Delicate Flower

Chapter 95: Delicate Flower Chapter 95

Chapter 95 – Tell

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Yu Yuan was struck speechless.

Yu Tang glanced inside the room.

Under the dim lamplight, the elders were still engrossed in their conversation.

Only then did she lower her voice to a whisper and said, “Didn’t I mention it before? I won’t let the Li family off so lightly. I want to go to Hangzhou and meet the eldest lady of the Gu family’s second branch.”

“Are you referring to Li Duan’s fiancee?” Yu Yuan’s face paled slightly.

“No!” Yu Yuan immediately vetoed it, “It’s never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. I will certainly provide an answer for the Li family’s matter, but you must not be involved in it anymore.”

His sister was a really good person.

How could she bear the burden of Wei Xiaoshan’s death for her entire life just because of that scumbag Li Duan.

Even if someone were to carry the burden, it should also be borne by him, as the elder brother.

Ah-tang, should just be cheerfully married, have children, and live happily and peacefully.

“Brother, I understand that you are worried about me.” Yu Tang felt the same way. In her previous life, she too hoped that Yu Yuan could live a happy and joyous life, which was why she married into the Li family as Li Jun’s widow. “However, there are some things that I will never feel at peace if I don’t do them myself. Furthermore, things aren’t what you think they are.”

Yu Yuan replied in confusion, “What do you mean by that?”

Yu Tang did not reply.

Gu Xi, was an exceptionally beautiful woman. Not only was she gorgeous, but she also had an elegant temperament, the sort of beauty that could attract people’s attention even when she stood in a crowd.

When she just married over, Gu Xi didn’t think very highly of her.

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The reason being that Gu Xi thought that ladies who were willing to accept marriage with a dead man were all either coveting the Li family’s silver or the Li family’s prestige, and that the Yu family’s values were corrupted. Later, when she saw how Yu Tang handled matters in an upright manner, her attitude changed and she became kinder towards her. Sometimes when Madam Lin made things difficult for her, Gu Xi also helped out in secret, and both of them shared mutual understanding and sympathy.

Later on, when Gu Xi found out that Li Duan desired to have her, she hated her to the bone. If it wasn’t for the fact that they were both daughters-in-law of the Li family, and she still held on to her chastity vow and widowhood, and the Li family was expecting her to remain faithful to the end, Gu Xi would have killed her with her own bare hands.

After knowing that Li Duan still could not give up on her, and as long as Yutang still remained in the Li family, Li Duan might commit a shocking scandal that would affect Li Duan’s career and even affect the reputation of her two sons, Gu Xi urged Li Duan to have Yutang dismissed from the Li family. As Yutang’s maiden family was too weak and insignificant to fight back, this thus allowed Li Duan to take Yutang as a mistress living outside the Li family’s residence.

Because of this, Li Duan was impressed with Gu Xi, and their relationship grew much closer.

For Gu Xi, she was unable to deal with Yu Tang if she remained her sister-in-law, but she could punish Yu Tang in countless different ways if Yu Tang became Li Duan’s outside mistress.

After Yu Tang got to know of Gu Xi’s intentions, all her prior gratitude towards Gu Xi for helping her in the past was completely gone.

She even wondered if the deaths of her eldest uncle and cousin were also Gu Xi’s idea.

When she wanted to leave the Li family and investigate the cause of death of her uncle and cousin, she did not hesitate to use Gu Xi’s help.

Therefore, it could be said that Yutang was among one of the people in this world who knew Gu Xi the best.

Love that was reduced to dust.

Hatred that penetrated the bones.

Previously, Gu Xi was the first to attack, so in this life, she will be the first one to deal with her.

Of course, there are two sides to everything, a good one or a bad one, depending on what one chooses.

Perhaps, by her making the first move, it was also another opportunity for Gu Xi.

Yu Tang smiled lightly.

Yu Yuan who was watching her expression got chills down his back.

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Why did he feel that behind his sister’s smile hid something malicious? Like she was up to no good and plotting some kind of nefarious scheme?

“W-what do you want to do?” He said anxiously, “Don’t you do anything reckless! Otherwise, I will not take you to Hangzhou City, and will also tell Uncle about this.”

Yu Yuan threatened Yu Tang intimidatingly.

Yu Tang laughed.

This silly brother of hers always protected her with such partiality.

“I know.” Yu Tang smiled brightly and replied, “I won’t do anything stupid. I just wanted to let the Gu family know all the things the Li family had done, so that Lady Gu knows what kind of person Li Duan is.”

Upon hearing this, Yu Yuan immediately felt relieved and commented, “Right! That Li Duan is not a good person. If the Gu family knew about the things that the Li family did, they would definitely call off the engagement. You are also helping Lady Gu by doing this.” After speaking, he paused before continuing, “How about we wait until after the New Year’s?”

Yu Tang stared blankly for a moment, before saying unhappily, “The Li family didn’t care about our family’s ancestral rites when they tried to kidnap me.  So why should we care if the Gu family wants to celebrate the New Year’s?”

“Alright then.” Yu Yuan said.

Yu Tang hmphed coldly.

If the two Li and Gu families could call off the marriage, it could even be a blessing for Gu Xi, but the only worry now is that the Gu family might not think that YuTang’s incident was a deal breaker.

However, with her understanding of Gu Xi, after knowing what Li Duan had done, she would definitely despise the Li family and Li Duan.

Especially since the Li family tried so many different tactics but still ended up in failure.

If Gu Xi married over, would she still be tolerant and courteous to Madam Lin because she loved her husband?

Yu Tang wondered.

“So will you accompany me to Hangzhou City or not?” She tugged on Yu Yuan’s sleeve and added, “If you accompany me to Hangzhou City, I will make a beautiful, soft pink silk lotus flower headpiece for sister-in-law, and I promise that there will be no one prettier than her when she wears it.”

Yu Yuan was greatly tempted.

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He thought it over and then said, “Could you add a pair of butterflies on that lotus as well?”

Yu Yuan had seen the silk flowers made by Yu Tang, and those insects and birds she did were especially charming and exquisite, its beauty unparalleled.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Yu Tang is happy to see this kind of Yu Yuan, who had a goal to pursue, someone to love, but she couldn’t help but tease him, “Sister-in-law hasn’t even entered the household, and you’re already starting to bully me, your dearest sister. Don’t you know that insects and birds require a lot more effort? Silk flowers can be done in a day or two, but if they are decorated with insects and birds, it will take at least four to five days. Aren’t you worried that I’ll spoil my eyes?”

“I, I had no such intention!” Yu Yuan got embarrassed, but he didn’t want to give up asking Yu Tang to make Lady Xiang a better-looking silk flower, so he pleaded, “Dearest sister, when you get married in future, I’ll ask your sister-in-law to help make your shoes and socks.”

“I won’t be making shoes and socks when I get married!” Yu Tang said smugly, “I’ll have father go directly to the clothing store to have them custom-made.”

Yu Yuan ran out of ideas and was caught in a dilemma.

Yu Tang burst out laughing and said slyly, “Then will you accompany me to Hangzhou?”

“Go, go, go!” Yu Yuan immediately replied.

“Then you think up an excuse for us to go to Hangzhou.” Yu Tang continued to pressure Yu Yuan.

Seeing Yu Yuan’s behaviour, it’s likely that when he’s married, he would cherish his wife and children the most, and she wouldn’t be able to get him to do anything for her anymore. Therefore, she should make use of every opportunity now to get him to do stuff for her and not let him off the hook so easily.

Yu Yuan immediately agreed.

Only then did Yu Tang feel satisfied and Yu Yuan returned to the hall where a large furnace with charcoal was burning.

Perhaps it was to retaliate against the Li family, or to comfort Lady Xiang with the silk flowers, Yu Yuan soon thought of a good idea for taking Yu Tang to Hangzhou City. Their family’s lacquerware store reopened, so he had to go to Hangzhou City to see what kind of goods were sold in other people’s lacquerware stores to see the latest trends and market condition. By taking Yu Tang there, she could also help in checking what kind of patterns were carved on those lacquerware, preferably she could remember a few and sketch a few for the master lacquer artisans to have a look. This way, he would be able to know what lacquerware to make for next spring.

“Ah-tang.. can she do it?” Yu Wen was a little doubtful, “She draws eyebrows that look like sparrows; aren’t you afraid that she would draw something totally different from the originals?”

At this, Yu Tang got upset and didn’t want to speak.

Yu Yuan only chuckled, saying “But she is smart! If I only wanted to trace a pattern, I would have brought one of the skilled masters at our store!”

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“That’s true.” Yu Wen was delighted to hear that, and instructed Yu Tang, “You have to observe carefully. Do not let your elder brother return with no results to report to your eldest uncle!”

“Don’t worry,” Yu Tang said reassuringly, “when my brother and I come back, we will make sure that the goods sold in the store next year would be vastly improved.”

Yu Wen and Yu Bo didn’t believe her at all, they just thought that Yu Tang was only bluffing, but they agreed for Yu Yuan to take Yu Tang to Hangzhou City to have a look. Madam Chen also secretly gave Yu Tang two taels of silver, telling her to buy something she liked when she saw it, and added: “However, if you don’t see anything that catches your interest, just leave it. Next spring, when your aunt and I go to Hangzhou City, we will buy you something to wear. It’s not too late to buy then.”

Yu Tong happily agreed.

On the day of the boat ride, Yu Tang wore an lush green plain cloth robe, combed her hair into a serving maid bun, rolled up her sleeves and carried a green plain coarse cloth bag, with a headband made of the same coarse cloth, and departed for Hangzhou City with Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan was afraid that she would catch a cold from the wind, so he looked around for a corner seat, and asked the boatman for some hot water and made Yu Tang a hot water bottle to keep in her arms for warmth. He then asked her quietly, “How are you planning to report the situation to the Gu family?”

Yu Tang may not be able to speak clearly about the affairs of others, but she was all too aware of Gu Xi’s.

In order to alleviate Yu Yuan’s concerns, Yu Tang quietly explained. “I have already inquired. Lady Gu has a nursemaid, who was formerly Mrs. Gu’s accompanying maid from her maiden family, and is extremely devoted to Lady Gu. She has a son who works in Wulin Gate under a silk store that the Gu Family owns. Every two weeks or so, Lady Gu’s nursemaid would find a way to go out of the house to see her son. At that time, we’ll accidentally bump into her, pretending to unintentionally reveal to her about what happened to the Li family. Once she heard the news, she is sure to find out more. News about the happenings in Lin’an City should already have reached Hangzhou City.”

Yu Yuan agreed and said, “It would be best if the Gu family could withdraw their marriage to the Li family.”

Yu Tang did not reply him, but instead changed the subject and said, “Are we still staying at Ruyi Inn?”

Ruyi Inn was a little far from WuLin Gate, but they were familiar with the owner and his wife., Moreover, in front of it was the Pei family’s pawnshop, where the younger brother of the Supervisor Tong was the boss, so it was a nice place to stay.

Yu Yuan thought the same. He asked, “You needed to buy some materials to make the flower headpieces right? It’s closer if we stay there.”

Yu Tang then grumbled, “Brother, you have to be smarter. Who designs a pair of butterflies to rest on a lotus? A butterfly flutters, but usually doesn’t rest long before fluttering away. It is the dragonfly that rests on a lotus flower for a long time. If you don’t understand this, ask sister-in-law in the future, don’t decide arbitrarily. This time when we visit Hangzhou city, I will help you to make one and add a few dew drops on the lotus, and that would look really good!”

Yu Yuan laughed heartily.

Soon the boat arrived at the pier. They bought some food before heading to the Ruyi Inn on Imperial River Street.

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