in the flask I mixed.

The ingredients that were circulating separately were completely mixed and became a dark red color with high viscosity. When Yeon Seung-yeon saw it, he asked in fear.


“Well, what is this……?”


“Your success system didn’t come up, right?”


“Yes…. When I check the progress, it’s still incomplete.”


“Um… What should I do…….”


As I was thinking while touching my chin, I looked back at Yeon Seung-yeon and asked.

“Do you have the poisonous glands of a golden serpent? Either that or the poison of an advanced monster would be fine, but instead, the ones that live in the dark. Bring either one.”

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“Gasp! N, no! No way! You can’t!”


Yeon Seung-yeon held the chart in his arms and shook his head in surprise. He gasped while snapping his fingers subconsciously.


“What do you mean I can’t. Do you have it or not? Just say that.”


“Do I have it… No. There isn’t.”


“Don’t lie, Seung-yeon. Hurry up and bring it.”


“No… I won’t give it to you. Why on earth are you looking for that? Poison glands going into poison potions…….”


Yeon Seung-yeon whined and shook his head.


Knowing that even if he looked weak, he would never give up from how he entered that whining mode, I had no choice but to sigh and hang my head.


I don’t have the skills right now, so I don’t know if I’ll succeed or fail. Even Yeon Seung-yeon came out uncooperative, so he had caught fire in his frustration.


“Okay, then bring me the essence of slime. That works, right?”


“There’s no problem, but…”


Instead of asking him to bring a poisonous gland just now, I asked for an ordinary slime. Yeon Seung-yeon looked suspicious for a moment, but soon nodded.


“Yes. I’ll bring it to you.”


“Yea, bring me the green slime.”


Yeon Seung-yeon, who glanced at me with anxious eyes, opened the pantry. I looked at Yeon Seung-yeon entering the pantry with envious eyes.


Inside the center, outsiders were not allowed to open the space of inventory connected to this space to prevent terrorism or possible events, but the production industry was the only one who was allowed to do so due to the nature of their work.


Joo Hohyun couldn’t open it.


When I thought of my pantry and warehouses, which were full of all kinds of materials, I was full of regrets.


‘I’ll activate my inventory as soon as I get out of here.’


In the meantime, Yeon Seung-yeon came out with a glass bottle containing the essence of slime in his arms, as if he had found everything related to it.


I pushed the flask in front of me toward Yeon Seung-yeon and gestured with my chin.


“Use your skills.”


“Yes. By fusion….”


Yeon Seung-yeon, who was reciting alone, immediately screamed as a status window appeared in front of him.


“Noooo! If you fuse the potion in this state, it will become a drug!”


“I’ll give you money. How much do you need?”


“You can’t, Hohyun-nim……. Please be reasonable.”

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“When I looked at your research journal last time, I found that you gave up because you failed to study to make a recovery potion for a month.”


“That’s, that’s….”


“I’ll tell you my recipe. The difficulty isn’t that hard. Even if I make it now, I think you’ll succeed.”


Yeon Seung-yeon’s eyes shook as if there was an earthquake when I said it with a wicked smile.


You’re not going to fall for it? Even like this?


As he pushed to the limit, tears filled Yeon Seung-yeon’s eyes at a rapid pace.


Then he cried, closing his eyes tightly.


“Well, don’t test me! If you keep doing this, I won’t give you purified water!”


Tears flowed from Yeon Seung-yeon’s big eyes on his conscience instead of a recovery potion.


Not giving purified water, the base that goes into the production of potions, was tantamount to saying that he would withdraw from helping with the production of potions.


Since he showed such a willingness, I couldn’t push him more, and in the end, I had no choice but to give up while clicking my tongue.




You’re scared of so many things.




Eventually, I had no choice but to return to my room without any profit. Lying in bed, I looked at the spray I received from Yeon Seung-yeon, which was as big as a palm.


“What do you use this for?”


I remembered what Yeon Seung-yeon said while handing me this spray.


– It’s, it’s a medicine that can put even an elephant to sleep. First, with this…….


“What are you saying? You have to feed it the entire bottle for it to fall asleep; you can’t just spray it a few times and it falls asleep.”


It was just a sleep-inducing drug, accompanied by some pain.


As far as power goes, it’s about the equivalent of slightly usable pepper spray.


I was about to laugh and throw it away, but the phone rang in my pocket.


“Who is it?”


I looked down at my phone, expecting to see Yeon Seung-yeon or Han Seo-jin, but what I saw was entirely different.


「Shin Yeon-hyung」




I hung up right away.


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I turned my cell phone upside down and closed my eyes, and the phone rang again.


‘What’s wrong with him?’


Did you call because you promised to see me on your way out?


I thought it was none of my business, so I pressed the refuse to receive button. As soon as I hung up, the phone rang again.


I was starting to get irritated. I pressed the call button with the intention of saying something not to bother me.




Even before I uttered a single word, I heard a slightly angry voice on the other side.


[Hohyun, are you training me like a mutt? Don’t you know to pick up the phone before the bell rings three times?]


Why should I know? The words filled my tongue, but I endured and answered because I didn’t want to continue talking for too long.




“……Don’t you know hanging up means not to call me? Why did you call?”


[What? Hahaha. Are you saying you hung up on purpose?]


‘Don’t you think so? It would be difficult to accidentally cut it off twice.’ I murmured inwardly.


Shin Yeon-hyung, who had been laughing for a long time, spoke again.


[Come to the 3rd room on the 1st floor]


“Why me? I don’t want to.”


[You’re fun, but you’re starting to annoy me. If you make one more sound, every time you do it, you will get hit. Come down right away.]


“Why the hell…”


The line was cut off before I could finish talking. I looked down at my cell phone with an absurd look on my face.


‘Who do you think you are?! You want me to come?’


Anger rose, and he threw the cell phone into the bed and raised himself. The mat tilted, and the spray rolled over.


“Where should I leave it before Han Seo-jin sees it…….”


At that moment, a chill went down my spine, and a creepy sensation hit me all over my body. When I raised my head out of a sense of déjà vu, a black shadow was looming over my head.


Even before checking who it was, Shin Yeon-hyung’s angry voice was heard.


“Didn’t I say you’d get hit if you said it one more time?”




He was slapped by a hand from the air and flown away.


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“Cough, Fu…ck.”


Shin Yeon-hyung walked in front of me, who collapsed on the floor, and grabbed me by the collar.


“You, how are you…….”


I didn’t even hear him coming in…


Shin Yeon-hyung, whose eyes were half-turned at my panicking voice, smiled while showing his teeth.


“I’ll kill you today. Hohyun.”


And then the surroundings went black.


After the space around me distorted and disintegrated, and the disorganized surroundings were put together again, I was in a state where I was not in Han Seo-jin’s room, but in a place I had never seen before. 


With Shin Yeon-hyung.


“What is this place?”


I heard a laughing voice in my ears as I tried to comprehend the situation, taken aback by the completely different surroundings.


“It’s hyung’s room.”




I tried to wake up with a dizzy head. I felt the smooth surface of the spray in my clenched fist.


What skill is it? Portal? Teleportation?


“I wish you had come when you told me to. How many times did hyung have to say it nicely, huh?”


“Let go.”


He shook off Shin Yeon-hyung’s hand and stepped back. He hit his arm as hard as he could, but Shin Yeon-hyung didn’t seem to have been hit at all, perhaps because it was Esper.


I looked at the door behind me without realizing it. Shin Yeon-hyung, who was smiling, reached out and tapped my red left cheek.


“Stop rolling your eyes. Are you scared?”


“Are you crazy? Come out.”


“Hey, Hohyun. If you ask, I’ll answer.”


“I have nothing to say to you.”


He pushed hard past Shin Yeon-hyung.


As I walked step by step, my face gradually heated up. It has been a while since I felt this helplessness, and the reality that the Guide’s body has no choice but to be swayed by Esper was frustrating. It was also crazy that there was no way to do anything about Shin Yeon-hyung even though he was so angry right now.


I grabbed the spray in my hand.


‘Not with a toy like this. No matter what Yeon Seung-yeon says, it makes poison…….’


If Yeon Seung-yeon comes out uncooperative until the end, I should at least pierce another person. As soon as I grabbed the door handle with determination, my shoulder was caught in a hand that stretched out from behind. And then again, in an instant, the floor and ceiling were reversed.

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