Defiant Martial God

Chapter 131: 131


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Unedited. Will be replaced with the edited version by the 14th.

“Su Family Head, I’m also curious when it comes to these people. It seems like he hasn’t gone back to the Qin family before.” Qin Zong’s tone was apologetic. His reply caused both Su Xiongfeng and Qin Yu to become disappointed.

“Didn’t return to the Qin family?” Su Xiongfeng was somewhat doubtful, “If he didn’t return to the Qin family, where in the world did he go?”

Qin Zong shook his head helplessly, “At the time I was pulled back here by Qin Chong. Was he not with you all? How could I know?”

Su Xiongfeng became somewhat absentminded for a moment as he thought back carefully upon the circumstances at the time. Su Wen that scoundrel really didn’t follow them back.

“Su family Head, this one has a guess. Perhaps the great elder had arranged some plans for him, except what exactly these plans are, we have no way of knowing.” On this Qin Zong was also helpless. Qin Yuandao was already dead and whatever he had arranged for Su Wen to do, only the two of them knew.

“Anyways, don’t worry about it Su Family Head. As long as he comes back, this one will personally bring him over to apologize. Will let Su Family Head handle everything.” Qin Zong sincerely replied.

Su Xiongfeng exhaled heavily, “Ok, then I will just wait for Qin Family Head’s good news.”

“Senior, don’t worry. I won’t let that scoundrel off that easily.” Qin Yu walked over and pitched in a comment. He had promised to the Su Family’s Grand Elder, Su Yunhai to kill Su Wen.

Since Qin Yu decided to speak up, Su Xiongfeng decided to give him face.

“Youngster, Laozi trusts you.” Su Xiongfeng turned around to face Qin Yu, “If you have time come find Laozi at Bao Ding city. When the time comes let’s drink a few rounds.” He loved drinking alcohol. Thus, when he met a person with a pleasing character, he must drink with them till they’re drunk.

“Senior, there will definitely be opportunities in the future. However I must implore that Senior leave Bao Ding city as quickly as possible. These dwarves will definitely not be satisfied with just Luosang City. It shouldn’t be long before Bao Ding City becomes their next target of assault.” Qin Yu spoke in a worried tone.

“Many thanks for the reminder. Laozi understands.” Su Xiongfeng once again cupped his fist, “I’m sure we will meet again someday. Xue’er, let’s go.”

“Yes, Father.” Su Yinxue made a sound of compliance, but didn’t immediately walk away. Rather, she walked up, in front of Qin Yu, “Yu, Qin Yu. Thank you for saving me and my father this time.”

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Qin Yu’s lips curved slightly to form a faint smile, “Don’t mention it. This is what I ought to do. As long as you guys are alright.”

“En, then.. Then…….. I hope to see you again someday in the future.” At this moment of departure, although Su Yinxue felt like there were many things she wanted to say to Qin Yu, in this situation and time she didn’t know what to say. She could only eke out a goodbye and then silently leave with Su Xiongfeng.

Watching the leaving figure of Su Yinxue, Qing Yun unexpectedly felt a trace of uneasiness. Why she felt this way was unclear to her.

In the wake of Su Xiongfeng and Tie Shou’s departure, there were a few non-Qin family people in the crowd that had been dependant on relatives that all disappeared into the night.

At the end, there was only the Qin family people left. At least two hundred people. At the moment, they were all dependant on Qin Zong, the family head. Where Qin Zong went, they would be.

“Qin Yu, I…….”

Just when Qin Zong was about to bring everyone into the mountains, Qing Yun became hesitant.

Qin Yu looked over at Qing Yun, his voice sincere as he asked: “Do you want to go with me?

“I……..” Qing Yun wanted to agree but there were just some things on her mind that she couldn’t let go of, “Qin Yu, I’m going to back Luobei. My family is there, I’m worried that the dwarves would mount an assault on Luobei City. So I……..”

Qing Yun’s words caused Qin Yu to remember that Luo Bei City was very close to Luosang City. If they moved at a rapid pace for just half a day they would reach the city. If nothing changes, the undeground city’s army should rest the night in Luosang and it’s probable that on the next day they would go assault Luobei City.

Facing this kind of dangerous situation, Qing Yun’s words reminded the Qin family of how absolutely necessary it had been to evacuate from the city. However if Qing Yun goes, she would be facing great danger. What if the underground city’s army surrounds the Luobei City? Then what? In fact, no one could guarantee that those bastards wouldn’t just advance tonight.

To ensure nothing goes terribly wrong, Qin Yu ought to accompany Qing Yun back. But… he must go find his parents, and Qin Wu also needs an appropriate resting place. He’s unable to cast off his identity and ignore his responsibilities.

“Don’t worry, nothing will happen to me.” Qing Yun was scrutinizing him and saw him worried and so her heart felt very happy.

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“Family Head, give me two Sound Transmitting Stones.” Helpless, Qin Yu turned his head around to look at Qin Zong.

Although the Sound Transmitting Stone was rather rare and considered a treasure, Qin Zong just so happened to have some on him. Qin Yuandao’s ring where he stashed his hoard had them.

Previously Qin Zong wanted to hand Qin Yuandao’s treasure stash of a ring to Qin Yu; to hand it over to Qin Zhan. However, he couldn’t give it to him, so Qin Zong still held onto the ring.

“Here.” Qin Zong wasn’t miserly, immediately taking out two Sound Transmitting Stones and passing them over to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu took the two rhombus shaped stones. Inside of the silver white Sound Transmitting Stones he left behind his imprint. He handed Qing Yun one of them and spoke in a serious tone, “If anything happens use the Sound Transmitting Stone to tell me.”

“Mhm.” Qing Yun nodded as she accepted the stone., “After all is done, I will come find you.”

“Alright, be careful on the road.” Qin Yu was deeply concerned still.

“You take care of yourself properly… I will go now.’ Qing Yun was reluctant, but the safety of her family was the priority. She could only turn around and leave. Very quickly she disappeared into the dark night.

Now, there was truly only the Qin family members left here.

“Qin Yu, let’s go.” Qin Zong patted Qin Yu’s back. He was still looking at the direction Qing Yun’s silhouette had disappeared into.

“Ok.” Qing Yun made a sound in agreement. Holding onto his parents and Qin Yu, he followed Qin Zong’s footsteps. In the direction of the Yan Mountain Range’s depths. The group of people very quickly disappeared into the murky depths of the mountainous woods.

The line comprised of more than two hundred people trailed behind Qin Zong, and they walked without rest until the second half of the night. They had reached their destination.

They had arrived at one of the mountaintops in the mountain range. At the top was a hollow space and in the entrance in was thick fog. Those with weak or no martial arts at all couldn’t see what was in the thick fog at all.

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Qin Yu was a Transformation Stage Expert so he could see what was inside the fog.

In the thick fog was a stone pillar, and atop the pillar were a few large words:

At the back of the stone pillar was a forest of ordinary stone pillar. Their array was extremely odd, Qin Yu guessed that they weren’t naturally occurring stone pillar. Rather they were placed there by humans, forming an array. Entering the array wrongly could cause people to wander endlessly, lost within without any way to get out.

The bones of overworld creatures and wild animals littered all over the ground confirmed his guess. It was definitely people who had entered wrongly and animals that lived in the mountains. And as such, this floor of white bones was created.

What kind of place was this? Why did Qin Zong bring everyone here?

Qin Yu felt doubtful, and others also felt the same.

“Everyone rest for now. Don’t wander around randomly, I’ll go in for a bit and then come back.” Qin Zong was extremely solemn as he left instructions for everyone. Then, he started walking towards that stone stele within the fog.

He had not reached the stone stele when there was movement from with the fog. A tall and mountain-like human silhouette walked into their sight.

“Benefactor, y’all are finally here. Old Bull has been waiting for you for a very long time.” The mountain-like silhouette facing Qin Zong spoke in a very clear voice.

Qin Zong halted, and was momentarily absent-minded. Very quickly he recovered like there was nothing strange at all.

However, the people behind him were baffled. What was going on, why was he calling Qin Zong his benefactor? However, the people behind him felt baffled, this chap called Qin Zong Benefactor. What’s going on here? He said he had been waiting here for a long time, as if he already knew that they were going to come tonight?

“Old Bull, it has been difficult for you.” Qin Zong politely responded then turned around to wave at the people behind, “Everyone follow me. Firstly, follow my footsteps exactly. Don’t take a wrong step. Secondly, whatever you see inside, don’t make a fuss. Thirdly, those who are unable to see the road, hold hands with someone. By all means do not wander off the path.” Qin Zong emphasized these three points with his loud, imposing voice.

The people behind all stood up one by one and indicated that they had remembered Qin Zong’s words.

Although Qin Yu’s heart was filled with doubt, this was not the time to question orders. He could only support Qin Yu and follow behind Qin Zong and that mountainous Old Bull into the thick fog.

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As he had guessed, the stone pillars had something strange going on with them. Some of the pillars would change positions when they walked near them. Turning from one side to another.

Fortunately Qin Zong had instructed them before entering, otherwise there would definitely be people making a big fuss that could be easily avoided.

However, some people still ran into problems. One of the madames wasn’t careful with her steps and stepped onto something with a: ‘kacha’, causing her to tumble down onto the ground. And starting to cause a loud commotion.

“Ah! My foot! Something bit my foot!” The Madame shrieked in fear as she quickly used her hand to pull out whatever it was that had bit her. Lifting it up to her eyes for a look, she immediately let out a sound that a female ghoul would make.


At the utterance of this sound, it was like the surrounding void had shattered. Everyone who heard it felt absolutely horrified.

As it turns out, the thing that had bit her was a sinister looking skull. The empty eye sockets, and the expanse of white bones scared her into collapsing.

“Ah, ah------!”

As if she had gone crazy, she shrieked as she got up and started running wildly everywhere. As if there was something chasing right behind her. Her actions immediately discomposed the crowd. Signs of chaos and disorder appeared within the advancing crowd.

“Nobody move! If you don’t want to die then stay still for Laozi.” Qin Zong’s bellow from the front of the line swept over, pushing down on the disorder within the crowd.

Unfortunately, the Madame who seemed to have gone insane could not saved in the end. Under the murky fog one could not see clearly through, her mad shouts could be heard leaving the group, and very soon after, her voice vanished. Nobody knew where she had gone. Maybe she had already turned into a corpse, just another set of bones atop the numerous within.

“I thought I told you all to not cause a commotion, did you all let it in one ear and out the other?” Qin Zong looked at the direction the furen had disappeared into. He felt pained but at the same time even more angry. Rarely would he make such a harsh roar, “Laozi here is talking so you all better listen closely. The next person to run wildly around and shout randomly is going to end up just like her. The bones here, is going to be your final destination.

The people of the Qin family were all scared into silence by his loud roar, afraid of taking a breath of air.

“Alright, don’t be afraid. As long as you follow the person in front of you we should be out very soon.” After Qin Zong finished bellowing, his tone seemed to have calmed down. Placating the crowd of terrified people, he waved his hand and started moving forward again.

One hour later, the crowd of people finally left the terror-inducing fog behind. What appeared in front of them was a bizarre mountain village.

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