Since the time Dong Fang Qing Cang blew away eight thousand soldiers, Lucheng’s sky began to dusk densely in black clouds. That was the strength of lightning congregating. Little Orchid was transformed into an immortal by her master. In her life she has never went through a lightning in life. Let alone this lightning only needed to be look at and one can already see that it’s frightening roar. She was extremely worried, “Big devil, let’s us leave Lucheng first ah. I know you are strong, but the citizens of Lucheng are not like you ah. What if [it] accidentally hit them…”

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Dong Fang Qing Cang said indifferently, “How does that relate to ben zuo?”

Little Orchid grew angry, “Master said, the first thing on the principle of treating others is to not cause trouble for others. How can you all day all night cause troubles for people. And also appeared natural to it!”

Hearing this, Dong Fang Qing Cang froze and eyes slightly wrinkled, “Little flower demon, you have the nerve to say such statement?”

Little Orchid choked on her words.

While speaking, on the side the Yishi palace hall‘s door suddenly opened and from the inside the officials one by one stepped out. Despite everyone not being able to explain what had occurred yesterday, but the siege issue has been resolved. Everything else has to be plan out in sequence. The position of Xie Wanqing is considerably high. She can be the person who will decide. Thus, she continued to be busy and up to now was free.

After waiting for the officials to leave the room, Xie Wanqing slowly left. She closed her eyes and lifted her head up to inhale deeply for a long time. It seemed that mood was quite happy as Little Orchid saw her lips curled into a light smile. The sweet dimples floated on her face.

If only she changed from her armor into a dress, perhaps she will be a charming, beautiful maiden. It’s a pity…

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Little Orchid looked at the time and it was almost the horse hour (11 am to 1 pm), the fate of Xie Wanqing can only last up to there.

If there wasn’t for Dong Fang Qing Cang, she would definitely risks herself hopelessly in the middle of thousands of soldiers and horses… After that would die in the battlefield. Seeing the smile on her face, Little Orchid sighed in several parts of sorrow and regret.

“Big devil, why do you need to kill her?”

Dong Fang Qing Cang appeared to not have heard what Little Orchid asked as he only silently and slowly followed Xie Wanqing’s steps. This road is in the direction of the ill male; she wanted to find him.

“You went down to the underworld to search for the fate and then ordered the people of the demon realm to find. After hearing news about her, would unrelentingly come here… In the end, what revenge did you have with her? You…”

Little Orchid gazed at the back of Xie Wanqing in the front. Within the moment, that figure was like the standing frozen statue of Chi De woman situated firmly in the frozen cave. Little Orchid suddenly halted. Dong Fang Qing Cang was already used to his left leg occasionally becoming paralyzed. The face did not changed color and he continued to move forward.

“She is…Chi De woman?”

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Dong Fang Qing Cang did not reply.

“Hold on Dong Fang Qing Cang! Hold on…” Little Orchid wanted to pull Dong Fang Qing Cang back, but does not where to take action. The left leg paralyzing was not able to stop Dong Fang Qing Cang from jumping forward. Little Orchid can only shout loudly, “How can you be so childish ah?! She has already went down to reincarnate as a mortal. Does not remember the ancient time matters. What does killing her mean anything anymore ah? You taking revenge like this is quite childish.”

“Who said ben zuo want to take revenge?” Dong Fang Qing Cang cannot stand it anymore, “If you want your soul to not disperse immediately after acquiring that body, then be a bit more obedient.”

Little Orchid’s mouth quivered, but could not speak out anymore.”

Thinking, it was like so. Right now she stopping Dong Fang Qing Cang for what. He blew away eight thousand soldiers that made Xie Wanqing happy. Thinking back, he probably does not hate Xie Wanqin to that extent. In addition, the fate of Xie Wanqing was already going to end…

Soon it will be the horse hour, but Lucheng was covered in black clouds without seeing the sun.

Xie Wanqing entered the small alley. Little Orchid looked at her quicken steps and felt that her current mood contrasted with the color of the sky.

Xie Wanqing pushed the courtyard door open. Dong Fang Qing Cang halted and congregated magic. Little Orchid almost cannot bear to look.

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“A Ran, how come you are standing up?” Inside carried the voice of Xie Wanqing. Stepping toward the front of the courtyard’s door, Little Orchid saw the ill male was standing inside. He was looking at the color of the sky and then looked at Xie Wanqing. His expression was indescribably constrained/repressed.

“A Ran, the rebels have disappeared.” Xie Wanqing’s bright face gazed at the male. She spoke word by word and sentence by sentence, “They have disappeared. Lucheng is saved. The Great Jin is saved. Xie military clan (army) in the far Northern West has the opportunity to return.”

The male read the outlines of Xie Wanqing, but expression was heavier.

Xie Wanqing rubbed his face and then hugged his waist. Her face was pressed against his chest, “A Ran…”

Her words halted within the moment as a sharp blade sawed across the neck.

Fresh blood squirted out. #chocolatecosmostranslations

But it was not Dong Fang Qing Cang who did it.

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Little Orchid was in a daze as she saw the male named A Ran hold in his hand the dagger that sliced a deep line into Xie Wanqing’s neck. Xie Wanqing’s face was motionless.

Even Dong Fang Qing Cang who was an onlooker from the side cannot help furrowing his brows. #bananchocolatecosmos

Fresh blood continued to bleed out and soaked more than half of Xie Wanqing’s body. Her arm limply hung downward and then the whole body buckled. Her face pressed against the ground and mouth was choking on fresh blood, “…Ran…”

The male kneeled besides Xie Wanqing. The pale face looked at her and then held her hand while writing on her hand, “Jin must perish. Xie military clan has to die.”

Xie Wanqing suddenly turned around and grabbed the male’s collar, seemingly using all her strength as she held his hands tightly. It was until the fingernails clawed and tore the male’s skin. She looked at him as blood and tears soaked the ground.

The male only looked at her silently until the blood on Xie Wanqing’s neck slowed down. The strength of the hand also lessen, but from the beginning to end she never closes her eyes.


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