The time in the capital should be only five or six in the morning.

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It was too early. Her friend should be sleeping.

Therefore, An Xia had to suppress the heart that called Qian Xuemin to talk.

Instead, she opened Weibo and posted.

[Xia Chichi v: I have insomnia. [Cry gif ]]

She just sent it casually. It was just five in the morning in China and there shouldn’t be anyone.

But, who knew, she just posted that casually and got a reply.

[Tang Chi Chi: Don’t cry. [Sun smiley jg]]

Seeing that reply from Tang Chichi, An Xia had the desire to talk.

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Although she hadn’t seen Tang Chichi, they talked a lot on the Internet and were already good friends.

So when Tang Chichi replied to her, she immediately confided in her as if she had found a relative.

[Xia Chichi: If you are confessed by your friend and that too one based on marriage, how would you reply to him?]

It had been several minutes since her private chat message was sent and Tang Chichi replied to her.

[Tang Chichi: It depends on whether I like her or not. If I like her, I will agree. If I don’t like her, I will reject her.]

An Xia didn’t think much about it, only that the other party made a typo.

[Xia Chichi: But how can you confirm whether you like him or not?]

[Tang Chichi: Why do you say that?]

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[Xia Chichi: I don’t have many friends, so I have always regarded him as my best friend, always regarded him as a friend and relative and never thought about it more. Now, he suddenly confessed to me, I didn’t reject it and am even moved a little. However, his confession is too serious and I… never received such a serious confession, so I might have to think more. I don’t know if my heart raced because I really liked him or because I was moved by his confession. So, I am a little confused now.]

[Don Chi Chi: Aren’t you thinking too much? Now that your heart has raced, whether it is because you like him or were moved by him, it is still your heart.]

[Xia Chichi: My situation is more complicated. I am a little afraid of relationship problems. Moreover, he is a good friend of mine. I hope that I will take responsibility for his feelings. I don’t want to hurt him or delay him. So, I just want to think clearly. Because, if I agree, in fact, he and I will fall in love on the basis of marriage.]

[Tang Chichi:…I see, you are a good girl. He is really lucky to meet you.]

[Xia Chichi: Not really, in fact, I think that I am lucky to meet him.]

An Xia thought about what happened to her since they met Huo Ci and the corners of her mouth raised.

So when did Huo Ci start to like her?

[Tang Chichi: By seeing what you said, I think you like him.]

[Xia Chichi: I definitely like him, but I don’t know if I like him as a friend or as a man. Tang, do you have someone you like?]

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[Tang Chichi:…Yes. ]

[Xia Chichi: Then what is it like to like someone?]

[Tang Chichi: You will be very happy with her. You will miss her if you don’t see her. Your chat history with her will be long. I will be willing to change for her. I will always pay attention to her preferences and give her what she likes. When she looks at me, my heart beats faster…]

Seeing the sweet text displayed on the phone screen, An Xia pursed her lips and thought of herself and Huo Ci.

[Xia Chichi: Tang, I can see that you really like that person.]

[Tang Chichi: Yes, she is my first love and the only one in this life.]

The simple but affectionate words made An Xia a little envious.

But after thinking of Huo Ci’s feelings for her, she felt that her feelings towards him should be more cautious.

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[Tang Chichi: So, can you be sure now, what do you feel for him?]

[Xia Chichi: Maybe… I like him?]

[Tang Chichi: Really? !]

[Xia Chichi: If I follow your description, maybe I like him? I am really happy with him and I chat with him the most. Sometimes, when he looks at me, my heartbeat increases. However, when I can’t see him, I don’t miss him. Nor do I pay attention to his preferences…]

[Xia Chichi: So… is this like?]

[Tang Chichi: Then do you feel this way toward any other man?]

[Xia Chichi: No. ]

[Tang Chichi: Then you like him, but your liking isn’t so deep. ]

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