Deep Kiss

Chapter 10

Chapter 10. Unbridled Fragrance.

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Looking at the fleeing Chi Xiuyuan, He Shuyu laughed unceremoniously.

Her uncontrollable laughter filled the small house, and Chi Xiuyuan went into the kitchen, his ears burning hot.

He pursed his lips slightly and turned on the tap to wash his hands. The cold water rushed over his skin, not only washing away the warmth of his body from the ambiguity, but also stirring up the burning in his heart.

The sound of He Shuyu’s laughter was in his ears, crisp and pleasant, burrowing into his chest, and the cold scent of her leaning over lingered on the tip of his nose.

It smelled so good, it was addicting.


The jade-white slender index finger hooked up in a provocative arc, and the faint pink at the fingertips quietly revealed the woman’s charm.

He shook his head hard vigorously to get rid of what he shouldn’t be thinking of and got ready to make lunch.

When he walked to the fridge, he was in a quandary.

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Tl eked’v jdso obyv Tl Fbwuw zkjle vs lyv yde obyv pbl oyp yhskekdt. Rv oswze byhl clld sjyu vs ypj, cwv yqvla vbl lxcyaayppxldv vbyv bye fwpv snnwaale, bl eked’v oydv vs cl nywtbv ytykd.

Tl pvsse qsa y obkzl, vbkdjkdt vbyv bl pbswze clbyhl zkjl y bspv obld bl kdhkvle psxlsdl vs bkp bsxl.

Gqvla vlypkdt vbl nbkze, Tl Fbwuw nwacle bla zywtbvla. Fbl oyp vaukdt vs qkde psxlvbkdt vs es vs rypp vbl vkxl obld pbl pweeldzu dsvknle vbl xydu rbsvstayrbp bydtkdt sd vbl oyzzp sq vbl bswpl.

Yspv sq vblx olal Ubk Dkwuwyd’p rlapsdyz rbsvsp, qasx bkp nbkzebsse vs bkp uswvb. Xdzu y qlo olal vyjld okvb bkp xsvbla yde taydexsvbla.

Tl Fbwuw blze bla nbkd yde zssjle qasx vbl vsr vs vbl csvvsx. Mbl xsal pbl zssjle, vbl xsal kdvlalpvle pbl clnyxl.

Mbl clyd-pkgle Ubk Dkwuwyd oyp lmvaysaekdyakzu nwvl. Tl oyp qyka yde vldela zkjl y zkvvzl cwd. Rd vbl rbsvs, bl oyp zssjkdt czydjzu yv vbl nyxlay. Tl oyp ps nwvl vbyv sdl oydvle vs vyjl bkx kdvs sdl’p yaxp yde tkhl bkx y qlo jkpplp. Tl csal ds alplxczydnl vs vbl nsze qynl vbyv bl tyhl vs pvaydtlap dso.

Wwavbla esod oypy rknvwal sq bkx yqvla pnbssz, bszekdt bkp taydexsvbla’p byde okvb bkp cynjrynj. Tl oyp pxkzkdt yv vbl nyxlay okvb y xkppkdt kdnkpsa.

Mblal oyp y okel hyaklvu: xkeezl pnbssz sdlp, bktb pnbssz sdlp, yoyae-okddkdt sdlp, lmnwapksdp, lvn.

From childhood to adulthood, the teenager’s expressions towards the camera became less and less, the more he tickled people’s fancy.

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Finally, He Shuyu’s gaze settled on a photo at the edge.

The Chi Xiuyuan in this photo was completely different from the Chi Xiuyuan in the other photos.

He was wearing a leather jacket and trousers, with a pair of long Martin boots on his feet. There were various finger rings on his hands, with chains dangling from his clothes, like a delinquent boy.

Of course, that was not the point; the point was that he was dancing and doing extremely difficult space steps.

So the kid could dance hip-hop? The moves must have been good.

He Shuyu’s eyes lit up, and her gaze fell on his abs that were hidden behind the hem of his shirt, which had been lifted just right.

In this photo of Chi Xiuyuan, he had not changed much from then. He should have been in high school…

He Shuyu raised her hand to touch it firmly. Her palm was pressed against the chest of Chi Xiuyuan, who was blocking the way.

He had already taken off his thick down jacket and was now wearing an apricot-coloured jumper with his sleeves rolled up.

The jumper outlined his hard chest, and his pecs could be seen, but his abs were covered.

When Chi Xiuyuan, who had been tangled, came out of the kitchen, he saw He Shuyu staring at his pictures with great interest.

For some reason, his heart felt hot and his face burned up again.


He had thought that He Shuyu would look at them for a few moments and then withdraw her gaze. But as she looked at them, she couldn’t seem to stop staring at one of the photos.

The smile on her lips made him dare not to look deeper into her thoughts at that moment, so he thought nothing of standing in front of her.

He was so hot-headed that he had sent himself to the door.

After a short silence, He Shuyu raised an eyebrow and took the initiative to take her hand back before the little friend turned into a shrinking turtle. “Although it’s not abs, the pectoral muscles are quite good.”

Chi Xiuyuan: “……”

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Although not directly by her hand, the words rather than her hands made him embarrassed, as if he had sent himself to the door.

Chi Xiuyuan was already on the verge of steaming himself. He couldn’t wait for the time to pass quickly, so that he wouldn’t have to face embarrassment every now and then.

He pretended not to hear anything and said dryly, “Didn’t you say you were hungry? What would you like to eat? How about dumplings? Grandma has already made the filling, so I’ll wrap a few and cook them straight away.”

He mechanically introduced the kinds of dumpling fillings that Grandma Chi had prepared.

When He Shuyu saw him talking all the time, she realised he didn’t dare to look down at her. She let out a soft tsk in her heart.

“I haven’t tried making dumplings yet. Can you teach me how to make them? ” As he paused, she interjected that sentence at the right time.

Chi Xiuyuan probably didn’t expect the question to cause trouble.


He Shuyu didn’t just say that she wanted to make dumplings as a casual statement, so she went into the kitchen without giving Chi Xiuyuan a chance to refuse.

Compared to the huge kitchen in her villa, which had everything, the kitchen in front of her was cramped. It was more than enough for one person, cramped for two, and perhaps even difficult to turn around for three.

But He Shuyu did not feel the least bit uncomfortable. In fact, she even felt wonderful.

Chi Xiuyuan followed her in.

“The kitchen is a bit small, so you’d better go out, I’ll soon be able to-“

“Don’t you want to teach me how to make dumplings?” He Shuyu preempted him by giving him a teaching hat, lest he find another excuse to kick her out of the kitchen.

Chi Xiuyuan was indeed quiet, and the sound of his breathing was a little heavy. He Shuyu could hear it clearly.    

She gave a dark laugh and bounced around the kitchen, finally settling her gaze on the stack of dumpling skins resting on the counter.

She washed her hands first and pointed to the dumpling skin, “What are you standing around for? Grandma has an operation this afternoon. Let’s eat quickly and go back to the hospital. “

When she said that, Chi Xiuyuan finally stopped dawdling.

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He tried to walk around He Shuyu, but the kitchen was too narrow. As he walked past her, his body inevitably touched.    

There was no skin-to-skin contact, just a simple rubbing of the chest against the back shoulder.


There had been closer touches than this in a crowd, but nothing like the heat that burned in his chest at the moment.  

He washed his hands and dried them. Then, he quickly picked up the dumpling skins and wrapped several dumplings in a row, trying to suppress the awkward feeling in his heart.   

He Shuyu raised his eyebrows as he watched, “Is this how you teach me how to make dumplings? No steps, no essentials? Just let me watch your fingers fly and learn by myself?”

If you let a child become a teacher, they would definitely mislead you.

Chi Xiuyuan bit his cheek and said dryly, “I can’t teach anyone.”

He had tried to get her to back off by showing that dumpling-making wasn’t fun so she would immediately leave the kitchen.

He Shuyu, however, became more energetic. She held the dumpling skin in her hand and put her hand in front of him, “If you can’t teach me, why don’t you do it by hand?”

With her other hand, she grabbed his wrist and tried to demonstrate what it meant to do it by hand.

Chi Xiuyuan stiffened and took a quick step back before He Shuyu squeezed into his arms.

The latter frowned in displeasure, “You can’t teach me with your mouth, and you can’t teach me with your hands. Why is it so troublesome?”

The tone of disgust was as if she had no intention of using the dumplings for any other purpose.

When Chi Xiuyuan realised that he had been overreacting, he rubbed his nose with the back of his hand to hide the look on his face. He was about to bluntly throw He Shuyu out of the kitchen, but the latter was already kneading the dumplings and slowly wrapping them like he had just done.

“Is it pinched like this? I see your movements are a pinch at the front and a pinch at the back. …… so strange …… I’m clearly imitating your movements. How come I can’t pinch them tightly? This side too… is too ugly for me to wrap. Can I just pinch? “

He Shuyu held the dumpling skin and tried to imitate Chi Xiuyuan’s dumpling, but unfortunately, her skills were not up to scratch. She ended up with a four-sided dumpling and the filling was exposed because the dumpling skin was not pinched tightly enough.

She, who was invincible in the business world, angrily pinched the dumpling skins a few times and forced them together.

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When she finished the dumplings and put them on the board, she was outraged to find that her clownish dumplings did not match the beautiful ones made by Chi Xiuyuan.

Regardless of what the people around her thought, she switched the two dumplings, pretending that she had made the pretty dumplings and Chi Xiuyuan had made the clown dumplings.

Such a childish move made Chi Xiuyuan speechless. He even felt it was a little funny, but He Shuyu picked up another dumpling skin and made yet another attempt.

For a person just learning, no matter how many times she tried, the dumplings were never as beautiful as they could be. Not to mention the fact that she didn’t have a good teacher to guide her.

Chi Xiuyuan watched her struggle with the dumplings, her hands covered in flour, and the dumplings forming on the board looking slightly miserable.

He pursed his lips and averted his eyes to the side, suppressing a smile before turning back and saying, “I’ll teach you.”

He put down the freshly wrapped dumplings in his hand and raised his hand to adjust He Shuyu’s dumpling wrapping posture.

Their fingertips inadvertently touched, and a subtle electric current ran through the dry flour, causing Chi Xiuyuan to curl his fingers and try to escape. But He Shuyu tilted her head and smiled at him.

Chi Xiuyuan thought she was going to say something outrageous again, and his body moved faster than his mind could think.

He Shuyu opened her mouth and took in a mouthful of flour.

Chi Xiuyuan had put his hand over her mouth, and the flour left on his fingers scrambled into her nasal cavity.

He Shuyu had not expected his sudden movement and blinked in surprise, smiling brightly.

The soft, moist sensation spread from his fingers, and Chi Xiuyuan’s eyes widened. He had not counted on it, but had dug a hole for himself.

The woman who had done something bad was still staring at him with innocent eyes, and there was a light condemnation deep in her pupils.

Almost as if to say:

“You’re covering it so tightly that I can’t breathe…”

He Shuyu’s innocence did not last long before she was driven out of the kitchen. Through the door, Chi Xiuyuan exhaled a heavy breath.

He could no longer look straight at his fingers. The sensation of her tongue sweeping across them repeated on a loop. He closed his eyes heavily as the tip of his tongue curled around three words.

 “He Shuyu ……”

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