On this day, the sun was shining, the spring breeze was shining, and the weather was excellent.

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The warm sun shines on people, and people can't help but feel better.

And this day is also the 50th birthday of An's mother.

From the morning, Anxia's family members began to get busy.

Because the number of people invited is not too few, what kind of neighbors and friends are close to each other, what kind of family affection between Anjia and Liu's.

Therefore, this preparation has been done for a long time.

Fortunately, when An Xia brought the An family to live in, he was very capitalist and invited workers and part-time workers to come home.

Therefore, it is not very tiring.

When the preparations were finished, An Xia put on a beautiful makeup for An Xia.

Because An Xia's makeup was studied in aristocratic brides, her makeup style is a series that favors noble, elegant and clean.

Therefore, the temperament of Mom An after putting on makeup has been changed!

Paired with the expensive big-name clothing that An Xia bought for her, it is a noble and gentle noble wife!

How can I tell that half a month ago, Mother Ann was still a middle-aged woman who was hard-boiled and earning hard money every day?

Even if Mother Ann looked at herself in the mirror, she couldn't believe that the woman in the mirror was herself!

"Okay, mom, let's go, today, you will be the most beautiful mom in the audience~"


At noon, the sun was even brighter.

Because of the good weather today, this garden manor is even more beautiful.

The colorful flowers are delicate and dripping, and the scents of countless kinds of flowers are mixed together, and they are not messy, but they smell more delicious.

When Anjia received an invitation from Anjia, the guests who came to the appointment arrived in this private garden in the car arranged by Anxia in advance, everyone was shocked!

The guests in the car just feel that their eyes are not enough!

The relatives and friends around An's family, except for Anxia's aunt Liu Lin's family, can be regarded as wealthy people.

The other people are flat-headed people like An’s father and An’s mother.

Where have you seen such a battle?

The guests who were still thinking about gossiping to see how Anjia was going, this time they all retreated in their hearts.

Now they have a faint hunch in their hearts, that is... the situation of settling home may be a bit different from what they thought!

When the car bypassed the green lawn and drove into the center of the garden along the dedicated driveway, after the red-roofed villa built behind the bamboo forest, everyone was even more shocked.

"God, heaven, this is the place where Lao An's family live now? I'm a mother! This is too big! It's like the palace on TV, it's so beautiful!"

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"Isn't there a new restaurant here?"

"Even if it is a newly opened restaurant, Lao Anjia can invite us to eat here, and the cost will definitely not be less!"

"So, what is the situation in Lao An's house?"

Everyone looked at the relatives of An's father and An's mother, but... the relatives of An's family also expressed a dumbfounded look!

They don't know what the situation is!

Except for Wang Fangmei, one person knew that An Xia got a large breakup fee for divorce, and everyone else thought that An Xia was abandoned and would come back without any money.

But even if Wang Fangmei knew that Anjia was not rich, she never thought that Anjia was so rich!

At this time, many customers regretted it.

Originally, they thought that An’s birthday banquet was in the country, so they didn’t force their family members to come with their children.

However, who would have thought that the birthday feast of other An's mother was not arranged in the country at all! And it's still a place that looks particularly tall!

Just when all the guests were wondering what it was like to settle down.

The An family appeared, and when An’s father and An’s mother appeared at the door of the villa, it caused another shock!

No way, today's father and mother are so handsome and beautiful, and they don't dress up like people of their class.

Even the relatives of An's father and An's mother can hardly recognize them. The person in front of them is their younger brother/sister.

"Lao An?"


"Liu Qing??"

This special mother, the two changes of the couple, are too big! Is this the couple they knew!


A birthday banquet that shocked everyone from the beginning to the end, and it began like this.

Everyone was envious after learning that this was actually a place given to them by the An's little girl.

I have been boasting that this girl An Xia is too filial!

Originally, there were still people who had a miserable life with their fathers and mothers, and they felt so painful!

Now they can only wait for An Xia to be their girl!

After eating an incredibly delicious meal and strolling around the 6,000-square-meter large garden with An’s father and An’s mother, everyone was even more envy and hatred!

One or two looked at An Xia's eyes, as if hungry wolves were rushing for food, bright and terrifying.

"Xiaxia's mother, you are really so lucky! How come you have such a good girl as Xiaxia!"

"In our county, the place where your husband and wife live is definitely the only one! Xia Xia is really capable!"

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"Xia Xia, we are really not only beautiful people, but also very filial to my parents. What a good boy."

"Compared with your Xia Xia, our children are just like debt collectors. Not to mention that we can't buy us a decent nursing home, we have to save them the house money, alas~"

"I knew that Xia Xia was pretty and smart when she was young. From now on, she will definitely be a promising one. Look! Now, our children, who has Xia Xia so good!"

"By the way, your Xiaxia is single now, right? My maiden nephew is very nice, or..."

"One of my friend's sons is also in very good condition!"

"My son is still single!"


At this time, An's relatives and friends were no longer calling An’s mother Dongzi’s mother, but changed it to Xia Xia’s mother very realistically.

And it's more sincere, boasting An Xia, and feeling that An Xia's father and mother are good.

Even if An Xia had already divorced once, he didn't have any opinions, and they all pulled up red lines one after another.

There is no way, this private garden is placed here, other than envy, there is only envy.

The elders were all around An's father and An's mother, and the younger generations who were dragged by their family members in twos and threes followed An Dong.

As for why it wasn't with Anxia, ​​it was because... Anxia was embarrassed!

She herself is a poorly sociable girl, coupled with the monotonous life of the family, hospital, and school in the last life where she has no access to outsiders, it makes her feel at a loss for strangers.

Although after crossing over, her social disorder has improved a lot, and in front of the An family, she can even let go of acting like a baby.

However, facing so many enthusiastic strangers, An Xia still felt a little uncomfortable.

So after eating, An Xia made an excuse and went back to stay in his room.

This also led to the fact that a group of juniors especially like An Xia, and they want to talk to An Xia, a beautiful young lady, and they have no chance. Therefore, they can only ask behind the big brother An Dong Ask the east and find something fun in this garden.

Time passed quickly. It was almost one o’clock in the afternoon. Some adults and children still have to go to work and school, so they can only reluctantly get in the car and leave this big garden. .

The guests left, but the An family and Liu family did not leave, but were left behind by An's father and An's mother.

However, this time, because the time was a little unlucky and it was not a holiday, the An family and the Liu family did not come together.

Except for the uncle of the An family, the eldest couple of the Liu family, and the second couple, all the others did not come to attend An's mother's fiftieth birthday because of work and school.

Among them, Aunt An Xia's family did not come alone.

"Strong victory, you can be regarded as suffering from all your hardships. Mom and Dad see that you can live so well now, so we should rest assured."

The speaker is An Qiangsheng's elder brother, An Xia's uncle, An Guohua.

As the saying goes, the eldest brother is like a father, not to mention that the parents of the Anjia brothers died young, so the Anjia brother is more like a father taking care of An Qiangsheng.

It's just that Ang Guohua's own abilities are also limited, coupled with a stingy wife, so his ability is also limited.

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But even so, Ang Guohua helped to settle down a lot.

"Yeah, brother-in-law, you and the third sister are also in their early days. There will be many good days in the future."

An Xia's eldest brother, An Xia's uncle Liu Jiang also said with emotion.

Like Ang Guohua, Liu Jiang is also an older brother who loves his sister, and often helps to settle down.

However, his ability is even more limited than An Guohua.

Even if you are interested, it really can't help.

When An Qiangsheng listened to his elder brother, and his elder brother with such relief, his eyes were red.

He also never dared to imagine that he and his children could live the enviable life they are now...

The elders on An Qiangsheng's side are sensational, but An Qiang's side is a bit strange.

Because of the two sister-in-laws, the older sister-in-law of the eldest brother's family is a typical patriarchal rural woman, while the second sister-in-law is a mean mouth.

Therefore, the issues discussed by Mrs. An are all--

"Sanmei, how much did your house cost?"

"Sister Sister, Xia Xia is confused! How could he get a divorce? Didn't he give birth to a son for that man? Why did he get divorced?"

Those who came back and forth were money, divorce, and quickly marry An Xia these words.

It can be regarded as reading Mother Ann's head.

However, she is now bearish on her daughter's marriage, anyway, as long as her baby girl is happy, she will follow her baby girl.

Time gradually passed by the chat of several families. By the time Uncle An Jia and Liu's family left, it was already past three in the afternoon.

After sending them away, An's father and An's mother were already tired and went back to the room to rest.

At this time, Mother Ann's 50th birthday is considered to be a successful end.

However, An Xia's family didn't know that they were over here, but on the Internet, An Xia's 50th birthday was on fire.

No, to be precise, it should be the big private garden of Anjia on fire!

Because there are young people in their teens and 20s, they feel that Anjia’s private garden is so beautiful. In order to show off, I recorded a video, took a photo and posted it on Weibo.

However, what I didn't expect was that it hit the Internet unexpectedly.

However, it's no wonder that Anjia's private garden is hot, because it is so beautiful!

Ever since, at the end of An's 50th birthday, Anjia's garden was a hot search.

#The world of rich people you can't imagine! The most beautiful private garden I have ever seen! #

Because of the reprints of major marketing accounts, and the likes of many celebrities, the private garden of Anjia, it is completely hot!

From the 18th in the hot search, bit by bit, after the peak of the Internet in the evening, I reached the top in one fell swoop and got the second place in the hot search!

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[I wipe it! I am jealous... If I can live here, I can wake up from a dream! 】

[Gosh! So beautiful! This is my ideal paradise! 】

[It is said that this private garden has not yet been completed! When the garden is completed, how beautiful it should be! 】

[Seeking address! Seeking onlookers! I want to ask, such a large garden can open a farmhouse or a homestay! Can our group of poor netizens also feel the happiness of living in such a place! ! ! 】

[One person's blood book asks for a farmhouse or homestay! ! ! The cost of accommodation can be charged a little higher! ! ! I can accept it! 】


[The Book of Ten Thousands of Blood! ! ! Open a farmhouse or homestay! ! ! 】

[Open homestays and are too naive! The owner who can live there is not like someone who lacks money, right? It was made clear on the original Weibo that it was a family home. Please be sober. 】

[I don’t, I don’t! I don't want to be sober! Let me keep a little fantasy! 】

[If homestays and farmhouses cannot be opened, can I go to this private garden for a video interview for travel programs? I really want to see the whole picture of this private garden! 】

There are more and more comments discussing Anjia Garden online, and the popularity is getting higher and higher, even surpassing Huo Ci, the hottest traffic niche in the circle recently.


"Guide Jin, have you watched today's Weibo?"

That night, Jin Zhengang, the director of "Our Leisure Life", finished reading the book and wanted to sleep, so he received a call from the screenwriter of the show.

"What? Weibo?"

"The hot search for the most beautiful private garden! Director Jin, look at it, I think this private garden is very interesting. Haven't we been discussing where the last issue of "Our Leisurely Life" was filmed? I think that garden is very good!"

The filming of "Our Leisure Life" is gradually coming to an end.

However, the program team has not been able to find a suitable place for the guests to take a vacation in the last episode.

So when the screenwriters of "Our Leisurely Life" saw this hot search, they were excited to think that this private garden was tailored for their show!

Director Jin was listening to the screenwriter. He quickly opened Weibo with his tablet and saw the popular Weibo mentioned by the screenwriter.

When he opened the pictures and videos, he was also amazed by this private garden!

"This is great! Very suitable for our show!"

"Not really, and this private garden is now on hot search, and it has its own topic. If our show is really shot in that private garden, then the ratings of the last issue of our show will definitely be higher than originally thought. Good!"

"Be sure to find the owner of this private garden! The last issue was shot here!"

"Okay, Director Jin, I will arrange for someone to go down and contact the owner of this private garden now!"


At this time, the An family didn't know it, but it was just a 50th birthday, and it was even so violent online.

Moreover, their new home is even going to be on the hottest variety show recently~! And they...may also show their faces in front of countless audiences!

cough! Of course, the premise is that they agree to the program group to record in their garden...

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