Chapter 3

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It’s almost noon.

Dong Fang Qing Cang bit the index finger, points it as the pen, and used blood as ink. He drew incantation spells in all four directions of the tower. When each spell is written, Hao Tian tower began to dim. Up to when the fourth spell was written, the remaining light in the tower came from the pearl at the top.

Dong Fang Qing Cang stood at the center, and wrote down the final major mark on the spell.

Little Orchid in the prison looked at her finger in distress and sighed heavily [idiom: sighing voice, wailing breath].

The red clothed man was leaning against the cell, his eyes rested quietly upon Dong Fang Qing Cang’s body, “Was she always so adept and quiet in making decisive actions before?” Little Orchid still hated him, and snappily replied, “How should I know? What does this have to do with you?!” The red clothed man leaned his head and smiled, “She’s like a woman I’ve used to know, not appearing in the slightest bit pretension like other women. She is steady, calm, brave, fearless, everything is well-thought out, and even more dashing than men…”

“How long have you known him ah?!”

It seems obvious that the words of Little Orchid did not flow into his ears, ”…Such a woman, really caused people to respect and admire wholeheartedly.” But the most important issue is that body is not even a woman ah! Little Orchid patted her forehead, the original body is one who is pretentious, timid, afraid of death, cries a lot and is also a fragile woman ah! Thus… do not use that pair of eyes to look at her body, okay…

“Hey, silver-haired man.” The red clothed man turned around and stared at Little Orchid, grinning provocatively, “Regardless of which demon you are, this important woman, I will certainly snatch.”

Little Orchid gave him a dead-eyed fish gaze, and silently asked the heavens/sky, “Are you sure?”

“Done,” Dong Fang Qing Cang called, “Come stand here.”

The red clothed man patted his buttocks [brushing off dust] and went over, “Every word you say beauty is so succinct and simple yet capable of hitting into one’s heart ah.”

Hearing this, Little Orchid’s heart became tired.

While waiting for the red clothed man to stand above the spell, Dong Fang Qing Cang said nothing, grasped the wrist on his arm, “shua/swish” one sound and made a hole. The red clothed man was stunned. When the fresh blood on the wrist had flowed down to the spell (incantation), Hao Tian tower that was peacefully quiet (no wind and no waves) began to have gentle breezes.

All three of their hairs moved, and the red clothed man dazedly looked at Dong Fang Qing Cang, “This spell/circle/enchantment…” Dong Fang Qing Cang laughed, his gaze was quite impetuous, “What can a puny Hao Tian tower do to I, only need to rely on this spell formation, even the Three Realm seal I can dispel.”

The red clothed man went silent. Little Orchid who also heard Dong Fang Qing Cang’s words was trembling in fear and her heart was alarmed (idiom). With just a spell formation he can explode the ancient artifact as if it was merely exploding a toy…. She suddenly felt that in this world there is nothing to bind Dong Fang Qing Cang’s berserk actions. Even without this mozun body, he can still arbitrarily be insolent and cause others to be scare.

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The red clothed man seems to be avoiding Dong Fang Qing Cang [out of fear/having misgivings]. He stared silently at him, without a word a spoken.

At this time, the light outside Hao Tian tower began to move, the shadows of the four directions suddenly tilted slightly to the wall opposite of Little Orchid. As Dong Fang Qing Cang has said before, weakness/opening of Hao Tian tower appeared.

The red clothed man was still staring blankly at Dong Fang Qing Cang. Dong Fang Qing Cang slightly furrowed his brows, “Do you not want to get out ah?”

As if awaken by this sentence, the red clothed man blinked, and he began to accumulate his power/technique on his hands. The blazing flame shot at the opposing wall, “bang” one sound, and Hao Tian tower violently trembled. Little Orchid’s feet slipped and she quickly seized front of the cell. When she has stabilized the body [and her mind] and looked up, she was surprised to find that on each of the four direction, in the place that Dong Fang Qing Cang had drawn the spells before were four blood optics and following the increasingly intense tremor of Hao Tian tower, the color of the four blood optics/rays became even more vivid, almost as if wanting to dye the tower in red.

The red clothed man turned around, his expression became extremely horrified, he withdrew his power/magic on his hands, and turned to face Dong Fang Qing Cang, “This is demon magic/spell!”

Dong Fang Qing Cang grinned, slightly exposing his eye teeth, looking seemingly treacherous and malicious, “What, now you have found out? Chi Lin*.”

*赤 chì (red;scarlet;bare) 鳞 lín (scales as in fish scales)

Chi Lin was scared, “How did you know me… in the end who are you?!”

During that time, the pearl at the top of Hao Tian tower cannot support any longer and produced a crackling, fracture shaking sound. After that, the entire tower begins to sink. Little Orchid saw that the railings/bars of the cell became bent.

Dong Fang Qing Cang did not answered Chi Lin’s question and only urged, “One more strike.” It seems that [he] does not have anymore patience to stay here any longer.

Chi Lin at this time was not willing to listen to Dong Fang Qing Cang, and he immediately retracted back, stood outside of the spell formation, and was determined not to go outside nor listened to anything Dong Fang Qing Cang ordered. Dong Fang Qing Cang squinted his eyes, and at that time, suddenly heard a scream from the other side, “Great Devil, great devil! Save me ah!”

Chi Lin heard this and continued to be shocked, “You are a demon [person from the demon realm]!”

Dong Fang Qing Cang did not answered, only turned around to look at Little Orchid, and at that time realized the bars of the cell are bent, fell and have pushed Little Orchid into a corner, almost crushing her.

“Help, help, help… help me ya!” It seems that she was so scared, she stammered.

Dong Fang Qing Cang gritted his teeth, hate that iron cannot become steel [idiom], “Hao Tian tower’s environment qi has dispersed, even if there is no magic power at least there should be a little bit of strength there, you can at least push away those wooden debris!”

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When he shouted like this, Little Orchid then remembered that she is now using mo zun body. Granted there is no extraordinary power, but regardless of the outcome, the body is immortal. Hao Tian tower can crash to whatever point, it cannot crush her to death. Little Orchid stabilized her mind, reached upward to shield against a huge wooden block that was about to fall. When she exerted her strength, to her sudden surprise, she found out that her nails could easily dig a deep hole into the piece of wood. Little Orchid became daring and used all five fingers to strongly claw at several pieces of wood in front of her. Within minutes, several pieces of wood that were pressuring in front of her were cut into several parts.

These are the pillars of the ancient artifact ah.

While Little Orchid is still sighing, Hao Tian tower suddenly collapsed. The mysterious black metal fence outside is pushed into the cell, and Little Orchid saw a dark shadow flew over and directly plunged into her chest.

Then, the thick mysterious black metal, whose size is that of a huge arm and had hit into her chest, began to curve.

Can even bend the mysterious black metal…

Mo Zun’s body is even godlier than an ancient artifact! Before Little Orchid can continue to sigh more, a loud noise suddenly rang, and the pearl at the top crashed down. Hao Tian tower incessantly shook. But right now Little Orchid is no longer afraid of anything, puffed her chest outward and stood amongst the dust while helplessly watching Hao Tian tower fall apart.

Outside is the heavenly atmosphere (qi) that Little Orchid is familiar with, she could not help but raise her head. The feeling of the heavenly sunshine shining on the ground is good.

However, when the dust settles, Little Orchid suddenly thought of a very important issue.

Now [they] have escaped out of the Hao Tian tower, the big devil will want to get his body back. Thinking back to the things the devil did in the tower, his words to her in the tower, Little Orchid suddenly realized that perhaps her life would not be long.

Within the ruins came a rustling sound. The big devil from inside has crawled out. A body filled with dust, a wretched face.

Thinking so is right, her body cannot achieve much, she is quite clear on that. Can still be fine and crawl out from the collapsing tower is already a great ability. Dong Fang Qing Cang turned around to look at Little Orchid, “Cutting a few strands of hair has already caused [you] to cry endlessly, just now where were you to protect me ah?”

Little Orchid swallowed a mouthful of saliva.


In a timely manner, a red shadow from the ruins rapidly jumped out, instantly fled to the sky and left without a trace. Dong Fang Qing Cang looked away in that direction and gave a cold smile, “Quite fast.” But he was not in a rush to chase as he brushed the dust off his body, and then immediately walked to Little Orchid, “Little flower demon, give me back my body.”

Little Orchid swallowed a mouthful of saliva, “The thing is…”

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“After exchanging back the bodies… you cannot kill me.”

Dong Fang Qing Cang was silent for a moment, then laughed, extremely evil as always [just like in the past], “Good ah, ben zuo will not kill you.”

But on his face the word “lying” is so clear that Little Orchid can see it at one glance. Little Orchid wanted to cry, “Then will not change! Let’s do that! This lifetime does not need to change!”

Dong Fang Qing Cang coldly grunted, “This is not something you can decide.”

He reached out for Little Orchid. Little Orchid’s heart is currently afraid and is not willing to let him catch her, so she continued to retreat back. Dong Fang Qing Cang frowned, “Stay still for me.”

Little Orchid trembled as she looked at him, “Master has said that those of demon realm has to swear in order to be trusted. Cannot perform vows will then receive punishment. You go swear, swear that you will not kill me, and I will obediently exchange the bodies back.”

Dong Fang Qing Cang coldly sneered, “Has your master ever told you that the people of the demon realm swear to Mo Zun (Demon King)?”

Little Orchid’s face paled, this… master really did not say. Then this time it’s over, there’s nothing to suppress Dong Fang Qing Cang’s actions. What’s the use in letting him swear to himself!

Saw that Little Orchid stared with a pair of scared eyes, her whole body shivered, and cried so desolately. Dong Fang Qing Cang looked at his own face put on such an expression, and for a good moment later, feeling defeated, rubbed his forehead as if there was a headache, “Alright, come, will spare your life after exchanging the bodies.”

Little Orchid shook her head like a drum-shaped rattle, “No no no no … you have to guarantee for me.”

Dong Fang Qing Cang squinted and forcedly pushed forward, “I said will not kill you, and thus will not kill you. “

“Who doesn’t know that you said so! Do not come close to me!”

Little Orchid continued to retreat back, but suddenly, her mind across a thought –

she is now Dong Fang Qing Cang ah! With Mo Zun’s body in her hands, she is the strong one. As long as Dong Fang Qing Cang does not touch her body it will be okay…

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Before Little Orchid can finish thinking, Dong Fang Qing Cang has grabbed her hand, and pulled. Little Orchid saw her own face in rapid enlargement, and also white teeth…

Cannot let him bite her!

Little Orchid vigorously backtracked herself with all her might but too much strength was used and only heard “ka” sounded. Dong Fang Qing Cang snorted as the arm that grabbed Little Orchid weakly fell. Cannot believe that Little Orchid has dislocated the joint.

Little Orchid at this time was tormented to the point that she had forgotten that this body could not withstand much longer, and only care to give a huge slap to Dong Fang Qing Cang, “Have said not to casually come close to me scoundrel!”

“Pop” Dong Fang Qing Cang was hit and flew out. The body fell onto the ruins of Hao Tian tower like a kite with a broken string.

Afterwards, there was no breath.

Little Orchid hit her palms, clung onto her chest, squatted to the ground, and shuddered in fear, “I want to see master again, I do not want to die.”

After shaking for half a day, the surroundings were the same deathly silence.

At this time Little Orchid opened her eyes and looked over there— the body was like an abandoned rag doll lying on top of dust. Disheveled hair, a face full of blood, and body limbs twisted in the most inconceivable motion.

Little Orchid swallowed, turned to look at her big bands, and then suddenly realized what has occurred.

She… she seems to have stomped herself to death ah…


Author’s words: Let us cheer on our heroine in successfully committing “suicide” in the third chapter! ~~ Thank you for everyone’s support, the story here has ended!

[Little Orchid]: Scram!

╮(╯▽╰)╭ Just kidding, the next chapter is titled: “The thousands of miles journey in searching for the wife soul of lover that accidentally murder [her].”

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