Defiant Martial God

Chapter 133

 Chapter 133: The Reunion of Family

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Qin Yu and company followed Wu Lao into the wooden room. The room was very clean and peaceful. Near the window was a wooden bed. Within a very thick comforter laid a person, Qin Yu’s mother. 


“Wife!” Qin Wu saw the person, shouted out loud, and charged forward without regard for anything. Qin Yu also hastily ran forward with a loud, “Mother!”


Mother Qin, under the duress of their loud shouts, slowly opened her eyes. Through the dim light she saw the extremely familiar face of Qin Wu. Immediately her body shook, and from some unknown place she gathered the strength to throw off the blanket and sat up abruptly. Then, with both hands, she grabbed hugged Qin Wu extremely fiercely, so much so that Qin Wu felt great pain. 


“Wu-ge, It’s you. Are you alright?” Mother Qin was very restless as tears dripped her face. 


“It’s me. Wife! I’m fine. I’m still alive.” Qin Wu grabbed onto one of Mother Qin’s hands and he also could not hold in his tears anymore. 


“As long as you’re fine…. Fine…… No! Your arm! Where’s your arm?!” Mother Qin screamed, she couldn’t feel Qin Wu’s left hand. Where his left hand was supposed to be was only an empty sleeve. 


Qin Wu held in his tears to give her a light smile, “It’s fine. I just lost one arm. I’m alive so it’s fine. Oh, right. See who came as well. C’mere Yu’er.” 


“Mother.” Qin Yu called out loudly as he knelt down next to the bed.


She quickly raised her head. Seeing the face which she had been dreaming of night and day for an entire year, her whole body began to tremble uncontrollably. 


“Yu, Yu’er. You’re here, are you real? I’m not dreaming am I?” She couldn’t believe her eyes, couldn’t believe that this was reality she was seeing. 


“F*ck, this isn’t a dream. This is reality. This really is Yu’er ah.” Qin Wu’s tears rolled down his face.


“It really is Yu’er. Yu’er ah…….. Mother missed you to death… sob……..”


In the next moment mother and son hugged each other tightly, crying bitterly together. 


Behind them, Qin Zong and Wu Lao watched the mother and son crying together. They knew that it hadn’t been easy for them to have this family reunion so they quietly retreated from the room, leaving behind the whole family. 


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That night, it was most definitely Qin Yu who cried the most. It was the night that he cried the most. Qin Yu himself didn’t know how much he cried. But, he dared to swear he had let out all the tears that had been unshed for so many years.


Of course, this night was also one of their little family’s happiest nights. 


After crying, it was time to turn the bitter tears into happy ones. Their family had gone through tribulations and hardships and finally, they could peacefully reunite. 



On the second day, when the sun had broken past the morning fog to cast its rays down upon the little mountain village, Qin Yu got out of bed in the little wooden house he lived in. 


After he left the house, he discovered that because the little wooden house he lived in was close to where Wu Lao lived, where he lived in was the highest place in the village. 


He walked to a large rock outcropping at the edge of the cliff. From there, he looked down and saw the entire village in one scene. 


In the entire mountain hollow, there were 30 some wooden houses scattered about. Some were small, some were larger and in the morning mist they appeared slightly indiscernible. The whole paradise-like scene gave the viewer the feeling of peace and serenity. 


He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. People who lived here must be very happy; There was no threat of outsiders causing massacres or chaos. There was only peace and tranquility.


“Qin Yu.” Behind him, Qin Zong voice traveled through the air. 


Qin Yu turned around to face Qin Zong with a smile but didn’t say anything. He then continued enjoying the rare experience of peace and quiet. 


Qin Zong strolled over to Qin Yu’s side, and stood shoulder to shoulder. He looked down, smiled and said, “This place isn’t bad. Our Qin family will settle down here temporarily.” 


“Yea, really not bad at all…” Qin Yu replied in a soft voice. He had no interest whatsoever in the Qin family’s situation.


Qin Zong was somewhat awkward, he couldn’t help but force a bitter smile, “Qin Yu, don’t tell me you really hate the Qin family? After going through this disaster, those who ought to die have died, and those who didn’t deserve to die died. Are you still unable to let go?” 


“Family Head, there are some things that won’t change even if a few people die. You don’t need to say anymore.” Qin Yu’s tone was cold and resolute. Qin Zong felt depressed in his heart. 


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“Ai…..” After letting out a long sigh, Qin Zong could only give up on trying to persuade him. Changing the topic, he asked, “Then, what plans do you have for the future?” 


“In a while I will take my parents and leave. And go live our lives.” 


“Qin Yu, I know this is your own decision. I don’t have the right to say anything. But, there are some things I have to say.”


“I am absolutely certain that you are definitely someone who won’t be satisfied with being mediocre. Your road ahead is still long, and will be chock full of danger. If you bring your parents by your side wouldn’t you be bringing them into danger all the time? Since that’s the case, why don’t you let them stay here? This way you can be at complete ease as you take the road ahead. I believe that there’s not really a place more safe than here.” 


Qin Yu was silent, taciturnly standing there.  


Qin Zong’s words were conscientious, and had a lot of reason to them. He couldn’t deny his words at all. However, he had reunited with them after so much trouble, how could he just throw them away like that.


Yu’er, the Family Head is right.” Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind. His father’s voice. 


Both of them quickly turned around. Behind them was Qin Wu and his wife supporting each other as they walked over. 


“Dad, Mother. Why did you guys come over here? Why aren’t you resting more?” Qin Yu walked over in a few steps, deeply concerned. 


Mother Qin reached out to hold onto Qin Yu’s hand. Her face was full of kindness as she looked at her son. Then in a gentle voice she said, “Yu’er, last night me and your father had a very long discussion. He had a lot to tell me. Your father is right, to be a man, one must have great strength. Only in this way can one take care of the people behind oneself. Protect your future wife and children.”


“Yes Yu’er, don’t be as useless as your father, there’s nothing I can do. I caused you all to have to endure hardships together with me.” Qin Zong continued where Qin Wu left off and began to think upon his own life. Because of my lack of strength, my wife and children were subject to humiliation and tribulation. His heart was filled with pain and shame. Strength. He had personally experienced the pain of being a man without strength. He didn’t want his son to have to walk the same path as him.


“Of course, on the martial path your mother and father have no way of helping you. You can only rely on yourself. What your parents can do is not be a burden on your.” Qin Wu continued. 


“Dad, what are you saying? How could you guys be a burden on me?” Qin Yu was displeased. 


“Yu’er, don’t say anymore. I know what you’re thinking.” Qin Wu forcefully cut off Qin Yu’s words, “If you really don’t want us to become your burdens, you can be at ease and go take the road ahead of you. Me and your mother will stay here. If you ever have the chance, remember to come see us. Both of us really like this place.” 


“Hahaha, Brother Wu’s words are very reasonable. It seems like this Old Xiu doesn’t need to say anything.” Along with the friendly laughter, Lao Wu walked over supported by a pair of crutches. Behind him was the mountain-like silhouette of a tall, robust and strong young man called Big Bull. Last night it wasn’t too obvious but in the daylight they discovered that his skin was really dark. Almost like a large black bull.

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“Young Hero Qin, what your parents said isn’t wrong. Your journey forward needs to be undertaken by yourself. Your parents staying here is better and safer.” Wu Lao was all smiles as he walked to the group. 


“Clan Chief.” 


“Wu Lao.” 


They all hastily rushed to greet the old man. 


Wu Lao returned their greetings and at the end his gaze rested on Qin Yu. His deep pupils still carried an unfathomable smile, “Qin Young hero, do you think what I said is true?” 


Qin Yu smiled a bitter smile. Since even his parents had spoken, what else could he do. At least if they stay here he could be much more at ease. This kind of place with this old man whose strength even he, Within Qiongxi Country, there was almost no one who would dare to come mess around here. 


“Fine. Wu Lao. Then I’ll have to bother you to take care of my parents.” Qin Yu no longer tried to argue. People who took the martial path must be firm and decisive. Being a coddling mother was not his personality. 


“Don’t worry, I can guarantee that there won’t be anyone here that would dare to bully them.” Wu Lao pledged, “However, I has a single favor that he hopes Qin Young Hero can help him with. I hope you can promise me just that.” 


Qin Yu was surprised. With this old man’s ability, what could he possibly help him with?


“This Black Bull by my side is more than twenty years old. He’s always been in this little place, and I ought to let him go out to temper himself. So Lao Xiu wishes that he can follow Young Hero Qin down the mountain and gain experience.” Wu Lao told Qin Yu his request. 


At this moment, Qin Yu move his attention to the Big Bull behind Wu Lao. He looked to be 25 or 26 but his strength was in the Mid Transformation Stage. 


A Transformation Stage Expert that was only in his mid-twenties, in the Qiongxi Country, wherever he went he would be a monsterous genius. Qin Yu could see that his Mid Transformation Stage strength was different from others in the same stage. Not to speak of others at the same level, this fellow could definitely take cross stage fights.


This small village could give cultivate out this kind of terrifying person. In Qin Yu's eyes, this village's level of mysteriousness went up a few notches.


What kind of people were they? What kind of relationship does Qin Zong have with them?

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"Y'all shouldn't worry. Brother Qin has Big Bull here to protect him. No one will dare to bully him." Big Bull didn't wait for others to talk before opening his mouth and talking in a loud voice.


Qin Yu was dumbstruck, but he was laughing in his heart. The intent behind Wu Lao's words was to let Big Bull mess around with him. How did it become Big Bull protecting him? Did Laozi(TL: it's kinda like I, your father) let him protect me? Does Laozi look like he's easy to bully? 


"Big Bull, shut your mouth. When you leave the mountain you must listen to Qin Young Hero for everything. Do you hear me?" Wu Lao suddenly lashed out. 


"Eh." Big Bull put one of his hands behind his head. His black was had the words 'depressed' written all over it, making it obvious that he was unwilling.


"Wu Lao, I'm older than him and my cultivation is higher than his. So, why….?" Big Bull was dissatisfied as he muttered.


"You're still talking, you want me to punish you eh?" Wu Lao's face went cold as a dignified aura started to come out of him.


"Hehe." Big Bull force an ugly smile to appear on his black face, "Wu Lao, I understand. You don't need to worry, I will earnestly listen."


Qin Zong and company heard Wu Lao scolding Big Bull for not wanting to listen to Qin Yu and felt surprised. They felt like Big Bull was being reasonable. He was older and had a higher cultivation than Qin Yu, so it should be Qin Yu listening to him. Why is it the opposite of what they expected. Who knew what the old man was thinking. 


The person in question, Qin Yu was on the contrary very calm and collected. He walked over to Big Bull, patted his shoulder and said, "Go back and prepare to leave. In an hour we will leave."


"Mhm mhm, ok ok." Big Bull stiffly replied. If it wasn't because Wu Lao was right beside him, he wouldn't have been behooved to bother with Qin Yu. 


For the hour before they left, it was really only Big Bull that had anything to pack up. Qin Yu didn't really have anything and he spent the hour saying goodbye to his parents.


Mother Qin’s heart was the most unwilling, they had just reunited with their son, and now they were separating again. It was unknown when she could see his face again. 


When she was facing her son she was able to hold back her tears. However, when Qin Yu and Big Bull’s silhouettes disappeared into the thick fog of the maze formation, she couldn’t hold them in anymore and burrowed her head into Qin Wu’s chest. She cried for a very very long time.



Inside the maze formation, Qin Yu suddenly felt the Sound Transmitting Stone shake. It was Qing Yun trying to contact him. He hastily retrieved the Sound Transmitting Stone, and facing the stone asked, “Yun’er, what is the situation over there like?” 

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