The third issue of "The Birth of a Little Flower" was broadcast. After this issue was broadcast, even though the program team didn't give An Xia too many shots.

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However, in the lens, the **** demon chef still attracted the attention of countless audiences.

After all, the appearance of the little devil is really amazing!

As the same Duan Qin said, she, a little supporting role, snatched the lead role.

【Wow! Little devil knocks cute! Although the makeup looks pretty good, but inexplicably, I think this young lady is very cute. 】

[Miss Ann's acting skills need to be improved, but I think she has improved a lot! 】

[Just me, do you think Miss No. 66's acting is very good? I feel that her role as a chef is really amazing. It looks like a chef, and I am hungry. 】

[I feel that Miss Sister's performance is awesome +1, but why is there no judges and teachers commenting on Miss Sister? 】

[Actually, I think the strangest thing is that the young lady has so few shots? It’s obvious that the young lady has top-notch looks and her acting skills are not terrible. Why is there no lens? 】


An Qiu looked at the comments on the Internet, and he kept replying in agreement.

I also worked harder to hold tickets for my new goddess.

"Yes! Vote for Ann on the 66th, she is really awesome~"

"Hurry up and vote for me, and I will treat you to dinner after completing the task."

An father and An mother looked at her son as if he was devilish, helping her daughters and daughters canvassing votes. They all thought it was a bit funny.

However, the hearts of the two honest people were even more looking forward to it. When he discovered that the goddess Ann in his mouth was the reaction of his second sister.

"Parents, don't forget to vote."

An Qiu, who hung up the phone, glanced at his parents who were laughing inexplicably, and he urged him carelessly.

"I know, I know, your dad and I have already voted."

Mother Ann said with a smile on her face, and she was still muttering in her heart, that is their baby girl, can you not be positive about voting?

Seeing that his parents also liked his goddess, An Qiu was very happy.

However, he didn't know why, he suddenly thought of the second sister of his family who has not yet returned home and is still traveling outside.

"Parents, An Xia is too much. She has never called you when she travels these days."

An Qiu frowned and said angrily.

Seeing the appearance of their youngest son, An's father and An's mother shook their heads amusedly.

Don't look at this son's mouth that his daughter is not good, in fact, he said this suddenly because he missed his second sister.

It's just hard-mouthed and refuses to admit it!

"Why, miss your second sister?"

Mother Ann shook her head amused, and she missed her daughter a little bit in her heart.

"Who, who missed her! I just think she is too much! Humph! Don't talk about her! Annoying!"

With that, An Qiu just left like a firecracker.

Seeing the awkward appearance of his youngest son, An's father and An's mother let out a burst of pleasant laughter.

In my heart, I also thought that the little girl from their family could come back earlier, so that the whole family can be reunited...


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After the third issue of "The Birth of a Little Flower" was broadcast, the director of the program group became worried.

There is no other reason, because Anxia's votes are too high.

Obviously the number of votes at the beginning was good, not too much, but because of the third broadcast, it turned out to be the top one.

And also ranked in the top ten...

Oh, sad, sad.

"Director Guo, Ann really decided to retire?"

After the show screenwriter got the news, he really felt that player No. 66 is really poisonous!

Can a family with money be able to "do whatever they want" and "see money and fame as dirt"?

If you say you don’t want it, you don’t want it.

Obviously there are so many sharpened heads who want to be popular in the entertainment circle, but this girl can get it easily, but she says don't don't want it.

"Well, it is indeed going to retire. Moreover, she has not participated in the third assessment."

Director Guo nodded, and said with a pity.

However, because Anxia did not belong to their company, and did not sign a contract with any brokerage company, it was just a pity, and there was no other thoughts.

"She didn't participate in the third assessment? But, like everyone else, she went to shoot a short film with the mentor who was about to partner?"

The screenwriter said in surprise.

The test subject for the third grouping of "The Birth of Little Flower" is that each contestant can choose his favorite star tutor to collaborate on a short film.

However, opportunities are limited, and not every player can cooperate with his favorite mentor.

Among the countless players, each mentor will only choose two players to cooperate.

Others will arrange another partner to shoot the short film.

This time, An Xia chose Huo Ci as her favorite tutor, and similarly, Huo Ci also chose An Xia.


After sitting in the first class of the plane, An Xia realized that her last ‘assessment’ actually needed to be taken abroad? But there is no written in the script. The location is abroad?

But the program group is really big this time...

An Xia was lying on the comfortable bed, watching the show on TV.

However, I still feel a little flustered in my heart.

This time, she seemed to need to fight alone.

But fortunately, she chose Huo Ci, who was still a acquaintance.

For An Xia, it was her first time going abroad, and she was really nervous and looking forward to it.

At this time, she was thinking in her heart, if Huo Ci followed her with her.

So there is a companion along the way.

Thinking about it, An Xia, who got up early in the morning to catch the plane, fell asleep comfortably.

But at this time, she didn't know that the classmate Huo Ci, who was far away on the other half of the earth, had been busy all the time.

"Huo Ci! Are you kidding me? At the peak of this kind of career, are you telling me that you want to retire?!"

Chen Ming thought about countless possibilities, but never thought that Huo Ci would launch the entertainment circle at this time!

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This is a good time when the limelight is flourishing and no one can compete with it.

He thought Huo Ci must be crazy.

The artist under his family can spend so much money and owes so many credit cards. If he doesn't be a star, where does the money come from?

Seeing that he didn't even sleep, he flew to the agent in front of him after a day's flight, Huo Ci felt a little guilty in his heart.

He also knew that such a sudden change would make his agent very unacceptable.

I also understand that his sudden withdrawal will be a big blow to his agent and company.

However, this time, he has to leave the circle anyway.

Because he has a person in his heart who cares and wants to protect.

"Brother Chen, sorry."

Huo Ci said sorry, but the expression in his eyes was very firm.

"No, how well you are going to leave the circle? Is something wrong? If there is something, you can tell it, and the company and I will help you."

Taking a deep breath, Chen Ming eloquently persuaded him.

However, no matter how he persuades, Huo Ci is still very determined to retreat.

"Brother Chen, you don't need to persuade me. Since I have made this decision and told you, it means I will not change my mind."

For the entertainment industry, he doesn't care.

At the beginning, he would enter the entertainment circle, on the one hand because of family reasons, and on the other hand, because he was still a little interested in acting and was able to make money.

That's why he chose to be an actor instead of thinking about becoming a famous star.

But now, staying in the entertainment circle is no longer suitable for him.

Even, it has become his stumbling block.

Therefore, of course he can quit the entertainment circle without hesitation.

Although, in the eyes of others, judging from his current achievements, how irrational and how bad it is to quit the entertainment circle.

"But you still have so many credit cards to repay, and you don't have any deposits. Huo Ci, listen to Brother's advice, wait for you to save hundreds of millions and leave the circle."

Everyone in the circle knew that Huo Ci had no money, and he didn't know where to spend the money he made.

Therefore, Chen Ming also used money to persuade Huo Ci.

I hope Huo Ci can calm down and change his mind.

However, how did he know that Huo Ci is not short of money at all.

Using money to persuade him is useless at all.

"Brother Chen, I have money, so don't worry about me."

Huo Ci also knew that on the one hand, Chen Ming wanted to keep him in the circle, and on the other hand, he was really worried about his future.

"You have money? Where did you get the money? Didn't you spend your money early."

Seeing that Huo Ci's oil and salt didn't get in, and he looked like he didn't listen to persuasion, Chen Ming was really a little angry.

It has been a few years since Huo Ci has been with him. Although the big star under him has caused him a lot of troubles, it has also caused a lot of feelings.

He really regarded this Huo Ci, who was not tainted by the big dye tank in the entertainment industry, as his younger brother, and he really wanted him to be good.

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"I did spend the money, but I also used it for investment."

Huo Ci said lightly.

Over the years, he has made a lot of money by being a star, but he is not really a loser.

He also made a lot of investments with the money.

It's just that no one knows it.

"Invest? What did you invest in?"

Listening to Huo Ci's words, Chen Ming was stunned.

However, the impression of Huo Ci's "Prodigal" was too deep for him, so he didn't believe that Huo Ci had invested the money and made money.

"Invested in some stocks and companies."

Huo Ci was telling the truth, but Chen Ming didn't believe it at all.

"I think you are really crazy."

It's not that Chen Ming despised Huo Ci, but that Huo Ci really didn't have much money over the years, and every month he paid back his card, he would have to pay a lot of money.

What's more, he didn't see Huo Ci buying a house, so it looked like it was making money by investing.

Even if you really invested in any stocks or companies, they would definitely lose money.

Huo Ci didn't want to say much about Chen Ming's distrust.

Anyway, things are already settled.

He is definitely going to leave this circle.

"Brother Chen, when I retired from the circle, I will still need you and the company to help..."


"Ms. Ann, this is your breakfast, I wish you a happy meal."

In the early morning, An Xia was sitting on the large sunny terrace, feeling the fresh air and enjoying the luxurious breakfast. The whole person was very comfortable.

She now doubts whether the program team arranged for her to make a short film or to travel?

Not to mention the first-class cabin she was in, now she was even arranged in a five-star luxury suite.

Don't be too luxurious!

The most important thing is that there is no cameraman next to her, and there is no camera in the room.

Suspiciously, An Xia enjoyed this hearty breakfast.

After eating breakfast, An Xia saw the long overdue program staff.

"Ann, now we will take you to the shooting location."

Hearing that the staff said he was going to the shooting location to shoot, An Xia suddenly became nervous.

Because she was a little ‘not so lucky’ this time, and she got a couple script.

She plays the heroine, but she doesn't know whether the person who plays her boyfriend is the group acting or Huo Ci.

However, no matter who the person plays her boyfriend, it will make her very nervous.

Xia An, who was sitting in the car and rushing towards the shooting location, couldn't help but start thinking about it in a mess.

After thinking about it, she felt that instead of letting a stranger play her boyfriend, she actually wanted Huo Ci to play her boyfriend.

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Although, she never thought about falling in love or making a boyfriend.

But if it was Huo Ci, she felt that they would get along more comfortable.

Soon, amidst her random thoughts, the car arrived at the shooting location.

As a result, An Xia was stunned when she saw the location where she was about to shoot the short film.

Immediately afterwards, when she recovered her senses, a bright smile appeared on her face.

"amusement park?!"

The location of her shooting turned out to be an amusement park! ! !

God, she is not dreaming! The program group is so good! Arranged a short film for her where she most wanted to go?

Looking at the magnificent, beautiful, and beautiful amusement park in front of him, it was like a castle in a fairy tale world, Anxia was extremely happy.

In her previous life, because she had been ill, she could not go anywhere or play anything.

Therefore, she has always envied those who can go to the amusement park to have fun.

Although she has a healthy body in this life, she has been guarding her father and mother, and there is no chance to go to the amusement park...

Roller coaster... pirate ship... bumper car... Ferris wheel...

An Xia simply felt that her eyes would be blinded.

And just as she was holding her head up and looking around, at this time, she realized with hindsight that there were no visitors in this amusement park? ? ?

"Could it be that the program team has booked the show to shoot the short film?"

An Xia murmured suspiciously.

And just as she wondered if she could experience those projects before shooting the short film, she saw Huo Ci wearing a white shirt and a man in black slacks walking towards her.

Looking at the sun, the whole body seemed to be glowing with golden light, and the handsome and particularly eye-catching Huo Ci, and An Xia, who was originally a little upset because of being alone abroad, immediately felt relieved a lot.

"Huo Ci~"

Unable to hold back for a while, An Xia was not calling teacher Huo Ci in such a remote manner as in the show, but calling him Huo Ci as they usually get along.

"Xia Xia."

In the same way, Huo Ci is not disguising.

After all, it is no longer necessary.

The people who went abroad to shoot short films with them this time were not from the show crew at all.

And there is no follow-up for the entire 24 hours.

"Like it here?"

Huo Ci looked at the excitement on An Xia's face, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but hooked, and he was a little proud.

"I love it."

An Xia made this answer without concealing it.

"By the way, Huo Ci, the script this time is a bit...difficult. If you are my partner, what role do you play?"

After the excitement passed, An Xia asked nervously which role Huo Ci played.

"I play your...boyfriend."

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