Looking at the sealed box, Mo Yusen’s mind remembered Mo Jiashu’s words.

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‘Dad, I hope you will take a good look at all the letters in this box. You will understand who is more scheming between my mother and Tao Zixin. ‘

‘Dad, anyway, please save my mother. Otherwise, you will regret it. ‘

That time kidnappers had called him and because of the police intervention, all his attention was on the sudden kidnapping case. So he didn’t have the energy to take care of his son Mo Jiashu and the box he handed to him.

Now, when everything was settled, Mo Yusen noticed the box.


Was it related to An Xia?

Mo Yusen slowly opened the box that had been sealed with tape.


He pulled off the tape. The box was full of well-preserved letters.

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Mo Yusen was surprised to find the sender’s name on the envelope. It was him.

The recipient’s name was An Xia.

He was certain that he had never written any letter to An Xia.

Mo Yusen frowned slightly.

His mind was full of doubts and puzzles.

When he continued to look at the other letters, he was shocked to find that all the letters in this box were correspondence between him and An Xia.

The only difference was that every letter was back and forth. If the sender of the previous letter was An Xia, ​​and the sender of the next letter would be him.

After going back and forth like this,’he’ and An Xia had written almost a hundred letters!

Facing the letters that ‘he’ communicated with An Xia, Mo Yusen was startled.

If it was just a letter, Mo Yusen could also say that he might have forgotten that he had written a letter to An Xia.

But facing the hundreds of letters in front of him, Mo Yusen was at a loss.

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He was 100% sure that he had never written any letter to An Xia, let alone so many.

He had never even received a letter from An Xia!

No, he seemed to have received a letter from An Xia…

However, he threw it away.

Mo Yusen began to remember.

It had been ten years since that incident.

Back then, it was when they were in college… Tao Zixin handed him a love letter.

At first he thought it was written by Tao Zixin, so he still had some impressions about it in his mind.

He was very happy, but when he opened the letter, he was surprised to find that the love letter was actually written by An Xia…

So he threw the love letter into the trash can in front of Tao Zixin.

After that, he didn’t receive any letters from An Xia.

And now…

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If anyone looked at the pile of letters, they might feel it’s a correspondence between two people who were very close. 

Mo Yusen had a bad feeling.

He took a deep breath and suppressed the terrible thought in his heart.

Then he sat quietly in front of the pile of letters for a long time and thought for a long time before he finally started to move again.

He calmly opened the letters according to the date on the envelope.

The first letter An Xia wrote to him was the same.

This letter… he was a little familiar with it… It should be the first confession love letter he threw in the trash can.

After reading the first letter calmly, Mo Yusen turned the letter back to where his name was.

When he finished reading the letter from him to An Xia, he couldn’t calm down anymore!

In that letter,’he’ agreed to An Xia’s confession and also expressed that he appreciated her very much and had a good impression of her.

Mo Yusen was completely confused.

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He had misunderstood something.

The second letter, the third letter, the fourth letter…

Time passed and the expression on Mo Yusen’s face went from shock, surprise and anger to numbness.

He read that ‘him’ used a hundred letters to talk about love with An Xia, watched An Xia’s feelings for him become stronger and saw her brush strokes become more loving, Mo Yusen seemed to be able to see what kind of expression and mood she would have been when she wrote back to him.

He could also feel what An Xia had experienced in college life.

An Xia described all the things around her to “self” in an interesting manner…

He didn’t know how long it took, but Mo Yusen finally read all the hundreds of letters.

When Mo Yusen saw the last letter, his heart was extremely dull.

In the last letter, An Xia proposed… wanted to meet and date like a normal couple…

And ‘he’ also agreed.

“A date…?”

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