"You don't have to be so good to me, I... actually not your mother."

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When An Xia uttered these words, she was relieved a lot.

Because in these three days of contact, she felt uncomfortable for Mo Jiashu's kindness.

She was able to accept the An family and Qian Xuemin calmly, but she found it difficult for her to accept Mo Jiashu calmly.

Maybe it's because the paragraph in which he was angry with the original owner is too deep, maybe...because Mo Jiashu was reborn, she always found it difficult to face him calmly.

After uttering this sentence, An Xia thought about countless possibilities, what kind of reaction the original owner's son would have.

However, the only thing she didn't expect was that he actually gave her the hundredth response in addition to the ninety-nine responses.

" are back too, haven't you?"

Mo Jiashu pressed his lips tightly, with guilt in his eyes.

An Xia widened her eyes when she heard Mo Jiashu's words. What does this mean?

Mo Jiashu thought she was born again? ? ?

"Mom, I actually guessed it a long time ago... You love him so much. If those things didn't happen, how could you divorce him cleanly..."

Mo Jiashu looked at An Xia with a sad look. After he came back from rebirth, he knew that his mother had a happy abortion, and knew that his parents had a happy divorce, so he vaguely guessed, otherwise he It was a parallel time and space that was reborn, or else... his mother was reborn just like him.

However, he thought that his mother would not tell this matter.

Now it seems that his mother still has a grudge against him...

"Mom, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I was wrong before..."

Seeing Mo Jiashu hugged her and kept crying and saying sorry, An Xia was really at a loss.

Not to mention that Mo Jiashu must be older than her when she was born again. Even when she was eighteen, she had a five-year-old son that made her uncomfortable enough.

But now, she is recognized by Mo Jiashu as a mother, holding her crying and confessing.

Mo Jiashu's intense guilt and sadness rushed toward her like sea water, making her not know how to react for a while.

"I really don't..."

An Xia wanted Mo Jiashu to be more sober, but Mo Jiashu interrupted her before she could speak.

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"Mom, I know I'm too bastard! I'm too much! You must not forgive me now, but it doesn't matter, as long as you are still there... I will be obedient and listen very well in the future. Your words...Mom...please, don't leave me, okay..."

The little Mo Jiashu hugged An Xia tightly, as if he was holding a life-saving straw, as if, as soon as he let go, he would fall into the abyss again...

Feeling the heat and moisture around her waist, An Xia only felt that she was burned to the point of normal, making her heart beat fiercely.

Mo Jiashu regarded her as the original owner and was reborn...

And what she said was not his mother, and he was regarded as she refused to forgive her.

For a while, An Xia felt extremely helpless, but also felt...In fact, Mo Jiashu was also a bit pitiful.

However, that kind of pitifulness is not as pitiful as the original owner.

In any case, the harm has been done, even if you regret it and want to make up for it, it's already... useless...

Lowering her head, watching Mo Jiashu crying eyes were swollen, but she hesitated.

She knew that no matter what she said at this time, Mo Jiashu would think that ‘she who was born again’ just didn’t want to forgive him, so he would not accept him.

Now, she really didn't know what to do.

"Mom, please... please... don't want me, OK..."

In An Xia's silence, Mo Jiashu hugged An Xia's palm and tightened, making An Xia a little bit painful.

Looking at Mo Jiashu's strangely dark eyes, with a deep despair and guilt, An Xia was still softened.

Although she didn't speak, she raised her palm carefully and gently stroked Mo Jiashu's little fluffy head.

This is an intimate move, but also a... gentle signal.

When he felt the gentle touch on his head, Mo Jiashu's desperate eyes suddenly burst out with sparkling light.

In an instant, he burst into tears and smiled.


It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if his mother hasn't forgiven him, he will prove to his mother that he knows that he is wrong...

Xu is because this body is still too small to bear the strong emotional reaction of Mo Jiashu.

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So, soon, Mo Jiashu fell asleep.

An Xia hugged the little guy, put him on the hospital bed, and then sat on the edge of the hospital bed, holding her cheeks to think about the problems she will face in the future.

To be honest, the reason why she accepts An's family so quickly is because it is the wish of the original owner. She hopes that she can replace her, become a part of An's family and be filial to her parents.

The second reason is that the feelings are mutual. The An family really loves her. She, who has never felt the brotherhood of her parents, cherishes the feeling of gratitude, so she also treats An's family in the heart. People are treated as their relatives.

She can adapt to the identity of daughter, younger sister, and older sister, but it is still difficult for her to adapt to the identity of mother.

Especially, the mother of a child who has the shell of a child but has an adult heart.

Maybe, the current Mo Jiashu is older than her...

However, even if she is telling the truth to this reborn Mo Jiashu, he still refuses to believe her at all.

Is God destined to make her an eighteen-year-old mother?


An Xia sighed softly, forget it, since you have become the original owner, let's do all the responsibilities for the original owner.

Although the original owner just asked her to take care of Mo Jiashu a little bit, she can only adapt to the reborn son of Mo Jiashu a little faster in this mess.

She thought, since the original owner could still let her take care of her son before he left, she should be able to accept the rebirth of the son, so belatedly apologize.

She can no longer blindly resist the child of the original owner.

After clarifying everything and having a clear answer, An Xia felt that she should also do something for the poor woman the original owner.

"Minmin, I want to trouble you one more thing. Sell my luxury goods and some real estate, I want to set up a charity fund..."

As the saying goes, doing good deeds can accumulate virtue for the next life. She doesn't know if people will have another life, but she wants to be comforted, to accumulate virtue for the original owner's next life, and to change her a happy life...


After staying in the capital for a few days with Mo Jiashu, An Xia also gradually adapted to the reborn son of Mo Jiashu.

Although this child may be older than her, this son is really good and obedient, and occasionally acts as a baby.

Sometimes even made her forget that Mo Jiashu was not a real child.

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On this day, An Xia made a loving bento for Mo Jiashu and sent it to the hospital as usual.

And Mo Jiashu also happily finished the loving bento as usual, but after eating the bento, he said something very different from usual.

"Mom, my illness has been cured a long time ago. Go back and accompany your grandparents."

An Xia, who was packing the lunch box, was slightly stunned after hearing Mo Jiashu's words.

"what happened?"

"Mom, if you stay here forever, you will definitely meet Tao Zixin and Dad, and I don't want you to be unhappy."

Mo Jiashu said seriously.

He knew that Tao Zixin was not a woman who gave up lightly, and knew that his father would definitely be on Tao Zixin's side.

Even though his mother doesn't love his father now, he doesn't want his mother to be met.

Moreover, he has more important things to do.

If his mother stays here forever, he may be afraid to let his mother find out what he is about to do.

"Jiashu, in fact, property is not important, can go back with me."

These days of getting along, although An Xia still cannot calmly regard Mo Jiashu as his son, it is not a stone.

Mo Jiashu was really good to her, although she was so good because he thought she was his mother.

"No, mother, I don't want Tao Zixin to do what she wants. I don't want the Mo family's property to fall into the hands of that woman and child." The Mo family's property can only belong to his mother and her unborn child.

This is what he and his father owe his mother. And... his unborn sister.

Seeing the hatred on Mo Jiashu's face, An Xia fell silent.

She understood Mo Jiashu's hatred, so she stopped talking about some empty principles to persuade Mo Jiashu.

"Well, now that you have decided. Then I won't force you, but..."

With that, An Xia raised his palm and patted Mo Jiashu's head gently.

"Your grandpa and grandma miss you very much. When the holiday is over, come back and see your grandpa and grandma."

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"En! Mom, I must go to see grandpa and grandma soon...and yours!"

Looking at the bright smile on Mo Jiashu's face, An Xia's mouth also slightly curled up.

That's it, maybe sometimes, some people would rather not know the truth...

On the day Mo Jiashu was officially discharged from the hospital, An Xia also went to the airport to go home.

There were only two people who came to see off at the airport, one was Qian Xuemin, and the other was Mo Jiashu.

"Xiaxia, you have a safe journey, and you must be careful on the road. When you get home, you must call me."

"Mom, remember to open a video to let me chat with grandpa and grandma when I go home."

An Xia looked at the two people, one big and one small. She smiled and nodded, her eyes also a little bit sad.

"Okay, I know, you also pay attention to safety on the road, we will call when the time comes."

After being urged by the two again, An Xia slowly passed the security check.

Seeing An Xia's departure, the smile on Mo Jiashu's face gradually faded.

"Auntie Qian, do you think my mother has changed?"


Although Qian Xuemin wondered why Mo Jiashu would say these things, he didn't take it seriously.

"Yeah, your mother has really changed a lot. But these changes are good, otherwise, your mother will not live so happy now."

Qian Xuemin is pleased with the change of his friends.

Hearing Qian Xuemin's words, Mo Jiashu nodded, "Yes... Mom is very happy now..."

"Jiashu, in fact, no matter whether your mother and Mo Yusen divorced or not, what she changed into. But in any case, you must remember that she is your mother, you are her son, and she loves you very much."

Qian Xuemin worried that the rare sober Mo Jiashu would be biased by Tao Zixin and Mo Yusen, and he might become the same as the previous bear child, so he was very serious, almost brainwashed and repeated the instructions. .

And these words clearly made Mo Jiashu heard it seriously.

"Well, I know. In any case, she is my mother and I am her son. This will never change."

In any case, she is his mother...

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