
Chapter 25

Xu Jiren was an entrepreneur of extremely proper and upright character, he didn’t need to take advantage of his sons’ and daughters’ marriages to gain benefits. However, like other ordinary families, when it came to marriage, it was preferred that the other party was of a similar and appropriate social status. The bride’s family could be of slightly lower status than the Xu family, but Xu Juan’s wife must still be a beautiful young lady from a rich family, who had grown up in a first-rate environment. She should have good foresight and cut an imposing figure, lest she couldn’t be shown off to the public.

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–– These were what He Xiangzi had told Xu Juan on the phone today. 

Once she had finished, Xu Juan nearly rolled his eyes. He wanted to retort: “If we went by your standards, back then when my father was still a country bumpkin with nothing to his name, was he unworthy of you?”

But this, he only dared to think, and dared not voice.



He Xiangzi once again pointed out all of Yue Xuelin’s strengths, like how she was pretty, sensible, well-behaved, and adorable. She also went through a decent education and was admitted into some well-known school all on her own, and wasn’t a young lady from a rich family who spent her days splurging and loafing around.

Xu Juan got a headache from listening, immediately saying: “Pei Yu also meets these standards, though. Pei Yu is prettier, more adorable and he’s even more educated!” 

He Xiangzi was stunned: “Who is Pei Yu?”


Obnoxiously, Xu Juan said: “My boyfriend.”

He Xiangzi: “……”

The consequences weren’t difficult to imagine, Xu Juan was thoroughly scolded, and his mother furiously threw him a “just you wait” before hanging up the call.


Xu Juan hadn’t expected that he wouldn’t even be given the time to wait, and would see Yue Xuelin that very same night.

In the lavishly decorated private room, a line of service staff entered in order and served all the dishes one after the other.

At their round table, Yue Xuelin sat next to Guo Shao, Xu Juan and Pei Yu sat opposite each other, while Hou Shijie and the rest filled the seats in between.


This was a rather upsetting dinner. Pei Yu’s mood was very bad. 

Xu Juan’s original intention was to take Pei Yu out to experience his social circle a little and let his heart feel more at ease, with the main purpose of cheering him up.

But Xu Juan hadn’t expected that the situation would develop in this direction. Now, everyone at the table was looking at them with eyes full of gossip.

Without a doubt, everyone present was aware of the situation between Xu Juan and Yue Xuelin. Not to mention, they were all people from the same circle and knew the “rules”, so they acknowledged that Xu Juan and Yue Xuelin were basically already married. Also, even if the marriage didn’t go through eventually, marriage with Pei Yu was an even more impossible feat. Who didn’t know that their Director Xu changed lovers like he changed clothes?

Despite the fact that everyone maintained a respectable attitude, with no one saying anything or deliberately staring at them, the subtle atmosphere in the private room still made Pei Yu feel as if he were sitting on pins and needles. 

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He had a vague perception that this group of people shared a sort of tacit mutual understanding, that he was the only one amongst them who was blindfolded, lost, and nervous. Knowing and not knowing, unable to comprehend the look in their gaze.

“Xu Juan.” Pei Yu was unable to swallow any of his food. He tugged at Xu Juan’s hand under the table.

Xu Juan placed some food onto Pei Yu’s plate: “What’s the matter?”

“I’m full.” Pei Yu said, “I’d like to go home early.” 


They were conversing very quietly, only they could hear themselves. Xu Juan paused his actions: “Okay, then let’s go.”


Once he set his chopsticks down and picked up a napkin to wipe his lips, Guo Shao and Yue Xuelin instantly looked over.

Xu Juan said: “Excuse us, I still have something to attend to, so I’ll be going first.” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Llr fzqgfrrlbc kjr mbiv jcv tf vlvc’a fnfc ybatfg klat j vfmfca fzmerf.

Ciatbeut Xeb Vtjb mbeiv ecvfgrajcv ktfgf tf kjr mbwlcu ogbw, yflcu atf wlvvifwjc qea tlw lc j vloolmeia qbrlalbc. Qtlif tf kjr jubclhlcu bnfg lo tf rtbeiv rjs rbwfatlcu ab wjxf atf batfg rajs j ilaaif ibcufg, We Aejc rabbv eq ogbw atf ajyif jcv bcf ys bcf, ylv fnfgsbcf rfjafv ojgfkfii: “Ktlr wfji lr ws agfja, ajxf sbeg alwf jcv fcpbs sbegrfinfr.”

Then, he gave a polite smile: “Pei laoshi and I will get going first, till next time.”

“All right, then. Drinks will be on me the next time, Director Xu!” Guo Shao waved at the door. 

The hotel’s carpark was in the basement. Xu Juan and Pei Yu headed directly to the elevator upon leaving the private room.

They had just stepped out of the elevator and gone but a few steps into the carpark when they heard a flurry of hurried footsteps behind them, accompanied by the voice of a girl calling out: “Wait a moment!”

Xu Juan turned around and to his surprise, saw that it was Yue Xuelin who had chased them outside.

Perhaps she had been too rushed, but Yue Xuelin’s hair was in a slight mess, and her breathing erratic: “Director Xu, could I speak with you alone? It’ll only take two minutes of your time.” 


Xu Juan glanced at Pei Yu, and so did she. Although Pei Yu said nothing, his fingers that were twined with Xu Juan’s unconsciously tightened.

Xu Juan hesitated for a moment.

He was intending to solve this issue anyway, but the main problem of this matter was with his mother. There was no need for him to express his displeasure at Yue Xuelin and make things awkward for the lady. 

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“Wait a little while for me, okay?” Xu Juan handed the car keys to Pei Yu, quietly saying, “I’ll be right back.”


Since he had already put it this way, how could Pei Yu object?

Xu Juan made sure to watch Pei Yu get into the car before turning around and walking towards Yue Xuelin. 

Despite wearing high heels today, when Yue Xuelin and Xu Juan were standing together, he was still a head taller than her. Just as Guo Shao had said, Yue Xuelin was slightly interested in Xu Juan. Else, she wouldn’t have rushed to attend the banquet. They were all young masters and mistresses from rich families, which of them didn’t care about their reputation?

They walked a distance further and stopped behind one of the pillars in the underground carpark.


“What does Miss Yue wish to say to me?” Xu Juan spoke first, “Why don’t we make things clear in one go, so there won’t be problems in the future.”

He gave Yue Xuelin a small smile. 

Xu Juan’s promiscuous nature ran deep into his bones; Every action of his, down to his brows and the corners of his eyes – there was no way to hide his charisma.

Standing this close to him, Yue Xuelin was stared at by him in close proximity and her face instantly flushed red. But she maintained courage and actually looked up at him, directly meeting his eyes.

“I know you don’t wish to marry me.” Yue Xuelin said, “But… Perhaps, you can reconsider.”

“Consider what? There’s no need for that, is there? What kind of person I am, you should have already heard of. Marrying me isn’t a very good decision, you are the one who should reconsider, Miss Yue.” 

“I’ve already considered it carefully!”

Yue Xuelin clutched at her skirt, fingers tightening until her knuckles went white: “I know why you don’t wish to marry. You haven’t had enough fun, so you don’t want to be tied down. But you’ll get to this point eventually, unless you remain single your entire life –– How could your family allow you to remain single all your life?”


“What if I said, if you marry me, I’ll help you deal with your parents and won’t stop you from doing whatever you want, and still allow you all your freedom outside? How’s that? Do you think I’m a suitable wife for you?” 

Yue Xuelin looked so well-behaved on the surface, but when she opened her mouth, it was outrageously shocking. Xu Juan was silent for a long time before finally saying: “Why? We’re not very close, are we. Do you like me that much?”

“N-no, I guess we’re not.” Yue Xuelin’s face reddened again. She looked down, deciding to tell the truth, “I’m different from you, I can only go with whatever my family arranges for me. No matter what, my husband has to be someone with authority and influence, someone who can bring benefits to my family… I apologize for being so straightforward, but I’m sure you understand.”

Xu Juan acknowledged that he understood.

She continued: “This kind of marriage is basically for benefit, anyway. Whomever I marry, I cannot guarantee that my husband will be devoted to me. Since that’s how it will be, I might as well pick someone I like. It doesn’t matter if you like me or not, at the very least, you’re hot and have a good figure.” 

Xu Juan: “……”

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Oh my god.

Xu Juan had always bragged that he understood women very well, but now he was suddenly unsure. What was her motive? Was it because she found him pleasing to the eye?

Indeed, he might be promiscuous and not have the best reputation, but among the men in their circle, who could be better than the other? Bluntly put, all men were trash. Someone like Pei Yu was one in a million. 

So, since she could only take her pick from a bunch of fuckboys, she might as well choose someone rich and good-looking, then lay out the situation in advance. At worst, after the marriage, they could still each have their own fun and avoid any bitterness or resentment.

Xu Juan couldn’t help but laugh: “You’re cuter than I thought, not the slightest bit foolish.”


Hearing so, Yue Xuelin looked up.

Although her words were clear and logical, she was still a little panicked inside, and not as callous as she looked: “Then, do you like me?” 

“No, I already have someone I like.” Xu Juan patted her on the head, speaking half-sincerely.

Yue Xuelin’s face was nearly cooked at this point, unconsciously leaning a little closer to him: “Is it that person just now?”

Xu Juan didn’t deny it, but he didn’t admit it either.

Yue Xuelin continued: “Then, can you accept my proposal? If you’re not opposed, Auntie He said, she wants to announce our engagement at your birthday party.” 


Xu Juan went silent.

To be honest, all he cared about was if he would be able to live as he pleased, he couldn’t care less if his blank in the household registry was filled as “married” or “unmarried”. The reason why he was so unwilling was that he didn’t want to shoulder the responsibility of having a family.

Yet right now, Yue Xuelin was telling him that she didn’t need him to be responsible, they could each take what they needed from the other. 

Xu Juan was a little tempted –– If getting married could solve the problems with his family, and there wouldn’t be any trouble after the marriage, why shouldn’t he get married?

But he remembered Pei Yu.

–– Pei Yu would probably be hurt, wouldn’t he?

“I’ll give it some thought.” Xu Juan gave a vague response, then they exchanged their WeChat and added each other as friends before concluding the conversation. 


On the way back, Xu Juan took a long time to find his car.

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He walked over to the passenger side and knocked on the window, but to his surprise, he realized that there was no one in the passenger seat, and the driver’s seat was empty as well.

Xu Juan was stunned: “Pei Yu?” 

In the night, the carpark was dimly lit, with only a couple of little lamps glowing faintly in the distance.

Xu Juan adjusted his line of sight to look further into the car window, finding Pei Yu sitting in the backseat. His head was lowered, expression gravely silent.


“Why are you sitting here?” Xu Juan pulled the car door open and sat down beside him.

He had yet to sit properly when a strong force wrapped around his waist and hauled him over. 


Xu Juan’s vision blurred for two seconds. He was leaning awkwardly in Pei Yu’s arms, tightly held, and his field of vision dimmed. Pei Yu didn’t kiss him, instead, he buried his face against his neck and inhaled deeply.

“Xu Juan.” Pei Yu finally spoke, “I feel a little unwell, let me hold you for a while.”

“……Where are you feeling unwell?” 

“In my heart.”

Pei Yu’s voice deepened, and he suddenly asked: “What were you discussing with her? You’ve rejected her, right? Did you clear things up with her and will she still look for you in the future?”


Xu Juan had originally intended to hint Pei Yu at his and Yue Xuelin’s marriage agreement, and test Pei Yu’s threshold of acceptance. However, now was clearly not the right time for it. 

He made a vague noise of assent.

Pei Yu hugged him quietly, wordlessly, and his emotions calmed down.

After a while, Pei Yu said: “I don’t want to be introduced to your friends anymore, I don’t like them.”

“It’s all right.” Xu Juan hugged him back, “As long as you like me, I’m good.” 

“Then, do you like me too?”

“Yeah, I especially like you.” Once the words left Xu Juan’s lips, he received a sweet kiss.

Pei Yu’s mood finally cleared up.

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