Deep Kiss

Chapter 18

Chapter 18. Kissed On His Adam’s Apple.

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 “Yuen.” He Shuyu smiled, arched her eyebrows, and greeted him.

The latter raised an eyebrow. His gaze raked over their clasped hands, revealing a meaningful look.

Chi Xiuyuan was a little uneasy with his look, suddenly recalling the rumours about the two of them at school. The hot temperature of his body suddenly dropped, and the strength in his hands loosened.

Noticing his subtle change, He Shuyu tightened her fingers and was about to speak when the sound of high heels clicking on the ground suddenly came from not far away.

Luo Zhiyao jogged over with her bag, complaining in a whisper, “Baby Enen, have you finished changing your clothes? That bastard woman, He Shuyu disappeared in a flash, probably looking for her boyfriend. Let’s go for a midnight snack. I’ll—“

Before she finished her sentence, she saw He Shuyu and Chi Xiuyuan standing in front of Shen Yuen, holding hands. She instantly stopped speaking.

She didn’t know which word in her sentence brought conflict to the young, handsome boy.

The latter’s eyes were straight, but a closer look revealed a not-so-subtle shyness.

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Mpj, tsse qktwal, cwv kddsnldv yp blzz. Ls osdela vbyv osxyd, Tl Fbwuw, zspv byzq sq bla vball pswzp yde plhld prkakvp [1].

“Zs, obyv y bydepsxl zkvvzl casvbla!” Nws Hbkuys qzkavle okvb bla bydep sd bla nblpv.

Ubk Dkwuwyd kdpvydvzu rwzzle bkp yvvldvksd cynj qasx vbl osaep “zkvvzl csuqaklde” yde bkp nblljp clnyxl lhld bsvvla. Tl oyp zkjl y ewxrzkdt vbyv bye clld pnyzele kd bsv, cskzkdt oyvla yde poszzld wr.

Tl Fbwuw oyp dsv tskdt vs czwpb yv bla vlypkdt. Fbl raswezu vssj Ubk Dkwuwyd’p yax yde fwpvkqkle kv cu pyukdt, “Rdelle, bl kp xsal bydepsxl vbyd uswap.”

Fweeldzu clkdt pvlrrle sd, Fbld Zwld pxkzle blzrzlppzu yde vssj Nws Hbkuys’p byde, “Fkpvla Fbw Zw, R osd’v ekpvwac usw. El’zz zlyhl qkapv.”

Nws Hbkuys oyp dsv byrru, clkdt zle cu bkx vs oyzj swv. Fbl pvkzz eked’v qsatlv vs vwad cynj, “Tl Fbwuw, xu cycu kp xsal bydepsxl vbyd bkx. Tl byp y clvvla cseu vbyd bkx, yde bkp tayelp-“

Jlqsal pbl nswze qkdkpb bla pldvldnl, pbl oyp tldvzu jkpple cu Fbld Zwld yde rwzzle kdvs bkp yaxp. “Ebyv’p vbl rskdv sq csvblakdt okvb y nswrzl obs fwpv tsv vstlvbla?”

Tl Fbwuw: “……”

She turned her head helplessly and saw Chi Xiuyuan staring in the direction of Luo Zhiyao, where the two of them had left. She was puzzled, “What are you thinking about?”

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Chi Xiuyuan woke up like a dream and whispered, “Shen Yuen ……”

The rumour was that Shen Yuen had an off-campus girlfriend, or that she was a wealthy woman who drove a white Bentley.

Coupled with the fact that He Shuyu had previously taken Shen Yuen away in front of the library, many people were speculating that his mysterious girlfriend was He Shuyu.

It was inevitable that Chi Xiuyuan heard some specious rumours. The feeling of restlessness that had risen in the New Year because of that photo kept lingering in his mind.

He had cautioned himself that it was all unfounded speculation and forced himself to focus on the school’s performance.

Now, Shen Yuen was suddenly strutting around the school holding He Shuyu’s best friend and kissing her in front of her ……

When He Shuyu heard the tangle in his words, a smile flew under her eyes. “Yuen is Luo Zhiyao’s boyfriend.”

After explaining, she stood in front of Chi Xiuyuan and lifted the brim of her hat, saying, “Chi Chi, you’re not jealous. Are you?”

He Shuyu’s perceptiveness was alarming. Chi Xiuyuan’s head felt like a small hammer had been smashed into it, causing him to avert his gaze in shock.

The former had only been guessing casually, but she didn’t know that the child was so innocent that he couldn’t hide his emotions at all. She was so happy that she pressed her head sideways against his chest and laughed in a low voice.

Chi Xiuyuan blushed at her laughter. With their intimate behaviour and Luo Zhiyao’s not-so-clear “He Shuyu”, a lot of people were already gawking at them.

He didn’t dare to stay where he was, dragging He Shuyu with him and fleeing.

The school celebration was not yet over, and the music from the stage could still be heard from a distance.

Stopping at the edge of a lawn, He Shuyu laughed out loud without hesitation.

Chi Xiuyuan was already embarrassed by what she had just said and had a subtle shyness in his heart. When she laughed at him, hot air came out of his face and his ears turned red.

He Shuyu didn’t laugh too much either.

She straightened her back and tilted her head to face Chi Xiuyuan.

The not-so-clear light of the dark night shone on the side of her face, and the brim of her cap cast a shadow over her cheeks.

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Only then did Chi Xiuyuan notice that a lot of lipstick had been wiped off her lips.

Upon realising how the lipstick had disappeared, his body began to heat up.

The softness, if any, at the tip of his tongue kept tantalising his nerves, and the culprit was still pretending to look up at him innocently.

“Chi Chi, I’m hungry.”

The five short words hovered around her soft lips. The shallow tone of her voice carried the ultimate seduction.

Chi Xiuyuan’s body tensed as the haphazardly teasing woman added, “Let’s go for a late night snack together?”

His body was like a deflated ball. Chi Xiuyuan loosened the muscles around his cheeks, but He Shuyu suddenly came up to him.

“Chi Chi, why do I feel you have some regrets?”

With the music blaring from the distant stage, Chi Xiuyuan blushed shamefully and dragged her out of the room, saying, “The music is so loud. What did you just say?”

He Shuyu was very happy.

“Is it okay to leave straight away?” Chi Xiuyuan asked, not quite at ease.

He Shuyu, as a specially invited alumnus of Jiangnan University, even sat with the president at the party and left the table midway …..

The person in question didn’t lose her sense of propriety. She leaned softly against the passenger seat with her cap off, revealing lush eyebrows.

“I already spoke to the principal.”

She wouldn’t have come to the school celebration if she hadn’t wanted to see the child perform.

After getting out of the car, Chi Xiuyuan opened the door for her. He waited for her to walk inside, only to see her stop beside him and hand her hand over with her palm up.

Chi Xiuyuan looked at her fair palms with warm brows and held her awkwardly. The latter smiled with satisfaction and leaned over like a sloth, holding his arm.

A faint, cold fragrance wafted away. It was like a peach: sweet, soft, and fragrant.

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Chi Xiuyuan, who controlled his breathing and could vaguely sense He Shuyu’s delighted mood.

What was she happy about?

The probing tentacles reached out from the bottom of his heart. From the sudden kiss to the current hand-holding, it had been a night of light and strange developments. Things had long been beyond Chi Xiuyuan’s control.

Perhaps, ever since meeting He Shuyu, he had never been able to control anything.

“Give me your hand.”

As his thoughts drifted, his hand was pulled up by He Shuyu and his right index finger was pressed against the cold surface. Chi Xiuyuan suddenly came back to his senses. He said, surprised, “You…”

“I’m filling in your fingerprints. The next time you come over, you can come in yourself. “

She took it for granted, giving him permission to enter and leave the house at will.

He didn’t know how he got in, but Chi Xiuyuan stood dumbfounded in the foyer. His eyes swept aimlessly across the living room. It still looked as nice as it did on New Year’s Eve, but it was just as empty and cold.

The transparent light illuminated the entire living room, and He Shuyu felt a rare sense of comfort at home. She kicked off her high heels and casually said, “In the shoe cupboard on the right, you can find yourself a new pair of shoes to wear.”

Chi Xiuyuan was a bit rushed. He followed He Shuyu home because she said she was hungry and wanted to eat the food he cooked.

And he didn’t like eating out either, so he was half coaxed and half tricked by her to come over.

Opening the shoe cupboard, there were several pairs of slippers, both male and female.

Chi Xiuyuan stared at the slippers, which obviously showed signs of wear, for a while. When He Shuyu turned around to ask him what was wrong because he was moving slowly, he hurriedly withdrew his eyes and took a new pair of shoes to put on.

He also wanted to ask her who the people were who came to her house regularly.

But he didn’t seem to be in a position to really ask the question out loud, and it seemed childish and lemony [2].

When Chi Xiuyuan entered the house absent-mindedly, he looked up and saw He Shuyu taking off her coat.

She was slender, but she had everything she needed. Her knitted jumper was wrapped around her body, revealing her beautiful curves.

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It wasn’t as if he hadn’t seen her wearing summer clothes before, but now that she was wrapped up tightly, it made his nose tingle.

He suddenly realised that there were only two people in the large villa. He also realised that now they were not strangers. They were boyfriend and girlfriend, and they had kissed.

The knot in his throat rolled uncontrollably, and he hurriedly dropped the words “I’m going to the kitchen” and fled.

It was only then that he realised that following He Shuyu home was an extremely rash act.

He Shuyu stood in the living room with a raised eyebrow. The smile on her lips became more and more pronounced as she guessed the possible confusion in her little friend’s mind.

Her three or four blatant acts seemed to have accidentally frightened him, and she had been misunderstood as a female rascal who only wanted to eat meat.

The child was indeed too innocent to realise that she might not be pure in her intentions until he got here.

So cute. If she hadn’t met him first and decided to hold onto him, wouldn’t it have been cheaper for another woman?

He Shuyu let out a light snort. She tied her hair up with a hair band and strutted off to the kitchen.

Chi Xiuyuan had also taken off his jacket and was wearing a black vest underneath.

Now his arms were exposed. The muscles on his arms shrank and bulged as he cut the meat, like hot springs gushing out of a volcano.

He seemed to have washed his face. His cheeks and eyelashes were still dripping with water.

A few droplets of water gathered in one piece as he moved, and quickly slid down the side of his face in watery trails that bobbed on his chin.

Damn sexy.

The titillating scent spread out, and He Shuyu walked over in three steps.

Chi Xiuyuan had calmed down but still looked a little tense upon noticing her arrival. He immediately cut the last piece of meat and followed with, “Don’t come in, I’ll do it soon -“

The rest of his words came to an abrupt halt as He Shuyu unceremoniously wrapped her arms around his waist. She stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the knot in his throat.

With a clang, the kitchen knife fell into the sink.

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