Time passed day by day and Cheng Yu left the An manor farmhouse because the holiday time had come to end.

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When he left, although Cheng Yu still couldn’t let go of his feelings for An Xia, he felt much better.

When he left, he could already sincerely bless An Xia and Huo Ci.

He also said that even if he couldn’t be An Xia’s boyfriend, he could still be An Xia’s brother.

“An Xia, if he bullies you in the future, you can call me at any time to teach him a lesson.”

Seeing the sincere smile on Cheng Yu’s face, An Xia smiled too, “Thank you.”

Huo Ci wasn’t pleased to see Cheng Yu’s appearance in front of his own little chef, “Don’t worry, I will never give you the opportunity.”

Cheng Yu chuckled, “I also hope you don’t give me such an opportunity, otherwise, I will definitely continue to come back to pursue An Xia.”

After saying that, Cheng Yu finally left completely.

Seeing Cheng Yu’s back, Huo Ci and An Xia felt a lot better.

Especially Huo Ci, fortunately his love rival was cheated and sent away by him!

“Brother Cheng Yu, are you leaving?”

When Cheng Yu walked to the door of the garden and was about to take the car to the airport, he saw An Ning.

“Yes, my vacation is over, it’s time to go back to work.”

Cheng Yu looked at the woman who appeared in front of him with red eyes, but there wasn’t much emotion in his eyes.

This woman had been with him for a few days. She told him everything he wanted to know but he felt nothing for her.

An Ning pursed her lips and said cautiously, “Brother Cheng Yu…when I come to the capital in the future, can I come visit you?”

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Although she didn’t know what Cheng Yu did, she knew that he was very rich.

Every time she went back after seeing Cheng Yu, she would check what he was wearing.

This man’s watch was already worth several million.

“If our fate crosses, then I’ll see you there.”

Cheng Yu had always treated people politely.

Yet he never put too much affection on people he didn’t care about.

Moreover, in these days, he had also seen that An Ning wasn’t very friendly to An Xia.

Occasionally, when she talked to him about An Xia, she would inadvertently say some bad things about her.

That also made Cheng Yu completely dislike An Ning.

So he planned to leave An Ning with no contact method.

“Brother Cheng Yu, I, I like…” You.

Cheng Yu was about to leave, so An Ning wanted to express her feelings urgently.

Before she finished speaking, the man she loved got into the car without hesitation, closed the door and left.

She didn’t have time to finish her confession.

The car went further and gradually disappeared.

An Ning couldn’t help her emotions as tears streamed from her eyes.

She knew that Cheng Yu had left and she might not have a chance to see him in the future.

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“An Xia!”

An Xia must know Cheng Yu’s contact information!

An Ning’s eyes suddenly brightened.

She wiped the tears from her face and hurried into the farmhouse.

As the staff at the gate already knew An Ning’s identity, every time she came in they wouldn’t stop her.

So, soon An Ning found An Xia.

“An Xia, ​​you must have Cheng Yu’s contact information! Give it to me!”

An Xia, who used the blooming flowers of the season to make Eight immortal flowers (hydrangea) in the flower room with her father and mother, was suddenly pulled by An Ning, causing the flowers she made in her hands to be destroyed.

“An Ning, what are you doing?” An Xia looked at the flowers in distress.

Such a reaction attracted others. Her father and mother also stopped working and looked at An Ning.

Since a lot of time had passed since the day of the quarrel, the kind-hearted father and mother’s anger had faded a lot.

“Ningning, what’s the matter, why are you in such a hurry?”

Originally, she was a little guilty because of An Xia’s attitude, but after seeing An Xia’s father and mother treat her kindly, she took the courage again, “An Xia, ​​I like Cheng Yu, please give me Cheng Yu’s contact information!”

Her attitude of course was like saying that the weather today was good.

An Xia discovered for the first time that there was such a superb person by her side.

“An Ning, do you have a problem with your brain? What does Cheng Yu have to do with me? Also, how can I give someone’s contact information to you? If you want it, go ask Cheng Yu yourself.”

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An Xia had always been relentless in her attitude toward kind people.

She didn’t owe her.

“He is gone, why can’t I contact him? You don’t like Cheng Yu, so give me his contact information.”

An Ning suppressed her feelings to leave and tried hard to keep herself in place and beg An Xia.

“When I get together with Cheng Yu, I will repay you.”

An Xia felt so funny.

She really didn’t realize that An Ning had such a superb attribute.

For a while, she really sympathized with her uncle.

He had such an inconspicuous girl.

“An Ning, you and Cheng Yu have known each other for a few days. During that time, you came to our farmhouse to be with Cheng Yu every day. It should be regarded as a friendship. But, even so, you don’t have his contact information, what does that mean?”

Because of Ang Guohua, An Xia didn’t want to make the relationship too stiff.

She was just telling her the truth, in a good attitude.

“It means that Cheng Yu isn’t interested in you, so he is unwilling to even give you his contact information, just to prevent you from misunderstanding him and not delay you. So, An Ning, give up. Cheng Yu and you are impossible.”

Obviously, what An Xia said was the truth, but An Ning was angry, “How can it be impossible for me to be with Cheng Yu! I think you just can’t see me getting married better than you! You can’t be with Cheng Yu yourself and still prevent me from being with him. You are so shameless!”

An Ning couldn’t get Cheng Yu’s contact information from An Xia, so she scolded her.

At that time, Father and Mother An, who had been patient, finally couldn’t bear it anymore.

“Enough! An Ning, you get out of our house! You are not allowed to come in the future! My daughter will not be bullied by you!”

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“Our family doesn’t welcome you! Please leave immediately!”

An Ning had never thought that her second uncle and aunt, who had always been very fond of her, would treat her like that and even drive her away.

How could she stand it? Feeling wronged and angry, she ran away crying.

Seeing her cry, they just snorted coldly. They were very angry.

“An Ning was really spoiled by my sister-in-law! What did she say?! She likes Cheng Yu, so what does it have to do with Xiaxia?!”

Mother An was mad at An Ning. She wasn’t only very opinionated about An Ning at this time but even her sister-in-law.

“Old An, let me tell you, An Ning will never be allowed in this house. I am afraid that your niece will go crazy someday and hurt Xiaxia.”

An Qiangsheng was silent for a while, then nodded, “Yes.”

As a result, An Ning soon discovered that she could no longer enter An Xia’s farmhouse.

She couldn’t get in even if she spent money.

Of course, that was about her future. She was grieving and complaining to Chen Ying on the phone.

After filing the case with Chen Ying, her emotions calmed down a lot. Finally she was heartbroken and dialed another number, “Hey, Miss He? I want to tell you that An Xia isn’t as easy to deal with as you think. Mr. Cheng likes her but An Xia is going crazy. Yes, he just went back, but he went back not because he gave up An Xia. Instead, An Xia told him that she wouldn’t be with him unless he completely cut off relations with you.”

Hearing the almost cannibalistic voice of the woman on the other end of the phone, her peace of mind was completely improved.

Although she didn’t know the origin of that Miss He, she was sure that she was a childhood sweetheart and the woman who had been dating the man who could wear millions of watches with his hands must not be ordinary.

At the very least, her family shouldn’t be much worse than Cheng Yu.

Anyway, it must be more than enough to deal with An Xia!

“Miss An, thank you for telling me this. In the future… I may trouble you and ask you to do things for me. Of course, I will pay you a lot of money and not let you help me in vain.”

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