“Aunt Qian, I have something to ask you…”

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When Qian Xuemin received a call from Mo Jiashu, she was shocked and it wasn’t just the little child who made her request like that, but—

“What?! You said your mother was kidnapped?! And still with Tao Zixin?!”

In an instant, Qian Xuemin’s face turned pale.

“Do you know who did it?!”

Qian Xuemin wanted to kill the kidnappers and rescue her close friends.

She also knew that this was just her naive idea.

“Auntie Qian, during the time I am abroad, I beg you to look after my father. The kidnapper will definitely contact my father. My father will definitely follow the kidnapper’s request, not contact police and act alone, then…”

The little child’s voice from the phone was so immature, but the words spoken weren’t immature at all. If it weren’t for the seven-year-old child being the son of her friend, she would have thought that she was communicating with a mature and intelligent adult.

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“Why do you know so much?” Qian Xuemin’s brows wrinkled.

If the kidnapping case had just begun, why did Mo Jiashu know so much information?

And he was only seven or eight years old. It was totally illogical!

“Aunt Qian, you don’t have to worry about that much, you just need to know that I don’t want my mother to have an accident more than anyone else. All I have done is to save my mother. So, you must keep an eye on my father these days… …”

Although Qian Xuemin was full of doubts, in the end, she suppressed them in her heart and decided to follow Mo Jiashu’s instructions.


“Why keep an eye on your father?”

“Aunt Qian, why do you think the kidnappers kidnapped Tao Zixin and my mother? One of them is a woman my father likes and the other is my father’s ex-wife. What do you think the kidnapper wants to do?”

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Qian Xuemin’s heart gradually sank.

No matter what the kidnapper wanted to do, her friend was in a very dangerous situation now.

According to Mo Jiashu’s statement, the reason why An Xia was kidnapped was probably thanks to Tao Zixin’s assistance…

“Aunt Qian, I’m telling you one thing. I had a dream. I dreamed of this kidnapping. The kidnapper was my father’s enemy. He kidnapped Tao Zixin and my mother. In the end, my father had no choice but to go there. He had a chance to save one person, but in the end…my father saved Tao Zixin…”

“How can that be?!”

Qian Xuemin held the phone tightly .Although she also understood in her heart, if there really was a choice between the two, the person that Mo Yusen would choose would be Tao Zixin, not An Xia.

She was a rational person who did,’t believe in superstitions and metaphysics. But her best friend had been kidnapped, so she was still anxious.

She was reminded of this urgency. Maybe there was something that could affect Mo Yusen’s final judgment.

If at that time, the dream thing that Mo Jiashu said happened, then–

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Maybe the scumbag Mo Yusen would feel guilty after seeing those things?

“Jiashu, you do what I say, go home and find a box in your mother’s study and then give the contents to your father…”

She had always been a person with a strong vengeance. She wanted the woman Tao Zixin to stand at the highest point and when she was about to climb to the position she wanted most to expose her and let Mo Yusen who hurt An Xia know how stupid and blind he was.

But, the situation was obviously different… In case he really encountered something like what Mo Jiashu said, then maybe those letters could bring a big turn for the better…

After hanging up the phone, Mo Jiashu frowned.

Box? To his father?

Could it be…

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Mo Jiashu understood what was in the box.

He heard about it in the ward… 

Love letters from ‘his father’ and his mother to each other…

And those letters were forged by Tao Zixin.

But even so, Mo Jiashu wasn’t sure that his father would change because of those letters.

Therefore, he didn’t pin his hopes on those letters, more, he pinned all his hopes on…Huo Ci.

If he hadn’t guessed wrong, Huo Ci disappeared with no news, because he was now gaining all the forces of the Cape Family.

Although, in the previous life, Huo Ci inherited the Capet Family a few years later, there were too many variables in this life, so the course of some things had also changed.

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