Demon Slaying System

Chapter 129

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" No... it can't be... how could that be true? "

" If what he said was true... wouldn't that make him...

Che! I should have treated that one a little better, hope he doesn't take offense for it! "

Looking at the puzzled self of cela, cardinal Rule questioned

" Cela what does they mean by it? "

Before Pope and Glia left the scene, they hinted Rule that the assessment he needed to finish would be spelled out by cela.

With their last sentence, they both answered the question for which Cela was wreaking her brain

At the same time answered rule, before leaving the scene.

Noticing the glare of cardinal, which was focussed on cela, awaiting an answer from her.

She recalled the events that happened earlier and started spelling out straight forwardly.

" Actually... " Cela started narrating the events she went through.

I.e, the time she met mark for first time, then the time his injuries opened up, and also the time when she had to rush over to his place for saving him when Mark was present in half dead state after fighting the abyss demon.

With each events she exclaimed in detail, Rule's expression started to change vividly.

And the thing that startled him the most was the presence of an envoy, from abyss god.

An envoy was an existence, which even he needs to be on guard, while facing it.

But this information has made his impression on mark much better.

Right at the time, when she was about to complete her sentence, Rule grabbed her shoulders tightly and bellowed excitedly.

" Cela, correct me if I am wrong! "

" The one named mark was able to assimilate your choir of god's? " He paused for a second before exclaiming.

" Unless he had a special constitution of his own, he ought to be related to our God! "

Rule exclaimed with excited eyes.

He then continued stating. " If not for that why would my almighty be very much interested in him? "

" Don't tell me that I Rule have to escort our golden goose to church's head quarters.

My assessment is as simple as done, if his existence is not known to others.

But things might get complicated if the news of these events were to reach the ears of our enemies.

Seems like we have pack our things and leave this place immediately!

Since an envoy thing was involved, we couldn't waste further time waiting for an another calamity to occur! "

As if he predicted a great deal of forgoing events, rule exclaimed in a serious tone stating.

" Truth to be told, if mark is related to our god, wouldn't we be able to find a better way, to reach that existence through him? "

Here " That " is referred to the god they worship.

looking at the face of Rule which seemed unreal, Cela chuckled internally stating

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" Never thought that this Rule would have this side of him, hidden deep from others! "

" You said that Mark might take a... day and half to recover?

I.e, by tomorrow, he'll be healthy enough to travel with us right?

Haha! Never though that my fate would be such that I'd get entangled in the matters of god's! "

Laughing out loudly, Rule turned around to go back to his room, but an unexpected event occurred around which startled him.


The whole of the mansion was shaking violently.

The chemicals and experimental materials present around was falling off the shelf, one after the other by current tremors.


With a small bang, the door to her room opened up releasing a cloud of grey smoke from it.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

All of a sudden four tiny figures popped out from the dense smoke, calling out for their teacher.

" Teacher! Teacher! Teacher! Teacher! "

Four students of Cela rushed in with a frightened look in their eyes.

As soon as they entered the room, they hopped straight towards cela, hiding behind her back as if she was guardian deity this instance.

" What happened! " Rule bellowed angrily.

" Don't say that you kids have blowed out the experimental room? "

Things like explosions were common in failed making of medicine.

But what made him angry was it's magnitude.

The tremors that erupted earlier was strong enough to blast an entire room as a whole.

Unless they deliberately made an explosion out of the medicine, such occurance was rare enough to occur.

" Mansion guards... they tried killing us! "

Albert who was the head student present around exclaimed with teary eyes.

" What's happening exactly? "

Cela was very much angered.

Her innocent students were victimized, while trying to perform their duty.

If not for a specific mission from church, she wouldn't have lowered her self to be posted in Warlords palace.

But right now the guards of this remote palace are trying to kill her students, how could she still retain her calm after hearing it?

" Their bodies... They emitted strange cracking sounds out their bodies... falling like dead! "

Albert exclaimed his words a bit sluggish.

" What! " Both Rule and Cela questioned out at the same time.

" But, when we went near them, their bodies acted strangely, like being revived before trying to kill us as hungry beast's! "

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" Teacher save us, they'll be comming any moment from now! "

" What's he trying to say? "

Cela was not able to understand what's her student was trying to say.

But one thing was for sure that an hidden danger was going to pop up shortly, and she cela had to be ready for it.


Figures in burnt skin with revealed flesh were walking in the room though the opened door.

These figures were none other than the guards who sworn to protect her mansion, so that she could have nice resting sleep.


But right now they were trying pounce towards her with extreme blood lust, which made her blink twice in disbelief.

" Wait! Don't tell me that they're... cursed? "

Cela exclaimed internally and was ready to cast a spell to fight these enemies.
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" Purify! "

Cardinal used the purifying skills, which were effective on the undead type existence.

Crisp! Crisp! Crisp!

The three figures burned to ashes when the faint golden light was emitted out his body.

" Che! Weak existences, seems like my purify had been wasted on them! "

Rule exclaimed out with an unsatisfactory expression.

" Why kill them? " Cela bellowed loudly.

" They are beyond repair! " In a single sentence he finished his answer.

But contrary to him, cela felt a sense of missing.

All of a sudden, a female figure popped in her brains " Where's fahan? "

She bellowed loudly, worrying about that assistant of her, who had accompanied her since young.

" She... she blew experiment room... buy time... to escape! " Albert cried out his words hardly, before others joined in the weeping tears.

" That nostalgic feeling, seems like our place is under the influence of a curse array! " Rule exclaimed with a deep frown over his brows.

Outside the room!

Rule, cela and her students exited the room.

Unlike her usual self she rushed towards the experimental room to find fahan hoping to see her alive.

" This idiot, what if we got an ambush ahead? " Rule bellowed out before tailing her.

Inside the experimental room.

The whole of experimental room was burned out, leaving a smear of white ash on the patched up floor.

Most probably the ashes of brunt cursed guards in the explosion.

Right at the center of the room, a half burnt body of a woman was seen, which seemed taking her last breaths.

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Cela rushed straight towards her, before checking her condition.

" Laa... dy... Ce... la.. "

At great difficulty, she spelled out Cela's name.

" Fahan! Thank god that you're still alive let me heal you! "


Cela started pouring her mana to heal fahan.

" No! "

" Teacher you can't heal her... not now! It's to late to do it! "

Albert who reached the room tailing behind Rule, had bellowed loudly.

" Albert! Are you out your mind? " Cela raged out angrily.

" Sto... p... , Laa... dy... Ce... la.. sto... healin... " Even fahan herself trued distancing herself from cela.

" No... "

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

After roaring a "No", several cracking sounds, started popping out her body.

like the case where mark had unintentionally fastened up the vemon's effect, Cela through her mana had also done the same, but this time on her dear one.

So the aftermath is quite unbearable for her.

A minute later.

Fahan rose suddenly like an undead, and her body too became mashed up with bones and tendons revealed, which made the scene gore.

" Mana fastened the curse! "

Rule now understood the reason why Albert was a bit frightened when her teacher was healing fahan.

" Cardinal rule! Is there any thing we can do to save her? "

Cela requested him with tears dripping down her white bandages on face.

" Purify! "

Cardinal mentioned a spell which made her almost wanted to murder him the next second.

" What the f*ck? Are you deaf? I said save her, not to kill? " Cela roared out in anger.

" She's beyond repair, now move aside before she turns into one of those things! "

Rule exclaimed coldly before pushing her stubborn self to a side.

" Purif... "

" Ah!~~~ " Roaring out loud, she mustered strength and got up all of a sudden before bashing her head right into Rule's abdomen, interrupting his spell half way.

" You little... "

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Rule was angered and tried pushing her farther, but not to avail as cela struck her body against his arm tightly, not bulging away from him in the least, stubbornly.

" Ao!~~~ "

With a large roar, fahan stood miraculously, while her bones were half exposed to outside, like ornaments hanging on the body.


She dashed straight towards the both, but cela distanced away from Rule before rushing towards the undead.


Swinging her sharp nails, fahan tried slashing Cela.

But timely cela managed to dodge the trajectory, before grabbing the undead shoulders and bellowed

" Fahan! Wake up! "

" It's me cela, every one's says that you are beyond help, prove them wrong, just say your name once it'll prove them wrongly, just once... "


Unaffected to the pleas of her, the undead trued attacking again, but cela blocked her nails with her cane.

Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash!

Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash!

The undead was slashing aggressively, and cela was dodging each one of them or parrying it without necessarily inflicting an injury in her assistant (child hood friend).


With a loud bang, cela fell to the floor after loosing balance and the undead following her tried using this chance to kill cela.

Barely distancing herself from the undead through her cane, she was few inches away from getting infected.

" Purify! "

Rule waited till now out of respect for her, but any more and she may not be alive to have that respect.

" No! "

looking at the disintegrating fahan, cela bellowed loudly.


Just as she miraculously stood up, she too had disappeared the same way, leaving behind some ashes that added up to the floor.

" I'll kill you! " Cela pounced towards him angrily.


" Face reality! " Rule bellowed angrily, before slapping straight at her cheeks forcefully.

" Ah!~~~~~ "

Falling pitiful on the floor, she started crying loudly in sadness, after losing a dear friend right before her eyes.

Author notes.

Charecters added:

fahan : a friend, an assistant and a dear comerad of cela since young

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