Deep Desire

Chapter 35: 35

For the next half month, Lu Jing Shen and Feng Si rarely left the vineyard, except occasionally going to nearby towns to buy things. During this time, Ron came to the vineyard for a meal, and Lu Jing Shen orally negotiated a business deal with him. If it eventually went through, their company could use Ron’s company’s assistance to expand their presence in the European market. Lu Jing Shen would return to the country with this achievement, hopefully silencing the board of directors for good.

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Of course, Ron also benefits from this. Although that French man looked even less serious than Feng Si, he was very cautious and sharp when it came to business, not easy to handle.

After the serious business talk, Ron didn’t hesitate to enjoy some of Lu Jing Shen’s good wine. He even mentioned that he also wanted to buy a vineyard. When he got drunk, he babbled about regretting not being able to sleep with Feng Si. He tried to get close to Feng Si under the influence of alcohol, but Feng Si easily pushed him away.

“Sorry not available,” Feng Si said playfully, with a carefree smile but a firm attitude.

Ron grumbled a few curses, and Lu Jing Shen arranged for the driver to send him away with a cold face.

Before leaving, Ron noticed the record player that Feng Si bought and murmured, “You Eastern people like these subtle romantics. I still prefer the music in bars; that’s more suitable for young people. You are both behaving like old men.”

Feng Si just smiled but didn’t explain. Ron lost interest and finally left.

With the peace restored, Lu Jing Shen’s expression still didn’t look good. Feng Si leaned towards him and asked, “why the long face? Aren’t you happy after successfully negotiating a big deal?”

Lu Jing Shen responded coldly, “I’ll be happy after we sign the contract.”

Feng Si thought that was Lu Jing Shen being unhappy. He rolled up his shirt sleeves, which had been pulled out of shape by Ron, and couldn’t help but feel wronged.

Lu Jing Shen didn’t pay him any more attention and made a call to Lu Jing Qing. They had been in touch during this time, and news of his kidnapping and disappearance had already reached the country. Only his family knew the truth, and the company was in chaos with many people trying to take advantage of the situation.

Lu Jing Shen had long wanted to rectify the company’s long-standing problems, and now he had the perfect opportunity.

Lu Jing Qing informed him that those people were ready, and the board meeting would be held next Monday.

“Come back before that.”

Lu Jing Shen agreed, “Okay, I’ll arrange it.”

After hanging up, he informed Feng Si, “I’ll return to the country the day after tomorrow.”

Feng Si raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure?”

Lu Jing Shen nodded.

That’s settled then.

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Feng Si said, “The vacation is over.”

The vacation is over. What would their relationship be like now?

That thought flashed through Lu Jing Shen’s mind for a moment, and then he forced himself not to think about it.

They had agreed to remain casual, and Feng Si had also agreed. There was no need for him to overthink it.

Two days later, Lu Jing Shen’s private plane took off for his return to the country.

Feng Si’s hand stitches had just been removed, and he couldn’t fly the plane, so the private jet company sent someone over to temporarily replace him.

He boarded the plane with Lu Jing Shen, and Lin Ling and the others were waiting under the plane early on to welcome them. Feng Si smiled brightly, looking full of joy.

Lu Jing Shen entered the cabin first, and Lin Ling and the others only knew that Feng Si had injured his hand. They surrounded him, asking about his condition, and Feng Si casually said he was fine. After the others left to make preparations, only Lin Ling was left. She smiled and blinked at him, “Captain Feng, you seem so pleased. Did everything go as you wished?”

Feng Si shook his finger, smiling as he reminded her, “Don’t be nosy about the boss’s private affairs, or he might deduct your salary.”

After some banter, he went into the cabin where Lu Jing Shen was already sitting, leaning against the seat with his eyes closed.

Feng Si’s gaze fell on the side of his neck, where the mark was much lighter than before. Lu Jing Shen had insisted that he not leave any obvious marks during those two days. However, as a punishment, the hidden parts of his body were covered in more and deeper marks, made by Feng Si himself.

Feng Si reached out and gently touched the small shadow below his collar that extended to his neck. Lu Jing Shen frowned lightly, opening his eyes to look at him.

“Stop it.”

Feng Si’s hand froze in place, “Why?”

“Everyone’s here, be careful,” Lu Jing Shen reminded him impatiently.

The other pilots had already entered the cockpit, and Lin Ling and another stewardess were busy in the galley, likely to come over at any moment.

Feng Si didn’t care, but he also didn’t say anything. When he withdrew his hand, he lightly flicked Lu Jing Shen’s face with his fingers.

Lu Jing Shen turned his face away.

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Feng Si squinted his eyes, hesitated for a few seconds, and then went to sit in the adjacent seat.

Lu Jing Shen realized that he had been too harsh with his tone just now and regretted it slightly. After hesitating, he said, “I didn’t sleep well last night, and I have a slight headache.”

Feng Si’s gaze turned to him.

So, his attitude just now was unintentional, but he found it difficult to ask Lu Jing Shen to apologize like this.

Feng Si clicked his tongue, got up, and went to the galley.

Five minutes later, he came back, holding a cup of warm honey water in his hand, which Lu Jing Shen had left half-drunk earlier. He handed it to Lu Jing Shen and said, “I know you don’t like sweet things, but try drinking this. It will help you feel better.”

Lu Jing Shen took the cup and held it gently, saying a soft thank you.

“You don’t have to thank me.”

After saying that, Feng Si sat back down, picked up the magazine that Lu Jing Shen was reading earlier, flipped through a couple of pages, and then put it down. He had no interest in those financial magazines.

Lu Jing Shen drank about half of the honey water, relaxed, and leaned back in his seat again.

After the plane took off and entered cruising altitude, Lu Jing Shen unbuckled his seatbelt, got up, and went to the bedroom at the back.

Feng Si followed him, and when Lu Jing Shen glanced back, Feng Si had already closed the door, locked it, and was standing by the door, holding the half-cup of honey water Lu Jing Shen had left earlier. He slowly drank it.

As the cup approached his lips, Feng Si’s Adam’s apple slid slowly. His gaze was fixed on Lu Jing Shen the whole time.

“Are you planning to sleep?” he asked.

Lu Jing Shen didn’t feel like talking and just nodded.

Feng Si approached him and made him lie face down on the bed

He then applied a massage with moderate pressure, starting from his temples and moving slowly to the back of his head. His technique was good, and Lu Jing Shen felt slightly more comfortable, so he didn’t resist and let Feng Si do as he pleased.

However, he became aware that something was amiss when Feng Si’s hand slid down to the back of his neck, and his touch changed.

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Lu Jing Shen opened his eyes, and Feng Si’s voice was even lower than before, with some emotion in it. “Alex, are you feeling better?.” he then flipped him and made him lie on his back

Lu Jing Shen wanted to protest, but Feng Si didn’t give him the chance. His other hand unbuttoned Lu Jing Shen’s shirt and slipped inside, touching his skin.

“I don’t want to do this,” Lu Jing Shen frowned and refused.

His body was uncomfortable, they were on a flight, and someone could knock on the door at any moment.

But Feng Si didn’t let him go. “Just relax and enjoy it,” he insisted.

His restless hands wandered around Lu Jing Shen’s chest, igniting sparks and touching the various overlapping marks on his body. It felt like feathers brushing against him, tickling and teasing his desires.

Lu Jing Shen couldn’t stand it for long and asked him to stop, but Feng Si was not as easy to dismiss.. He swiftly positioned himself and sat down on the bed, trapping Lu Jing Shen between his legs.

Lu Jing Shen was restrained and unable to struggle.

Feng Si continued his advances, forcefully removing Lu Jing Shen’s clothes. His gaze explored every inch of Lu Jing Shen’s body as if admiring a perfect work of art. He used his hands to feel, touch, and deepen the memory of Lu Jingshen in his mind.

Lu Jing Shen had a slim figure with a thin layer of muscles that made him look attractive. His fair skin was sensitive, and even the slightest touch left vivid red marks on him.

Feng Si seemed almost obsessed with touching his body.

The teasing went on for a long time, and Lu Jing Shen’s emotions were kept in suspense, unable to move forward or retreat.

Being scrutinized in such an intimate way made Lu Jing Shen feel uncomfortable. He couldn’t break free and had to close his eyes, trying not to look.

Feng Si picked up the remaining half-cup of honey water and held it over Lu Jing Shen’s chest, pouring it slowly.

The sticky syrup spread over his chest, adding a hint of sensuality. Although it had lost its warmth, Lu Jing Shen felt as if he had been burned, and his body trembled involuntarily.

Then he felt the weight of Feng Si pressing down on him, and Feng Si’s tongue licked him.

He was merely licking away the honey water on his body, but it felt more arousing than ever. The passionate sucking and grinding made it even harder for him to bear. Moans escaped his lips, and at the same time, there was a knock on the door.

It was the voice of the flight attendant outside, asking if they needed meals.

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Feng Si didn’t stop his actions and didn’t bother with the attendant. He continued to lick and kiss Lu Jing Shen’s sweetened body. The flight attendant asked again, “Mr. Lu, Captain Feng, should I serve you your meals?”

Lu Jing Shen bit his lip hard, trying to control his breathing and replied in as calm a voice as possible, “No need, we’ll have it later.”

As the footsteps of the flight attendant moved away, Lu Jing Shen finally relaxed, feeling like he had released a breath he had been holding. He grabbed Feng Si’s hair.

Feng Si didn’t mind and raised his head, touching Lu Jing Shen’s face with his hand.

After a brief touch, Feng Si got up and maintained a half-kneeling position, staring at him.

Lu Jing Shen frowned, “What are you doing?”

Feng Si’s black eyes had a deep and bright light as they silently met Lu Jing Shen’s gaze.

For a moment, Feng Si bent down and held Lu Jing Shen’s hand, pressing his lips to it and gently and affectionately kissing each finger.

His attention was focused, serious, and devoted, as if the most loyal knight was kissing his king.

As Lu Jing Shen felt the moist and warm touch on his fingers, he had never been treated with such tender care, as if cherished, making it difficult for him to pull his hand away, feeling almost paralyzed.

In the end, the last kiss landed on his palm, and Lu Jing Shen’s heart trembled, suddenly awakened.

Feng Si raised his head, softly whispering his name, “A Shen.”

Lu Jing Shen was stunned, looking at him in disbelief.

A smile returned to Feng Si’s eyes. He took off his own coat and draped it over Lu Jing Shen’s bare chest.

The warmth with Feng Si’s scent settled on him made Lu Jing Shen finally fully come to his senses, subconsciously avoiding his gaze and pulling at his clothes.

Feng Si leaned closer, his voice dropping to his ear, “Is your headache still aching?”

Lu Jing Shen sat up feeling a bit embarrassed.

Feng Si chuckled softly, “Want me to go with you to shower?”

Lu Jing Shen closed his eyes for a moment, the slight anger he had felt earlier seemed to dissipate without him realizing it. He didn’t know what to say.

“No need,” he replied, avoiding Feng Si’s teasing gaze. He got up and quickly walked into the bathroom.

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