After hanging up the phone, An Qiangsheng couldn't recover for a long time.

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"Lao An, what's the matter?"

Seeing that her husband had finished answering the phone, Mother Ann was stunned as if she was thinking about something, and she couldn't help asking.

"Boy damn, someone just called and said to rent our Xia Xia's private garden to shoot a show. And what else is said, this is good for our family, and our family can be famous in the future, and what can be made for homestay and farmhouse of……"

Just now, An Qiangsheng said what the screenwriter named Zhang Chen had told him on the phone, and repeated it with his wife.

Although he doesn't know what variety shows and screenwriters are, he knows what homestays and farmhouses are.

They were originally a small county close to the national 4A Fairy Lake, so they all know that many people living near the Fairy Lake have opened homestays to earn tourists' money.

The small villages close to Fairy Lake in Xiahe County have not considered opening a homestay, but it is a pity that they have not shared the famous scenic spots near Fairy Lake in Xiahe County, so there are no tourists at all.

If you opened it, you could only lose money, so the people in Xiahe County reluctantly gave up opening a homestay.

Originally, Zhang Chen felt that Anjia had a private garden, and he certainly didn't lack money, so he didn't even think about any homestays and farmhouses to persuade An Qiang to win.

But in the conversation, Zhang Chen, who is accustomed to socializing, found that An Qiangsheng, the garden owner, seemed not as "rich" as he thought. During the conversation, he felt that An Qiangsheng was an ordinary uncle.

Ever since, Zhang Chen gave the homestay and farmhouse in a ghostly manner.

However, who would have thought that if he was doing so crookedly, he would be moved by An Qiangsheng!

But even if An Qiangsheng's heart was moved, he didn't agree to it in one bite. He thought in his heart that this garden belongs to his little girl, and the only people who can take charge are their little girl.

However, even so, his idea of ​​opening a homestay and farmhouse in his mind is getting heavier.

"Boy fucking, you say... how about we open a farmhouse?"

An Qiangsheng, an honest man, looked at his wife with some anxiety. He was really awkward to be taken care of by their daughter recently.

They are all people who have been busy for most of their lives. Now they suddenly don't need to do anything. They just need to eat and drink and enjoy the life. It really makes him really unaccustomed.

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Moreover, although they were moved by their little girl's filial piety to them, they couldn't spend the little girl's money so comfortably.

They always feel that their bodies are still healthy and they can work harder to make some money for their children.

So, after listening to what Zhang Chen said, if their garden is on TV, if they open a homestay or farmhouse, they will make a lot of money, why is An Qiangsheng not interested?

And not to mention that An Qiangsheng was moved, even An Qiangsheng's mother was moved after listening to An Qiangsheng's words.

So the old couple thought about it, and finally decided to discuss with their daughters and daughters and try to get it.

However, if their darling girl refuses, that's fine.

However, An Xia, who was editing the video, came to discuss with An Xia anxiously.

However, he did not expect that An Xia unexpectedly did not have any objections.

"Mum and Dad, I said, this private garden is for you to live in. You can do whatever you want."

An Xia looked at An Xia with a smile. In fact, she was thinking recently that she should let her parents do something as a hobby to pass the time.

Because she could also see that the father and mother who didn't need to do anything during this time were a little uncomfortable and a little boring.

Originally, she was thinking about taking her parents to sign up for a tour group to travel, but now listening to An’s father and An’s mother, she feels that it actually seems pretty good to let An’s father and An’s mother see a homestay or farmhouse. .

At least it makes Anfu and Anmo not so boring, but also makes them happy and happy to make some money for themselves, and it feels good.

Seeing An Xia's agreement, An Xia's father and An's mother smiled with joy.

"Then I will reply to the screenwriter Zhang now."

An Qiangsheng said excitedly.

An Xia doesn’t care much about the fact that her private garden wants to show programs. Anyway, it’s just that her garden is on TV, not that they are on TV.

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"By the way, Dad, what kind of show is going to rent our garden for filming?"

At this time, An Xia remembered. It seemed that her father hadn't told her which variety show was coming to film.

"Ah, what does that show seem to be..." An Qiangsheng thought for a long time before finally remembering the name of the variety show.

""Our Leisure Life"! Yes! Just call it this name!"

Listening to An Qiangsheng's words, An Xia widened her eyes in surprise, thinking about what happened some time ago, she really felt that it was a coincidence.

Some time ago, that big star Huo Ci reposted her Weibo, which made her a lot of followers.

As a result, the variety show Huo Ci participated in is going to come to their private garden to shoot again?

This is a coincidence...


"Huo Ci, the filming location for the last issue of "Our Leisure Life" has been decided. But this last issue may be filmed in two, so please bear with me. When the filming is over, I will help you push "Xiaohua" The Birth of "The Variety Show."

When Huo Ci received a call from his own agent, his face was really ugly.

Huo Ci didn't hate being on variety shows, but he didn't like certain people who participated in the show with him.

"I know."

As long as he was thinking about a few more periods, Huo Ci felt very unhappy.

"Huo Ci, the last episode was recorded in the most beautiful private garden during the fire a while ago. The scenery there is very good, so it's good to go there for vacation."

As Huo Ci's agent, Chen Ming, of course, knows what his artists think.

Originally, Huo Ci was a person who was used to his own way. The most annoying thing was being pestered by others, especially women.

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Sometimes, Chen Ming wondered whether the artist in his family was asexual or not. He had never seen him have any favorable impressions of the opposite sex.

cough! Even for the same sex, he didn't see any interest in his artist.

He felt inexplicably that the life of his celebrities was particularly boring.

It seems that there are only three things in life: acting, playing games, and spending money.

It feels really uninteresting.

At least it's a bit boring for people like them who are particularly positive.

"Vacation? There is no one who can cook, so what vacation?"

Huo Ci spit out silently, his tone full of disgust.

In other words, the reason why he is resisting this variety show is not only being entangled by an inexplicable woman, but also the most serious reason!

That is! Among the guests participating in the show! No one can cook! But the pitfall is that the rules of the show require you to do everything yourself, including cooking!

Every time I participate in the show, it is a torture for Huo Ci, an invisible food and sweets lover!

However, his acting skills are really great, and he didn't even let anyone discover that the male **** of his straight male faction actually has such a cute attribute as a foodie.

"... Maybe the show crew is watching the last episode, and will be merciful not to let you cook for yourself?"

After Chen Ming said this, even he himself didn't believe it.

After all, the purpose of this program is to let the big stars who have always been aloof to experience the lives of farmers and ordinary people.

And the program group is also very nasty and wants to assemble this group of celebrity guests who don't know how to do anything, so it is really hard to believe that the last issue of this group of celebrities on vacation or something.

"Uh, you just bear it anyway."

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Chen Ming had no choice but to comfort his big celebrity with some kind words, but he could only coax his artist.

"Well, if it's okay, I'll hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Ci walked to the kitchen, feeling a little irritable, and took out an exquisite box from the refrigerator.

If An Xia was here at this time, she would recognize that this box was the box she used to pack macarons.

However, Huo Ci is not her lucky fan.

After putting the pink macarons with beautiful cherry blossoms on the dessert plate, Huo Ci walked towards the study.

Turning on the computer, Huo Ci logged into the Weibo account very skillfully, and then opened Anxia's Weibo.

"The dinner I'm going to prepare today is ginkgo cabbage, bean sprouts and vegetable egg wraps..."

Facing the pink and tender, sweet and sweet macarons, Huo Ci was very happy and satisfied. After watching the video of An Xia's cooking, he felt like a pitiful little food.

Even if Anxia's sakura macaron can be said to be the best macaron he has eaten in the world, it can't calm his ‘restless’ and ‘full of craving’ stomach!

Watching the incomparably delicious food video, Huo Ci is thinking very elegantly, otherwise he has spent a lot of money to "package" this food blogger?

Otherwise, he is really afraid that he will become anorexic one day...

Here, Huo Ci is pitifully eating the'poorly rare' macarons. On the other side, the friends who have also received macarons one after another are eating them with amazing surprise. Macaron made by An Xia!

Even among the ten friends who won the Anxia prize, one of them is a somewhat popular beauty blogger, who is good at processing photos and sharing some delicious food on weekdays.

So, when this beauty blogger ate a mini-cute macaron, it was amazing!

She was surprised by the beauty of Sakura Macaron, so she made an album very decisively——

[Meow Fairy V: No one can stop me. This beauty blog is mainly for a period, food review! This is simply the best macaron I have ever eaten, and it is also the most beautiful macaron! @夏迟迟What kind of fairy craft is Miss Sister! It's so delicious! Hook up! I beg you to draw lots of prizes! PS: Of course it would be better to be able to get me in the dark~^▽^]

The author has something to say: PS: This garden is rented, but the lease term is 60 years. Because the reference is that the Three Trees Manor was rented for 50 years, and I searched it. This kind of land seems to belong to the country. It can only be rented but not bought. If it can be bought, please let me know, I will let a female The master bought it! ^0^

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