The variety show "Our Leisure Life" itself has attracted much attention, and the ratings of the ending itself will not be low.

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In addition, in the week before the finale, the program group was crazy about all kinds of publicity.

I even bought a hot search, and put the "most beautiful private garden" on a hot search.

Now, can the ratings of the finale not burst?

That night, whether it was going to a few celebrities or the most beautiful private garden, the final ratings anyway broke the previous ratings of "Our Leisure Life".

It has become the record with the highest ratings among the variety shows of the same type!

Moreover, word-of-mouth and ratings are flying together!

This is what makes the staff of the "Leisure Life" program group happy.

"Leisure Life" is on fire, and the five guests are on fire. However, the most popular is the private garden of An Xia's house!

Countless fans and viewers, after watching the show, are discussing An Xia's private garden.

They all yearn to live in that big garden like a fairyland.

However, after the last episode of the show was broadcast, all fans and viewers felt that the only flaw was -

Because the program team did not get the consent of An Xia to appear on the scene, it had to cut out all the footage related to An Xia, and only the video of An Xia cooking was left.

Fortunately, An Xia only participated in the first day of recording, so it didn't have much trouble to edit later.

So on the Internet, An Xia, the exclusive chef, did not cause much sensation, because except for the cooking scene, the sense of existence was really too low.

However, only the staff of "Leisure Life" knows how good the show will be without cutting off those shots of An Xia, and... how explosive An Xia this exclusive chef will be.

[I really want to see what Xiao Cici’s private chef looks like! 】

[I don’t want to see what she looks like, I just want to eat the meal made by the cook! 】

[It is said that the cook is the cook in the most beautiful private garden! Looking forward to the chef’s craftsmanship, he can visit the farmhouse in the most beautiful private garden! 】

[The most beautiful private garden is called Xiaxia’s Manor, which is near the Fairy Lake. You can live in it when you travel to Fairy Lake! Although the price is a bit expensive, if it is the same as the one on TV, it is still full of value! 】

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Xia Xia's manor became the hottest existence in the show!

It has overtaken the other five celebrities and has become the most welcome existence for all netizens.

On the day the program ended, countless people ‘visited’ on the official Weibo and contact numbers that An’s father and An’s mother advertised on the show!

The official Weibo first jumped from a three-digit number of fans to a five-digit number, and the number of fans is still rising rapidly.

And the contact number was blown up!

Even though Anxia had set the price very high in order to scare away tourists, but! There are still many people calling to book.

"Accommodation? Sorry, all the rooms are booked out. Yes, our manor is only open to ten guests at a time. If you want to stay, you can only book in advance..."

"The tickets sold in the garden every day are limited to 100 people. Sorry, this is to protect the garden from damage. You can arrange a good day to book tickets in advance..."


Since An's father and An's mother have aired the show, they have been softened when answering the phone.

Moreover, after their garden was booked for business days, the guest rooms of the previous month and the tickets for visiting the garden were already sold out.

Among them, the guest rooms where several celebrities have stayed are extremely hot.

Especially the room where Huo Ci lived at the time, it was simply in short supply. Eight out of ten people who called to book the room wanted to book the room Huo Ci lived in.

"Lao An, you pinch me, I'm not dreaming..."

After unplugging the phone line, Mother Ann said blankly.

At this moment, she felt as if she was dreaming, and she couldn't believe that the farmhouse of their family hadn't officially opened yet, and the list was already a month later!

Originally, she thought that although they are a scenic spot, the scenery is not very good.

And the price ordered by their baby girl is too high! Not many people will come.

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"Boy damn, you are not dreaming, it's all true, all the rooms and tickets for one month are booked out!!"

An Qiangsheng said with red light, he was so excited.

The price of their home tour room is between 5,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan, and the price varies according to the grade of the room.

The tickets for their house are also priced at 100 yuan per person.

These prices can be said to be very expensive in the eyes of Anfu and Anmu.

However, this price is set by their baby girl, and they are determined not to reduce the price.

What to say, their garden is unique, and their fees also include service fees and some snacks.

And even the big star Huo Ci, who is a guest at their home, feels that the price is not too cheap!

He feels that just the food provided by the farmhouse is already very cost-effective at this price!

However, even so, An's father and An's mother still feel that the price is too high.

It is estimated that no one will be willing to come.

But now...their profit in just one month is roughly 2 million or so!

After An's father and An's mother roughly estimated their income, the whole person was stupid.

I think that in the past few decades, the money they have saved from selling breakfast every day and hard work is not as much as they earn in a month...

An Xia looked at the excitement of her parents who were about to faint, she covered her mouth amusedly.

"Mom and Dad, now you can feel relieved to ask employees to come and help at home."

Because An’s father and An’s mother always felt that their own farmhouse might not be able to open, so I had never thought about hiring employees.

But now the one-month orders are already booked. Even if there is a daily limit on the flow of people, the workload is not something that Anfu and Anmu can be busy with.

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Most importantly, An Xia couldn't watch where her parents were tired.

In Anxia's eyes, this farmhouse is just for fun, making her parents happy.

She didn't want her parents to be tired because of this.

"In fact, there is no need to hire any employees..."

After An's father and An's mother thought for a while, they suddenly felt that they could ask family members for help.

In this way, the family will be more comfortable working together.

Moreover, Anxia pays high wages to workers, so the fertilizer will not flow to outsiders.

"Xia Xia, if you ask an employee, it's better to ask your elder sister to come back and help. She is hardworking enough and she is her own family."

An Xia's mother told them their thoughts, but An Xia asked with some doubts.

"Don't the eldest sister have a job?"

Moreover, her eldest sister has a strong self-esteem. She said to give things to her eldest sister, her eldest sister never accepts them.

More importantly, I don't know why since she moved to this garden with her parents, her eldest sister rarely comes to gather with them.

The phone is often called, but it is not common to people.

"The salary for her job is quite low, and there is no five social insurance and one housing fund, so it is the same whether she wants that job or not. Why not come back and help us open a farmhouse together."

How much salary can I get from them in this small county town, and the most important thing is that if you spend five to nine nights every day, you might as well open a farmhouse with them.

Not to mention the comfortable environment, and the family can be together happily.

"Besides, your eldest sister is an accounting student, who is very good at settling accounts. From now on, let your eldest sister come to settle accounts for our farmhouse and do some other things.

An Xia certainly doesn't have any objections to An Xia's father and mother.

If her eldest sister can open a farmhouse together, of course it would be better.

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However, she didn't think that her eldest sister's unwilling character to take advantage of others could agree to work in the farmhouse.

"But Mom and Dad, about this matter, you should first ask the older sister what he thinks."

Just as An Xia guessed, An Rong did not agree to the suggestion made by An Xia's father and mother, even if the suggestion was good. She also didn't want to resign, but wanted to continue to work.

So this matter was temporarily shelved.

And then, because of the limited time, the day when the farmhouse opened is getting closer and closer.

Therefore, in addition to spending a lot of time on performing with Huo Cixue, An Xia gave her mother the other time.

After all, An Xia did not expect that when their farmhouse opened, she was already going to report on the program group "The Birth of Little Flower".

And it's a fully enclosed training.

Therefore, all the meals for the farmhouse have to be handed over to Mama Ann.

Therefore, of course, she must teach all the dishes on the farmhouse menu to Mama An before going.

And not only for the church, but also for Mom An to cook delicious.

This is Anxia's biggest problem right now.

However, in this sense of urgency, An Xia realized that her golden finger could still'make' seasoning.

After discovering the function of her golden finger, she was less urgent, even if Mama Ann's cooking skills were still lacking.

But relying on the special ‘seasoning’ she prepared for her, she could barely catch up with the taste of the dishes he made.

This is enough.

Time just passed bit by bit.

Knowing that the next training will take many days to be unable to contact the outside world, An Xia called Qian Xuemin and Mo Jiashu in advance to say goodbye to them before preparing to leave.

However, she did not expect that her phone call would let her know a little gossip~!

Although, this gossip, when she was separated from Mo Jiashu before, she faintly guessed that someone was going to be unlucky. However, she did not expect that things would develop so fast and still go so smoothly.

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