The color of the sky has never changed.

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Compared with the endless darkness where Dong Fang Qing Cang has wandered freely during ancient times, here there is never darkness. But here, compared with wandering over there, he still felt lonely and also…insipid.

But so, it was also better than that time. As for why… whenever the gaze of Dong Fang Qing Cang landed on the soft orchid petals, his heart would always wait faintly several parts.

Wait for the silhouette of someone leaping and frisking about and then angrily, vigorously called him, “Big devil.”

Each time [he] thought of this, Dong Fang Qing Cang thought the insipidness of this place can still be endured and even he can also be patient a bit longer.

Does not know how long the time has passed as the surrounding scenery has never changed in the slightest bit. The time passing by or halting—Dong Fang Qing Cang’s senses turned hazy. The only clear matter was that the injury in front of his chest has slowly healed.

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Shuo Feng sword has the nature of extreme coldness. Its nature contrasted with his nature. The injury of Shuo Feng that was left on his chest originally was difficult to heal, but currently, this injury has healed.

The day the wound scab fell out, Dong Fang Qing Cang suddenly couldn’t bear to let this injury heal completely as without the injury, the time passing by and he would not be able to feel it.

The soft velvet orchids from afar still did not have any movement. Time seemed to have become stagnate. Slowly, Dong Fang Qing Cang also did not understand clearly—stubbornly waited in the end for Little Orchid to wake up or was it due to her becoming his attachment like during the ancient times when he was defeated under Chi De woman’s hand…Chi De woman turned into his attachment…

But after waiting to the point of time becoming hazy, there suddenly was a day when Dong Fang Qing Cang opened eyes after a long sleep and subconsciously peered at the orchid bush that has Little Orchid.

His pair of eyes that were still blurry and drowsy slowly opened wide. In the blood-red pupils evidently showed the color of that scenery there…

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On the soft, velvet orchids, a white and bright silhouette rolled back and forth as if playing in an extremely fun way.

Dong Fang Qing Cang subconsciously held breath as if he’s afraid that breathing a bit harder and will disperse this “dream”.     

The white, bright silhouette originally was also round and soft. It was rolling from left to right on the orchid petals. Then from right rolled over to left. Rolling dismally like a mischievous child. Her weight was quite light and can only slightly touch the orchids’ fuzz.

She did not have any other movement and rolled back and forth like this, playing most of the day.

But this matter has already caused the gaze of Dong Fang Qing Cang to land on her half a day without blinking.

He thought in the past he would want to go over there and touch her. Even wanted to play mischief by pinching her. Such desire expanded in his heart and caused his heart to itch, caused him to become worried, caused him to lose patience like an inexperienced adolescent repeatedly.

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If it was the previous Dong Fang Qing Cang, he definitely will go over there and grab her, hold tightly in the palm of the hand as doing so he will feel at ease.

But currently does not know why, Dong Fang Qing Cang who was still bragging in regardless to oneself for not being afraid of anything, and due to the “itch” in the heart, has sprouted unexpectedly an “itch” of fear.

Fearful that he’s not careful with his own touch and will harm her, fearful that the expanding desire of the heart will not be good for her, fearful that he will come closer and she will disappear without a trace.

These kinds of weak souls that have to be protected every time and at every place were the “weak” that he has condescended, considered vile ants that he has never thought much of, but currently, due to this, Dong Fang Qing Cang subconsciously refrained, repressed emotions and even became fearful.

Fearing what cannot be easily obtained and will be smashed into pieces due to his coarse rudeness and impetuousness.

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Therefore, Dong Fang Qing Cang’s self did not expect, when looking at Little Orchid’s soul congealing over there, his first reaction was retreating a bit, and after that, retreated back a bit more.

It’s not due to any other matter, and merely due to the fear of losing.

Over there, Little Orchid rolled for a while and then as if tired, was quiet in the orchid bush without any movement.

Dong Fang Qing Cang peered over there attentively. Does not know how long the time has passed and Little Orchid began to move again.

From this time to another time, Dong Fang Qing Cang predicted the rule of Little Orchid. He took a stone and conveniently tossed a whirling fireball that has rule of rotating around the stone. After the fireball circled the stone three rounds, Little Orchid awakened. After that, he used Little Orchid’s rule to control the speed of the fireball. When Little Orchid woke up, the fireball would circle the stone one round.

Little Orchid became his own time. He wakes up when she has woken up. After that, would sleep along with her. He peered at the white light surrounding her body becoming stronger and stronger. After that, slowly there was a figure. It was the figure of a child. Each day she would roll under the orchid bush. She gradually became heavier and can slightly bend the orchids.

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