The emergence of this post has led to the public opinion of Tao Zixin who was originally a black Tao Zixin on the entire network.

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Because the content in this post is too hot and true.

He also gave a lot of real hammers. For example, before the divorce of Mo Yusen,'Mrs. Mo' summer was a gold-worship girl who only knew how to buy and buy every day, regardless of her son and husband.

Another example is that after the divorce of ‘Mrs. Mo’ summer and Mo Yusen, they were squandered very quickly after they got hundreds of millions of possessions, so they could only open a second-hand store to make some change.

Even in the kidnapping case, suspended animation separated the relationship between Mo Yusen and Ms. Tao, and wanted to regain Mrs. Mo's ‘throne’... Wait for too many real hammers.

Moreover, the post also pointed out very conspiracy theory that this time the cute little fox touched the porcelain summer’s ancient store. Maybe it was the former Mrs. Mo who was writing and acting on her own, just to discredit Ms. Tao.

So countless netizens who didn't know the truth began to rebel. After all, there are so many real hammers in this post!

[This series of suffocating show operations... If it is really like the post, then summer is really a terrible woman. 】

[Is it 9102 now? Why do I feel like I am watching the palace fight? 】

[No matter what kind of person the original wife Madam Mo is, but Tao Xiaosan is still a junior. 】

[A woman like summer can't afford it to ordinary people! Too much money! No wonder Mo always has to divorce! This kind of prodigal wife should divorce her! 】

[Suddenly get Mo, why is a male god! I really want to marry President Mo too! He is really kind to his wife! So much money, I just squandered my wife casually, and when I got divorced, I gave so much break-up fee! (ˉ﹃ˉ)】

[Looking at the things that summer did in the post, I suddenly felt a little sympathy for Ms. Tao. After all, she was ridiculed by the entire network recently. It was so dark! 】

[The ex-Mrs. Mo who is so powerful must have hired the navy, right? 】


Seeing that the public opinion on the Internet changed the direction of the wind in an instant, and there were many comments on Anxia, ​​Huo Ci suddenly became angry.

He is a star and is familiar with the manipulation of Internet public opinion to bring black people.

Now, he can be sure that his simple little cook has been hacked!

Moreover, it is still a high-end black that has been prepared!

Moreover, the title of ‘fake death’ on this post is also very intriguing.

Because of the incident that An Xia and Tao Zixin were kidnapped together, no one else knew except the person involved.

Moreover, the most important thing is that only Mo Yusen and Tao Zixin know about the matter of "dead".

However, neither Mo Yusen nor Tao Zixin knew that An Xia had suspended animation.

Therefore, if you want to know who is behind the scenes, it is actually quite easy to check.

It is impossible for the police who knows first to post such boring posts online.

The person who posted this post and knew An Xia’s ‘fake death’ must have known that An Xia and Tao Zixin were kidnapped together, and also knew that Mo Yusen and Tao Zixin mistakenly thought they were an ‘outsider’ who died.

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"Xia Xia, have you contacted anyone recently?"

Huo Ci frowned slightly, and asked in a gentle voice.

Listening to Huo Ci's question, An Xia shook her head gently.

"No, I have only contacted my parents recently."

Seeing An Xia say this, Huo Ci also fell into a dead end.

However, soon after the second post broke out, An Xia instantly understood who this matter was related to!

If the post of [818 ‘Fake Death’ White Lotus] is just a hot post, it is only to let some people be guided and start to curse her in turn, but most people are still eating melons rationally.

So, after another post related to Anxia was exposed, then the name Anxia became popular!

And after Tao Zixin, the target of the entire network hack!

Of course, it also made An Xia understand, who on earth is exploding these fierce materials...

【shock! Come eat melons with reason and evidence! Huo Ci's rumored girlfriend turned out to be the "ex-Mrs. Mo" summer! 】

Originally, the name summer was quite popular, but now that it has a relationship with Huo Ci, the flow actor, it is simply out of the circle!

Although, Huo Ci's scandal about his girlfriend gradually faded after Huo Ci clarified it.

However, Huo Ci is a hot male celebrity with countless fans, so when the two names of Huo Ci and ‘Mrs. Mo’ summer were linked together, it exploded in an instant.

The entire network is boiling!

Although countless fans of Huo Ci’s girlfriends feel that the second-hand and old shoes of their own male **** and summer’s ‘people, old, pearly yellow’ are simply impossible.

However, each of the real hammers in the post has broken the hearts of countless girlfriends to the hammer!

First, when Huo Ci filmed "Leisure Life", it was shot in the summer's private estate.

Then Huo Ci has been living in summer's manor even after the end of the show.

Later, a photo of Huo Ci was on vacation at Anxia's house and standing together very intimately.

And even the fact that Huo Ci and Summer lived in the same hotel at the time was exposed!

With all kinds of evidence, Huo Ci's girlfriend fans, why isn't their heart broken into dregs?

Therefore, Huo Ci’s girlfriend fans are angry, and Huo Ci’s mother fans and career fans are also angry!

[My family's resignation is so simple, and there has never been a person who has never been rumored, it must be our family's resignation that summer's gold worshiper seduced! 】

[As for summer, the old Zhuhuang's torn shoes and second-hand goods are also worthy of rumoring a scandal with our family brother? I bother! Please beg an abandoned woman to point her face! 】

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[Didn't our family resignation have been clarified on Weibo, there is no so-called rumored girlfriend, our family resignation is still single! Please do some shameless **** speech speech to seduce our home, our speech speech not ordinary people can fit on! 】

[Although I am not a fan of my male god's girlfriend, and I am not disgusted with our male **** being in love with a girl, but! Please leave my house farther away from the second-married girl who had been divorced and had children in summer! My male **** fits better! 】

[I want to apologize to Ms. Tao! Just the scary woman like summer, where would Ms. Tao be her opponent? Ms. Tao is definitely not a junior! But by summer the **** to framed! 】

Sciascia [original manor house turned out to be the **** open house! Sisters! We must resist the farmhouse run by that bad woman! 】

【resist! 】


This blog post about the rumored girlfriend has only been posted for an hour, and it has become a hot topic on the Internet!

It has long surpassed the topic of summer's suspended animation of Bai Lianhua!

However, these links have completely hacked Anxia's reputation on the Internet.

It also made her and Huo Ci's names on the hot search again and again.

"Xiaxia, don't worry, I will solve this matter."

Huo Ci saw that most of the insulting comments on An Xia on the Internet were sent by his fans. His whole face was dark and he was in a bad mood.

Sure enough, this ending is the same as everyone expected...

"Ah! I get it!"

For Huo Ci's loss and guilt, An Xia suddenly brightened his eyes and said loudly.

"what do you know?"

Seeing An Xia seemed to have figured out something, Huo Ci frowned slightly and asked softly.

"I see, who on earth exploded this material!"

An Xia curled her lips, but there was no smile in her eyes, only disappointment and anger.

She really didn't expect that the person who broke her news would be her relatives.

She knew that she didn't like her, but she didn't expect that relatives who were half blood related to each other could do things that would hurt their relatives.


As soon as An Xia knew who it was, Huo Ci was also energetic.

Now he is getting hot because of those insulting comments on An Xia on the Internet. Now if he knows who is the culprit, he must ‘repay’ the person who broke the news well!

"It's my cousin, An Ning."

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When An Xia said this name, she was very helpless.

"It turned out to be her!"

After Huo Ci heard the name, his brow furrowed deeper.

"Yeah, I never thought it was her."

With a light sigh, An Xia nodded gently.

Originally, she hadn't thought about her relatives, but... the photo of her and Huo Ci that was exposed in the post, she knew that the photo was taken by her mother.

And her mother's mobile phone was lent to An Ning for use...

Therefore, the person who broke the news will only be peaceful.

If it hadn't been for the photo with conclusive evidence, she might not have doubted her cousin, Anning.

"No, there are other behind-the-scenes in this matter. It's just your cousin who can't make such a big battle."

Huo Ci, who knows how to manipulate public opinion wars, understands that if there is only a peaceful existence, it is impossible to do so many things.

However, soon after they called Qian Xuemin, they knew everything.

During the phone call, An Xia just mentioned An Ning’s name and told Qian Xuemin that the person who broke the news was An Ning. The next second Qian Xuemin keenly understood that the other man behind Tao Zixin and An Ning was--

"It's the eldest lady from the He family-He Fei."

Without any hesitation, Qian Xuemin announced the name.

But An Xia, who heard this name, was a little confused.

"He Feiyu? But I don't even know her..."

"You don't know her, but she thinks you are her biggest rival in love."

Qian Xuemin sneered, and in his heart he saw how small the eyes of the legendary little princess He family were.

"It's okay, Xia Xia, you don't have to worry too much. In fact, this matter is not difficult to deal with, just leave it to your blue-faced star Huo Ci."

Listening to Qian Xuemin's teasing voice, An Xia's heart gradually relaxed.

After chatting with Qian Xuemin a few more words, An Xia hung up the phone.

"Huo Ci, Minmin said that this matter should be solved by you, so... how do you solve it?"

An Xia looked at Huo Ci curiously, and was still curious about what Qian Xuemin said.

Can Huo Ci solve this matter alone? Why?

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"Of course... we announced our relationship!"

With that, Huo Ci leaned down and gently pressed a kiss on An Xia's head, while at the same time he took a photo with the phone in his other hand.

"Huh? Huh eh??"

An Xia finally recovered, what Huo Ci did just now.

"Why are you taking photos suddenly?"

And it's still such a difficult photo pose...

Think about it, An Xia's cheeks can't help but become a little rosy.

"Of course it's to give us the pictures on Weibo that announce the romance!"

Huo Ci said naturally.

At this time, his mentality is simply not to be too agitated, even the group of behind-the-scenes who was originally angry exposed his mood with An Xia, and it instantly turned into joy.

Because, in this way, he can be upright, like the world announced that Anxia is his!


Listening to Huo Ci's words, An Xia, who had never done anything like this before, couldn't help flushing her cheeks, a little shy and didn't know what to say.

but! What she didn't expect was that she was like this, and someone would have gotten into it.

"Xiaxia, this one cannot be taken, let's take one."

Before An Xia could respond, he saw Huo Ci kiss her on the forehead again.

"This shot is not good either."

"Still not working..."

Forehead, cheeks, corners of eyes, nose...

An Xia didn't know how much advantage was taken by Huo Ci. Seeing this guy didn't even know how to converge, he still wanted to kiss him presumptuously, An Xia quit.

"Huo Ci! Don't go too far!"

"Xia Xia, I'm here to shut up those keyboard guys, my girlfriend is pretty! So, we must take a very beautiful picture for the group of hotshots to take a good look."

"Huh! Those photos you took, I don't have a face, what beautiful photos, you lie to ghosts."

"Just one, the last one..."

"Well, the last one."

"Ah! Huo Ci! You liar! It's the last one!..."

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