After sending Mo Jiashu back to Mo Yusen's villa, An Xia did not intend to stay. After putting down the little guy's luggage, An Xia planned to visit her friend Qian Xuemin.

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However, just before she got in the car, she saw a slender figure walking towards her.

"Xia Xia..."

Seeing the visitor, An Xia nodded lightly.

"Miss Tao."

An Xia was slightly surprised that Tao Zixin had already lived in Mo Yusen's home. After all, Tao Zixin and the protagonist did not live together until they were married.

And now, it is obvious that she and Mo Yusen are not even married to each other.

The plot... has now begun to change.

Suddenly, it suddenly occurred to her mind that this point in time now seemed to be the time when the Central Plains Lord and the heroine were about to be kidnapped.

But obviously, maybe because of her changes, the plot in this book has been completely disrupted, so nothing will happen.

"How will you be here!"

Mo Jiashu watched Tao Zixin's appearance, his face turned black.

He didn't expect that his stupid father would take Tao Zixin to live in the house without saying a word while he was away from home.

"Xiaxia, Jiashu, don't get me wrong. Mr. Mo also thought that I was poor and had no place to live, so he let me live here with my two children. And I am not living for nothing. I cook for Mr. Mo every day. Eat and clean the room."

Listening to Tao Zixin's words, without mentioning the expression on Mo Jiashu's face, even An Xia's mouth twitched.

"Miss Tao, you don't need to explain to me. I have nothing to do with Mo Yusen. But Ms. Tao's explanation is really a bit strange. There is no place to live, can't you live in a hotel? Besides, I remember The Mo family, there is a chef and a nanny in the Mo family, so there is no shortage of you to cook and clean."

An Xia looked at Tao Zixin with a smile. Originally, she thought the heroine of this world was a kind person.

However, since entering this world, she has discovered that the heroine in this world is somewhat different from the kind descriptions in the book.

The more she touched and understood, she found that the heroine of this world was hypocritical, especially when facing her and Mo Yusen, the heroine was especially hypocritical...


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Listening to An Xia's words, Tao Zixin, who originally had a gentle smile on her face, suddenly froze.

Mo Jiashu, who was still very angry when he saw Tao Zixin living in his own home, suddenly laughed when he saw Tao Zixin who was speechless by his mother.

"Jiashu, do you want to live with your father? If you don't want to, you can live with your mother."

An Xia rubbed Mo Jiashu's head and said softly.

She could see that Mo Jiashu didn't want to stay with this woman for a minute.

However, to An Xia's expectation, Mo Jiashu refused.

"Mom, no need. This is my house. She is going to leave, not me."

Mo Jiashu gave Tao Zixin a cold look and said in a cold voice.

He didn't expect this woman to act so fast.

In her last life, this woman still knew how to pretend.

As a result, now, without even pretending to look like, he took her child into his house directly.

It seems that this woman, like him, has to ‘act ahead’...

Tao Zixin, whose expression was ugly at first, made her look even more ugly after hearing Mo Jiashu's words.

My heart became more anxious, because if Mo Jiashu didn’t like her and didn’t approve of her being with Mo Yusen, I’m afraid... the matter of her marrying Mo Yusen is not that simple... …

Although An Xia felt awkward to let Mo Jiashu stay with Tao Zixin, as Mo Jiashu said, this is his home, and he shouldn't be the one who is leaving.

And most importantly, Mo Jiashu is not an ordinary child, so she finally nodded, not taking Mo Jiashu away.

After saying goodbye to Mo Jiashu, An Xia sat in the car and went to see Qian Xuemin.

Because it happened to be the lunch break at noon, An Xia did not go to Qian Xuemin's office, but waited for a friend she hadn't seen for a long time in the cafe under Qian Xuemin's office building.

"A cup of caramel latte, thank you."

After ordering a cup of coffee, An Xia sat quietly and waited for Qian Xuemin quietly.

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When Qian Xuemin came, her coffee happened to be served by the waiter.

"Xiaxia, why don't you tell me when you come to the capital, so I can pick you up."

Qian Xuemin casually ordered a cup of coffee and sat down, then said to An Xia angrily.

Listening to Qian Xuemin's words, An Xia blinked with a smile.

"The relationship between the two of us doesn't need to be so polite."

After speaking, An Xia took a sip of her caramel latte, which was sweet and warm to her heart.

Putting down the coffee in her hand, An Xia looked at Qian Xuemin's somewhat exhausted look, and said with concern.

"Minmin, your complexion hasn't looked good lately. Is something wrong?"

"No, it's just that I recently took a big case and I have been busy working overtime."

Qian Xuemin smiled and shook his head, and said helplessly: "This case will have to be busy for a long time. Recently, I have no time to eat even when I am busy.

When Qian Xuemin said that, where An Xia could still drink coffee, she dragged Qian Xuemin to take her home and cook her a good meal.

When Qian Xuemin heard her words, she couldn't do anything funny.

"It's good to find a restaurant near here to eat and eat. I have work to do in the afternoon.

Seeing that Qian Xuemin was really busy this time, An Xia pursed her lips, finally nodded, and followed Qian Xuemin to a nearby restaurant.

It's just that she didn't order food in this restaurant, but-borrowed the kitchen of this restaurant.

Because Qian Xuemin's time is relatively busy, An Xia quickly fries several home-cooked dishes.

However, because she wanted to treat Qian Xuemin's body that had been boiled too hard recently, when she was cooking, she used her golden fingers to put those nutrients into the dishes.

Therefore, when Anxia's dishes were all fried, everyone in this restaurant was drooling.

That's right, just by smelling the taste of those dishes, everyone can swallow the saliva secreted in their mouths in disgrace.

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"smell good……"

"It smells so delicious..."

"Boss! Give me a dish from that table too!"

"I also want!"


But the owner of this store is eager to cry without tears. Obviously, there are more than twice as many customers today than usual, but...the dishes that the customers want to order, they can’t make it at all. )o

As the instigator who provoked countless gluttons in the stomachs of customers, An Xia didn't know the noise and wailing in the restaurant at all. Instead, she smiled and carried plates of her fried dishes into the private room.

"Minmin, eat, eat more."

Seeing An Xia entering the box, Qian Xuemin put down her work and looked at the dishes on the table. She only felt hungry and very hungry.

"Xiaxia, you cook, I can definitely eat a lot."

Qian Xuemin, who had eaten An Xia's dishes, was now like a wolf, devouring it.

I don't know if it was her illusion. She always felt that An Xia's dishes were particularly delicious this time.

And when she eats it, she always feels that her body is warm, especially comfortable.

After the meal was almost finished, Qian Xuemin stopped a little bit and chatted with An Xia.

"Xia Xia, how do you feel about Cheng Yu?"

"Huh? No feeling."

Listening to Qian Xuemin's sudden mention of Cheng Yu, An Xia looked at her friend with confusion, and did not understand what she meant.

"It's fine if you don't feel it."

Although knowing that An Xia certainly didn't have much feeling for Cheng Yu, Qian Xuemin breathed a sigh of relief after getting the affirmative answer from her friends.

"what's wrong?"

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Seeing Qian Xuemin's appearance, An Xia was aroused curiosity instead.

"Oh, I'm to blame for this. I thought that Cheng Yu was pretty good, so I didn't stop him from approaching you. But I didn't expect that Cheng Yu would have a particularly difficult childhood sweetheart first love.

Speaking of this, Qian Xuemin couldn't help feeling sighed.

"That Miss He is so good that most people really can't afford it."

Listening to Qian Xuemin's words, An Xia was not too surprised, after all, she already knew that Cheng Yu had a first love.

Moreover, she had nothing to do with Cheng Yu, so she didn't take it to heart.

"Minmin, look at you, your complexion is too bad now. When you are free to go to my house, I will make up for your body."

Regarding Cheng Yu's affairs, An Xia still put more thoughts on Qian Xuemin.

"Okay, when I'm done with this case, I will go to your place for a good vacation."

Qian Xuemin smiled and nodded, looking at An Xia softly.

"By the way, how is your factory going? When can I order your sauce online."

"Very smoothly, the online sales channel is currently being established..."

The two of them sat together and chatted for a while. Because Qian Xuemin was too busy, she wanted to take An Xia to the airport personally, but at the urging of the company, she reluctantly said goodbye to An. Xia, watching An Xia got in the car and left by herself.

However, An Xia, who parted with Qian Xuemin, did not go to the airport, but went to...packed luggage in his hot spring villa~

Opening the large cloakroom in the villa, An Xia looked at the various clothes in the closet, and the dazzling array of jewelry in the drawer, she suddenly felt a headache.

Because of so many luxuries, it was really too much work for her to pack it all by herself!

Therefore, An Xia, who was planning to package the original owner's luxury goods that she did not use at all, back to Xiahe County and slowly sell it, finally decided that she still had to stay in the capital for a while...

Ever since, she made three phone calls.

"Hey, Mom, I have something to deal with, so I won't go home for the time being."

"Hey, Jiashu, mom won't go back recently, come and live with mom."

"Minmin, I will go to your company to give you a lunch at night."

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